

135 ratings
Grand Pagoda Library--Version 1.0, Illustrated
By MongooseCalledFred
This guide is intended to guide you through the Grand Pagoda Library, showing you the locations of the four vanity items and nine codexes that I know about.
Quick Index for Loot
Vanity Items
  • Valorous Helmet--The Ocean (Upper cave)
  • Valorous Chestpiece--The First Cultists (Above the airlock)
  • Valorous Greaves--The Rest Of The Cultists (Left end of basement)
  • Snorkel--The Ocean (Through the airlock)
  • Ironbeak's Journal--The bookcase in the above-ground building.
  • Letter from the Librarian--The Ocean (Upper cave)
  • The Slibbler--The Ocean (Through the airlock)
  • Freedom--The First Cultists
  • Official Notice--The First Cultists (Above the airlock)
  • Miniknog Issued Joke Book--The First Cultists
  • Salvage Plans--The Rest Of The Cultists (Left end of basement)
  • Nox's Journal--Asra Nox (Loot chest)
  • Never Invite a Novakid to Tea--Asra Nox (Underwater crates)
Before You Deploy
I recommend Durasteel armor. You can farm the chest at the end of the Ceremonial Hunting Caverns to get the bars without stepping foot on a radioactive planet. You'll need your best range weapon (highest damage per second), a shield, bandages, and Pulse Jump (or another jump tech) to beat the boss. That combination should be good for the rest of the mission. If you want loot, you'll also need an EPP, any of which will work. (EPP recommended even if you don't want loot.)
The Ocean (Looters only)
The left side only has the seashells under the teleporter platform. Going right (beyond the hatch) you'll find this Traditional Bookcase with Ironbeak's Journal in it. Keep going right.

Hug the bottom of the island until you come across this cave. The chest has the Valorous Helmet and Letter from the Librarian.

Keep hugging the structures until you find a hole in the wall. (Watch out for sharks!) Pass through it and keep going left until you get here. The Red Present might have a Diamond Pickaxe in it, but you might not get anything that good.

Go back to open water and descend the side of the tower. You'll find this airlock. Push the button and go in. The left button inside closes the airlock so that you can continue.

S.A.I.L will congratulate you on getting here alive. The crate contains The Slibbler, and the Treasure Chest contains the Snorkel.

After exiting that room, continue right along the sea floor. You'll find a cave with one shark and an ore deposit you can attack to get a diamond. Keep going right, past the broken anchor, and you'll find another diamond. Return to the Island and use the bed to heal yourself of any minor scratches.
The Descent
Jump down onto the elevator and push the button. (If you want to come back up, push the button at the bottom.) When you get to the bottom Koichi will talk to you. Head right and push the button to drain the passage. When you get through, Koichi will mention a breaker. Go up the stairs and flip this switch, then continue to the right. The hatch is controlled from below, so you can't use it yet. The next room to the right has two Snuffish.
Press the button and keep going down until you see this switch. Flip it and go left when the water finishes draining. Koichi will warn you about movement below. Before going down, go left, kill the Snuffish, and flip the breaker for the elevator back up.
The First Cultists
When you flip the switch, you'll get access to the two Cultists. The bookcase has Freedom in it.

These Cultists have about 100 health and 40 armor. Try to damage them from hiding as much as possible. The switch above the far-right bookcase opens the hatch to continue.

After killing the Snuffish and going left, Koichi will warn that the next room is flooded. Before entering it, swim up through this airlock to get to the chest you probably saw earlier. It contains the Valorous Chestpiece and Official Notice. Once into the flooded room, you'll need to swim up and trigger the motion sensors on the hatch. Two Snuffish will greet you on your arrival in the next room. Go left to find the last holographic display.
This Card Index contains the Miniknog Issued Joke Book. The switch on the left opens the hatch to floor one.
The Rest Of The Cultists
When you reach the bottom of the elevator, you will find one cultist on each side of you, and another breaker to the basement. Ride the elevator to the basement, then head left and get the Valorous Greaves and Salvage Plans from the chest. There are two more Cultists immediately to the right of the elevator and one at the top of the book pile.

This is the checkpoint and also your last chance to use the elevator system to get back to a bed you can use. If you don't go all the way through the door, you can get back to the checkpoint. Use this to snipe the two Cultists beyond the door. If you don't have a jump tech, you'll have to jump on all the bookcases to get to the door. This passage leads to the boss door, so get your hotbar ready. I recommed placing your shield and bandages in the first slot of one bar and your quick-damage weapon in the first slot of the other bar. You can use X to swap between them quickly. (You can use any slot you wish, so long as X still toggles them. You can also use two slots on one bar, but it's more dangerous that way.)
Asra Nox
When you get in, listen to her and then jump on a bookcase. Unlike Ixodoom, you can't get any preliminary shots off, since Nox has an energy shield that blocks all damage. The fight consists of two parts alternating: Nox's attack and your attack. If you stand on the edge of a bookshelf and jump when anything gets close, you'll avoid most attacks. You should have your shield and bandages out for this part. The last part of Nox's routine is a fire ball maneuver. Jump to dodge, and use bandages to heal whatever your shield doesn't absorb. Once the fireball ends, Nox will start panting. This is your chance to swap to your weapon and deal damage. Nox has about 400 or 500 HP by my reckoning. Once you get the red bar to empty, Nox will pause to say a few more words before beaming away. You can now go right and meet Koichi face to face. After he opens the door, you can go right and find a chest with Nox's Journal and the usual smattering of loot. Before you beam away, jump in the water and check out the crates. One of them should have Never Invite a Novakid to Tea. (If it isn't there, come back again later.) You can now beam away.
MongooseCalledFred  [author] 8 Feb, 2022 @ 9:29pm 
I would expect so, but I've never tried.
imperador xi bing ping pong 7 Feb, 2022 @ 10:59am 
Is it possible to get the huge bookshelves with admin?
Material Defender 10 Apr, 2021 @ 10:04am 
I feel i should add it's possible to cheese the fight by bringing a hoverbike controller, use it in the boss room, then sit in the passenger seat, she cannot hurt you there, then get out after her morphball move to deal damage, then get back in
pensiveowl 26 Jan, 2021 @ 11:13am 
i would have never found half the stuff if you didnt show me thanks
Morwys 3 Jul, 2020 @ 7:49am 
thanks for this guide, needed for the items. I'd say that durasteel armor for this mission is really overkill, you can do it with titanium easily. Asra Nox attacks are very predictable (just stay above the bookcase in the opposite side of the room she is - there's no need to jump attacks and when she morphballs, run and jump, defend, etc, hit her immediatelly afterwards) once you get them, it's easy.
Sculk 19 Jan, 2020 @ 9:00am 
I never new that you coul find these books ni the grand pagoda library... I haven't been playing ths for long though I'm somehow already on the apex scanning mission
MongooseCalledFred  [author] 13 Dec, 2019 @ 1:59pm 
Which door?
Candied_meme 11 Dec, 2019 @ 4:07am 
the door glitches out on me. do I need to enter through another way?
Hlubi+Jay 1 Jul, 2019 @ 7:09am 
Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
Kalastryn 15 Oct, 2018 @ 4:54pm 
Also worth noting, Asra Nox drops their weapon the "Solus Katana" at a 10% drop rate.