Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

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Sniper Render Session
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Universe: Team Fortress
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4 ago 2016, ore 15:52
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Sniper Render Session

Simple, really. I was mucking about with lighting, and then this happened, so I decided to make it a template for you 'orrible lot.

Example of a poster I made using this:

Session can be found here: sourcefilmmaker\game\usermod\elements\sessions\no mercy poster template.dmx

REQUIRES THIS: - Dark Kong King

sessions\no mercy poster template.dmx
21 commenti
Awkward 11 apr 2020, ore 20:10 
I need this in my life :,)
Gallup 7 ago 2016, ore 11:14 
Sessions like this aren't completely useless. This session is pretty good; strong posing, spectacular lighting, etc. Something like this is a good way for others to observe and learn a few things.

The sessions that are useless are the poorly made sessions, and I can assure you this is not poorly made, or hell, even close.
Krunga 5 ago 2016, ore 19:52 
@SparkyTheGiraffe1 We don't need a seperate one. Sessions have a check box for it, so they're allowed
SparkyG 5 ago 2016, ore 19:25 
I wish we had a separate shop just for sessions.
Good Old Hoxton  [autore] 5 ago 2016, ore 13:57 
k e k
This is a bloke I can agree with.
FlawlessRemix 5 ago 2016, ore 13:55 
Guys, let him post what he wants, as long as its not fnaf oc recolours, its nowhere near
as useless.
Good Old Hoxton  [autore] 5 ago 2016, ore 10:23 
>getting this mad about something you clicked on
>claiming this is something you don't care about
>claiming this is a session you don't need
>trying to call me salty

You are literally subhumans.
If you think this is a session you don't need, then don't click it, you utter pillock. Surely just ignoring it was a better solution than clicking on it. Furthermore, hate on FNAF is justified 100%.

Plus, if I was removing your right to talk because you like a turd of a software download, then your comments wouldn't be there.
ItsameWario 5 ago 2016, ore 10:09 
I'm not a white knight. I clicked this seeing it was another session we didn't need, and a saw an idiot saying "omg a fnaf fan commented heuehueheu lemme hate" There's a difference from pointing out your stupidity and being a white knight.
Moka☕ 5 ago 2016, ore 6:53 
Also I like how you just remove our right to talk just because we like a game.

I don't know what's more pathetic.

The fact that you can't take criticism or the fact that you're being a salty hater.