134 个评价
DOOM Ultra-Nightmare Guide
由 Pigeons555 制作
Can't find a guide to help you through Ultra-Nightmare (probably because one doesn't exist)? Agonize no further, for this guide will outline everything you need to know about this game to ♥♥♥♥ all over Hell and it's demon ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. This contains my own strategies and observations for doing UN mode, as well as analysis of weapons, demons, levels, bosses and all that ♥♥♥♥.
Why the hell did I waste my time doing this?
Failing to find any guides on Ultra-Nightmare, I set about creating my own, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ guide that will lead many players into a death trap of false hope, lies and deceit and cause them to develop a sociopathic disregard for the value of life. Or my guide will help those along the path to completing UN mode. Either one.

What the hell does this guide contain?
Glad you asked (not really). It contains a lot of ♥♥♥♥ about DOOM. From weapons, demons, levels and ♥♥♥♥ you should have read in my description. This guide is all about guiding you through the pointless journey that is Ultra-Nightmare by describing the many ways demons are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and the many ways you can out-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ demons. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
I can't give you a blow-by-blow walkthrough for every level complete with complex instructions for which areas of the map to run in and at precisely what time and how many bullets need to have been fired at 0100 hours and ♥♥♥♥ like that. Why? Because every fight plays out differently and most of the time, it is for the worse. The best I can do is tell when to clench your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to prevent unwanted violation of your inner bits by demons.

Should I even waste my time reading this stupid guide and trying UN?
Hell yeah! I spent like, time, on this guide.
However, you should have completed this game on Nightmare to get a sense as to how to conduct yourself through levels and what parts are the most dangerous. Ultra-Nightmare is precisely like Nightmare except with that one death rule. And the fact that your luck seems to plunge profoundly into the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ realms of failed jumps and missed BFG shots.
If you did complete this on Nightmare, but found yourself recieving several free colonoscopies every level, I DON'T recommened doing UN. If you die more than 5 or so times per level at the hands of demons, UN will be more torturous than it usually is.
And yes, I have done DOOM on UN
The weapons to use (AKA the good weapons)
Let's launch right into it.
I'm writing this assuming you know the basics of how these weapons work. This isn't some basic beginner brouhaha. This ♥♥♥♥ is hardcore, man. Make sure you buy the upgrades as fast as possible.

Gauss Cannon
This thing will probably account for like 95% of your kills. It combines extreme accuracy, extreme damage and extreme sexiness all into one package that lets you sexify everything to death that you want with minimal repurcussions. Has a powerful blowback that you can use to traverse the envrionment quicker. Consumes 15 Cells per basic shot. This is like Mars Super Weed.
You can first get this on Level 5, Argent Tower, as a secret.

Charged Shot
An inferior Mod, this ♥♥♥♥ tries to stray your faith from the Path of Instant ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Vaporization of every demon you come across. With a moderate charge up time and zoom, your peripherals are likely being forgotten as you line up a perfect, non-lethal shot. That little Weapon Mastery is again, forcing you to target specific enemies' specific zones, and the Mastery thing is something no one gives a ♥♥♥♥ about, especially me.

Siege Mode
This is where the ♥♥♥♥ is at baby. Also known as
I nto
E very
G odamn
E ♥♥♥♥ you, I'll spell how I want
An unreasonably powerful weapon, this absolutely rapes everything. The only enemies that can take more than 1 hit are the Mancubi losers which take 2-3 hits and the Squires of Hell, which take 2 hits. They aren't Barons anymore. They aren't much of anything anymore.
The Cyberdemon dies in like 10 or some shots from this. Everything dies from this. Siege Mode shows no mercy. Siege Mode takes no prisoners.
You initially can't move while charging a shot with this before getting the easy Weapon Mastery which is easy to get, which is why I recommend saving enough Weapon Upgrade Points to upgrade this and start working on the Mastery. I achieved mine at the start of Advanced Research Complex, which is like Level 7 or some ♥♥♥♥. Just don't care about ammo for now, kill those groups of Possessed. It uses up 30 Cells for a Siege Shot. Wait. Siege Shot. SS. Schutzstaffel. Nazis. This is German Engineering. Wolfenstein the New Order tie-in confirmed.

Taf79 also pointed out that you can use the momentum from a jump before you deploy the basic Siege Mode to move a bit, which is an excellent strafe tactic to avoid all manner of ♥♥♥♥-uppery damage from demons.

TL;DR: Siege Mode= ez win ez life

The last of the non-special weapons, the Chaingun by itself is alright I guess. I could never get over that long wind-up time and I never used it much, devoting those Bullets to Micro Missiles instead. However, Mobile Turret is the only thing that shreds bosses as fast as, or possibly even faster, than Siege Mode.
You can first get this on Kadingir Sanctum (Level 6 or something) as a secret. Also there's that Hell Knight that spawns when you approach the secret.

Gatling Rotator
Eeeeh. Doesn't really help with DPS that much and you're much better off Siege Mode-ing everything than running around with RMB held down everywhere. The Weapon Mastery gives your Chaingun more damage at max rotation, but again, Mobile Turret does way better.

TL;DR: this wasn't long at all. Just like the Gatling Rotator's di

Mobile Turret
I also recommend trying to get the Ultimate Cooling Weapon Mastery for this before the Hell Guard fight in the Necropolis, which is like level 10 or something (The Necropolis). With 3 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ barrels of spinning shooty things, this absolutely rekts all the m90s that every existed. I used this to fight the Hell Guards since Siege Mode would slow me too much.
This does slow you down a bit while in use and it practically halts all movement during that split second animation of deploying the Turret, but who cares, this ♥♥♥♥ is gr8 m90. gr9, even.
It also overheats quickly which makes the Weapon Mastery a must have. I recommend killing any weak ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that come your way. Or just running around with it deployed everywhere you go.

