Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

114 ratings
Improving as a player in CS:GO
By kaii
This guide will give you some things in CS:GO that you can work on to help you improve your skill as an individual player and rank up.
I want this guide to help people improve as an individual player, there are many different aspects to CS:GO and what makes a good player inside the game, if you improve at all of these things you should see an increase in your skill and rank. Before I start, remember that I don't claim to be an ultra-pro and this guide probably wont turn everyone into a God tier player, it's simply to try and help people improve.
Check Corners
People, if they aren't holding an angle from a distance, will more often than not be sat in a corner with their P90 waiting for you.

When you're on either side and entering anywhere that is controlled by the other team, check the corners, especially if you're pushing as a CT. I know that there may be a lot of corners to check if you're trying to get somewhere fast but if you aren't going to check every single one, make sure that you're prepared to turn and shoot at the person who comes out of the ones you didn't check.
Pre-Aiming Angles
Try to make sure that you are aiming at a common angle before you peek, I don't mean learn how to line up your crosshair with the enemy's head by staring at a wall and then walking out into the open to shoot him, as the enemies could push you. Just know how far out you have to go to peek the angle, if you walk out way too far you could find a second enemy who rifles an AWP round into your chest.
There is nothing wrong with playing one map all the time but to improve as a player you'll want to expand the pool of maps you play (If you're only playing one).

If you don't know the callouts for every single map then it doesn't matter, just don't put those maps on. Learn the callouts on 2 or 3 maps and only play those until you feel ready to play others. It doesn't take long to learn callouts on maps if you play them a few times, but if you want to familiarize yourself with the callouts to each map, here are the links to the maps with the callouts on them made by Froosh.

Dust II[]

and don't play Canals
Crosshair and Viewmodel
You want to find yourself a nice crosshair that works for you, I'm not going to say that you need a huge or tiny crosshair to make you play better, its all preference. Try out different ones to see which one you play the best with.

Changing your viewmodel isn't really necessary but you obviously don't want to have a massive gun in your face so you can't see the enemies. You can also use the command cl_righthand 0 and cl_righthand 1 to toggle between left and right handed gun model, this can help depending on your dominant eye. I am right eye dominant so I usually have my gun on the left. This video explains it and can be used to find your dominant eye.

Crosshair Placement

Try to work on keeping your crosshair at head height so as soon as an enemy comes into your crosshairs, you can headshot them. Every now and then in a game think about if you're staring at the floor or if your placement is off.

You can make your own crosshair here:
There are community maps for crosshairs and viewmodels too.

My Crosshair and Viewmodel
cl_crosshairsize 1.5
cl_crosshairgap -1
cl_crosshairthickness 1
cl_crosshaircolor 5
cl_crosshairalpha 200
cl_crosshairstyle 4
cl_crosshairdot 0
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 1
viewmodel_presetpos 0
viewmodel_x 2.5
viewmodel_y 2
viewmodel_z -2
viewmodel_fov 68

This is an example of a viewmodel that you do not want to have.
Be sure to make calls that help your team. Even if they aren't speaking the same language as you, most people will understand a call if it is made in English.

On the other hand you don't want your microphone open for your entire team to hear especially if the background noise of your mic sounds like you're sitting in a pouring rainstorm or World War 2.
Playing with a team helps a lot but I understand that not everyone has people to play with or your friends may not be the same rank as you. You can solo queue until you find people who are friendly and good at the game (There are some out there) and you can queue with them. I never liked solo queuing as I reached all my ranks while playing with 2 friends, but eventually everyone has to solo queue.

Reddit is a good place to look for people to play with if you don't want to look for people by solo queuing.

ESEA is the best place to play CS, in my opinion. It does cost $6.99 a month but I feel that it is worth it. It is extremely rare that you will come across a cheater in ESEA because they have a very good anticheat system and the ESEA players are also a lot less toxic than the standard matchmaking players. ESEA also has a page dedicated to finding teams and players.[] I wouldn't recommend playing ESEA unless you are atleast Legendary Eagle/Legendary Eagle Master in matchmaking as most players in ESEA are very good.

Faceit is better if you're from Europe though.
Make sure that you warmup in deathmatch or community servers until you feel ready to play a competitive game. If you dont warmup and you play badly then you'll most likely end up tilted, angry and your teammates wont be too happy if you're playing bad. Warming up will not only improve your general skill and muscle memory but will obviously help you play better in competitive games.
Game Sense
Game sense is one of the most important things in CSGO. There are a lot of different aspects to having good game sense, such as being able to tell how many enemies are coming to a site by listening to footsteps, or by telling your team how many enemies are on a site by how many grenades were thrown (e.g 2 HE grenades means atleast 2 people or 2 flashbangs thrown in rapid succession means there is 2 people throwing them as a person could not throw flashbangs that fast alone).

Good game sense can also be used in an afterplant situation, it can be used to find the last player just by seeing how the bomb is planted. Obviously if someone has planted the bomb for a certain position, it does not mean that they will 100% be there, that is what you have to be ready for.

Be sure to keep checking your minimap every now and then to see the positions of your teammates and you can also find out if your teammates see anyone without calling then you'll be able to see them on the map. You don't want to accidentally kill your teammates because you don't know where they are.
Having god-like movement isn't the most important thing of all but having decent movement will help to get to positions quicker or to get away from enemies that are shooting at you. You can see this if you watch most professional players streams, they will more often than not, strafe around a corner because it is quicker.

