Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Single Player

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Single Player

751 ratings
Unlimited Edition mod
By Ryan
Adds Limited Edition Collector's weapons, New Game Plus mode, and unused NPC voices to the single player game. Also fixes some level and game sound issues. Adds support for a few mini-mods.
What is Unlimited Edition
Unlimited Edition is a mod that restores features previously restricted to Limited Edition and adds a few customizations of its own. It currently includes the following additions:

Collector's Weapons
Find and wield the Limited Edition Collector's weapons

New Game Plus
Reconquer the game with all the equipment and skills from the previous playthrough

New Game Plus - Extra Inventory
Double-up on inventory space as a reward for starting New Game Plus*

New Game Plus - Endurance Difficulty
Push the limits of your end-of-game weapons with enemies that are twice as tough†

Restored NPC Voices
Previously unused official voice acting adds extra variety and immersion

Extra NPC Responses
Surprise the skull guardian with your special ability and be thanked for rescuing a servant

Level and Sound Fixes
Hear ballista explosions, Leanna's follower acknowledgements, and consistent forge sounds

Explore several game-altering mini-mods to experience the game with a twist

* Extra inventory requires a manual key binding: bind <key> swapinv

Endurance difficulty is only available from the credits map. Enemies have double their Hardcore health and Hard's damage modifier.

Special thanks to 5hmmoe for donating.

Suggestions and feedback is welcome below or on the mod's discussion page.
Download / Installing the mod
  1. Download Unlimited Edition. Choose:

  2. Extract the downloaded file into your Dark Messiah Single Player folder. It is typically located in a the path:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dark Messiah Might and Magic Single Player

    Answer yes to all merge/overwrite prompts. This creates a folder named unlimitededition in the same folder as mm.exe.

  3. Are you using the Unlimited Edition with most mini-mods download? Continue with this step, otherwise skip it.

    Copy the media folder from the game's mm directory into the mm_root folder. This prevents a crash that happens when cutscenes play. Additionally you may copy the save and cfg sub-folders from mm into mm_root. This lets you preserve your previous save games and key bindings.

  4. (Optional) Install mini-mods. See the Mini Mods and Installing Mini-Mods sections of this guide.

  5. Launch Dark Messiah and play!

    Note that previous saves won't exhibit the mod's changes until a new level is reached.

    To verify the mod is installed, try typing "unlimitededition" into the console when in a level or search the first alcove on the right in the Prologue for a subtle Unlimited Edition decal.

Left: Using the "unlimitededition" console command. Right: Viewing the decal on the Prologue map.

Some user-requested features have been made into separate mini-mods. This allows the core of Unlimited Edition to cooperate with preexisting mods and lets players pick and choose features without compromise. Unlimited Edition works with all of the following:
  • White Wizard Eye[www.dropbox.com]
    Removes the blue tint from the Dark Vision spell.

  • Clearer Sanctuary[www.dropbox.com]
    Increases the transparency of Sanctuary's visual effect to improve visibility in darkness.

  • Goblin Range Fix[www.dropbox.com]
    Shortens goblins' attack range to better match their size.

  • Super Telekinesis[www.dropbox.com]
    Allows huge objects and more NPCs to be grabbed (necromancer lords, liches, spiders, villagers, and others). Full adrenaline is still required to grab living NPCs.
    Will conflict with mods that change the spell config.

  • Normal Health[www.dropbox.com]
    Prevents NPCs' health from scaling on harder difficulties but retains their damage scaling. In other words, NPCs always have the same health as they do on Normal difficulty.
    Will conflict with mods that change the gameplay config.

  • Regen Binds[www.dropbox.com]
    Adds key bindings to options menu for toggling mana and adrenaline cheat regeneration.
    Will conflict with mods that change the game text or keyboard menu config.

  • Free Inventory Swap[www.dropbox.com]
    Enables Unlimited Edition's inventory swapping without needing to start New Game Plus. Also adds a "Swap Inventory" key binding to the keyboard menu.
    Requires Unlimited Edition. Will conflict with mods that change the autoexec config, game text, or keyboard menu config.

  • Freeze Damage[www.dropbox.com]
    Makes the Freeze spell deal damage when cast on enemies.
    Requires Unlimited Edition. Will conflict with mods that change the autoexec config.

  • New Zoom[www.dropbox.com]
    Allows the player to use the Zoom key at all times.
    Requires Unlimited Edition. Will conflict with mods that change the autoexec config.

  • Missing Sound Patch[www.dropbox.com]
    A patch that fixes a few missing sounds. It also suppresses harmless console warnings for absent audio files. Fixed sounds: Lich-Leanna impale, alternate Necroguard idle, and alternate Necromancer hail. Some sounds are only heard with Unlimited Edition.

  • Mini-mod Compatibility Patch[www.dropbox.com]
    Patch to allow Regen Binds, Free Inventory Swap, Freeze Damage, and New Zoom to cooperate. Mini-mods must still be downloaded separately.
Installing Mini-Mods
If you are using the Unlimited Edition with most mini-mods download then steps 3 and up have already done for you. This means if you wish to install any of the non-included mini-mods only steps 1 and 2 need to be performed. The mini-mods that are not included in the bundled download are Regen Binds, Free Inv Swap and Normal Health.