TL;DR: this is like a laser but with bullets instead of lasers

Plasma Rifle
With sound effects like these, who can deny the Plasma Rifle is some futuristic gun that fires futuristic bullets at futuristic demons in a futuristic setting.
I don't like it.
Probably because it shares ammo with the Gauss Cannon, I never really liked the Plasma Rifle. From what I've seen, it can out-DPS the Heavy Assault RIfle. Or it breaks even with it. I never really used this other than for Stun Bomb.
This can be acquired as early as that secret in level 2, Resource Operations

Heat Blast
I only used this for the achievement to get all the Weapon Masteries. I won't deny this is somewhat usable, but it only shines when you actually use the Plasma Rifle and are in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥-get-out-of-my-way situation. It instantly kills the weak demons at full charge and maybe staggers the bigger demons? I don't know for sure, but really, who will use this over Stun Bomb.

TL;DR: Use it if you want, I didn't and I think it's inferior to Stun Bomb. Which it is.

Stun Bomb
Probably the 2nd most useful weapon mod in this game, the Stun Bomb is great for when there are two ♥♥♥♥♥ coming at you and you can't focus on both ♥♥♥♥♥ at the same time, so you use this to delay the more massive ♥♥♥♥ while you focus on the smaller-but-still-big ♥♥♥♥. Or you use it to delay the smaller-but-still-big ♥♥♥♥ to focus on the more-massive ♥♥♥♥.
We are talking about demons of course. Probably
Look it stuns ♥♥♥♥ with a bomb that uses 10 Cell Ammo.
The stun lasts for several seconds and has a small AoE. The Weapon Mastery, while I personally never got around to finish it during my UN run, is extremely powerful. Killing a stunned demon will stun nearby demons and the cycle continues until everything is permanently stunned by real bombs.

TL;DR: you should really read my guide you know. Definitely use this to buy yourself some time. Try to get the Weapon Mastery as well

This is probably the only time you should Glory-Kill and even then, use this sparingly. WIth Rich Get Richer, you probably won't run out of ammo unless you really are bad at this game. It's good for panicky situations where you need a few seconds of blood filled cinematic to compose yourself and plan an escape strategy while you saw a Squire of Hell's face in half. You need 1 Fuel for all the little human sized demons, 3 Fuel for ♥♥♥♥ like Hell Knights and ♥♥♥♥, and 5 exclusively for Squires of Hell.

The BFG 9000 was also sparingly used by me since the ammo is scarce and Siege Mode vaporizes everything anyway. It's real use comes when 2 Squires of Hell decide to try to ♥♥♥♥ your party up, but then their party gets ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up by this.
It's also devastating against bosses, not only because of damage, but because it stuns them and allows a neat 2 Siege Mode shots in.
Those other weapons (AKA not the good ones)
This part is mainly just me thrashing these weapons for being ♥♥♥♥ compared to the Gauss Cannon and Chaingun. Some of these weapons are useful for niche situations or a quick ♥♥♥♥♥ vaporizer, but aren't that helpful against the other 90% of the demons that aren't ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

A devastatingly powerful weapon, the Pistol sports a 3-headshot kill combo on any player, a massive 12 round magazine and 10 spare magazines of ammo, which combine to
The Pistol in DOOM is absolute deep-fried ass and anyone who denies it is dead on the inside. It does laughably weak damage and that is enough in this game to make it near- useless.
It does have merits against the early demons such as Imps, P. Soldiers and ♥♥♥♥ like that. But against Hell Knights and above, don't even bother with this gun. Thankfully you are spared the tortue of using this...thing... early on in the game.
Charged Shot deals moderate damage and is, again, quite capable of dealing with lone, weak enemies.

TL;DR: how the hell was this too long, you baboon. Don't use this gun and start using your brain

Combat Shotgun
A decent weapon for doing good damage to weak demons, many players stop using this once the Super Shotgun comes around. However, I have come to appreciate how well it stops those Imp ♥♥♥♥♥ in their tracks with Explosive Shot.
Sporting a tight spread of shooty things, the Combat Shotgun does enough damage to stagger an Imp at reasonable distances to allow for a closer, much more gore-filled shot on said Imp ♥♥♥♥. Against big bads though, it just won't be enough.
Useful for killing Glory-Killable enemies without using a Glory-Kill to kill said Glory-Killable demon

Charged Burst
An often overlooked Weapon Mod (and for good reason), the Charged Burst isn't necessarily bad; it's just inferior in performance to the Explosive Shot. Charged Burst is better at dealing quick damage to a big demon, but there are much better, much more genocidally-inclined weapons to use against big bads. It also doesn't help that the Weapon Mastery is pretty, uh, godamn ♥♥♥♥ for such restrictive criteria.

TL;DR: Charged Burst is decent at its job, which is maiming big demons. Explosive Shot is much better at its own job however.

Explosive Shot
Anyone who was sane and in a stable mental state upon encountering the first Field Drone will immediately pick the added boom-boom for the boomstick that goes boom to boom the demons.
Explosive Shot is EXTREMELY good at exploding the little brown ♥♥♥♥♥ known as Imps. Any of these shots within a moderately large radius around the Imp will instantly kill its ♥♥♥♥♥-ass and a direct hit on a P. Soldier will bring it perfectly into Glory-Kill mode. The Weapon Mastery is somewhat easy to achieve and it is helpful against killing P. Soldiers and bigger demons, though in my experience, Charged Burst was still better at maiming bigger demons.

TL;DR: Use this ♥♥♥♥ to ♥♥♥♥ all over the brown ♥♥♥♥♥ that throw ♥♥♥♥ at your ♥♥♥♥.

Heavy Assault Rifle
Despite sick ass sounds and .50 caliber rounds, the HAR is quite mediocre at life-deprivation. It works beautifully against the pathetic demons that call themselves demons, but falls short on DPS against the not-so pathetic demons that call themselves demons. Shares ammo with the Chaingun and is basically an alternative to the Plasma Rifle for spraying an area down with projectiles.

Zoom Mod
If you asked me to estimate how useful this weapon mod is, I would give you a floccinaucinihilipilification. Look it up.
If you think this is a viable Weapon Mod that can compete with the Micro Missiles, immediately stop reading, write a last will and testament and throw yourself off the highest building you can find. Unless you are legitimately suicidal, in which case, relax, it was a joke.
The Weapon Mastery is pretty easy to rack up on weak demons such as regular Possessed (which seem to exist solely for easy Weapon Masteries) and headshots with Devastator Rounds do respectable damage. If only the zoom wasn't uncomfortably high in a game that has zer0 emphasis on sniping and long-range combat. And if only there weren't way more powerful weapons that out-kill Devastator Rounds and that don't need a Weapon Mastery.