Bhopping does give you extra speed but not if you can't consistently hit them, if you can hit bhops consistently then by all means try to utilize them ingame but try not to bhop around where enemies will be.
Take some time to learn some smokes to give your team the edge when playing.

Dust 2 has a few smokes that have a large impact like smoking CT spawn from x-box or smoking CT ramp from long.

Cache has a lot of smokes that can be thrown over middle and A main for A executes but they are quite difficult to remember as you have to look into certain points in the sky and you may forget if you aren't throwing them multiple times per game.

Overpass is a great map for smoke grenades as you can throw smokes over most places and walls without hitting skyboxes, because there is only 2 entrances to the A site, bank and jump up/stairs/dumpster (Assuming you came from A long and toilets).

Inferno has only one extremely important smoke to learn on B and that is the smoke from banana to CT spawn, this is a very important place to smoke as rotators will be able to shoot you easily if it isn't smoked off.

Cobblestone has smoke spots that help with B executes but they won't have much impact unless everyone on your team is doing their own one aswell.

Mirage is probably the best map when it comes to smoke executes as most of the skyboxes are open, allowing for smokes to be thrown from pretty much anywhere on the map. Jungle, stairs and CT are the 3 main smokes you need to be throwing during A executes and just like Cobble, they may not have too much of an impact if you're the only one throwing them.

Train has smoke executes onto A, like Inferno, you can help win a round by smoking off connector as that is a very common position for people to play and is also the quickets route for B players to take when rotating.

Nuke's main place for smokes is outside, to block off garage and main for quick rushes to secret. Very specific smokes can be thrown through the skylights in A to smoke off heaven. No one likes this map anymore so you don't need to worry too much about these ones.
Buy Binds
These are not necessary but I personally think that they help a lot.

This is the guide I used to set up my buy binds but you could also use this website.[]

My Binds
bind numlock "buy p250"
bind kp_slash "buy vest;buy decoy"
bind kp_multiply "buy smokegrenade"
bind kp_minus "buy deagle"
bind kp_home "buy bizon"
bind kp_uparrow "buy m4a4;buy ak47"
bind kp_pgup "buy hegrenade"
bind kp_plus "buy defuser"
bind kp_leftarrow "buy p90"
bind kp_5 "buy famas;buy galil"
bind kp_rightarrow "buy incgrenade;buy molotov"
bind kp_end "buy fiveseven;buy tec9"
bind kp_downarrow "buy awp"
bind kp_pgdn "buy flashbang"
bind kp_enter "buy vesthelm;buy vest"
bind kp_ins "buy scar20;buy g3sg1"
bind kp_del "buy Taser" (I have this as a macro that presses the keys B 5 3 ESC ESC 3)
Other Tips
  • Sound- Having a high sound allows for you to hear enemies from a reasonable distance, but don't have it too loud unless you want to go deaf from playing CS.

  • Don't be toxic- It can be hard keeping your frustration in when playing, but don't take it out on your teammates as that will just make the entire team play worse.

  • Utilize molotovs- Throw molotovs on T side to flush out positions that CTs may be hiding in or corners that you saw them run to.

  • Shoulder peeking- Shoulder peeking is peeking an enemy's angle without seeing the enemy (You show your shoulder) to make the enemy fire so you can take the angle when they fall back.

  • Flashes- Think about where a flash will land and which positions it will flash before you throw it, you could end up flashing yourself, teammates and none of the enemies.

  • Sensitivity- Find a good sensitivity that works for you. You don't want to go spinning around when you move your mouse an inch but you also don't want to be so slow that you are unable to turn if you get shot in the back.
Thank you
Thank you for reading my guide. This is my first one and I hope that you can use some of these things to improve as a player. If you have any questions just add me or comment on here or my profile.
Krystal 20 Dec, 2019 @ 11:34am 
How to get free skins?
1) Go to pvpro .com(remove the space)
2) Start registration
3) In RAF code, use: KrySTaL100
4) Get 10000 coins and buy skins

Как получить бесплатные скины?
Заходим на pvpro .com(убираем пробел)
Используем Refcode: KrySTaL100
Получаем 10000 монет и покупаем скины
kaii  [author] 8 Oct, 2017 @ 7:34am 
I never miss
Danny 8 Oct, 2017 @ 6:09am 
It's his excuse for when he misses every smoke he should know...
kaii  [author] 8 Oct, 2017 @ 5:18am 
It is true so people couldn’t buy 160 in warmup when they were 100$ and I need the bind because tasers are very good
kaii  [author] 7 Oct, 2017 @ 7:35pm 
They took the buy taser command out bro
kaii  [author] 7 Oct, 2017 @ 7:01pm 
And why did I write about cobble that map is so bad
kaii  [author] 7 Oct, 2017 @ 7:01pm 
I wrote this when I was gn2
Eagle 7 Oct, 2017 @ 6:57pm 
and don't play Canals

+1 that shit
Danny 5 Oct, 2017 @ 5:00pm 
'ESEA is the best place to play CS,'

Danny 5 Oct, 2017 @ 4:59pm 
ur still fucking shite tho