Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

200 valoraciones
Learning Lua Functions - Useful functions for scripting
Por MrStump y 1 colaboradores
A list of various functions I have written or accrued in order to perform certain actions. Designed to be copy-pasted directly into your code for ease of use.

This is the third guide in the Learning Lua series.
This guide is designed to provide commonly used functions you can utilize in your code. They are designed to be copy-pasted directly over in plug-and-play fasion if you so desire, or to be an easy 1-stop location for a lot of various scripting examples.

These are not functions designed to teach you to code. There is a sperarate guide to learn the basics of Lua HERE. These functions are designed more for those with at least an introductory understanding of how Lua/scripting works.

Each entry has the following breakdown to explain how to use the function:
  • Function: A description of what this function will do.
  • Takes: the type of input/inputs required.
  • Returns: the type of output/outputs generated.
  • Example Input: an example of the type of field you could give the function
  • Example Output: an example of what the function will return as a result
The function's code.
Some functions that I feel need further explanation or clarification will have additional notes added in this area.

Questions, function requests and suggestions are all welcomed in the comment section.
To use these functions, you would call on them in your script. For example, say you wanted to find a deck in a scripting zone when your script loads, and print its name. You could write:
function onLoad() local deckInZone = findDeckInZone(getObjectFromGUID("######")) print(deckInZone.getName()) end
Then copy/paste the code of the function found in this guide over into your code. Now, when it runs findDeckInZone, it will run that function and return the deck it found.

Again, you WILL need scripting knowledge still to set up and utilize these functions, resolve errors, etc. If you are looking for fully feature-complete code, check the workshop. These are only helper functions.

Alright! Time to begin.
Find Object within Radius of Position
  • Function: Locates objects within range of a given point, allows for filtering
  • Takes: position vector, radius number, filtering function, debug bool
  • Returns: table with entity references or empty table
  • Example Input: {0,5,0}, 1, function(o) return o.tag=="Deck" end, true
  • Example Output: {entity 1, entity2, entity3} (all decks within 1 unit of {0,5,0})
function findInRadiusBy(pos, radius, func, debug)
local radius = (radius or 1)
local objList = Physics.cast({
origin=pos, direction={0,1,0}, type=2, size={radius,radius,radius},
max_distance=0, debug=(debug or false)

local refinedList = {}
for _, obj in ipairs(objList) do
if func == nil then
table.insert(refinedList, obj.hit_object)
if func(obj.hit_object) then
table.insert(refinedList, obj.hit_object)

return refinedList
func is a function that is used to refine the results. If you don't give it a function, it will skip the refining and return all found objects in that radius. If you add a "true" bool for debug, it will visualize the raycast that takes place (what is finding the objects).