TL;DR: floccinaucinihilipilification

Micro Missiles
The combined power of all 6 of these Micro Missiles is roughly equal to 1 Rocket from a Rocket Launcher. I think. These little buddies are good for quick damage against any demon and are reliable, accurate and godamn good. By default, they use 3 Bullets, but upgraded uses 2.
The Weapon Mastery is generally not required, since other, heavier weapons easily out DPS these beauties.
They aren't game breaking, but they come close and are damn fun to use.

TL;DR: If you don't think Micro Missiles> Zoom Mod, stop playing this game

Rocket Launcher
Alright, this is where weapons start being heavy weapons and stop being ♥♥♥♥♥-ass-good-at-killing-Imps weapons. The Rocket Launcher, being the first heavy weapon you can acquire, is uh, deceptively low damage for a mechanized tube that fires highly reactive chemical explosives out of it. It takes several rockets to kill ♥♥♥♥ like Hell Knights and Revenants and ♥♥♥♥ like that and Charged Burst is quite essential if you wish to use this. The self-damage is intense as well so I personally only used this as a oh-crap-I-ran-out-of-every-other-gun's-ammo gun.
Oh this is acquired as early as that secret in level 3, The Foundry

Lock-on Burst
Lock-on Burst is basically like the Combat Shotgun's Charged Burst, except with much more powerful blows. You can now blow those ♥♥♥♥♥ away!
Summoners are quite rare in the Campaign so don't expect a Weapon Mastery. Hell I forgot what the Weapon Mastery is but I can assure you, if it was that good, I would remember.
Becareful of self-damage; several times I'd forgotten I locked on and hit an obstacle with the last rocket while I was running behind it while firing the stupid thing.

Remote Detonation
It's getting really late here and my humor is drying up. Remote Det. doesn't do much of anything useful as it doesn't really improve how good the Rocket Launcher is other than you know, letting you be a little ♥♥♥♥♥ and shoot around corners. The Weapon Mastery does things when you do things. I don't know. You won't use Remot Det. anyway.
I really don't care about Rocket Launcher too much so that's why this is pretty bare on content.

Super Shotgun
Consuming both barrels of Shells per trigger pull (unless you have the Weapon Mastery), the Super Shotgun is unmatched in close-quarters craniofacial adjustment. You can easily stun-lock a Hell Knight with this and all demons take enough damage from this to play their pain animation. The Weapon Mastery is quite difficult to get (I never got it during my many Campaign runs and had to reload checkpoints to rack up those double Possessed kills) but extremely powerful. This is one of the few weapons that, when you have to use it, it performs admirably at its job. My Shells often drain away quickly while using this so be warned: this weapon is thirstier than a slut in the Atacama Desert
You can first get this in the first Argent Facility level, level 4 I believe, as a secret.
Equipment and Player Upgrades
I'm cramming Equipment into the same category as the Player Upgrades because the 3 Equipments in this game doesn't justify a whole section.

Frag Grenade
The first Equipment (most) people get, it's a pretty powerful Frag Grenade that you throw at enemies to make them dead. If you don't know how a Frag works at this point in your gaming life, I don't know what to say.
The Frag can't be thrown too far though, so aim really high, lest the pathetic trajectory of your poorly thrown Frag cause self damage.

You get this Equipment some time in that one level. I think it's right next to a Field Drone in some dingy little room. I think you have to climb up something and the Hologram is like, right under what you need to climb up. Or something.
The Hologram is useful enough for delaying pursuing demons, but if you are actually listening to my guide, then there shouldn't be pursuing demons. There shouldn't even be demons.

Siphon Grenade
Ok, so you can get this before the Cyberdemon fight, but it's like lying on a floor somewhere in Lazarus Labs, I'm not sure where. I didn't get mine until after the Cyberdemon fight and the Siphon Grenade with the Equipment Power Rune definitely would have made the fight easier.
In case you didn't bother reading my guide, the Siphon Grenade regenerates Armor when the Equipment Power Rune is equipped. So use this you dirty skank.

Praetor Suit Upgrades
While you don't need to get every Elite Guard in the game, getting the earlier ones speeds up your Praetor Suit Upgrading. So yeah, you need to get every Elite Guard basically.

The obvious first choice is to upgrade Envrionmental Resistance all the way. Immunity to barrels is about the best thing you can ask for in this game since barrels do unreasonable amounts of damage to you. Self-damage reduction is also helpful, even if you are listening to my guide and not using the Rocket Launcher.

Next, I would recommend upgrading Powerup Effectiveness next. Having a Berserk last however long it lasts with that extra time is really good. Like really good. Having health restored when you pick up a Powerup is also really good. Like really good. That damage shockwave is just filler.

After drugging up your drugs, you should upgrade Equipment Effectiveness or whatever it's called. Having 2 Siphon Grenades that recharge in like 30 seconds or some ♥♥♥♥ is really, really good. Like really, really good, especially if you're using my Rune build. Granted, it won't make you invincible, but at least you should have infinite ammo every fight you enter.

The only two categories left are Dexterity and Area-Scanning Technology. If you are using a guide to find the secrets (like I did), then the obvious choice is Dexterity. I never found the Dexterity upgrades all that game changing (since I practically only used one weapon and never moved from my camp spot).

Argent Cells
An absolutely essential upgrade, it is highly recommended you get every Argent Cell in the game.
Why the hell am I wasting a section on this? Beats me. I just wrote this to give you a tip: use Argent Cells to restore as much health/armor as you can.
What the hell does that mean, you ask? It means that for example, you have full health and no armor. While usually that means you're getting your ass kicked and you need that extra health, I recommend going the Armor upgrade. Why?
Because when you upgrade the Armor system, it fully restores your godamn Armor to full (same for Health and Ammo). So, instead of gaining 25 Effective HP, you now get whatever the ♥♥♥♥ Armor you just upgraded to (be it 75, 100, 125 or 150). Obviously, the decision works in reverse, upgrade Health if it will restore more Health than an Armor upgrade.
I recommend upgrading Ammo at least once, especially if your vitals parameters are looking good because you are an ultimateswagmaster6969420 at this game and don't need ♥♥♥♥♥ ass upgrades.
Rune Builds and how to play them
So weapons make up like 50% of DOOM, demons make up like 40% of DOOM, and Runes are part of that 10% that is the rest of DOOM. In this section, I will give you 3 Rune builds that you should use at varying points in the game.

