

134 ratings
Headlander 100% Achievements
By Decoy
Every achievements in a single playthrough.

Before starting
You can freeroam after having completed the story. There is only one achievement you can miss:

Male Driver
Kill Mappy without taking his Data

  • Mappys are those big smartphones on wheels you'll frequently come across. When docking on them, you can download a map of the area. So to unlock this achievement, kill one before taking the map data. It will respawn if you leave the room and you can still have the map. There are new Mappys until the very end of the story.

There are three achievements to keep in mind during the whole walkthrough. My advice is to start working toward them from the very start of the game:

Popped your head into every room to have a look-see

  • As stated, undock your head from your body in every room. There are 298 rooms, so quickly take the habit of popping your head everytime you enter a new room.

You, Robot
Docked with every body type

  • It's every body type. You don't have to dock with every single person you meet. So again, quickly take the habit of docking on every new body type you come across. Don't forget the dogs, all the different enemies in the chess game, etc... The achievement will unlock near the end of the story where new body types will be found.

Clamiyuki Dance Party
Execute all possible dance subroutines

  • When docking on a body that is not an enemy, you can execute a dance subroutine by pressing "F" (or "B" with a xbox controller). When you dock on a body, try the subroutine and be sure to do it in its entirety. I guess there are between 15 to 20 different ones. The achievement will also unlock near the end of the story.


You will automatically get those achievements as you progress into the story.

The Dawn of Man's Head
Escaped the Starcophagus to crash land on the Pleasure Port

Probe the Pleasure Port
Thrusted through the Pleasure Port to find the Satellite Chalet

Messages From Space
Aligned the Satellite Chalet dishes to gain access to the Archives

Brown Out
Shut down the power stations in the Power Dome to gain access to the Archives

God Created the Dater
Uploaded the Archive Data to Earl

Dynamite with a Laser Beam
Defeated the Kill Queen

Le Voyage dans la Lune Citadel
Used the long range zap to Luna Citadel

Star Crash
Found your body and witnessed ERL's sacrifice

Winters is Coming
Found the entrance to Methuselah's Core

Colossus: The Methuselah Project
Defeated the Methuselah titan

Say No to Methuselah
Took Methuselah offline

Side missions
There are four side missions, given by a different npc each time. Here they are in chronological order:

The Omega Dog
Found Frank the Dog and return him to Eudora-5

  • The npc is located close to the "Pleasure Port" teleportation pad, on the upper left.

  • You'll now have to go to the right until you reach a room in the "Satellite Chalet" where you have several different dogs. Dock your head with the white one and go back to the npc for the achievement to unlock.

Double Trouble
Eradicated the Spectrum Shepherds

  • The npc is located right oustide the "Power Dome" teleportation pad.

  • Just go in the locations indicated on the map and kill the enemies there.

Close Encounters of the Turd Kind
Found a power gem charging Shepherd and returned it to Rhea-6

  • From "The Waste Carousel Purge Station 1" teleport pad, go right and down. You'll meet the following npc:

  • Go in the location indicated on the map. Dock with one of the yellow enemies and go back to the npc. Then use your head to pull the power gem out of the body you just brought. Fly a little bit up with it and drop it into the machine.

Invasion of the Bodies Snatcher
Found all the bodies for Athena-7

  • After using the Long Range Zap (story related), go in the upper right portion of the map (indicated by the red circle in the screenshot).

  • Talk to the npc. You have to bring her back specifics bodies. Use your objectives menu to see which bodies she wants. Once you bring her the last body, the achievement will unlock.


The first three achievements of this section will probably unlock naturally during the playthrough:

Used explosions to kill 5 enemies

  • Very easy to get. You will unlock this achievement early in the game.

The Gun is Good!
Executed 50 headshots

  • There are plenty of enemies in the game. Focus on the headshots and you'll unlock this one quickly.

Ground Control
Destroyed 25 enemies using melee attacks

  • Self-explanatory again. Focus on melee attacks and you'll unlock the achievement in no time.

The next two achievements require to buy some upgrades first:

Used Overcharge Boost to take out 25 enemies

  • For this achievement you'll first have to unlock two upgrades. You will get the "Boost" upgrade very early in the game (yellow). Then you'll have to unlock the "Overcharge" upgrade (orange). You can only get to the orange part of the upgrades later in the game. Once you have both, the achievement will unlock quickly since it is a very efficient way to get rid of enemies.

