Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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欢迎中文杀戮间系列玩家光临 百度杀戮间吧 讨论:


狂战 Berserker
突击 Commando
支援 Support
医疗 Field Medic
爆破 Demolitionist
纵火 Firebug
双枪 Gunslinger
神射 Sharpshooter

变异体 Zeds

Batalkan favorit
Basic stats

Berserker Damage: +1% damage increase every level
Damage Resistance: +2% damage resistance very five levels
+Night Vision Capability
+Clots cannot grab you

Level 5 - Survival
5级技能 - 生存

Dreadnaught - Increase total Health by 50%.
无所畏惧 - 提高50%总生命值上限
Skirmisher - Move 20% faster. Sprint 25% faster. Regenerate 2 points of Health every second.
散兵游勇 - 提高20%的移动速度,提高25%的奔跑速度,每秒回复2点生命值

Level 10 - Combat
10级技能 - 格斗

Vampire - Heal yourself 4 points of Health for every Zed you kill with a Berserker weapon. You also attack 15% faster with Berserker weapons.
吸血鬼 - 使用狂战武器每击杀一只变异体回复4点生命值,并且提高15%的狂战武器攻击速度
Butcher - Attack 20% faster and do 25% more damage with Berserker weapons.
屠夫 - 提高20%的职业武器攻速和25%的伤害

Level 15 - Close Combat
15级技能 - 近战

Resistance - Gain 20% resistance to all damage. You gain an additional 20% resistance to Poison and Sonic damage.
抵抗 - 提高对所有伤害20%的减伤,并且对剧毒和噪音伤害额外提高20%的抵抗
Parry - Parrying an attack with a Berserker melee weapon will increase melee attack speed by 5% and melee damage by 35% for 10 seconds.
格挡 - 使用狂战武器格挡一次攻击,并在10秒内提高近战攻速5%和近战伤害25%

Level 20 - Power
20级技能 - 力量

Smash- Hard attacks with Berserker melee weapons do 50% more damage, plus an additional 25% damage on head shots, and have 200% more Stumble power.
痛击 - 狂战武器重击伤害提高50%,并对头部额外造成25%的伤害和200%的击退
Massacre- Light attacks with Berserker melee weapons do 20% more damage and are 5% faster.
屠杀 - 狂战武器轻击造成20%额外伤害且提高5%的攻击速度

Level 25 - Advanced Training
25级技能 - 进阶训练

ZED TIME - Spartan - You've seen 300: Attack in near real time and gain 25% of your total Health.
子弹时间 - 斯巴达勇士 - 你应该看过这部电影:攻击速度接近于真实状态且恢复你25%的总生命值
ZED TIME - Berserker Rage - Zeds won't like you when you're angry: Move and attack in real time.
子弹时间 - 狂战士之怒 - 变异体并不喜欢你生气的样子:移动和攻击速度不受子弹时间限制
Basic stats

Perk Weapon Damage: 1% increase in Commando weapon damage per level
Cloaked Enemy & Health Bar Description: 10m range plus 2m per level
Zed Time Extension: Zed time increases by 1 second plus one second every five levels
Reload Speed: 2% increase in reload speed every 5 levels
Night Vision Capability

Level 5 - Tactics
5级技能 - 战术

Tactical Reload- Be cool. Be quick. Reload 20% faster with Commando weapons AND look more elite while you're at it.
战术装填 - 更快,更酷,突击武器换弹速度提高20%且看起来更加高端大气
Large Mags - Get a bit more serious: Increase Commando weapon magazine capacities by 50%
大容量弹匣 - 严肃面对:提高突击武器弹容量上限50%

Level 10 - Advanced Tactics
10级技能 - 进阶战术

Backup - Give your backup pistol and knife 60% extra damage for those moments when you really need it! You also increase your weapon switching speed.
备用 - 提高你的9mm手枪和小刀威力60%,以备不时之需,并且提高武器的切换速度
Impact- Pack more punch and knock 'em down: Increase Stumble power by 150% for all Commando weapons.
冲击 - 提高每一发子弹的冲击力:提高所有突击武器150%的击退

Level 15 - Survival
15级技能 - 生存

Health Increase - Increase total Health and Armor by 25%
生命值提升 - 提高25%的总生命值上限和护甲上限
Ammo Vest - Carry two extra magazines for each Commando weapon.
弹药背心 - 所有突击武器多携带20%的备弹

