Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

398 valoraciones
Overpass wall - small roads
Assets: Prop
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7 AGO 2016 a las 11:28 a. m.
12 SEP 2016 a las 12:24 p. m.
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Overpass wall - small roads

En 1 colección creada por Avanya
Under/overpass decorations
25 artículos
Can be found under Common Props - Streets

Another type of overpass support! This one is much more flexible as it just sits at the end, which means you can have as steep or as soft a slope as you'd like. As long as it raises to 12m this will fit. And it fits with rail as well. This contains two props - same shape and size but with different graffiti (both with color variations ofc!) to spice it up a bit.

You'll need More Beautification and Prop and tree anarchy to place this in your cities. I also suggest getting Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance

Looks best with some terraforming after placement and trees/bushes covering the edges.

Tris: 46
Texture: 1024x512

Tris: 22
Texture: 256x128

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29 comentarios
Ricebug 1 FEB 2018 a las 4:19 p. m. 
Looks like the Procedural Objects mod was the culprit. I disabled it and the overpass pieces that were "permanently" stuck in the ground disappeared when the map loaded. Thanks, Avanya.
Avanya  [autor] 1 FEB 2018 a las 9:18 a. m. 
@Ricebug: Nope, I haven't made anything to use with that mod, but I know it does make some changes to props placed with it. Could be why you can't select it like normal. It's the only explaination I can think of, since there's nothing about these props that should cause this. I've never had any props not be able to be selected by MoveIt, so it must be another mod doing something. PO would be my best guess since (if I remember correctly) hold a key to place stuff with it.
Ricebug 1 FEB 2018 a las 7:57 a. m. 
I do have the PO mod active. Negative on the PU. I tried using the Move It! marquee but is doesn't "grab" the object. Are these procedural objects?
Avanya  [autor] 1 FEB 2018 a las 3:10 a. m. 
@Ricebug: Are you using the Prop Unlimiter mod perhaps? Or Procedural Objects mod? Also remember that the middle point isn't always in the middle of these ones, so with MoveIt use the marque box and have only props selected and mark a large area around them.
Ricebug 31 ENE 2018 a las 5:31 p. m. 
There's a problem with these objects. The SCREENSHOT [] shows two of them that cannot be removed with the bulldozer, nor will Move It! touch them. I tried digging a hole underneath them, but they refuse to budge.
Snacko 28 FEB 2017 a las 2:58 p. m. 
I finally got it to work by sliding that top slider in Move It left to 1m. I had tried every combination of the Move It options to no avail before that..
Avanya  [autor] 27 FEB 2017 a las 4:42 a. m. 
@Snacko: Try moving it out from the hill a bit and see if that works. Also note that if you're using the mod Prop Snapping it might try and snap to the road (MoveIt can help with that). If nothing works, then try and grab a screenshot and I'll have a look and see if I can help.
Snacko 26 FEB 2017 a las 3:30 p. m. 
This doesn't work for me. I have everything I need, but it keeps popping up onto the top of the roadway. I cannot get it to stay down into the hill. And all of the pics in the examples above hide the hill with trees. So I cannot see if this mod is supposed to sit within the end of the hill, or some distance away so that it does not do this... Arggg....:steamsad:
weeseman82 11 SEP 2016 a las 6:44 a. m. 
awesome, looking forward to 9 m versions, i know im nitpicking but the standard height of the bridges seems way overdone to me... so decided to have a max clearance of 9m on all my overpasses... OCD alert... woop woop woop :-)
Avanya  [autor] 10 SEP 2016 a las 3:46 p. m. 
@TBP: I agree this one came out a bit too blurry/pixelated - I'm currently working on the wider versions and will update this one with better textures.

@Weeseman82: At some point yes, but I can't promise when I'd get around to it. :)