Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Expanded States 2.2hf1 [SEE DESCRIPTION]
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2 Agu 2016 @ 9:05pm
10 Feb 2017 @ 6:28pm
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Expanded States 2.2hf1 [SEE DESCRIPTION]

THIS MOD IS NOW DISCONTINUED, rebranded and reuploaded as "Expanded Plus". It covers the same content (and more), but changes the focus of the mod as a whole.

Divides up a large number of states to allow for more variation and historical options when peace conferences come around.

This also changes some events to handle the changes, such as Poland's borders moving west to the Oder-Nesse line, rather than the silly vanilla HOI4 states, and options for the fall of Czechoslovakia.

I have tried to estimate population and buildings in these states, but I cant guarentee accuracy in those departments. Theyre just divided from the original states stats. Balance will be worked on still.

Direct Downloads (unzip to the /mod folder):
Ver 2.2hf1 (hoi4 v1.3)

Ver 2.2 (hoi4 v1.3)
Ver 2.1 (hoi4 v1.2)
Ver 2.0 (hoi4 v1.1):
Ver 1.0 (hoi4 v1.1): {LINK REMOVED}

Future updates:
- Poland rework (including Katowice)
- Options for the splitting up of Yugoslavia and Greece

Changelog for v2.2hf1:
- Possible fix for the crash bug that has plagued this mod since HOI4 patch 1.3
- Fixed Zimbabwe core from Zambia
- Removed Kenyan cores from Uganda and Tanzania
- Added option to refuse Hungary the First Vienna Award (southern Slovakia)
- Fixed arrangement of focus trees to those changed in HOI4 patch 1.3
Changelog for v2.2:
- Update for HOI4 patch 1.3
Changelog for v2.1:
- Update for HOI4 patch 1.2
- This update will break prior saves (but so will the patch 1.2)
Changelog for v2.0:
- Misc: Fixed buildings (like airbases). Should be all done, but I can't confirm
- States: Division of Switzerland based on language boundaries
- States: Upper Lusatia from Saschen (in Germany)
- States: Kladsko from Niederschlesien (in Germany)
- States: West Virginia in USA
- States: Rework of all Yugoslavia
- States: Fier in southern Albiania
- States: Paris and Berlin from their surrounding areas (East/West Berlin to come soon)
- States: Alsace-Lorraine rework
- States: Normandy into upper and lower regions
- States: Great Britain regions
- States: Utrecht from Friesland and Brabant in eastern Netherlands
- States: Sweden regions
- States: Norway has 3 more states
- States: East Thrace from Istanbul
- States: Istanbul divided into east and west
- States: Jordon into three regions
- States: Syria has plenty now
- States: Rework of all northern Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Sudan
- Events: Anschluss options for coring of non-Austrian owned territories (including South Tyrol). AI won't do this with historical focuses on.
- Events: Rechecked German remilitarisation events. Should have been working on 1.0, but I went through it a number of times and done tests and everything anyway.
- Events: Sudeten crisis changed to allow UK to choose who gets Zaolzie (CZE/POL/GER/SLO)
- Events: Sudeten crisis half-rewritten to allow German coring of any states that aren't own by Czechoslovakia at the time.
- Events: Fate of Czechoslovakia allows options for who gets what regarding Slovakia (GER/HUN/SLO/POL/SOV)
- Events: Danzig for Slovakia events rewritten to allow for choosing German demands (and Poland can push back for Zaolzie too if Germany has it)
- Events: Vilnius rework to allow USSR to hand it over to Lithuania (historical) after annexing eastern Poland, or to keep it.
- Events: Misc sandboxy fixes. Shouldnt affect much.