In the example input, function(o) return o.tag=="Deck" end will only return decks found. function(o) return o.tag=="Card" or o.tag=="Deck" end would give you all cards and all decks.
Refine List using Function
  • Function: Refines a table using a helper function
  • Takes: table, helper function
  • Returns: refined table or empty table
  • Example Input: {"cat", "dog", 5, "10"}, function(o) return type(o)=="string" end
  • Example Output: {"cat", "dog", "10"}
function refineTableBy(t, func)
if func==nil then error("No func supplied to refineTableBy") end
local refinedTable = {}
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
if func(v) then
table.insert(refinedTable, v)
return refinedTable
Very flexible function, can be used to eliminate unwanted entries in a table. This version only works on numerically ordered tables currently.
Create Random Rotation
  • Function: Creates a randomized rotation vector
  • Takes: n/a
  • Returns: vector table (no x/y/z index, only 1/2/3)
  • Example Input: n/a
  • Example Output: {random number, random number, random number}
function randomRotation()
--Credit for this function goes to Revinor (forums)
--Get 3 random numbers
local u1 = math.random()
local u2 = math.random()
local u3 = math.random()
--Convert them into quats to avoid gimbal lock
local u1sqrt = math.sqrt(u1)
local u1m1sqrt = math.sqrt(1-u1)
local qx = u1m1sqrt *math.sin(2*math.pi*u2)
local qy = u1m1sqrt *math.cos(2*math.pi*u2)
local qz = u1sqrt *math.sin(2*math.pi*u3)
local qw = u1sqrt *math.cos(2*math.pi*u3)
--Apply rotation
local ysqr = qy * qy
local t0 = -2.0 * (ysqr + qz * qz) + 1.0
local t1 = 2.0 * (qx * qy - qw * qz)
local t2 = -2.0 * (qx * qz + qw * qy)
local t3 = 2.0 * (qy * qz - qw * qx)
local t4 = -2.0 * (qx * qx + ysqr) + 1.0
if t2 > 1.0 then t2 = 1.0 end
if t2 < -1.0 then ts = -1.0 end
--Convert back to X/Y/Z
local xr = math.asin(t2)
local yr = math.atan2(t3, t4)
local zr = math.atan2(t1, t0)
--Return result
return {math.deg(xr),math.deg(yr),math.deg(zr)}
If you just do random(1,360) three times for X/Y/Z, your rotation is strongly biased towards the y axis poles. This function avoids that issue.
Simple Rounding
  • Function: Basic rounding function
  • Takes: number, intiger
  • Returns: number
  • Example Input: 5.55555, 3
  • Example Output: 5.556
function round(num, dec)
local mult = 10^(dec or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
If you do not supply an intiger for dec it will default to 0. That means the rounding result will have no decimal places. A dec of 0.1 would round to the tens place.
Shuffle Table
  • Function: Shuffles a table's contents (randomizing their order)
  • Takes: table
  • Returns: table
  • Example Input: {1,2,3,4,5}
  • Example Output: {4,2,1,3,5}
function shuffleTable(tbl)
local size = #tbl
for i = size, 1, -1 do
local rand = math.random(i)
tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i]
return tbl
Will only work with numerically, sequentially numbered indexes.
Compact broadcast utility
  • Function: Way to shorten broadcasts where you call them
  • Takes: string message, table color, string player color
  • Returns: n/a
  • Example Input: "Hello, World!", {0,1,0}
  • Example Output: n/a
function bcast(msg, textColor, playerColor)
if playerColor ~= nil then
Player[playerColor].broadcast(msg, (textColor or {1,1,1}))
broadcastToAll(msg, (textColor or {1,1,1}))
I use this typically to help organize things at the time I am making broadcasts. If textColor is nil then it broadcasts in white. If playerColor is supplied then it broadcasts just to that color, otherwise it broadcasts to all.
Find a Single Deck/Figurine/Token/Etc in a Zone
  • Function: Locates a specific type of item in a scripting zone.
  • Takes: zone entity
  • Returns: item entity or nil
  • Example Input: getObjectFromGUID("######")
  • Example Output: (the reference to the object)
function findDeckInZone(zone)
local objectsInZone = zone.getObjects()
for i, object in ipairs(objectsInZone) do
if object.tag == "Deck" then
return object
return nil
In this example we were looking for an object with the tag of "Deck". You can change that to "Figurine" or whatever else you need. This will only return the first of this type of item found, or nil if none are found.
Find All Decks/Figurines/Tokens/Etc in a Zone
  • Function: Locates all of a specific type of item in a zone.
  • Takes: zone entity
  • Returns: table or nil
  • Example Input: getObjectFromGUID("######")
  • Example Output: { (the reference to the object), (the reference to the object) }
function findDecksInZone(zone)
local objectsInZone = zone.getObjects()
local decksFound = {}
for i, object in ipairs(objectsInZone) do
if object.tag == "Deck" then
table.insert(decksFound, object)
if #decksFound > 0 then
return decksFound
return nil
In this example we were looking for an object with the tag of "Deck". You can change that to "Figurine" or whatever else you need. This will return all of that object type in a table, or nil if none are found.
Find List of Objects in Radius of a Position (optional tag whitelist)
  • Function: Finds all items within a radius of a given position. Can be given tags to use to filter results.
  • Takes: position table, tag string
  • Returns: table
  • Example Input: {0,5,0}
  • Example Output: {object1, object2, object3, etc}
function getObjectsAtPosition(pos, ...)
local tagList = {...}
local objList = Physics.cast({
origin=pos, direction={0,1,0}, type=2, size={1,1,1},
max_distance=0, debug=true

local foundItems = {}
for _, obj in ipairs(objList) do
if #tagList == 0 then
table.insert(foundItems, obj.hit_object)
for _, tag in ipairs(tagList) do
if obj.hit_object.tag == tag then
table.insert(foundItems, obj.hit_object)

return foundItems
If you use tags as arguments, the ... allows you to include as few or as many as you desire. For example, if you wanted to find all cards and decks at point {0,0,0} you would call getObjectsAtPosition({0,0,0}, "Card", "Deck"). If you called it without "Card" and "Deck" then you would just get every object there instead.
Safely take an object from a container
  • Function: Returns the object retrieved from the container, or nil if nothing was retrieved
  • Takes: Object reference, table (takeObject parameters)
  • Returns: Object reference
  • Example Input: {container object}, {guid = 'ffffff', position = {0,0,0}}
  • Example Output: nil
--perform takeObject only if the object exists in the container
function takeObjectSafe(container, params)
if params.guid ~= nil then
for _, item in pairs(container.getObjects()) do
if item.guid == params.guid then
return container.takeObject(params)
return container.takeObject(params)
--printToAll("Warning: Object " .. params.guid .. " not found in container. It may have already been removed.", {1,0,0})

