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Quite frankly: getting good at dailies, and mastering them, too.
By Old Man
Well hello jolly good people!
Wann' know who's talkin' to you?
*clears throat*
Ok, this guide is purely intended to learn you what I did in WASTED to git gud.
I'm not good at openings so that said, let's get right into it!
First and foremost: How drunk you wanna get? Character builds!
  • It is tough on whatever subject needs to be talked about first, so I chose the character builds, which we'll focus first on your S.H.O.T.S.
    These attributes change your playstyle to the one desired, and let's just discuss them each and every one apart.
  • S. stands for SHOOTIN'. Shootin increases your gun damage and accuracy, as well as a tiny bit extra limb damage per level. If it ain't obvious enough, the majority of the guns are affected by this attribute and it is overall very important. Important, as in the first 30 floors, because after that I REALLY wouldn't recommend you fighting ANYTHING. The best guns that will last you in damage standards are the Heavy Metal with El Seis. For knockback: both shotguns and the Sixdeen.
  • H. stands for HITTIN'. This is the best attribute in the game and you need to invest heavly in it. Per rank, increases melee damage, but most importantly, KNOCKBACK REDUCTION and NATURAL ARMOR!! Whether you like guns or what not, increasing HIT is a HIGH PRIORITY. It is always worth taking at least one HIT shot for -5hp tradeoff.
  • O. stands for OBLITERATIN'. Albeit not the most useful attribute, like, at all(because it increases knockback which counteracts the purpose of HIT), it does increase the damage of explosions AND grants damage reduction to it as well. From time to time you will find yourself with a "volatile air" floor, filled with mines and barrels, so even a +3 in Obliteratin' can save your darn life.
  • T. stands for TINKERIN'. The alternative for Shootin', this attribute increases energy weapon damage, as well as affecting your lockpicking and most importantly granting passive critical chance. This attribute suffers just as shooting after floor 30, however this paired with a Phaseroid can reach some good results.
  • The last S. stands for SNEAKIN', and boy if you've gotten Stiff Knees you'll need this. Unlike any other stealth based attribute in other games, Sneak increases natural crit damage as well as decreasing your footstep noises WHEN YOU'RE STANDING! So you can already imagine having a high stealth can allow you to just simply walk and not be heard, which simply put: it's nice.
Second and secondmost: Your gear!(Part 1: Weapons)
  • Here I'm gonna throw at you my 2 cents on the overall entirety of weapons.

  • Never worth using. Okay, perhaps I've jumped to conclusions too fast.
    99% of the actual pistols are awful, bad, terrible. The only exceptions to this rule are these beauties:
    -Clap-17 = a pistol that fires in a 3 round burst with good ammo capacity and high fire rate. It's the only worthwhile pistol due to its knockback.
    -DUZI = fully automatic machine pistol with awful accuracy but good damage, high dps and due to its firerate: permastunning, where you can empty your clip into your victim without it doing anything to you. Keep in mind that enemies CAN and WILL do that to you too.
    -Ratatat = better version of DUZI, with actual accuracy but decreased damage to compensate for it. Due to increased accuracy, the permastun is way WAY more dangerous.
    -Greaser = best pistol ammo using weapon in the whole game. Highest damage rating even compared to the DUZI, trading some firerate for the marvelous ARMOR PENETRATION! This and Bucking Bronco are the 2 pistols with armor penetration in the game. But seeing how that pistol is so awful it will not even get a mention in this guide, then this is clearly the best one. Its penetration is only by one, but seeing this is an automatic weapon makes it only better.

  • There are only 2 shotguns in the game, which is bad since there should be more than that... but I digress. Let's take a quick look at them.
    -Sod Off = double barreled sawed off shotgun: incredibly powerful with high knockback, but only 2 shots in the clip. I think you can already see the problems with this. 2 shots. Nuff' said.
    -Chick-chick = pump action shotgun with a good punch to it, high knockback, but most importantly 8 shots. It's got quadruple the capacity of the Sod Off, and that's why it takes the spot.