Build 1
AKA I don't have Build 2 yet
The whole point of this build is to keep your ass alive until Lazarus Labs, level 9 I believe. Lazarus Labs has most of Build 2 in it so try not to die before you get there. You should have the Gauss by now and it is central to this build (and that other build too). Instead of running into the fray and being royally molested because of the speed of Siege Mode, play defensively. Pick a spot, any spot. And just sit there and out-molest everything that tries to get too intimate with you. You will run out of ammo if your aim is terrible, but by then, all the challenging molesters should be gone.
You likely won't have the Siphon Grenade and this build for long, so use whatever the hell equipment floats your goat.

Ammo Boost
The first useful Rune to get, this Rune is apparently in Level 5, Argent Tower. I didn't get this on my UN run and almost died because I ran out of ammo at a Baron fight.
Double ammo from everything is pretty godamn powerful and the upgraded version has BFG ammo drop uncommonly, not rare or commonly, more like once or twice a fight commonly. Unfortunately, Rich Get Richer is more reliable than this.

This makes more sense when combined with Armored Offensive. Making Glory Kills faster reduces the risk that some piece of ♥♥♥♥ is running to jam his fingers up your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ when you exit the animation. Acquireable in Level 6, Kadingir Sanctum

Armored Offensive
Combined with Savagery, this Rune is very useful for keeping your Armor up, which in turns keeps you alive. Other than the Chainsaw, this is the only excuse for Glory Killing in the game. Acquirable in Level 7 Destroyed Argent Facility.

Build 69
AKA ez game ez life
Now that you have Rich Get Richer and Saving Throw, you are ready to be an m90 rekter. Play defensive with the Gauss and only run away when your booty is in imminent danger.
Make sure to use Siphon Grenades, as they are the most powerul Armor regen method in this game.

Saving Throw
Absolutely essential, this gives you a second chance at not being dead. When you take fatal damage, everything goes slow motion for like 5 seconds and in that time, you MUST murder everything around you, which, due to your low health, will drop ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of health pickups for you. You shouldn't have to use this ever, but it is nice having a back up for Plan B. Upgraded version gives you 2 Saving Throws
Acquirable in Lazarus Labs Level 9

Rich Get Richer
This is a stupidly overpowered Rune that lets you have unlimited Siege Mode (and everything else) while your Armor is at 100 (75 from Upgraded Version). First acquirable in Lazarus Labs Level 9, this is your key to success. If you think this Rune is useless because your Armor never stays above, you're playing this build wrong.

Equipment Power
This may sound dumb, but hear me out. Siphon Grenades leech health right? Well with Equipment Power, they leech fokkin' Armor as well!!!!!11!!eleventy!!11
Now you see why this game is ez win ez life, especially with the Praetor Suit Equipment Upgrades.
If you ever see two or more demon idiots bunched together, your 2 Siphon Grenades will regenerate your Armor to full provided the demon idiots group hug the entire duration.

Build 420
AKA Berserk time
Thanks to the fact that you can TAB into your Runes for on-the-fly changes, this build is best changed to while during a Berserk powerup.

Saving Throw
Seriously, if you die during a Berserk, you suck. This is just there in case you get too cocky and something hits you. Or you can replace this with Seek and Destroy, but it's never bad to be prepared for a sudden change in luck.

This will keep you Berksering for longer (not really since the timer pauses during a Glory Kill), but is just meant to minimize damage taken while Berserking.

Armored Offensive
Every Berserk kill counts as a Glory Kill, and that scratch damage you take in the run-up to that little Imp ♥♥♥♥ will be negated with this beauty. This, combined with that Powerup Effectiveness Upgrade from the Praetor Suit that restores full health when you pick up a Powerup lets you walk away with full parameters after a Berserk.
Demons and when to kill them
Everything in this section is an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I will give you the list of when to kill the Demons at the end of this.

Possessed/ The Unwiiling
You should know what Possessed do. They are a slow, easy to rack up those Weapon Masteries enemy. They do 45 damage per strike last I checked. Bottom line, you should never get hit by them.
The Unwilling have slightly more HP than Possessed, but whatever. They still die easy.

Next on the list are Imps, the biggest yet smallest pieces of sacks of ♥♥♥♥ this game has churned out.
Doing an astonishing 45 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ damage per basic fireball (and I heard they have better tracking now), Imps are the biggest pieces of ♥♥♥♥ in this game. It doesn't help that they are plentiful, fast and small.
While focusing on the big bads, the Imps have a habit of charging up a 80-something damage super fireball. You don't want to get hit by that.
Sometimes, the Imp will just decide to claw your ass, dealing moderate damage. It's really more lethal that they body block you, since normally, an Imp shouldn't be anywhere near you.

P. Soldiers
These guys are alright I guess. I heard they got better tracking now, but it doesn't stop them from being easy to murder.
However, do watch out for their stupid charge-up-their-massive-balls-and-launch-them-at-you attack. I have been the victim of them so many times after doing a Glory Kill, and they hurt a ♥♥♥♥ ton, especially since they come in two's and three's.

P. Shields
A second-place finisher for biggest yet smallest piece of sack of ♥♥♥♥, Shield guys are absolute anal beads to fight. With that stupid shield that blocks most attacks and devastating damage, having one sneak up on you is practically death.
The best way to murder them is with explosives, any explosives will do. The Gauss Cannon goes right through them as well. Thankfully, they stop appearing at like, Lazarus Labs.

Hell Razer
Just about the saddest sack of ♥♥♥♥ in this game, Hell Razers are extremely homicidally-disadvantaged enemies. I really don't know what's wrong with them, but they are just so sad and they just don't do anything except die. I think, in my entire time playing DOOM, I've been hit by Hell Razers like 3 times.
Just so sad

Hell Knight
Alright, this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is when the ♥♥♥♥ starts getting real. Taking a hefty amount of damage from the basic guns (even if it isn't THAT much, it still is way more than the ♥♥♥♥♥ demons), the Hell Knight has a pretty weak melee and a really strong, touching-tips-range melee. And stuff. And that's all. He's a glorified Possessed. You can outrun him (but I believe his pathing was changed to make him try to cut you off now) easily and the Super Shotgun can legit, stagger his ass repeatedly.
He becomes a bit of a joke after you get the Gauss.

