Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

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Nisha & UZI - A Guide to Playing Nisha
Bởi One Ugly Puppy
A guide designed to introduce you to a fun little twist I put on the classic Nisha playstyle. This will make use of things that I find to be more fun or unique in the playstyle, rather than the same Jakobs based gameplay.
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Are you bored of firing the same old six-shooter with its limited ammo capacity? Do you long for something new to scratch your itchy trigger finger? Does role-playing a cowboy make you feel as dry and dusty as the Wild West itself?

Well then, I welcome you to my Nisha & UZI guide. Hopefully you will find this guide makes eliminating that itch nice and easy. (geddit?)
So, what's this big idea?
Well I'm glad you asked. You see, having spent a whole bunch of hours playing a fairly standard Nisha build entirely from start to finish, I felt there was something more that could be added to make Nisha feel a bit more 'fun'.

I ended up returning to my BL2 Gunzerker for a while. The feel of a Salvador. This is what I craved. Realizing that I couldn't transfer Sal's tankiness to Nisha, I did the next best thing.


Simply put, I had a love for being able to go nuts with Vladof weapons and Tediore reloads, enabling me to chew through both my ammo and my enemies at a breakneck pace. This gluttonous playstyle satisifed me immensely and after some deliberation, I begun to formulate my Vladof based Nisha build. I didn't care for being some sort of John Wayne wannabe, but rather an interstellar gangster, giving me more of a Carl Johnson vibe.

All in all, I managed to make a fully automatic bullet hose out of Nisha and, to be frank, I couldn't love her more.
The Build

This is what I ended up with. Now I know this is not necessarily the most optimised, or best DPS or blah, blah, blah, but it is the most fun I have had playing Nisha. Below I will go over the skills I selected and why.

Like I said, this build is more for fun and to attempt to breathe some new life into Nisha using some of her skills in tandem with some different weaponry. Please feel free to customise and switch out the skills and gear with things you prefer. I don't mind, honest.
Law & Order
Law 4/4 - This is pretty straight forward. We have to invest the 4 points into this skill to gain access to anything further down this tree. 20% bonus to our shield is nice, but the melee boost is worthless in this setup. Especially due to Nisha's long melee animation.

Order 1/1
- Same as Law. Can't progress any further without grabbing this. The heal chance is a decent boon at higher levels of Order, (around 37.5% at max stacks) but can't be relied upon. However, this won't be needed for our healing.

Rough Rider 1/1 - Not much to be said for this. The additional 25% boost to the slam damage is helpful, as well as the ability to earn some easy Order stacks. However the main reason for grabbing this is to raise our Order stack cap by 5.

Wanted 5/5 - Honestly, I don't really like Wanted or The Third Degree in this build, but one had to be taken, and this was the better option out of the two. I could drop one point out of this and put it into High Noon for the bonus points from the COM. This is something I would recommend for being as optimal as possible, but doesn't make too much difference.

Discipline 1/1 - Now this is a skill I like.Being able to insta-fill our shield upon hitting 10 Order stacks is an awesome feeling. Furthermore, the additional 1% gun damage with every stack really helps jump up our DPS. At maximum stacks, we can have an additional 25% gun damage, and it's not even that hard to earn.

Blood of the Guilty 1/1 - The final skill I grabbed from this tree. 5% heal on kill? Yes please. Works even when our co-op partners score kills? Hell yes! Additionally allows us to take Order stacks from our friend's efforts, so no kill goes to waste. Probably the best skill in this entire tree.

But why didn't you take...

The Third Degree - This skill isn't really all that useful in my setup, especially since I didn't take Thunder Crackdown. Also the long melee animation on the whip doesn't help matters.

Due Process - 25% gun damage is amazing, but the melee stipulation doesn't do it for me. If I'm close enough to whip a guy, I'm either doing it to help with survivability or I'll just shoot him with a shotgun. This slows down the playstyle too much for my liking, especially since I'm focusing on being a bullet hose.

Jurisdiction - The movement speed and health regen would be wonderful to have. However to some other choices I made, there aren't enough skill points to grab this. I love running fast though.

No Pain, No Gain - A very useful damage buff to have, especially at 50%. The downside is the fact that this is proportional to how low your health is. Personally, I try to keep my health as high as possible, so this doesn't work out for me most of the time.

Rarin' To Go - 2% reload speed and 2% gun damage per Order stack. I wish I could grab this, for a whopping 50% damage boost, but once again, not enough skill points.

Thunder Crackdown - I feel this ability is fun to have, but has a limited range. It can work really well with the right setup, but this isn't the one.
Fan the Hammer
Saddle Up 5/5 - 20% movement speed and 25% gun damage buff on kill. Why wouldn't you?

Ruthless 1/5 - This gets 1 point as we need to put it somewhere so that we can progress down the skill tree. I could have chosen Short Fused, but I tend to do a lot killing at a medium range, so this was the better choice. Also benefits from a wide range of COMs.