  • No.

  • Overall the best weapon category to use in the game, since all of them have armor penetration and the ammo is quite easy to find. As for the best of them are...
    -Klash = AK rifle, fully automatic, can permastun, good accuracy and damage, a lovely weapon.
    -Heavy Metal = while still suffering the "30th floor" syndrome, it's the most powerful non-unique weapon in the game, getting one early on can help you boost your score by killin' some stuff while you still can I guess. Keep in mind it uses a LOT of ammo(5 bullets used per reload).
    -Emma Grand = typo on M1 Garand, it is a semi-automatic rifle with both solid dmg and dps, high armor piercing, with the unique tradeoff of not being able to reload its clip if it ain't empty, which makes the Lubed variant so much more worth it.
    -Sixdeen = the weapon you'll want to use for the whole daily, an M16 with 3 round burst fire and incredibly good knockback to it. The fire rate could be a possible pain to work with, but it's just too good to pass it up. This rifle really ain't got competitors.

  • Carrying the name of "hand-cannons" wouldn't have fit more perfectly. There are only 2. AGAIN. WHY?!?!
    -♥♥♥♥♥ Unloader = criticals reduce the target's movement speed. That's about it. It's good as an utilitary tool I guess.
    -El Seis = Ignores 4 armor? Check. Very high damage? Check. Good dps? Check!

  • No.

  • The entire collection of energy weapons consist of weapons that can rip'n'shred straight through the armor, which is why they are doing their job so damn well.
    -Belly Baker = plasma projectile based, ignores 75% of armor and its projectiles bounce off walls, only once, however. Good for it's offensive properties and relative high accuracy.
    -Alienator = assault rifle variant of Belly Baker, fully automatic albeit with decreased damage for compensation. In theory could cripple someone's limbs pretty fast, which makes it good both for an escape weapon and a combat one.
    -Phaseroid = laser pistol, ignores 50% of armor and its criticals stun targets. Best energy weapon imo, the only drawback is that it is only foundable on the robot gals, so you have to find one and kill it to earn yourself this piece.
...Part 2: Apparel
  • Alright, I'm going to make this fast: the best apparel in the game are the CHIMPS uniforms, hands down. These guys are exclusive to dailies and aren't necessarily threatening, as their only offense are pistols. However:
    -VICE equipment increases Shootin' by quite a lot(+3, both pieces ending up in +6), so now they can deal some damage with those pistols.
    -Restrained increases Shootin' and Armor solely by 2. Both by the shirt and pants, with a total of 4 armor. Not a bad choice.
    -Brutality equipment, I have to point out this is THE BEST PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT IN THE GAME, and remember that! As well, this will be your armor for all of the later floors, no questions asked! +2 armor, +1 HIT and +1 speed makes this a dream combo.

    With that out of the way, let's talk some possible alternatives:
  • While I don't really recommend any outfits per say, the Beez ones are quite good, but imo not good enough due to the armor sacrifice. But if I would choose one, it would probably be either the Master or the Scout outfit, one increasing Sneak, the other one armor.
    -Beez Beret is the best head gear at least for the first 30 floors, then you'll have to switch in favor of armor.

  • There ain't any particular good gear on this faction's behalf, other than the Purifier one, and even then the helmet is undewhelmed by the other fashion pieces and the power armor's true drawback is that it's an outfit. That's about it.

  • Incredibly enough there are 3 actual items I can recommend from all this:
    -Cervezmen Bandito Poncho = +4 Shoot and -10% damage from bullets. It's pretty damn good early game. And fun!
    -Cervezmen Beret = albeit looking as a weaker variant of the Beez Beret, this one increases armor by 1, which isn't a spectacular bonus, but it's worth mentioning.
    -Cervezmen Helmet = +10 armor to attacks made to the head. You are giving up possible stat boosts for sole protection, in which case it will be a wise choice later.