Now, I'm not sure whether the Revenant's new tracking really makes him threatening, but he unfortunately falls into the category of "enemies that die in one hit from Siege Mode". So however powerful he may be now, he still gets rekt quickly.
He has a surprisingly powerful melee attack so watch out for that.

These skinny little nerds try to call upon other, skinnier nerds to help kill you. Obviously, they fail spectacularily since Summoners don't spawn dangerous demons and are fragile themselves. Their Argent Waves do decent damage and I've been hit by them a few times because I'm stupid. Don't be stupid.

Cyber/ Mancubus
Again, another demon with new and improved projectile tracking, this fat ♥♥♥♥ does a lot of damage with his cannons and he takes like 2 or 3 shots to kill from Siege Mode. I've heard a lot of people say he's much more dangerous now.
The Cyber Mancubus appears later on in Level 8 Advanced Research Complex, and he takes a bit more damage to kill (like a definite 3 Siege Mode shots now or something)
However, one thing to watch out for from Cyber Mancubi is their assaholic attack that makes the ground toxic so you can't walk on it.

Much like the P. Shields, not too many of them are fought during the game and for good reason. With their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ charge attack that does almost, if not, 100 damage, Pinkies are very dangerous if the fight is going bad. Always be aware of where Pinkies are, or at least, that there's a Pinky somewhere. Spectres are even worse because of their partial invisibility.
Spectres are easier to kill somehow, than regular Pinkies. I'm not sure if it's true, but I usually get Spectres on the first Siege Shot.
So to kill Pinkies, I highly recommend Siege Mode. Why? Well, not only does the shot on them stun them (even if it doesn't kill them), if you shoot the Pinky right, it will be killed from the AoE. So how to kill them? Aim between their legs, on the ground they are standing on. This tactic is extremely important, as it will let you survive much easier. Practice this until you are sure you have it down. For reference, try using the Chaingun Mobile Turret and see where the bullets draw blood

Extremely heavy hitters, their projectile does upwards of 100 damage and their close range melee bite does way more than 100. Never get hit by them, because that ♥♥♥♥ hurts man. They also sneak up on you incredibly fast. Everytime you let one live or turn your back on it, or go around a corner, expect that Cacodemon there. Thankfull, they are big balls of easy to hit.
They only take 1 Siege Shot to die.

Lost Soul
They do something like 50 damage. They make godamn terrifying sounds when they are about to attack your ass. Make sure they are dead before you start the real fight, since they don't often spawn with the main group.
Thankfully, they are easy to kill and there aren't many of them in the game.

Baron of Hell
The most threatening enemy of the game, their fireball does 97 damage and their close range melees do a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ more. A first priority, make sure they are dead before doing anything else. Thankfully, they don't often spawn with Cacodemons or anything that generally does as much damage as them. They are staggered by Siege Shots and take 2 to die.

Alright, so what order should I kill them in?
I won't include Lost Souls in this list, because they really never spawn with the main group of demons.
This list assumes that all of the demons are lined up and trying to kill you at the same time.
This is not necessarily based on threat level, but more of, what causes the most damage and is killed the easiest.

1. Cacodemon
2. Pinky/Spectre
2. Baron of Hell
3. Hell Knight
4. Mancubus
4. Cyber-Mancubus
5. The rest of the demons, depending on how close they are to you.

Notice how some of the demons have the same priority. In the event that there are demons that share the same priority, use the Plasma Rifle Stun Bomb to stun one of them to deal with the other. Always decide which demon to stun based on how easy they are killed. The easier they are killed, the less likely you should stun them.
For example, if there is a Pinky and a Baron of Hell coming at you, stun the Pinky and finish the Baron (because you may not be able to kill the Pinky before the Baron recovers).

Cacodemon goes first because of how much pressure their projectiles and damage put, and the fact that they die in one Siege Shot.
Barons and Pinkies deal great damage and are somewhat easily killed, so you should focus on them.
Hell Knights, while kind of weak in the later game, are still powerful if they get too close to you, so you should vaporize them before they get the chance.
Now, everything below the Mancubi are easy to kill and just aren't threatening really. You are free to choose whichever you think most likely to ♥♥♥♥ you to pieces and kill them.
This will just be a quick section, basically describing the most important parts of the levels. My descriptions of important things is hideously unhelpful, so I'll try to include landmarks and ♥♥♥♥.
I highly recommend this guide to be up so you can know some extremely helpful secrets such as Mega-Healths and ♥♥♥♥.

The UAC, Level 1
If you can't do this level on UN, stop. At the end of the last fight (where you climb up and go through the doors into the facility), follow the minecart track ♥♥♥♥ and there will be a hefty amount of ♥♥♥♥ inside two of the minecarts on the tracks. Also, right when you get the Frag Grenade, there will be a difficult jump onto that broken walkway and you get like 3 or 5 Armor for making that jump.

Resource Operations, Level 2
After you re-align that stupid satellite, there will be some Imp ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that spawn behind you as you run to the satellite to do the park hour on it. There will also be a Shield in the final areas of the level

Foundry, Level 3
Hell Knights spawn on the bottom-most part of the catwalk when you are walking around down there so watch out. The blue-keycard Gore Nest is very cramped and I recommend using your Chainsaw on the Hell Knight that spawns in there.

Argent Facility, Level 4
Be careful doing the park hour because falling to your death is not fun. Uh, and there are quite a few Hell Knights in this level. Oh and there's one area which is like a greenhouse where the scientists are growing Mars Super Weed. Be careful going in the top entrance, where there are a set of stairs and a lot of Possessed on them. Instead, go in through the ground floor entrace (I'm sorry this is very unhelpful). There's a Shield ♥♥♥♥ in that greenhouse room and I almost died because of it. Also, the enemies may or may not respawn if you don't rush in there (I know the Shield guy did).
In the same blue-ish room where you encounter the Summoner for the first(?) time, there will be a Shield guy prior to breaking the Argent Filter.