Using takeObject on a guid that doesn't exist in the bag will cause the script to crash. Use this function to safely try to take the object. Optionally uncomment the error message to inform the players. Remember to check if the result is nil, in which case the callback function will never be called.
Print message to all, but only broadcast to the target player
  • Function: Print a message to all players, but only broadcast to the target.
  • Takes: string, table, string
  • Returns: void
  • Example Input: "Hello world!", {1,1,1}, "White"
  • Example Output: void

function allGameMessage(msg, rgb, target_color)
for _, player in ipairs(Player.getPlayers()) do
if player.color == target_color then
player.broadcast(msg, rgb)
player.print(msg, rgb)
Get bracketed hex color for rgb
  • Function: Returns the bracketed hex color code for a color, which can be used to add colors to strings. Can wrap with stringColorToRGB to use with player colors, or any other custom color, so long as it fits the RGB format.
  • Takes: table (rgb format)
  • Returns: string
  • Example Input: stringColorToRGB('White')
  • Example Output: "[ffffff]"
function RGBToBracketedHex(rgb)
if rgb ~= nil then
return "[" .. string.format("%02x%02x%02x", rgb.r*255,rgb.g*255,rgb.b*255) .. "]"
return ""
Order a Table's Elements
  • Function: Orders table entries based on value.
  • Takes: table
  • Returns: table
  • Example Input: { {color="Red", points=5}, {color="Blue", points=10} }
  • Example Output: { {color="Blue", points=10}, {color="Red", points=5} }
function orderTable(t)
local sort_func = function( a,b ) return a.points > b.points end
table.sort( t, sort_func )
return t
This is good for ordering players based on score. In this example you feed the function a table filled with other tables. Each sub-table has the player color the score is for and the score. This example orders highest to lowest. Change the > to a < and it will order lowest to highest.
Shuffle a Table's Elements
  • Function: Randomizes the order of elements in a table, shuffling them.
  • Takes: table
  • Returns: table
  • Example Input: {"first", "second", "third"}
  • Example Output: {"second", "first", "third"}
function shuffleTable(t)
for i = #t, 2, -1 do
local n = math.random(i)
t[i], t[n] = t[n], t[i]
return t
Checks if a table contains an element
  • Function: Returns true if the table contains an element, false otherwise
  • Takes: table, variable
  • Returns: bool
  • Example Input: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 3
  • Example Output: true
function table.contains(table, element)
if type(element) ~= 'table' then
for _, value in ipairs(table) do
if value == element then
return true
return false
Activate an Asset Bundle Trigger Effect by Name
  • Function: Activates a trigger effect on an asset bundle.
  • Takes: object, string
  • Returns: nothing
  • Example Input: (object entity of assetbundle), "Some Name
  • Example Output: -
function activateTrigger(obj, triggerName)
local effectList = local obj.AssetBundle.getTriggerEffects()
if #effectList == 0 then
print("Error: No trigger effects on this object.")
for i, effect in pairs(effectList) do
if == triggerName then
print("Error: No trigger found with that exact name.")
Pause a coroutine for x seconds
  • Function: yields a coroutine for any number of seconds
  • Takes: float
  • Returns: void
  • Example Input: 0.25
  • Example Output: void
function wait(time)
local start = os.time()
repeat coroutine.yield(0) until os.time() > start + time
Find Distance Between an Object and a Position
  • Function: Finds the distance between and object and a position.
  • Takes: position table, object entity
  • Returns: distance number
  • Example Input: {x=5, y=2, z=12}, (object entity)
  • Example Output: 3.526
function findProximity(targetPos, object)
local objectPos = object.getPosition()
local xDistance = math.abs(targetPos.x - objectPos.x)
local zDistance = math.abs(targetPos.z - objectPos.z)
local distance = xDistance^2 + zDistance^2
return math.sqrt(distance)
This function handles positions directly from getPosition() without any reformatting. It does not take Y into account (height off table). The number it returns matches those readings you would get from the line tool, except more exact. Special thanks to my good friend Math for help on this one. I find this function particularly useful to locate an object without a scripting zone. For example, if I were trying to find a deck near a certain position, I would use getAllObjects(), check if object.tag == "Deck", then check how far that deck was from the certain position to see if it was the correct deck.