  • Ok, there is no such thing as a CRAFTED faction, but these are the items you're able to craft at a workbench during the daily. Here's the only worthwhile one:
    -Creepy Mask = +2 Sneak and -25% damage from explosions. You can see why this is good already. Alright, moving on.

  • These guys are pure glass cannons, as their apparel, for the most part, SUCKS. But now I've just realised I found a good piece of armor that never struck my mind ever equiping it:
    -Junk Dog Saurabi Helmet = +3 armor, -1 Shoot. It may not look spectacular at first, and believe me I thought this the same thing, why would I equip this instead of Cervezmen Helmet, then I just realised this increases PASSIVE armor by 3. WHICH IS HUGE!!! Because the Cerv.H. is limited only to the head, this essentially protects your whole body! All that for just a meas penalty of -1 Shoot! It's actually incredibly good, so if you ever cross your path with a Saurabi and survive, collect your sweet sweet reward.
Third and thirdmost: Factions! Get to know your enemy!
In the dailies, you will find all of the factions clustered together in your cooler + an extra guest. We're gonna have an in-depth(but not too deep) look at them. Starting with:

  • What respectable post-apocalyptic game doesn't have raiders? These guys are quite weak and usually not a challenge, BUT there are always exceptions! On one side we have the gals that use crappy pistols, and on the other we have the suicide bombers and the obliterators! Suicide bombers are self explanatory and I believe after one point they'll even stop showing up, but if they manage to detonate themselves, the explosion could leave some marks on yer' moons. The true ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you have to be afraid of are the obliterators. These freaks... carry rocket launchers. Rocket launchers deal lots of damage and have a big explosion radius. You get the point. The best way of dealing with him? Run... towards him. "Won't that kill me?" you ask? Actually, no, because if you're right up his alley he won't shoot his launcher unless you're a good distance away from him, so getting up close and personal will render him harmless, and you can either shoot or melee him to death, as he has close to no armor, really. But still, never underestimate his rockets.

  • Mexicans that crossed the borders, because America, woooo! These guys behave somewhat like raiders, but are starting to become a challenge. Most if not all of them are able to dive your attacks Max Payne style, as well as the melee berserks(forgot their name, sorry :P) will just dodge away right when you have your aim on them. Just like most factions, there is a special enemy type known as The Bandito. They are quite dangerous, as they have for the most part very high Shoot rating and they ALWAYS weild revolvers! This is the only enemy you can get El Seis from, and let's remember it is extremely powerful due to its extreme armor ignoring. They can also dodge your attack ala Max Payne style, but it seems like it takes a bit longer for them to get back up, so you have some time to shoot their noggins. Another thing I forgot to mention is that later on normal Cervezmen will carry Greasers and Sixdeens, which should be treated with maximum attention.

  • The drunk guys but not quite as drunk. For the most part, they are like raiders with better equipment, but unlike them, they seem to alway carry Ratatats, Clap-17s and even assault rifles. Because of their fully automatic weapons as well as their -20% bullet resistance provided by their gear, they can put a good show before taking them out for good. Some later S.O.B.s known as Generals seem to always carry Master Blasters, and since those do not care about your armor, pay attention who you're fighting with. And who can forget the special snowflake known as the Purifier. The big scary minigun guy that will always show up in the level no matter what. Let me tell you that the later floors he will be taken care of by the other mobs, but early on it's better to kill him at least once for his rifle ammo. That said, Purifiers should still be treated carefully, since their minigun can STILL permastun you to death, and its dps won't care about your armor rating, so always, always be careful.