Argent Tower, Level 5
Just use the HAR on the Imps that harass you on the pipeline, but be careful. There's a Shield that comes from the same room as the Hell Knight does when you are crossing a walkway over.
On the final part of the level, where you have to wait until you get sucked into Hell, stay on the very outmost ring; enemies almost never go on there so you should be able to live a relaxed life.
There's a Mega Health in the same general area as that Munitions Crate when you are climbing up these shafts.

Kadingir Sanctum, Level 6
One of the hardest levels, this is where the Barons of Hell are introduced.
It is possible to Gauss Cannon yourself over the first chasm at the beginning of the level (the one with green goop and some Unwilling) to the other side and trigger those rock things, so if you want to skip some of the level, go ahead.
The first Baron will be murdering Unwilling, but watch out, in that same area, Lost Souls will spawn at some point, and two more Barons will spawn
Still talking about the same area, go to the secret classic level, and trigger the button THE ARROW IS NOT POINTING AT. Then, triggering the arrow button will open a wall to a Mega-Health.
The final fight has two more Barons and a pretty restricted arena in my opinion.

Argent Facility (Destroyed), Level 7
The Pinky is first introduced here and this has like 10 Pinkies, in the first encounter, there will be like 4 or 5 more that spawn in.

Advanced Research Complex, Level 8
The easiest level in my opinion, there's only one life-threatening part and that is the chasm area.
The first Gore Nest has a Berserk on the same level. I recommend staying on the ground level and when the Hell Knights and/or the Shield guys drop down to your level, you should pick up the Berserk. With the increased time for Berserk, you should be able to finish the fight.
If you want to keep your gun out during the in-game cutscene thing, just mantle up any ledge and you will have your previous gun out (you can't switch weapons though).
Now to the chasm, the first time you enter it, I believe 3 Lost Souls will spawn. Upon getting the Argent Cell, two more will spawn back where you started. Getting the Mega-Health spawns a Cacodemon right in front of you and 2 more Lost Souls on the other side of the chasm I think. I don't recommend getting the classic lever since that jump is straining the very limits of your double-jump.
The final area (after you open a door and there are some Possessed and 2 Pinkies) has 3 Lost Souls scattered on the ground floor. Make sure to kill them.
At the final fight with this circular room sort of, I don't recommond setting up shop near the red portal. Set up near the staircase that goes through the middle of the floor and BE SURE TO CHECK FOR SHIELDS.
Just BFG the pair of Barons at the end.

Lazarus Labs, Level 9
The Siphon Grenade is on a floor somewhere in this level I think.
At the Helix Stone, stay on the outer ring and try to murder as fast as possible.
At the final fight with all these ramps and demon containers that are open and ♥♥♥♥, try to stay up top and BFG when it gets too hairy, as this fight often escalates.

Titan's Realm, Level 10
In the room with the smashy pillar thing, I believe 2 Barons will spawn after you kill the Cyber-Mancubus, but I'm not sure.
At the part where you have to activate this Skull Switch in this room full of acid and ♥♥♥♥, don't get the Invulnerabiltiy until after the 2 Mancubi are dead. Get the Invul and head into the previous room where Pinkies will spawn, but with Invul, it should be ez pz. Unless you really are terrible.

The Necropolis, Level 11
The Blue Skull will have some Spectres spawning at the entrance, as well as a Baron or two.
After putting both Skulls in and turning the things, Pinkies and Spectres and 2 Barons will spawn.

VEGA Central Processing, Level 12
The Blue Keycard has 3 Spectres near it.
Quickly destroy the four power core things instead of fighting, a Baron will spawn as well. A Cyber-Mancubus will spawn at some of the destroyed power core things.

Argent D' Nur, Level 13
Make sure you don't die on this level. When you reach the park hour chasm place, stay as far up as you can and there will be this little side passage that you can jump to (instead of jumping down) and there will be a Mega-Health.
Going near the big doors will trigger the enemy spawns.
And no, you can't bring the Quad Damage into the Spiderdemon fight, I have tried.
The Cyberdemon
Hey look you made it to the Cyberdemon fight. In my opinion, this is the hardest boss fight since I never use the BFG in this fight because I'm a stingy idiot saving my BFG for "later"
If you want to use a BFG, go right ahead, a BFG ammo spawns in the second phase of the battle.
Now, the Cyberdemon has 6 attacks, 2 of which are pants-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ accurate and damaging/distracting.
Just Siege Mode his ass until he's dead while avoiding his attacks. Nothing special.

That one attack
Where he just walks at you with his arm erect and tries to blow his load all over you. It's really easy to avoid and the arena is easily big enough so you shouldn't have trouble with this attack.

♥♥♥♥ this attack
The one where he stops moving and starts charging his arm cannon while aiming yellow targeting lasers at your ass and then proceeding to rekt your ass. Why is this so godamn dangerous?
Because it deals a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of damage and it tracks you. I would say I have a 50/50 success rate in avoiding this attack because I'm dumb and my reflexes get twitchy.
I recommend holding Q to bring up the weapon wheel to slow time down and to get prepared to dodge in the opposite direction (or jump).
It is possible to avoid this, but you need to know when the laser stops tracking you and constantly be strafing back and forth.

♥♥♥♥ this attack v2.0
The one attack where he launches like 69 missiles into the air and the targeting circles appear and you need to find a hole the size of a gnat's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to avoid taking damage.
Again, I recommend holding Q to bring up the weapon wheel and slowing time down to give you time to find time to get time to get inside the hole before time runs out. I never fell victim to this attack, but I would assume it ♥♥♥♥♥ you hard.
Note that the Cyberdemon will continue his attacks as normal right before all the missiles explode on the ground. He may do that melee charge attack and catch you off guard, so be on your guard. Or something. Keep him in sight.

Melee combo thing
Where he charges at your ass and stomps the ground where you should have just been, because no idiot will stand still and say "look the Cyberdemon is coming to attack me". I have been hit by this twice, but thankfully, both times I was able to escape this super Street Fighter combo where he hits your ass like 5 times and deals severe damage. If you do get hit by this, your movement is slowed, but by jumping you can escape the worst of the combo.

