Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

698 Bewertungen
Playable Pets -New Reigns
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2. Sep. 2016 um 2:59
8. Okt. um 14:18
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Playable Pets -New Reigns

In 1 Kollektion von Leonardo Coxington
Playable Pets Collection
10 Inhalte
Here is New Reigns Pets, the 5th addition to, what I guess, is the Playable Pets Series.

Link to other versions down below, they should all be compatible with each other.
  • Play as Mobs!
  • Tons of configuration options
  • Most mobs have nightvision.
  • Pets might have unique abilities or their own structures!
  • Modded Skins support.
  • Custom key inputs!
  • Press "z" to sleep and wake. Sleeping restores your hp.
  • Press "x" to taunt or primary special ability (if applicable).
  • Press "c" to activate special ability (if applicable).
  • Press "p" to return to character select screen. (this includes human characters)

  • Stagehand
  • Shadow Chess Pieces
  • Toadstool
  • Grumble Bee
  • Bee Queen
  • Vargling
  • GlomGlom
  • Sheepington
  • Kittycoon
  • Broodling
  • Klaus
  • No-Eyed Deer
  • Red Gemmed Deer
  • Blue Gemmed Deer
  • Antlion
  • Woven Shadow
  • Reanimated Skeleton
  • Reanimated Skeleton (Surface)
  • Ancient Fuelweaver
  • Canary

Growth Requirements
Some mobs in this mod can grow into other mobs (toggeable) by certain methods.
  • Kittycoon: eat 45 meats (fishsticks add more points to this counter)
  • Sheepington: eat 130 foods of any type
  • Puppington: eat 45 meats (what you will grow into will depend on the current season)
  • Broodling: eat 150 meats
  • Glom Glom: eat 80 foods of any type
  • Mobs that cannot eat will not hunger, even if mobhunger is enabled.
  • How to Attack Enemies:
      Hold cntrl and hover your pointer over the thing you want to attack or hold cntrl + F to attack the nearest thing next to you.

Special Thanks / Credits

  • Amir, Lily, Morgan, Cpt. Kickass, and Kwitchler for playtesting the mod.
  • Logzombie and Xiao's contribution in making the skins for the API mod.
  • Electroely for his contributions and footage to use as a reference.
  • Indie for help and support.
  • Community forums that really helped me out with the issues I had with the mod.
  • For everyone's help and support since I uploaded the mod. I really appreciate all the feedback. Thank you.
  • Cheshire Crow for his artwork used in portraits.
Other Stuff

    Want to get notification on updates or just talk around with other people who play PP? Then join the steam group (also we have a Discord in there as well).
Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (5)
11. März um 18:01
ANGEHEFTET: Bug/Crash Reports
Leonardo Coxington
3. Juni um 15:23
ANGEHEFTET: General Suggestions
Leonardo Coxington
2. Juni 2021 um 9:11
684 Kommentare
TheSilentAngryCat 1. Sep. um 8:33 
AUTISM PRIME 22. Juni um 2:23 
the scrapy warepig would be a cool addition
Gronal_Bar 14. Feb. um 15:21 
That's already in Playable Pets RoT
CAVALOGROSSO 14. Feb. um 10:47 
Would it be possible to add the werepig nightmare as a character?
LavaBurst6 9. Jan. um 13:40 
how do i grow up as the varg?
Bernie 9. Mai 2023 um 7:04 
It would be cool to continue growth line from hounds to varglet or even vargs as the final stage of the growth.
Capt.Cliff™ 14. Nov. 2022 um 12:40 
Dont work anymore.
Cazenono 3. Nov. 2022 um 5:07 
Can i ask for Slipstor (and Slip)? They're cut-content but i desperately want them. They labled as New Reign mob so that's why i ask it here. Unless you already implement them somewhere then please do tell.
Narkr3 2. Okt. 2022 um 4:56 
Can I ask about Shadow Pieces, it says that when they kill, they grow in strength, does this only apply to players or NPCs, and how many do I have to kill to get to a higher level
马约拉斯 26. Aug. 2022 um 0:41 
I am an ancient god craving for tea.