  • Koreans that give a damn about each other, so they are like brothers and sisters to each other. As said earlier, their armor for the most part sucks, but their signature are the energy weapons, which these always show some serious firepower, no matter what. This and the Beez are the factions that should be treated responsibly at all times, as even the simplest melee berserk can take a good chunk of your health. Just as the Cervezmen have their Max Payne dive, these guys can hop from wall to wall AND do damage you in the process! Their arsenal consist of Alienators, Super Smokers and Belly Bakers. The one guy you'll find a pain in the @ss is the Saurabi. This guy is one of the most dangerous enemies in the game, because unlike the Junk mobs he will not jump the walls, instead charging STRAIGHT at you and just cutting you to bits with his Cutana, which in the spirit of Energy Weapons, it will go straight through 50% of your armor. If you see this guy, run away and start shooting from a good distance. You don't ♥♥♥♥ around with a Saurabi, nono.

  • The cute scout girls that delivered cookies back in the time are now b1tches to be feared with shotguns and rifles of all sorts. That's only half the resume of these gals. The equipment consists of Chick-chicks, Fullbuckers and Klash...es. Unlike other mobs out there, these cute girls are not known for their specific abilities, but more so for their stat boosts, as their uniforms+beret combo provide some stats to be feared with. And combine that with the powerful weaponry and now you've got a reason to run away from girls. Literally. And now yet again, unlike the previous factions, this one doesn't bring one unique enemy, but some new companions instead. There is always a chance that a Bee will spawn paired with an unique animal specific to them, which are:
    -Mutamoms = big dog that leaves a radiation puddle on death and spawn Mutapups, which clings to enemies dealing damage and reducing their movement by quite a lot. In itself, they're quite slow, but they bite hard.
    -Rollys = what appears to be a huge radroach that will charge at you at incredible speed, knocking you back a significant distance. It can create radiation puddles from time to time when damaged and it appears to have some sort of degree in armor piercing. Keep in mind that all of the mutants heal while in the radiation puddles.
    -Radcoons = you could call these THE special enemy of the Beez, but they tend to show quite often in my runs, so I did not consider them to be. However, they ARE special in their own way, since this is the only enemy in the game with complete immunity to knockback, as well as a stunning roar and an absolutely devastating attack, with only 2 quick swipes taking most of your health. There is however one way to easily counter all of these monsters, and that is by eating a Fragalong whenever one is near you, that way, making yourself a new pal to fight along side you. And he is a damn good fighter, I'll give ye' that.

  • Hunk-a-junks that are scary af and make me cry ;-;
    Represented by 3 enemies that I forgot their name:
    -The robot that kind of looks like that one Medical Robot at the end of Star Wars Episode V and put inside the body of a terminator. As mentioned previously, these guys are limited to using exclusively the Phaseroid and can deal lots of damage, so I sugest legging it.
    -The Fallout Sentrybot wannabe, fires a laser shotgun and can charge at you dealing lots of damage, so being a ♥♥♥♥♥ and staying a mile away from him is always an option.
    -The flying piece of ♥♥♥♥. Always fires lasers and never needs to reload. Run. Just. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Run.

  • And so we reached the exclusive "guest" of the dailies... the police. These guys are just raiders that always carry pistols(unlike the obliterator, which I'm thankful) and have equipped the best armor in the game. That's about it, really. I'm really sad there is no actual shielder. I want a shielder in the game... especially since he's always showing on the loading screen... please...
Fourth and the final subjectmost: Beef, booze and bruises. And flasks.
  • The booze is what changes the daily, more or less, and the flasks, just- oh boy.
    Let's start discussing the flasks first:

  • The flasks are essentially beneficial or detrimental bonuses that will last for the entirety of your daily, which you can imagine it can be horrible if you get something bad, since it won't go away. Now since you have no power over whatever you get, your only real choices are "yes I'll take it" or "no I won't". For as much as this goes, I always take the flasks I find the first few floors, and depending on what I get I play either seriously or just casual. You can imagine that such buffs as Rock Hard(+2 armor) and Bubble Butt(less damage and knockback from behind) will get me to play seriously, but if I get stuff like stat debuffs or even the cursed and atrocious Stiff Knees(reduced movement speed when crouched by -90%, rendering stealth useless) I might just give up whenever I feel satisfied with my score(albeit ironically getting the world record WITH Stiff Knees active. Yes, yes it was a pain to work with it...). Now let's say you get a bad flask, it happens, but if you ever get the +50% hp buff, you never give up that run damn it, as it impacts how many drinks you can take drastically.