Those energy wave things
Before you royally Siege Mode him to death, the Cyberdemon generally only uses a single jump-over based energy wave attack thing. So it won't be too threatening and he rarely uses it, or when you start getting close enough to touch tips with him.

This attack only appears in the second phase of the fight and is well, the godamn attack you are thrown into as the cutscene finishes. Just jump over the first wave, crouch under the second wave and jump back over the third. ez dodge ez life.
I have heard rumors it was possible to get over the stalagmites, but you know, I think it's easier to just avoid what he throws at you.
There is another attack during the stalagmites thing and that is when he just stands there and rockets you. It shouldn't be difficult to avoid if you move like, a micrometer everytime he fires a rocket and advance on him slowly. Just don't get too close.
The Hell Guards
The Hell Guards are like if they made Hell Razers bosses. These guys are easy to fight (though 11 people disagree with me) and I killed them without taking damage.
I recommend Chaingun during this fight since it's easier to take advantage of their yellow ball spell cast stun attack thing.
The arena is deceptively small, so be aware of when your DOOM guy starts sliding around the edge instead of doing a real backpedal.

First phase
The first phase is the one where you are only allowed to kick one ass at a time. The first Hell Guard runs around with a ♥♥♥♥♥ shield that absorbs all attacks and only comes down when he does an attack.
There's this attack where he removes his shield to make this big yellow thing in front of him before he casts it at you. If you shoot his shield during this animation, it will stun him and you can light him up. If you want to use Siege Mode go ahead with the risk that you will mis-time your shot and his attack will go through and you missed your chance to deal 1/3 of his health. With the Chaingun Mobile Turret, it should only take 3 stuns from this attack to finish him off.
He also has an attack where he jumps into the air and hangs there for like a second before bringing his staff down, creating a little outward spiral of flames or something. I have been hit by those little flames, but it's nothing too serious.
Really, his attacks are generic and easy to avoid.

Numero Dos Phase
Now there are two Hell Guards to fite!!!!!111eleventy!11!1. It's too bad that they don't have their little invulnerably shields and both weapons. One has the Harry Potter Staff, the other has the uh, Harry Potter Mace.
At the start of the second phase, Staff Potter will try to do that stupid charge-up-my-yellow-thing-to-try-to-kill-you-but-if-I-get-hit-during-this-lengthy-animation-I'm-boned attack. The best part is, the first stun often stuns his unfortunate companion as well. With Mobile Turret deployed, line up the shots with both Hell Guards and deal massive damage this first phase. You know what makes sense, the Mobile Turret can penetrate through the entire Hell Guard biomech into another Hell Guard biomech and through the back, but can't kill the weak little ♥♥♥♥♥ parasite operating the whole thing.
I recommend focusing on the Wizard Harry Potter first. While you are Glory-Killing the Wizard Harry Potter, the Not-so-Wizard Harry Potter will probably be right behind you, doing his little spin thing. I believe that spin thing does high damage, but you should be safe from it, as he usually stops it right before the animation concludes, or you can just jump away from it.
The Mace Harry Potter really doesn't do much except fail to follow you properly while you murder his friend.
The Spiderdemon
What I mean by that is, when you enter the fight, you need all 3 of your BFG shots + the 2 BFG shots on the ground. You cannot afford to blow your load now at all times and the Spiderdemon definitely does not enjoy having a load being blown on it.

Now to actually kill it (I'll get to its attacks later), immediately BFG its ass and Siege Mode it as many times as you dare (in the face, not the brain). When it recovers, BFG it again and then Siege Mode it again, but now, be aware of where the 2 BFG ammo spawns are in the arena. BFG it with your last shot and Siege Mode it and pick up 1 of the 2 BFG ammos in the arena. Split the precious stun time between Siege Mode-ing the Spiderdemon and moving towards the last BFG ammo. After the last BFG stun is over, the Spiderdemon should have sustained enough damage to weaken it to the stage of the fight where is crawls like a ♥♥♥♥♥ on the floor. Now at this point, keep moving in one direction of a strafe (i.e. don't stop moving left or right, but try not to switch directions). Aim for the part of the Spiderdemon's brain that is pulsing (near the top of the side of the face), the part that is just where the brain pulsates out a bit and is blue a little. If you shot it right, it should be rekt quickly and you should have finished your little UN Run. I'm sorry I couldn't be more descriptive as to where to shoot it, so I recommend trying this fight first.

I'm an idiot and forgot to include Spiderdemon attacks

That one attack
Where it just walks at you shooting it's turret thing. The turret has moderately good tracking so sometimes you will get hit and other times you won't. It damages a lot if you get hit by more than one though

The one where the Spiderdemon unmistakably walks towards and gets really really close and slashes at you.
This attack hits maybe 80% of the time. If the Spiderdemon was just self-aware, it would realize it could just repeat this attack over and over and rape you. But it doesn't. So far the only strategy I have is to just scurry to the right and spam double jump when you gets really close.
It hits decently hard, maybe 60-80.

A lot of lasers
Where she stops doing whatever the hell she was doing and shoots lasers everywhere. The only notable laser is the one that you need to jump over. After jumping over, she uses lasers in the opposite direction and you need to crouch under it. Like the Cyberdemon. The lasers hit pretty hard and if you get hit by both, you definitely can't activate Rich Get Richer
This is pretty easy to avoid, since even in the middle of a Double Jump, you will land fast enough to initiate another and avoid the first and crouch under the second

Kinky upside down ♥♥♥♥
Where she flips over and shoots at you with the turret that is now sky high. Huh, I just had deja-vu for the third time about the Spiderdemon's sky high turret.
Really not too threatening, since the tracking is not much better, but it is harder to hit her stupid face in this mode.
Be careful aiming the BFG at her in this state, as her sudden shift back to the regular stance can make your shot miss.