Note: If you are only trying to find the closest object to a position/object and you don't need the exact number, you can skip the math.sqrt operation, since this is very math intensive and will slow down your program for no reason.
More to Come
I intend to continue to add functions here. I just wanted to get started and get ideas for furnctions from you all. Plus, I wanted to guage interest in this project in general.
74 comentarios
avennine 2 SEP 2023 a las 7:55 p. m. 
I want to bind a key (the J key?), that when pressed will make a hidden zone be revealed to everyone, and if pressed again will undo that (a toggle). maybe by changing the zone's position, so that what was contained is no longer contained. how do I do this?
RogerDoger 26 MAY 2022 a las 8:44 a. m. 
Thank You
Ermitaum 11 NOV 2021 a las 4:22 p. m. 
Hi! I would like to ask some help, if posssible. I'm having difficulty with an asset bundle I made. The Main is a mesh and the Secondary is a particle effect. I'm trying to trigger the particle effect with a keyboard number instead of having to right-click to access the context menu, kind of like when you hover the mouse over the game's rpg miniatures, press a number and they trigger an animation. I tried several tutorials so far but I'm really terrible when it comes to scripting. I'd appreciate any help. Thx in advance!
Finaryman 21 AGO 2021 a las 12:54 a. m. 
yes, it is possible.
indigo 17 AGO 2021 a las 7:15 p. m. 

Just wanted to ask if it's possible to write a script that will deal X to a player until they hit Y cards in hand. If a game says at the start of their turn/round, they draw up to 5 cards, is it possible to write a script that can deal cards to a player whether they have 0-4 cards and always stop at 5?
Finaryman 6 AGO 2021 a las 2:38 p. m. 
global script
function onLoad()
lookedobj=getObjectFromGUID("COUNTER GUID TO WATCH")

function routine_limit()
if lookedobj.getValue() >= counterLimit then
return true
return false

function myevent()
printToAll("Hurray here we do event!")

function routine_timeout()
Finaryman 6 AGO 2021 a las 2:38 p. m. 
Finaryman 6 AGO 2021 a las 2:38 p. m. 
@Tail Kinker
global xml
<VerticalLayout width="100" height="100" rectAlignment="MiddleRight">
<Button text="Change desc" onClick="desc" />

global script
function onLoad()

function desc()
lookedobj.setDescription("" .. math.random(0,9) .. math.random(0,9) .. math.random(0,9))

function routine_desc()
local str=lookedobj.getDescription()
if str ~= savedDesc then
return true
return false

function mydice()
printToAll(dicea .. " & " .. diceb .. " = " .. dicea+diceb)

function routine_timeout()
Finaryman 6 AGO 2021 a las 2:38 p. m. 
global xml
<VerticalLayout width="100" height="100" rectAlignment="MiddleRight">
<Button text="Rotate" onClick="rotate" />

global script
function myrotate(plr, button)
local obj=getObjectFromGUID("f6ecff")
local cur=obj.getRotationSmooth() or obj.getRotation()
if button ~= -3 then
obj.setRotationSmooth(cur + Vector(0,button == -1 and 10 or -10,0),false,false)
startLuaCoroutine(Global, "autorotate")

function autorotate()
local obj=getObjectFromGUID("f6ecff")
local start=os.time()
obj.setRotationSmooth((obj.getRotationSmooth() or obj.getRotation()) + Vector(0,10,0),false,false)
if not obj.isSmoothMoving() then
obj.setRotationSmooth((obj.getRotationSmooth() or obj.getRotation()) + Vector(0,10,0),false,false)
until start + 20 < os.time()
return 1
Finaryman 6 AGO 2021 a las 11:11 a. m. 
made card script that counts names of it's cards add sum is seen in description of deck. it was not easy or obvious.

function onObjectEnterContainer(cont,obj)
if cont.script_code == "" or cont.script_code == nil then
cont.script_code = obj.script_code
local str=cont.getGUID()
Wait.time(function() getObjectFromGUID(str).call("reincheck") end,0.1)
elseif cont == self then

function onObjectLeaveContainer(cont,obj)
if cont == self and #cont.getObjects() >= 2 then

function reincheck()
local val=0
local conobjs=self.getData()["ContainedObjects"]
for i, run in pairs(conobjs) do
val=val+ (tonumber(run["Nickname"]) or 0)
self.setDescription("" .. val)