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Racial AI Restorer Recolorer
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3 sierpnia 2016 o 22:26
11 sierpnia 2016 o 22:06
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Racial AI Restorer Recolorer

W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez Eklei
Starbound Minimalist Fixes
Przedmioty: 17
Special thanks to Diriel for the original Racial AI Restorer mod. This is a stand-alone altered version, not an add-on. As with the original, this mod restores the racial AI portraits to those that were used in the beforetime, and adds in new assets for ones that wouldn't match, such as the SAIL console on the ship.

On top of that, the AIs have been recolored to match the modern teleporter effect (instead of the option to recolor the teleporter effects). I prefer this solution because it means that users with and without the mod will see roughly the same color experience. In some places, colors have been made more vivid, especially in an attempt to make the glowing facial features on the Human and Floran AIs more visible. Finally, I have corrected a bug in Starbound that had the Floran static overlay pointing to the red Avian static animation, which made the green Floran console look muddy.

Unpacked version available on the Starbound forum.[]
Komentarzy: 29
ZerKoma 30 stycznia 2023 o 4:53 
Is this client side?
Cypher 1 października 2021 o 10:38 
i was thinking about something like this, nice work
IronSquid501 21 czerwca 2021 o 23:37 
For people having trouble with the AI changing to a weird human face: Pandora's Box has a lot of unnecessary bloat, one of which being that it replaces the AI with its own edit.
[BAG] Duh Binky 9 lutego 2020 o 19:08 
the only way ive been able to fix it is by putting it in a collection, unsubbing from all my mods i currently havem then only subbing to the collection. itll bug out if you sub to any other mod after you "fixed" it.
[BAG] Duh Binky 31 października 2019 o 14:15 
Same issue as Palonen and SJRK
Palonen 25 sierpnia 2019 o 19:22 
I'm having the same issue as SJRKnowledge96 two comments down. The sails are all mildly-edited Human SAIL recolors, not like the vanilla game, but also not like they should be.

I initially thought Better Ships was overwriting this with its SAILs, but those are a seperate mod I don't have, and they only affect the Hylotl, Novakid, and Floran SAIL, and I'm having the issue with my Avian. Is this a new Vanilla "feature" or is this some mod obscurely changing them? I'm stumped after going through my mod setup several times.
Garven Pickersgill 2 lipca 2019 o 15:58 
Novakids get a horse because of their cowboy theme.
Tynorg 17 czerwca 2019 o 15:29 
It might just be me, but I think this might've been borked as of Starbound 1.4 for some reason. I've tried disabling just about every other mod I've had and the SAIL remains some weird variation of the human/base SAIL no matter the species*, rather than what this mod gives.

*(i.e.., Avian SAIL has a beak, Apex SAIL has a nose and an extended brow ridge, Floran SAIL has a more Floran-y face, Hylotl has a third eye, Glitch has a faceplate instead of a mouth, and Novakid has a horseshoe instead of a face)

Lorekeeper_Nate 5 maja 2019 o 16:33 
why do the novakids get the horse?
Xaliber 12 grudnia 2017 o 21:20 
Worry free.