

59 ratings
Fixing delta animations
By Far
This tutorial will show how to fix delta animations that are used for optics ADS sequences. Many thanks to Mr. Brightside who explained to me how to do this, learning this process saved me a lot of time and headache.
Fixing ironsight and foregrip deltas
As you might already know, after selecting the armature, going into pose mode, opening up the Dope Sheet and then Action editor:

the delta animations will look like this:

Go to base_idle animation, and copy all keyframes, then go back to delta_iron and paste them:

Do the same for foregrip animation, go to first frame of foregrip_fire for example, copy keyframes, and paste them to delta_foregrip. Yes, it's pretty easy.

For ironsight animation, we will need to adjust it more. Turn on ortho view (Num5) and then press ctrl+Num1. Select all the bones (A):

And move them so that the tip of front sight is located at the center of axes. You might want to turn of wireframe (Z) because the front sight might not be visible from that view. We'll fix this later.

To save keyframes either press I and select LocRot every time you make change in pose mode, or turn on automatic keyframing in the timeline window.

Now select only A_Muzzle_Ironsight bone and move it to the center of axes too.

Make sure that it's aligned properly by zooming in:

Now copy the keyframes from delta_iron and paste them for all other optic delta animations. It will save us some work later.

All that's left to do now is to rotate the whole armature so that we get an ironsight picture we want. For easier alignment, it's recommended to place the 3D cursor at the tip of the front sight and then set pivot center for rotation to 3D cursor.

Press R and then X, and rotate until you'll get the sight how you want them.

You see that the A_Muzzle_Ironsight bone is misaligned after this, we need to fix it back to its place.

Just rotate it back (you can see we rotated the whole armature -0.5 degree, so rotate it +0.5 degree). Place it back to the center of axes.

Now that the irons are fixed, we'll proceed to fixing optics animations.
Fixing optics deltas
I have prepared the required files here[], or you can extract, decompile and import them yourself from Insurgency game files.

Open up file to find out what weapon uses optic model of what size. It's important because if you'll import optics armature of wrong model, the sight will not be zeroed in.

Go to File -> Append and open up aimpoint.blend. Open Object folder and import a_optic_aimpoint_reference_skeleton.

It will look like this after import:

Delete smd_bone_vis (what the hell is it anyway?) and align the whole skeleton (press G, Z in object mode) so that A_render_reticle is at the Z0. It's good to switch to side view (Num3) so that other bones won't be obstructing the view.

Switch back to front view (Ctrl+Num1) and in pose mode select all the bones of weapon skeleton.
Move the whole pose down along Z so that the both A_Optic bones are in the same position.

Zoom in and align both bones precisely.

You may have noticed that the A_Muzzle_Ironsight bone is misaligned again. So move it back to the center of axes.

And we're almost done, last thing you might want to adjust, especially for scopes with magnification, is the position of whole armature at the Y axis. Magnification of scopes ingame is dependent of the distance of A_Optic from the origin point/camera.

And we're done, just repeat the whole process for other optics too. If the laser dot or point of impact is misaligned, check the location and rotation of A_Muzzle_Ironsight bone, it shouldn't be rotated and always should be at the center of axes.

Also check if the idle animation is the same as base_idle.
QC editing
Just add subtract "idle" 0 for every delta animation. Crowbar adds this line these days anyway (only there's "menu" and not "idle").
gangbear777 2 Oct, 2019 @ 5:33pm 
I had succeed import CS:GO P250 for Insurgency M9. Only for handguns, there's nothing to subtract from QC "delta-iron" section. Delete what crowbar added, imported handguns will work collect.:steamhappy:
fine cuisine 2 Aug, 2019 @ 12:08am 
+ when decompiled by crowbar, the sequences subtract from themselves instead of menu . i suppose that isn't too important though.
fine cuisine 2 Aug, 2019 @ 12:07am 
might want to edit the section on QC editing; delta_glsetup_iron is the only sequence to subtract from "glsetup" and not "idle".
真兽亚纲 18 Sep, 2018 @ 10:02pm 
Wait a minute
I know I know
I need to delete the【 subtract "menu" 0】 in the qc file.
God, really.
Thank you,I misunderstood this guide.

In an animation with delta
Comment this line (subtract "menu" 0) and add subtract "idle" 0 or modify directly
//subtract "menu" 0
subtract "idle" 0

$Sequence "delta_iron" {
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
fps 30
// This subtract line is a guess of the animation name and frame index. There is no way to determine which $animation or $sequence and which frame were used, so Crowbar uses the name of the first $sequence. Change as needed.
//subtract "menu" 0
subtract "idle" 0

真兽亚纲 18 Sep, 2018 @ 9:53pm 
I am very sure that the keyframe has been modified.

About qc I followed your guide and added [subtract "idle" 0 in DELTA animation. But the aiming animation becomes very strange, the gun will choose along the Z axis.
Far  [author] 18 Sep, 2018 @ 10:05am 
Make sure you're keyframing the changes made in pose mode, and that you've fixed the qc.
真兽亚纲 17 Sep, 2018 @ 5:56pm 
In the iron animation, I let the model's sights be centered (Blender's yellow dots). Then move the A_Muzzle_Ironsight bone to its center point. Save the animation in the game but it doesn't work.
真兽亚纲 17 Sep, 2018 @ 5:52pm 
hi,how to fix delta animations with blender? i read yous guides . but i dont understand。I followed the guide, but the aiming function in the game is wrong.
arunn 12 Jun, 2017 @ 6:18pm 
That fixed it. Thanks for telling me about the B-bone shape :steamhappy:
Far  [author] 9 Jun, 2017 @ 9:57am 
You need to make sure it's not rotated, even if you didn't rotate it. If it's centered but still isn't aligned ingame, turn on B-Bone shape and make sure that in orthographic view from front (ctrl+1) it's has rectangle shape and there aren't any double lines (that would indicate that it's rotated). Try zooming in as close as you can.