Bottled Courage 5/5 - One of my favourite skills in this tree. Having shields powered by whiskey sounds amazing, and the ability to reset our shield at will gives one hell of a tactical edge. This skill is especially useful against bosses like Iwajira, who just love to put DoTs on you 'til you melt into a puddle. The shield recharge bonuses are also nice to have.

Faster 'n You 5/5 - I feel like this is the obvious choice at this point in the skill tree. The reload speed and fire rate buff after we kill a bad guy is useful, but severely outweighs the alternative of adding 5 bullets to our magazines. Alternatively, Ruthless could be filled out with these points if that's more your thing, but this is my personal preference.

Hell's Comin' With Me! 5/5 - 45% chance to fire twice after reloading. Couple that with dual wielded Vladof pistols, and you have a significant DPS increase. Win win.

One for Each of Ya 1/1 - This is the bread and butter of the build. Pulling out two Vladof pistols just feels naughty, especially with Nisha's action skill. The hip fire auto-aim allows us to chew through our enemies as fast as we chew through our ammo pool. Make sure to buy those pistol SDUs first though!

But why didn't you take...

Magnificent Six - While my gear does tend to satisfy the non-elemental requirement of this skill, only buffing the last six bullets really means very little. This could work well if you use shotguns or snipers, but this isn't the case on the pistols I have chosen.

Short Fused - 35% bonus damage on our weapons is nice, but I tend to kill at a medium range, so I tend to only recieve a very small portion of this boost. Works like a charm on shotguns, especially against melee mobs.

Pickpocket - Really?

Gunslinger - Adds up to 5 bullets whenever Showdown begins or ends. At best, this adds 20 bullets to our pistols, which is about 1 second of firing time. Just not worth it.

High Noon
- Originally I had taken this skill, but after some testing, I found that I just constantly slip in and out of Showdown, so trying to prolong the skill for some extra DPS feels very unnatural to me. If you want to grab this, I would probably takes a point out from Wanted and allow a COM to fill the rest of the points.
Snap Shot - Normally I would gloss over this skill as Nisha, but the bonus accuracy and recoil reduction really helps out when using the Vladof pistols. 35% accuracy was too good to pass up on this one.

Bona Fide Grit - The health regen is great for survivability, and the additional 35% crit damage on kill is a must, especially for Showdown headshot chains.

Quick Shot - 30% extra gun damage for hip firing, as well as 35% fire rate. Lasts long enough to almost affect the entirety of the pistol magazine, so I just treat this as a straight forward damage buff.

Impatience - Reload faster. Shoot quicker. Even more DPS.

Hot Lead - Bonus incediary damage on crits for non-elemental weaponry. This skill is really quite useful in oxygen rich environments, especially when used in tandem with Showdown. Helps mix things up and boost our DPS.

Trick Shot - I love this skill. The ability to ricochet shots means less wasted ammo when hosing down our foes, and enables the use of some weird and wacky weaponry that are sometimes difficult to hit with.

Tombstone - Literally turns anything into a potential crit machine. Even a Nukem. Why wouldn't you?

The Unforgiven - The ricochet effect listed here isn't the best, but the ability to detonate anything that was wounded during Showdown is actually quite helpful for mobbing.

But why didn't you take...

Unchained - Honestly, I didn't feel that more fire rate was needed. I already eat through the ammo fast enough. This doesn't really add anything.

Fistful of Bullets - 3 additional bullets? It's useless in this setup.

Crack Shot - Only affects the first bullet fired. Great for revolvers and Quads, not for me.
The Weapons
Slot One: The Signature
Now this is what it's all been about. I highly recommend using a glitched Anarchist in this slot, as I found it to be the best choice out of all the Vladof pistols. I prioritize using a non-elemental version to utilise as many buffs as possible, while still being efficient against all enemy types. I did originally use a purple rarity Anarchist for the longest time, until I found this bad boy. The loop and amp glitches really help to maximise the potential of this weapon. Alternatively, a Proletarion Revolution would also be nice, but I personally prefer the Anarchist.

Slot Two: The Powerhouse
I tend to dedicate this slot to my FFYL tool. I tried a few various weapons in this slot but, in the end, I chose a Coachgun. I normally save this for a big burst of damage straight to a boss's forehead, or when I feel like getting a bit more personal. This slot can be anything you like, but this was my personal favourite. Something different from the usual Nukem/Badaboom.

Slot Three: The Fun Stuff
This is my alternative to the pistols. I love me a good Hail, and Nisha's Trick Shot skill makes this weapon's effectiveness increase tenfold. Also the huge crit bonus and elemental damage dealt by this rifle make it worth its' weight in gold. It even works amazing in corridors and close quaters, thanks to Trick Shot.

