Umbrella Corps

Umbrella Corps

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4 Survivors Mode Guide
By Leo
Everything you need to know about the 4 Survivors Mode in Umbrella Corps.

So a new mode is released and you probably wonder what is different? In this guide I will explain all the differences and important things, everything you need to know to play the mode and win.
The Basics
To get things started here are a few things you need to know about the mode:

  • You begin the match only with a handgun, grenades and knife
  • You can respawn infinitively with a few second delay
  • You don't have a Brainer (can't climb or break barricades)
  • You don't have a zombie jammer
  • You get points for every second you survive and creature kills
  • You drop all your points when you die
  • You can use an Ink Ribbon and Typewriter to save your points
  • Weapons are hidden throughout the map
  • There are no ammo pickups
  • You don't regenerate health over time, instead you have to find herbs which are hidden on the map and dropped by creatures
  • Zombie jammers can be found on the map but they work only for a limited time
  • Supplies in form of ink ribbons and other items are delivered regularly accompanied by notifications and markers on everyone's hud
The Map
The first thing you will surely notice is that all the maps have actually been changed exclusively for this mode, gaining a dark and more spooky atmosphere.

Now, gameplaywise this means reduced visibility first and foremost. But soon you will also discover that there's a couple of other in a way obvious but unexpected changes, both of these changes occur due to the lack of your Brainer in this mode. and these are:

- You can no longer climb walls, instead there will be some new ladders for you to use

- You can't break boarded up windows

The second important thing you will need to know about maps is that various items are scattered throughout them, including weapons, zombie jammers in wrist device form (which last a limited time same as in the last stages of The Experiment) and herbs.

In addition to these items that are scattered throughout the map from the start, you will also get periodical notifications of supply arrival on screen accompanied by a case icon in the map and your hud indicating where the new item has been delivered.

These items half of the time will be Ink Ribbons which you use to save your points at the typewriter (more on this in the Scoring section) but it isn't guaranteed always as they can also be weapons or simply jammers.

The Equipment
As you might have noticed Loudouts for this mode are not shared with the other two Team Match modes and that is because your starting equipment is highly limited on purpose in this mode. What you do get is:
- A handgun complete with attachments of your choosing and one clip of ammo
- Grenade set of your choosing
- Survival knife
- Flashlight

Even if the flashlight is not mentioned it probably plays the most important role in this mode as it is your guide in the darkness, illuminating the area you aim at.

But the real purpose it serves is to give away your position to others because the light beam will get you easily spotted from even a mile away, or well the other side of the map in this case given how small the maps are.

You should take note that the flashlight wil only be turned on when you aim your gun though, so as long as you don't aim it you can remain hidden relatively easily.
So now that we got all that out of the way, let me tell you how to win.

First you need to know that you get points for two things and two things only: the time you stay alive and killing creatures. Player kills will not give you any points, not directly at least.

When a player dies, they drop their collar containing all points they had accumulated at the time and anyone else can pick that collar up and add those points to their total. Sounds tricky? Indeed it is.

An important thing to know about score is that the color of a collar on a character shows how many points they are carrying with them a the moment. These colors are as follows:

0-49 pts Blue

60-89 pts Light blue

90-119 pts Green

120-149 pts Yellow

150 pts or more Red

This also works for collars that have been dropped and are on the ground so you can tell which is worth picking up and which isn't given how many deaths happen in this mode.

However there is a way to save your points from being lost on death, old school style. To save your points you first need to find an Ink Ribbon on the map that is delivered as "Supplies" and marked by a crate icon on the map (not always it will be an ink ribbon though). Ink Ribbons are marked by red icons (weapons and other items by blue).

Once you have the ink ribbon what you need to do is find the sole typewriter in the map (marked by a typewriter icon) and use it to save your points. However this process takes a while and makes you an easy target for any other player since the typewriter is usually located in the middle of the map, so it is a risk and luck game that can either grant you a guaranteed win or a guaranteed loss if someone else takes your points and saves while you are respawning.

Points that have been saved and can't be lost are indicated in brackets and the score outside the brackets is the total including points held and points saved (as seen in the screenshot above).