Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

29 ratings
Big Entente Achievement Guide
By Woke
A simple and easy way to get the Big Entente achievement. This is the way that I got the achievement so if it doesn't work just message me!
Setting Up The Game
Here are some things that you need to do in order for the achievement to work:

  • Make sure the game is on regular
  • Make sure Iron man mode is on
  • Run away

Other than that I think that you should be ok!
1936 Start Up Factories and Research
Ok so the first thing you want to do is start making military factories with your Civ Facs. This will help in the war effort later. You need as much equipment as possible since France's troops lack equipment at the start of the game. Put 2 factories on Weapons 1 and one factory on everything else. Don't worry too much about naval factories since you won't really be needing them unless you want to naval invade Germany.

The factories should be done sometime in the middle of 36 and you should be able to pump out more equipment. There are some random events that trigger that will lower your factory output but you should be ok if you just research concentrated industry 1.


I can't stress how important this is to get the French war machine going. It will help you make more factories and pump out more equipment.


Here are the things that I think would be best for the upcomming war:
  • Mountaineers
The Mountaineers will help when Italy eventually gets dragged into the war
  • Construction 1 and Efficiency 1
Like I said, you need to get as much industrial power as you can early game so you can pump out the equipment faster than your enemies

And after that you can go down any route. I went down the research speed route just for the encryption and decryption.
National Focus Order
The order in which you take the National Focuses is important as well. You don't want to go through the wrong part of the tree and not be ready for the war with Germany and Italy.

Here is the order that I would recommend to you.


  • Government Reform
  • Support The Status Quo
  • Little Entente
  • Invite Yugoslavia
  • Invite Romania
  • Strengthen Government

After all the political ones have been done I would hold off on Polish Guarentee until after the war or during. There is no real point to this since Czechlosovakia is the first one Germany targets. I would instead go for the far left of the tree in the Industry area.


  • Metropolitan France
  • Industrial Expansion
  • Military Factories

If you want to get the extra research slot you can but I feel it's not really worth it until after the war since Nuclear Effort is better the later you get it.

The military part of the tree is next. Completely ignore the defense side of the tree. Go down the aggresive side completely.


  • Aggressive Focus (employ Maurice Gamelin if you can)
  • Motorized Focus
  • Mechanized Focus
  • Automitrailleuses
  • Army Reform

Army reform will get rid of the Victors of the Great War spirit which hinders the speed of researching land doctrines. This is a very nice bonus to pick up but you'll probably get it after the war is over.
Division Set Up and The War
Making an Army

So France generally has a crappy army at the start. We should've fixed this with the industry pumping out the new equipment. You can't really set up division until the war starts going. You should go with the basic 7/2 set up with support of artillery, recon, and engis. Here is what I would do when setting up plans for armies.

  • Set up 24 division on the Maginot Line and put them on a plan to push across the river first. Then put them to push all the way east to meet up with Czechlosovakia. Then push north manually and focus on surrounds. You should be able to get to Berlin pretty easily with Czechlosovakia helping as well.

  • Set up 24 division on the border of Italy. Most of them should be Mountaineers followed with some tanks and Motorized. Normally Italy will want to go for Yugoslavia first which should put very few troops on the western border. You should be able to push right into the Italian capitol while Yugoslavia holds out. Then just take the major cities south of Rome and you should have Italy.

  • Africa isn't really much of a problem. Just put all the divisions in Africa into 1 army and have them push into Libya. They should encounter very little or no resistance as most of Italy's troops should be in Ethiopia or Mainland Italy.
General Tips about France
Here some things you should know while playing France.

  • Whatever you do, don't go communist. There are some random events that will make your party popularity go up for communist which is fine until it gets too high. Don't go communist. This will ruin the alliance as your allies are democracies.

  • National Unity is everything. France starts with pretty crappy NU. If Germany and Italy push into France, your playthrough is generally over. The front grows too big and they go immediately for your VP areas.

  • If Japan joins, you need to protect the SEA area. Japan puts most of its units into mainland Asia so you can just naval invade mainland Japan and win the war.

  • In order for the achievement to trigger, you or one of your allies needs to control ALL of mainland Germany. If the USSR joins the war, make sure that they don't take any of Germany because this will ruin the entire achievement. You will have to declare on the USSR and take the land back.

  • Don't really worry about Spain early on. Only worry about them if the war lasts until the early 40s. They will want to join Axis and will push up through southern France.

  • Keep a mindful eye on the actions of the UK. They might intervene which is fine but they might intervene on the wrong side! They might actually declare on you because you have generated the most world tension.
RPS 12324 5 Oct, 2020 @ 2:19am 
The Yugoslavia and Romania invitation is still RNG. If either refuse the invitation, there is no way you can help the Czech and you need to restart the game.

Up to you whether you want to go left (Leon Blum) or right (Pierre Laval) side of the democratic tree, each has different bonuses.

Try to help Republican Spain if you can, but care not to start your own civil war. Only start the war once the Anarchist Uprising starts and Sino-Japanese war begins. This way you can invite Republican Spain to your faction, they don't have much in term of military but they have quite a number of ships. Also Nationalist Spain might backstab you late in the war if they won.
Tyni 9 Sep, 2020 @ 11:14am 
French focuses have changed, please update on newer France.
Gillette Shaving Cream 23 Nov, 2018 @ 2:31pm 
This doesn't work. Czechoslovakia falls apart in 3 months, Romania refuses to moves it's divisions to the front line, Croatia and Germany tear up Yugoslavia, Romania eventually falls, and the front against Germany stalemates and I wait for Italy to join them so I can be capitulated.
Romanops 22 Aug, 2018 @ 2:33am 
I've tried to get this achievement, Germany attacks Tchec on 1936, without allies. So I flood by Maginot line, and get them in 1937, french blitz ! :D
But unfortunally, UK make Germany a democracy, and they refuse to integrate my faction, so I can't get the achievement, someone who knows how to ?
Orev 18 Apr, 2018 @ 10:39am 
I have tried this Achivment so many times, it keeps failing because my allies keep attacking instead of defending, and the when the germans breach one provence the flood it with tanks, fucking blitzkrieg. i hope that this achivment helps
Heretek1914 9 Feb, 2018 @ 2:24am 
Annoyingly, Czechoslovakia likes to force government change and totally ruin the whole ploy. Is it possible to use up their warscore for grabbing land instead?
Tomori_MYGO 14 Oct, 2017 @ 6:53pm 
OK so I listen to these suggestions and goes very perfect at first(except I went to the research slot before I do the Military national focus),I am currently at Extensive constricption,pumping inf divisions at Alsace and Mountain divisions at Savoy,and I managed to get Lybia and preparing a naval invasion on Sardinia,I DID managed to attack into Germany once,but now all my Allies have capitulated(except me and my colony puppets),and I got pushed back to the Maginot Line. What should I do now?
Egor 26 Aug, 2016 @ 1:14pm 
My tacticts was to convert commie fast and take nationalists spain. Justify balearic islands when the civil war is happening, move all the forces to spanish borders, 2x5 invasion and move very fast before spain joines axis. It should be an easy war which will give you a lot of factories.
白雪 乃愛 22 Aug, 2016 @ 12:12am 
Woke  [author] 21 Aug, 2016 @ 8:07am 
@Blastaz I never thought about that since it would have caused the civil war. I just really like having all of my units together.