  • All you need to know about this is that you get the bonus of said drink just like in the base game, but on top of all that your hp is decreased by 5 for each one you take. Now I won't theorise the entire damn concept, but know this: don't go over more than 5 to 6 drinks, that being -25 and -30 hit points respectively, putting you down at 75 or 70. 75 is the most you can live with without being screwed too hard, and 70 is workable for me.
    Now I won't discuss each and every drink apart, instead I'll just give you this list of drinks I strongly recommend:
    -HIT Shot = imo always worth giving up -5 hp for a lil' bit of extra armor, take it at least once if you find it.
    -Moscow Pack Mule = I ONLY suggest this if you were not able to find yourself a Fanny Pack, which at times can happen, and +2 inventory can be a blessing.
    -Plant People Porter = later levels are hell, and food and medistims can be a pain to find, taking this at least for its first level is worth all of it. Keep in mind that you'll have to wait a while to fully regen your wounds.
    -Bunny Hops = OBLIGATORY DRINK, you find this, you drink it, no questions asked.
    -Speedy Sneakuilla = only recommended if you manage to NOT get Stiff Knees early on. If the effect is active, pass it, it won't change that -90% penalty in any way shape or form.
    -White Rushin' = again, obligatory, freakin' mandatory when paired with Bunny Hops.
    -Ricochet Rum = not the best drink, but it is a 10% per level that you won't take bullet damage, which with that I couldn't agree more.
    -Shot On The House = 10% per level(2 levels) that bullets won't use up ammo. Automatic weapons benefit this the greatest and this is the last drink in the saint trilogy of "BunnyHops-WhiteRushin-SOTH" combo. Necessary drink.
    -Last Legs Lager = when under 25% hp, take -15% less damage per level(3 levels). I actually recommend if you're taking this drink, take the second one too. If you also find the third one, you're golden. The only drink I would take at 70 health.
Parting words
  • I have worked a couple of good hours on this guide and I doubt a lot of people will see it, but I hope going through it made you understand the dailies better and I hope you get a good high score to impress your friends with ;)

    That said, I'm the world record holder for this game, and I just provided you a guide.
    Have a blessed day!
    And remember to stay drunk, my friends. Drunk's the life, stay cool
Traitor_000 9 Nov, 2023 @ 7:27pm 
thanks for this
Ruthless1 8 Jun, 2017 @ 7:39pm 
Finally beat Cooler 1 and am working on the second one. This game is a gem and I'm in love. Thanks for all of the tips and min maxing you did for us!:steamhappy:
Old Man  [author] 29 Apr, 2017 @ 3:34am 
Well, congratulations. Here, have this as a bonus: :boozebottle:
Thanks Soldier! 29 Apr, 2017 @ 1:37am 
Screenshot of reaching floor 101 uploaded. Game didn't generate a level so I couldn't go any further sadly.
Thanks Soldier! 28 Apr, 2017 @ 9:11am 
Done. Gimme a couple hours. :P
Old Man  [author] 28 Apr, 2017 @ 7:11am 
96. If you make it to 100 I'll give you my congratulations.
Thanks Soldier! 28 Apr, 2017 @ 6:20am 
How many floors? I want to know the score to beat next time I pop round to playing this game.
Old Man  [author] 28 Apr, 2017 @ 2:48am 
I still have the most number of floors, I didn't really quite care about the score honestly.
Oh, and thanks! I hope that the modding community will take on anytime soon. Well, I'm glad it takes off in the first place.:boozebottle::mutapupa::boozebottle:
Thanks Soldier! 27 Apr, 2017 @ 10:49pm 
Appart from that. The guide is pretty good. Nice work
Thanks Soldier! 27 Apr, 2017 @ 10:47pm 
What world record? The one that I beat?