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Was missing only 2 achievements, tactitian and honnor mod.
I had just started a legit honnor run, but since i had a character die on each of the first 2 fights, i though it would go poorly. With more than 80 hours for my first game, doing that for nothing would have broken me xD
Thanks for that great guide!
Thanks again.
I also had a supes difficult time at the death knights. I must've engaged them in combat (swore) at least 20 times, before I finally got them all without an engage.
Anyway, this guide was ameeeeeezing and I so appreciate the time you put into it! I've joined the 0.7% ^_^
"Back to your main character. Lockpick Cyseal's door, pick the Water Barrel nearby and go to the first Cyseal Portal. Nearby, you'll see an Oil Barrel and 2 Water Barrels.
Inside the building, there's also 3 Water Barrels that you can steal with one use of invisibility."
I am in the building, with all the previous barrels on my primary, but when I pick up the first barrel inside it states "I have too much to carry" and then I can't move anymore. Have I missed something please?
The only sketchy part was all the mines in the Phantom Forest.
I know this guide is several years old by this point, so I don't expect you to update it, but I personally think keeping track of the weight of your chest would be an easier reference as opposed to keeping count of barrels. Thanks again, OP <3
I think I might do another regular playthrough but with more chest slinging lol