Level 20 - Weapon Specialist
20级技能 - 武器专家

Hollow Point Rounds - Upgrade your ammo, giving Commando weapons 25% more damage and reducing their recoil 50%.
空尖弹 - 提升你的弹药,提高25%的突击武器伤害且降低50%的后坐力
Eat Lead- Need more bullets? Get 50% more rounds in your mags with Commando weapons.
吃枪子儿吧 - 需要更多弹药?提高50%的突击武器弹匣容量

Level 25 - Advanced Training
25级技能 - 进阶训练

ZED TIME: Rapid Fire - When the world slows down, do more hurt: Do 3% more damage with Commando weapons and shoot 3x faster with all guns.
子弹时间:速射 - 当整个世界慢下来,提高3%的突击武器伤害且所有武器射速变为原来的3倍
ZED TIME: Professional - When the world slows down, you don't: Reload Commando weapons at full speed and switch Commando weapons twice as fast!
子弹时间:专业 - 当整个世界慢下来,你没有:换弹不受子弹时间影响且切换突击武器速度为原来的两倍
Basic stats

Welding Proficiency: Welding speed increased by 2% per level.
Perk Weapon Damage: Perk weapon damage increased by 1% per level.
Per Weapon Penetration:Every level, Perk weapons gain 25% increased penetration power per level.
Grenade Damage: Grenade damage increases 2% per level.

Level 5 - Supply
5级技能 - 补给

Ammo - Start getting serious: Increase your ammo capacity and starting ammo for Support weapons by 20%.
弹药 - 开始变得严肃起来:提高20%的备弹量和初始弹药量
Supplier - Be the one everyone loves: Carry a backpack from which all players can get ammo once per wave.
后勤 - 成为所有人所爱:携带一个弹药包且其他玩家每一波可以从中拿一次弹药

Level 10 - Fitness
10级技能 - 强健

Fortitude - Give yourself a better chance: Increase your total Health by 50%.
坚韧 - 给你一个更好的机会:提高生命值上限50%
Regeneration - Put the Medics out of business: Your health regenerates slowly over time, thanks to Horzine nano-bots.
自愈 - 让医生们失业:你的生命值会缓慢的恢复,每2秒4点,感谢Horzine纳米机器人的支持

Level 15 - Weapon Handling
15级技能 - 武器操控

Bombard - Put some power into it: Increase your chance of causing a Zed to stumble by 60% with ranged Support weapons.
压制 - 给点力:提高支援武器60%的击退力
Tactical Reload - Be cool. Be quick. Reload faster with Support weapons AND look more elite while you're at it.
战术装填 - 更快,更酷,支援武器换弹速度提高20%且看起来更加高端大气

Level 20 - Endurance
20级技能 - 耐久力

Strength - Get down to the gym. Bulk up and increase your carrying capacity by 5.
力量 - 锻炼之后,你的负重会额外提升5格
Tenacity - Spend the time to improve and do 10% more damage with Support weapons.
坚韧 - 提高10%的支援武器伤害

Level 25 - Advanced Training
25级技能 - 进阶训练

ZED TIME: Safeguard - Wade right in with 5% improved armor for you AND your nearby friends!
子弹时间:舒肤佳 - 每次慢动作恢复自己和周围玩家5%的护甲
ZED TIME: Barrage - Make the most of the time with a 15% increase to all damage for you AND your friends nearby!
子弹时间:弹幕 - 提高自身和周围玩家15%的伤害
Field Medic
Basic stats

Syringe Recharge Rate: 8% decrease in syringe recharge rate per level.
Syringe Potency: Health restored by syringe increased by 2% per level.
Bloat Pile Resistance: Damage from Bloat Bile reduced by 2% per level.
Movement Speed: 1% faster movement per level.
Armor Bonus: Armor increased by 3% per level.