Prior changes:

- Poland siding with Germany or USSR and its border changes (including Yalta conference)
- Poland ceding Vilnius to Lithuania on invitation to faction.
- France ceding Indochina to Japan
- China ceding Beijing, Hebei and Shandong to Japan (to include the extra states)

- Polish-German border to allow for division along the Oder-Nesse line
- Lithuania gained a state
- Latvia gained two.
- Estonian islands
- Isle of Man and Shetlands
- Kosovo
- Southern Finland into Helsinki and Turki-dominated areas (Uusimaa and Varsinais-Suomi)
- East Prussia into north and south (to allow for Kaliningrad)
- Southern Sudetenland split from the west.
- California, Montana, Texas and New England split into two.
- Alaskan panhandle.
- Caribbean Antilles island chain divided into individual islands.
- Brazilian Amazonas divided.
- East and West Panama
- Rio Grande from Argentine Patagonia
- Major Africa reworking to allow for modern divisions
- Socotra from British Aden (and Yemen)
- Fyn and Bornholm from Denmark
- Rework of Australia but no new states
- Papua New Guinea divided into north-south
- Mongolia divided into three
- Indochina gains two states
- Qatar
- Gdynia from the Danzig/Gdansk state
- Jeju from south Korea
- Tientsin(Tienjin) from Beijing
- Weihaiwei and Jiaozhou from Shandong
- Siam has four states instead of two
- Brunei from British Borneo
- Batam and Singapore from Malaya
- Saarland from Moselland, in Germany
Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (4)
21 Jun 2017 @ 9:37am
def name = "Zach"
21 Jun 2017 @ 9:37am
def name = "Zach"
21 Jun 2017 @ 9:37am
DISEMATKAN: News (upcoming 1.4 patch)
def name = "Zach"
262 Komentar
Kansleren 19 Okt 2020 @ 6:23am 
loved the mod please update
def name = "Zach"  [pembuat] 21 Jun 2017 @ 9:37am 
THIS MOD IS NOW DISCONTINUED, rebranded and reuploaded as "Expanded Plus". It covers the same content (and more), but changes the focus of the mod as a whole.
def name = "Zach"  [pembuat] 20 Jun 2017 @ 2:47am 
@TheCharmanderGod, Ill add it to the list but I wont guarentee that Sofia/Pirin will be added, and while I havent looked into the Macedonian issue too much (besides the naming issue), I do wonder if just a claim is better, and also there are potentially balance issues with doing so (just like giving Germany cores on the Sudetenland in 1936, rather than through its focus). Ill add it to the list (on a mid-tier priority probably), and do some research etc before adding.
def name = "Zach"  [pembuat] 20 Jun 2017 @ 2:47am 
@General Stefen, It is certainly an area Ive heard of a lot, but it is very small. I may consider it, but Im also rebranding (and rereleasing) this mod soon, so its focus wont be on the states (though they will remain).

@Electrohuila, Id rather not give any kind of date because my work on this can be rather soradic, but there isnt much left until it can be releasable (even if not up to my preferred standards). Just some fixing up of the states for the new impassable features and new strategic regions. Unfortunately the nudge tool can get a slight bit buggy for this so it can be slower than wanted (but still more interesting that dealing with 62 different releasables for UK and 2-3 events each.. but thats done now)
Rogally 19 Jun 2017 @ 11:16am 
Hey in the balkans could you maybe split sofia into sofia and pirin? Greece (and either yugo or a releasable macedonia) would have cores on it. Likewise the yugo's macedonia state should be cored by Greece and Bulgaria. This is because of the fact that those states were given after the balkan wars and during WWII (and even today) there was serious disagreement on how land was divied out.
......... 18 Jun 2017 @ 10:33am 
how soon is your new mod will be released?
General Stefan 11 Jun 2017 @ 7:03am 
I do not know if this has been suggested before, but I'd like to come forth with an Idea about the German/Belgian border. The province of Eupen (it's basically the small blob above luxmeburg on the german border) could become it's own state. It was ceded to Belgium from Germany after WW1 and would make sense to include so to orderly re-create the propper pre ww1 borders :) keep up the great work, mate! I am loving this mod! <3
def name = "Zach"  [pembuat] 7 Jun 2017 @ 3:08am 
@mehmetkaplan11, As Gamer333221 said, no, definitely not. Millenium Dawn mod already has its own map changes and this mod does more than just change the map. Its meant to be vanilla hoi4 style, just extended. This will be more represented in my re-release coming soon, to lean away from the title of this current mod. (See the forum post i created, if curious)
Bilbo Waggins 6 Jun 2017 @ 9:55am 
mkbashar 6 Jun 2017 @ 5:29am 
can you use this for millenium dawn?