Utter ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
The one where the background starts becoming blue and ♥♥♥♥. The most devastating attack where she super electrocutes the ground and conveniently provides pillars to jump on.
I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate this and most of the trouble I had when I first fought the Spiderdemon came from this attack. Use the BFG to override this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ attack if you can, because if you don't and you aren't on a pillar, you are basically dead
When she gets low on health, this attack becomes even more ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Those pillars? Turns out they are into super kinky stuff and suddenly become erect, implaing your ass on high damage spikes. Basically no one is safe from this attack and I have yet to find a counter to this attack other than shoot the ever loving ♥♥♥♥ out of the ♥♥♥♥♥ before it happens

Cube thing
Appears exclusively when the Spiderdemon is crawling like a ♥♥♥♥♥, she launches a cube thing at your ass. If you've ever been hit with a cube in real life, that ♥♥♥♥ hurts yo.
You can barely avoid this by just strafing, though you shouldn't be using Siege Mode or the Chaingun while this is happening. I don't think I've ever been hit by this, but I would assume it would be enough to make your panties fly off

Just a whole bunch of ♥♥♥♥
Exclusive to the weak stage, the Spiderdemon starts getting desperate and thirsty for your attention as she starts grinding like a stripper on the ground while shooting off lasers and shooting you with the turret and everything. Usually the lasers are unpredictable and the best bet is to just keep moving to avoid her turret.
Conclusion thing
Hey thanks for reading my stupid guide. Hopefully you weren't misled too hard.
If my guide helped you complete UN (or even helped you at all), leave a comment praising me and I'll be sure to be arrogant and thank you for it.
If my guide did absolute ♥♥♥♥ all for you, leave a comment and tell me why the hell I'm wrong at the way I play this game and still beat UN. Go on. Do it. Sarcasm, I'm not this arrogant
If you want to suggest a change to areas of my guide, or add more detail tell me and I'll add it in if I find it to be worthy and I'll credit the change to you. Nothing major like a whole new strategy involving efficient use of the Pistol or stuff like that, because you should go write your own, infinitely much better guide in that case.
Looking back, this guide is pretty unhelpful, but I had fun writing it so yeah.
36 条留言
[‡]=Storky=[‡] 5 月 31 日 上午 5:32 
I've stopped to play for while to touch the grass and earn some money, because I think micro missal is stupid, if I want rockets - I get rocket launcher.
I feel so cool aiming to the head, zooming and killing with oneshot imps and soldiers
In open locations it is very nice default weapon to headshot occasional imps, zombies and howling souls.
Ofc unlike me, you know the future and what monsters will spawn and can take appropriate weapon.
[‡]=Storky=[‡] 5 月 31 日 上午 5:27 
Squirrels of Hell, rofl, they really look like big standing rattens
Epic Store Exclusive 2019 年 8 月 14 日 上午 1:57 
As for the HAR Scope, there's an early mod in Argent Tower which would otherwise be useless (you have to double up somewhere), so this seems like a good palce to take the scope. Especially since it will be useful for the rest of the long-range traversal at the start of that mission.

I get your point with Micro Missiles being more useful, but if there's an upgrade that would otherwise go to waste, it seems like there's no reason to not take it and just swap between it and Micro Missiles as you need each one.
Pigeons555  [作者] 2019 年 8 月 10 日 下午 9:46 
For the Ammo Boost Rune, I'm one of those disgusting people who, upon getting limited amounts of some 'precious' resource, absolutely never relies on it unless it is to save my life. When I play, I only use the BFG shots when I know there is BFG ammo around the corner; I always have 3 shots on me at all times because I need the insurance. Swapping out runes on the fly is the intended way to use the rune system, and your tip is definitely something I wasn't capable of comprehending in my narrow minded path of genocide. Since Rich Get Richer just eliminates any semblance of ammo management and the fact I rarely need to use the BFG, I personally have not needed Ammo Boost active.

This guide is intended to make the achievement of beating Ultra Nightmare as easily as possible, and as safely as possible, so I assume no "panic button" BFG shots and Chainsaw fuel.

Thanks for reading my guide to give me some takes on my opinion on some weapon attachments, very much appreciated.
Pigeons555  [作者] 2019 年 8 月 10 日 下午 9:45 
Turns out it will be 3 comments.

For the Rocket Launcher remote detonation, the same logic applies. I don't REALLY think it's entirely useless, but compared to the ease of Lock-on Burst, having to manually detonate each rocket is too much effort and skill to be using if you are trying to clear Ultra-Nightmare as safely as possible. You can literally fire off four rockets in around 2 seconds (1+ Lock on Burst), which will be enough to interrupt a Baron of Hell and do most of its health, outright killing almost every other loser from hell. In the interest of efficiency of demon exploding, Lock on Burst is better than Remote Detonation is my opinion and that is why I say take it over Remote Detonation.
Pigeons555  [作者] 2019 年 8 月 10 日 下午 9:44 
There's a very unfair 1000 character limit on comments so this will be two comments.

The HAR Scope is beautifully good at killing little trash demons like Imp bastards cleanly and quickly, I'll give it that. However, there are better (faster) options for killing medium demons like Hell Knights and such, and if you have the weapon mastery for Micro Missiles + Rich get Richer, you can literally just wipe out any amount of trash demons effortlessly: see Lazarus Labs, the fight at the Helix Stone with all the Imps spawning in. The HAR Scope has its uses, but for the purposes of this guide, I don't recommend 'sacrificing' Micro Missiles for it. You can also just stagger Imps with regular shots of the HAR anyway
Epic Store Exclusive 2019 年 8 月 10 日 上午 12:44 
Why not the Ammo Boost rune? Having BFG Ammo drops is GOOOOODDDD. There have been many times where I have BFGd and the enemies have dropped BFG ammo so I can semi-spam it in some fights if I get lucky, making them absolutely trivial.

I swap out Equip Power with Ammo Boost when I am over 100 armor, since I won't be using syphons at that point and being able to spam BFG is just better.

Maybe it's a bit less survivable in some cases, if so, I get why you wouldn't take it.
Epic Store Exclusive 2019 年 8 月 7 日 上午 5:00 
I actually like the Scope upgrade for the Heavy AR occasionally, it has it's uses.

Fight me
andey 2018 年 12 月 28 日 上午 9:18 
Respect to all people who try Ultra-Nightmare.
HeliGungir 2018 年 10 月 11 日 上午 2:17 
Give the rocket launcher remote detontation another chance, m8. With the mastery you can detonate rockets right before they hit to do double damage (quite literally). Basically a skill shot, and pretty ♥♥♥♥ fun if I do say so myself.

It's isn't monstrous like the Gauss Cannon, but it's a good substitute when your run out of Gauss ammo and can't afford to slow down to use the Gatling.