By Your Command
Used Auto Sentries to take out 10 enemies

  • When you unlock the orange upgrades, get "Auto Sentry". It's another efficient way to kill enemies and getting the achievement won't be a problem.

Explore fully all the different places. Download all the map datas from Mappys. Check the map often, you'll easily spot the parts you missed. Sometimes, you'll have to do some backtracking or wait for an upgrade to access a specific point.

The Circuit
Found all mid-range zap locations

  • Mid-range zaps are the pads you use to teleport from one point to another. You'll find them as you progress in the game. Don't forget the one in the Grid Clash zone, accessible through the staging areas. The last one is at the very end of the story.

Found all alpha, beta and gamma terminals

  • Terminals give you either a health, thrust or power upgrade. There are 15 of each, they appear as yellow icons on the map once you've been near them. Explore the map meticulously to find them all. They are not that hard to find but you won't be able to get all of them until unlocking some upgrades. You'll get those upgrades through the story or by buying them in the upgrades menu, like "Mirror Shield" for example.

Good to the Last Drop
Drained all of the Energy S.A.C.s

  • Energy S.A.C.s are similar to terminals but they give you upgrade points to spend instead. You can find them in places simliar to the terminals. There are 18 of them, they appear as blue icons on the map once you've been near them.

Maxed Headroom
Unlocked all upgrades

  • Self-explanatory achievement, unlock all the 38 upgrades in the menu. Energy S.A.C.s are a huge help. So, again, explore everywhere.

The Longest Voyage
Boosted for 5.2155e-13 parsecs (10 miles)

  • You should unlock this achievement naturally while playing. If not, just fly around while boosting.

Horse Play
Played a game of H.O.R.S.E.

  • When in the Grid Clash zone, go into the black staging area. Dock with the black knight body and start shooting around. Another black knight will spawn. Take his head and carry it to the left. You'll see a basketball hoop on the wall. Drop the head through it for the achievement to unlock.

Head Master
100% Headlander

  • You can check your progress at any time in the objectives menu. To get this achievement you'll have to:
  • Find all the terminals (45)
  • Find all the Energy S.A.C.s (18)
  • Have every upgrades installed (38)
  • Find every rooms (298)
  • Complete every objectives (28)

Congratulations for this new 100%! I hope this guide was helpful :)

OrangeDog 19 Nov, 2023 @ 2:35pm 
[quote]Futureworld does not seem to require detaching the head, i just got it when i entered last room while on some body[/quote]

Can confirm. "Pop your head in" is an idiom. It doesn't mean detach the head. You get it when you walk into the last room.

Can also confirm that "You, Robot" is missable, and it's almost impossible to know what you're missing.
Mat2PL 30 Jun, 2021 @ 1:02am 
Futureworld does not seem to require detaching the head, i just got it when i entered last room while on some body
VirtualFishbowl 28 Mar, 2019 @ 9:43am 
Yeah, I've docked with everything twice. I'm pretty sure I just need to speedrun the game quick to get it
VirtualFishbowl 28 Mar, 2019 @ 9:29am 
I've gotten every achievement except for You, Robot and I think it may be impossible on my save now. I'm pretty sure I didn't dock with the enemy mappy or trash robot and neither will spawn anymore.
Wok 3 Feb, 2019 @ 6:13am 
Which achievement is missable? Horse Play?
ramonpontes 20 Aug, 2018 @ 5:16am 
Hi. I don't know why they decided to hide almost all achievement descriptions, but we can always count with great guides like this one. Thanks!

I may have some problem with the "You, Robot" and "Clamiyuki Dance Party", since I wasn't aware of those achievements from the beginning, and I lost track of which types of robots I docked, and which dance types I used.

Do you have any kind of list of the body types and dance animations in the game? It would be a nice addition to the guide.
Serotoninphobe 16 May, 2018 @ 8:44am 
Thanks for the great guide!

Only one thing I'd like to correct, as for the "Futureworld" achievement, you don't have to "undock your head" in every room. All you need is to visit all room, that is to have the "Rooms Found" shown as 298/298 in the status menu.
EGGZxOVERxExZ 12 Jan, 2017 @ 4:47pm 
Do you get anything for 100 percenting the game other then the achivements? Just wondering :)
ReverendTed 2 Oct, 2016 @ 10:04pm 
Thanks for the guide! I guess I got lucky that I accidentally happened to kill the next-to-last Mappy before downloading the map data. (I just needed Horse Play and By Your Command.)
Decoy  [author] 31 Aug, 2016 @ 12:40pm 
Glad I can help :)