Level 5 - Conditioning
5级技能 - 护理

Healing Surge - Put that Medic knowledge to proper use: Increase Health by 20%.
治疗增益 - 利用医学知识提高生命值上限20%
Enforcer - Enough focus on caring: Increase your ammo capacity by 20% for your Field Medic and backup weapons.
强制者 - 专注与救死扶伤:提高医疗武器和备用武器20%的备弹量

Level 10 - Medical Technician
10级技能 - 医疗技术

Combatant - Don't just be a Medic - be the Combat Medic you always wanted to be with free, starting body armor & a 60% discount on all armor purchases!
战斗人员 - 别只是当一名医生 - 而是当一名战斗医疗兵,允许你拥有初始护甲和60%的护甲价格优惠
Armament - Don't just repair people: Lose 10% of your healing effectiveness on teammates, but repair 2% of their max body armor each time, instead!
护甲修复 - 并不只是恢复伤口:减少你对队友10%的治疗量来每次修复他们2%的护甲

Level 15 - Weapon Handling
15级技能 - 武器操控

Regeneration - Dose yourself up: Your health regenerates slowly over time, thanks to Horzine nano-bots.
自愈 - 你的生命值会随着时间缓慢恢复,感谢Horzine的纳米机器人
Lacerate - Watch it with that scalpel: You cause Zeds to bleed more after damage with all Perk weapons.
撕裂 - 当心手上的手术刀:使用所有职业武器对变异体造成持久流血伤害

Level 20 - Combat Technician

Vaccination - Help prevent the spread of death: Your healing grants increased max armor to teammates, plus temporary resistance to Bloat Bile.
接种 - 防止死亡扩散:治疗针可以进一步修复护甲并且能短暂为队友提供剧毒伤害的防护
Acidic Compound - A healer to some... death to others! Now, your healing darts can poison Zeds, and your grenades and darts sometimes cause Zeds to panic.
酸性合剂 - 朋友的救星,敌人的死神!你的医疗飞针可以毒晕变异体,并且你的医疗雷和治疗针可以让怪物进入恐慌状态

Level 25 - Advanced Training
25级技能 - 进阶训练

ZED TIME: Airborne Agent - They say time heals: Your medic darts will form a healing cloud for your target and nearby friends to get 10% extra healing.
子弹时间:空降奇兵 - 雪中送炭:你的治疗针可以在子弹时间内造成治疗云来治疗目标周围的队友,并且提高10%的治疗量
ZED TIME: Sedative - And time stands still: Medic darts and grenades release a Zed-Sedative that can temporarily stop Zed movement.
子弹时间:镇定剂 - 乖♂乖♂站♂好:治疗针和医疗雷会释放变异体镇定剂让目标短暂停止移动
Basic stats

Perk Weapon Damage: Perk weapon damage increased 1% per level
Explosive Resistance: 1% per level resistance to explosive damage
Extra Explosive Ammo: 5% more starting explosive ammo every five levels
+Grenade Supplier: Give out an extra grenade per wave to your team
+Door Traps: Doors you weld will explode when destroyed

Level 5 - Technique
5级技能 - 技术

Bombardier - Your Demolitionist weapons do 25% more damage.
炮手 - 提高25%的爆破武器伤害
Grenadier - You reload your Demolitionist weapons 10% faster.
掷弹兵 - 提高10%的爆破武器装填速度

Level 10 - Explosives
10级技能 - 爆破

High Impact Rounds - Do 25% more damage on a direct hit with your explosive Demolitionist
weapons, but decrease maximum ammo for each weapon by 3
高穿深 - 多造成25%的爆破武器直射伤害,但减少3发爆破武器的备弹量
Extra Round: - Increase maximum ammo by 5 for all explosive Demolitionist weapons.
更多弹药 - 增加所有爆破武器5发备弹上限

Level 15 - Advanced Techniques
15 - 进阶技术

Sonic Resistant Rounds - Your explosive Demolitionist weapons have a 100% chance of getting past a siren's scream and actually exploding.
抗噪音弹药 - 你的爆破武器可以100%的免疫Siren音波破坏并且爆炸
Fragmentation Rounds - The area of effect for your explosive Demolitionist weapons is increased by 50%, but their damage is reduced by 30%.
破片弹药 - 爆破武器的爆炸范围提高50%,但其伤害减少30%

Level 20 - Weapon Techniques
20级技能 - 武器技能

Armor Piercing Rounds - A direct hit to a critical zone with any Demolitionist weapon will do 50% additional damage.
穿甲弹 - 使用爆破武器直接射击目标弱点可以造成50%的额外伤害
Concussive Rounds- The reaction, stun, stumble and knockdown power of your Demolitionist weapons increase by 50%.
震撼弹 - 爆破武器的击退、击晕、与击倒能力提高50%

