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Source Filmmaker

Echo Team - Introduction
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"Im sorry to Nighty and Blue for using their OCs and making them for this.

From right:
Nighty - Demolition Expert
"Do you need door blown up? Ask Nighty. Do you need wall blown up? Ask Nighty. Do you need wall fixed up? Dont ask ♥♥♥♥♥."

Demolition expert is muscle of this team. He wield rocket launcher for destroying armored targets. In bag he has C4s and breaching charges for making new way if needed.

Cloudy - Leader
"Master Sargeant at yer service, mate."
Leader is brain of every team. He is the first one going into fight and the last one going out of it. Leader needs to use brain to make best way to finish mission. If something screw up, leader is mostly the one taking guilt.

Green Flake - Hacker
"Im not nerd. Im nerd with big gun."
Hacker is one who keeps unit informed about situation thanks to different gadgets he is using. He also has special unmaned robotic companion capable of kiling whole squad of enemies."
14 commentaires
ana spelunky (menace) 5 oct. 2016 à 15h08 
Yes, it was funny as crap to se thir=e (Wtf dat typo) their reactions.
Shiny Cloud  [créateur] 5 oct. 2016 à 14h57 
So I was part of experiment? Well, I dont mind.
ana spelunky (menace) 5 oct. 2016 à 12h37 
Anyways I'm fine with art like this but I was making a video with my friend (A home video not on youtube) of salty 7 year old cancerous fans. You'd be suprised, 5 people instantly responded with the same words, "noob".
ana spelunky (menace) 5 oct. 2016 à 12h34 
I have a very suddle way of doing it too, heheh... I will slowly mess with your mind untill I get so annoying that you quit the game and think stupid crap in your head. Such as: Noob, Looser, Idiot, 1 year old, horny looser, 26 year old looser, and so on...
ana spelunky (menace) 5 oct. 2016 à 12h32 
Well good because when someone calls me a noob or anything else I knida go from a salty 12 year old to being able to make adults quit games.
Shiny Cloud  [créateur] 5 oct. 2016 à 5h07 
Im civilized enough to deal with people without using words like "noob" or other.
ana spelunky (menace) 4 oct. 2016 à 15h05 
Makes me smile to see you actually responded without calling me a "noob".
Suveqn 4 oct. 2016 à 1h41 
Lol, small hateful person
Shiny Cloud  [créateur] 4 oct. 2016 à 1h06 
Wow, get rating from such honorable member of Steam community like you make me always smile.
ana spelunky (menace) 3 oct. 2016 à 17h41 
Lemme check the picture and make a rating with notes.

Mmk... Ah, ok. Sweet I'm done!

Ok here are the notes; Cringe, ugly, mentally ill, reason I hate call of duty, retarded, cancer, autism, concerning for the human race, and cringe X 2.

Rating: -10/10

Congrats, you broke the rating system.