Slot Four: The Ranged Option
For this slot, you can put anything at all really. For me, I chose to use a Muckamuck for those zones with very long sightlines, or anything pesky like Jet Fighters and Static Principals. Other good alternatives would be laser railguns or Vladof snipers.
The Gear
The Shield
Now this was an idea that struck me like a doozy. Normally I would just say grab a Sham or a Reogenator, but the Haymaker actually felt like a really good pick. It can transfer DoTs from you to enemies, whenever you melee them. Couple this with the range on Nisha's whip and the fact I have no overrides, and huzzah! We have a fun little way to increase our survivability, especially against something like Iwajira. Throw in a shield restore from Bottled Courage, and it doesn't even matter about the recharge delay. All in all, my favourite shield to use on this build.

The Oz Kit
Ah, 3DD1.E. Simply put, this is pretty much the best Oz Kit in the game. Between the tazer, shield restore and care packages, this Oz Kit rules them all. Throw in the extra mid-air flight control, and this baby just makes the game so much more fun to play. However, since farming for this sucks, I tried to make up for this by selecting some less obnoxious gear for the build in general. Having all your slots filled with legendaries is great, but farming can be a pain.

The Grenade Mod
I chose the Bonus Package for two reasons:
One - Everyone and their mother uses the Quasar (it's amazing, I know}, but I wanted to mix things up a little for myself.
Two - The utlity of this 'nade mod lets me pseudo-nuke a room full of baddies and get some interior decorating done at the same time. It feels immensely satisfying when you turn 5 or more guys into paste with the push of a button.

Hear me out on this one. Yes, the Celestial Lawbringer is the best COM for point bonuses and healing, but it doesn't utilise the niche playstyle I tried to go for to its maximum potential. I use a Desperado mod as the cooldown it offers is almost on par with that of the C. Lawbringer, but it offers a huge pistol damage buff which synchronizes perfectly with my whole gimmick. The point allocations don't really matter, and even a blue mod would suffice for this. Alternatively a Gritty Sheriff is nice to have for the healing bonuses.

Also, farming for Celestial Lawbringer is a huge pain in the arse.
Questions & Answers
I tried to compile a few questions I anticipated that might come up. Hopefully, I can give you guys some more insight into my build choices and reasonings.

Why don't you include more legendaries/unique weapons?

The simple answer is: variety. I find with most of my characters I ended up with the same endgame gear, and it started getting a bit bland for my liking. Also, by placing some emphasis on using less rare, more easily attainble items, I feel that I make this build much more accessible for everyone to use.

I have a suggestion, what should I do?

Please, feel free to leave a comment. If I have experience with the suggested skill/gear changes I will respond. If not, I will attempt to try it out, and give you my verdict on the matter.

What if I don't have the gear/DLC required for the build?

Then don't worry! This is why I tried to limit the gear I chose to some much more common, basegame items. Everything is this build is interchangeable, I just wanted to show people a fun little way in which I enjoyed messing about with Nisha. After all, variety is the spice of life!

Why do you write so damn much?

It's just who I am I guess. I like to be thorough, and would rather over-explain something to everyone, rather than under-explain it and leave everyone confused.
Anyways, thank you guys for taking the time to read through my guide. I hope it was useful to you, and helped to inspire you into mixing things up a little, rather than just playing the same old min-max characters into oblivion.

As always, feel free to leave a comment with any questions you might have, and I'll try to address them as best I can.

Cheers, good luck, have fun!
14 bình luận
剣聖 [Sabo] 12 Thg01, 2018 @ 5:04pm 
so glitched weapons?
󠀡󠀡 3 Thg01, 2018 @ 12:35pm 
Eh 900 bullets are not enough for pistols
One Ugly Puppy  [tác giả] 3 Thg01, 2018 @ 12:29pm 
It's been a long time since I played TPS, but the only thing I can think of with a similar effect is Sniper Ammo regenration with Aurelia class mods, Pickpocket from Nisha, or using the Cheat Code SMG from the Claptastic Voyage DLC. The Cheat Code has infinite ammo when you enter FFYL if I remember correctly.
󠀡󠀡 3 Thg01, 2018 @ 12:22pm 
do u know anything with ammo regeneration? or it doesnt exist here
One Ugly Puppy  [tác giả] 3 Thg01, 2018 @ 10:28am 
This is one of the many reasons why this build was made. I find RNG farming to be very tedious, so weapons like the Maggie are an absolute pain to obtain. as stated in the Q&A section.
󠀡󠀡 3 Thg01, 2018 @ 10:28am 
Oh rekt :| i thought from mobs\bosses
One Ugly Puppy  [tác giả] 3 Thg01, 2018 @ 10:26am 
It's a vendor legendary. Try to make one using the Grinder, or hope to get lucky with it as the Item of the Day in a vending machine.
󠀡󠀡 3 Thg01, 2018 @ 10:09am 
Btw do u know where to get maggie? cant find anything :|
One Ugly Puppy  [tác giả] 3 Thg01, 2018 @ 9:26am 
Honestly, I just felt that using same old Min/Max gear wasn't all that fun. There's no reason not to use the Maggie, I just wanted to create a build that wasn't just the same old Jakobs gear.
󠀡󠀡 3 Thg01, 2018 @ 9:22am 
Why not maggie?