Installing mini-mods requires a few more setup steps:
  1. Download the mini-mod.

  2. Extract the mini-mod into your Dark Messiah Single Player folder. Refer to the installation section above for the typical path. This will create a folder named custom in the same directory as mm.exe.

  3. Create a new folder named mm_root in the same directory as custom and mm.exe. This folder will contain the files shared between mods like save files and key bindings.

  4. Copy the media folder inside mm into mm_root. Do the same for the cfg and SAVE folders if they exist.

  5. Open mm\gameinfo.txt using a plain text editor like Notepad. Locate the SearchPaths block near the end of the file and add two lines so it reads (ordering is important):
    SearchPaths { Game mm_root // Add this line Game custom // Add this line Game |gameinfo_path|. Game mm Game unlimitededition }

  6. Launch Dark Messiah and play.

  7. To install additional mini-mods only steps 1 and 2 need to be followed.
Known issues
Very rarely, the player can become unable to equip spells excluding the instant-use spells: Dark Vision, Heal, and Sanctuary. The cause of this bug is currently unknown. If you encounter it, please share any information you have for reproducing it so it may be fixed. The only resolution at this time is to load a save prior to the bug.

The following are known issues that cannot be resolved with the current modding technique and tools:

New Game Plus
  • The player can become permanently stuck in their special ability and/or be unable to inflict damage. This is caused by rapidly and repeatedly toggling the special ability during dialog sequences like the one when the player first meets Leanna. Relaunching the game or loading an older save can fix the issue.

  • The rope bow can potentially disappear from the player's inventory when playing New Game Plus. This will only happen if the player starts New Game Plus with a save that was created before the mod was installed. The quick fix is to spawn another rope bow using the console command give weapon_arxcrossbowrope. To avoid the issue, start a new game after installing Unlimited Edition and avoid loading a vanilla save.

New Game Plus - Extra Inventory
  • Swapping to the extra inventory while knocked down by a Cyclopes will crash the game.

  • Swapping to the extra inventory while grabbed by a Cyclopes will cause the player to become stuck in its grasp.

  • Swapping to the extra inventory while climbing a ladder or rope will make the player to let go and fall.

  • Quest items and keys are only usable while they're in the active inventory. Additionally, quest items are fixed to whatever inventory was active when they were picked up.

  • A normally hidden inventory item that implements the player's special ability is visible in the second inventory. This item should not be dropped.

  • The player's special ability may be unusable after receiving it for the second time. This appears to caused by having the second inventory active at the time. A fix is to type fixinv into the console and then equip an item from the belt.

If you encounter an issue that isn't listed, please feel free to post here or on the discussion thread so it can be investigated and hopefully resolved.
Uninstalling the Mod
  1. Browse to your Dark Messiah directory. Refer to the installation section above for the typical path.

  2. Run uninstall-ue.bat and follow the on-screen instructions to automatically remove the mod. When finished, go to step 5. If the file doesn't exist or you wish to you remove the mod manually, continue with step 3.

  3. Delete unlimitededition folder. Your save files and game configurations won't be deleted as they are stored in a different directory.

  4. Open mm\gameinfo.txt with a plain text editor like Notepad. Find the SearchPaths block and remove the line mentioning unlimitededition. The block should appear like this when finished:
    SearchPaths { Game |gameinfo_path|. Game mm }

  5. Mini-mods that rely on Unlimited Edition will also need to be removed. The simplest method is to delete the custom folder in the game directory and then reinstall the mini-mods that don't require Unlimited Edition.

  6. Done.
Zar 24 Jan @ 3:39pm 
please disregard my other comment I just installed the mod wrong like an idiot and forgot to switch levels so I can load the mod
Zar 24 Jan @ 3:14pm 
Im probably dumb af but how do I get to ng+ I beat the game but I have no idea what "credits map" means, after the credits I just got sent to the main menu and idk what to do now
Mai Waifu 15 Oct, 2024 @ 6:22pm 
This mod broke my game. The city loads with the cyclops already dead and after that I loaded off the map and soft locked in a death loop.
King David™ 25 Jun, 2024 @ 12:04pm 
Ryan, my team and I have been working on a mod launcher for Dark Messiah so people can use these mods with our co-op / rtx mods. It includes custom content folders and not having to touch the gameinfo.txt . I want to add your mod to the compatibility list but I do not want to reupload it, unless you prefer me to do that. I sent a friend request to you, please do respond or give me the OK here!
QweSteR 18 Mar, 2024 @ 1:51am 
Как начать New Game Plus?
ByteByte 3 Feb, 2024 @ 10:20pm 
I got an error instead of the chest that is supposed to show up in the room in the manor with the swinging chandelier
Тихо пернул 29 Jan, 2024 @ 10:39am 
Please help me how to start new game plus?
Khodyrov 24 Jan, 2024 @ 12:17pm 
Does the minimods change this files:
I want to install "Corpses stay" mod. Thanks
NaterEST 26 Dec, 2023 @ 6:43am 
Awesome that all this and other mods work on linux with Proton for this game as well
Hans 12 Nov, 2023 @ 8:02am 

Tried adding the text you showed into my gameinfo.txt and it still crashes and says missing some background_vtf file... Do you know by any chance any other solutions?