Level 25 - Advanced Explosives
25级技能 - 进阶爆破

ZED TIME: Destroyer of Worlds - Nuke 'em: Your explosives dish out massive radiation damage in Zed Time, poisoning Zeds.
子弹时间:毁灭者 - 核平他们,在子弹时间内你的爆炸武器会产生大范围的核爆并且毒伤变异体
ZED TIME: Mad Bomber- Shoot and reload in near real time.
子弹时间:狂轰滥炸 - 射速与装弹速度接近于真实时间
Basic stats

Perk Weapon Damage: Perk weapon damage increased by 1% per level
Perk Weapon Reload: Perk weapon reload speed increased by 1% per level
Resist Zed Fire Damage: Increase resistance to Zed fire attacks by 30+2% per level
Immunity to Your Own Fire: Increase resistance to your own fire by 25%+3% per level
Starting Ammo: Increase starting ammo by 5% every five levels

Level 5 - Supplies
5级技能 - 补给

Well Stocked - What it says on the can: Firebug weapons start at 60% ammo capacity at the Trader.
完善储存 - 他们所说的装箱打包:纵火武器初始弹药提高到上限的60%
Flarotov Cocktail - It's in the name: Shove a flare in your Molotov Cocktail - you get a Flare that lights up the environment for 30 seconds.
照明托夫鸡尾酒 - 如同名字一样:在莫洛托夫中放入一个照明弹 - 延长燃烧弹燃烧时间且照明弹会点亮周围环境30s

Level 10 - Spicy
10级技能 - 火辣辣

Barbecue - A nice slow-burner: Firebug weapons' Fire effect lingers 20% longer, adding to damage over time.
烤肉 - 烧死他,用文火:纵火武器的火焰燃烧时间延长20%,并且增加持续伤害
Heat Wave - Like a Georgia summer: Zeds struck with Fire at point blank range will stumble back.
热浪 - 跟乔治亚的夏天一样:变异体被火焰困住并且被热浪击退

Level 15 - Burn
15级技能 - 燃烧

Pyre - Zed goes BOOM: Any Zed killed by Fire weapons has a 20% chance to explode, causing damage to and knocking down nearby Zeds.
燃爆 - 变异体炸了:所以被纵火武器杀死的变异体都会有20%的几率燃爆,并对周围变异体造成击倒和伤害
Napalm - Zed on FIRE: Zeds that are on Fire will set other Zeds on Fire when they make contact with them.
凝固汽油 - 变异体着火了:着火的变异体会点燃周围的怪物

Level 20 - Flame
20级技能 - 烈焰

Firestorm - Increase range of all Fire weapons. Go on - you know you want to.
烈焰风暴 - 提高纵火武器的射程,善用善用
Wildfire - Or increase the splash damage of Fire weapon impacts. Decisions, decisions!
野火 - 或者提高纵火武器的穿透力和持续伤害

Level 25 - Advanced Training
25级技能 - 进阶训练

ZED TIME: Arsonist - Any Zed that dies from your Fire weapons in Zed Time will explode into a fireball setting anything in the explosion on Fire.
子弹时间:纵火犯 - 在子弹时间内所有被纵火武器杀死的变异体都会被燃爆
ZED TIME: Pyromaniac - You're on fire! Well, not literally. Firebug weapons used in Zed Time will fire close to real-time speed.
子弹时间:纵火狂 - 你着火了!并非字面上的一样,纵火武器在子弹时间内射速接近于真实速度
Basic stats

Perk Weapon Damage: Perk weapon damage increased by 1% per level
Bullet Resistance: Resistance to projectile based damage increased by 5%+1% per level
Movement Speed: Movement speed increased by 1% per level
Recoil: 1% per level less recoil on perk weapons

Level 5 - Technique
5级技能 - 技术

Shoot'n'Scoot - Don't hang around to be eaten: Move 200% faster in iron sights with reduced weapon bob when using Gunslinger weapons.
游击 - 别站着等死:在瞄准状态下提高200%的移动速度并且降低双枪武器后坐力
Quick Draw - You know it: Increase weapon switch speed with Gunslinger weapons by 50% and quick draw spare pistols if you keep firing while out of ammo.
快拔 - 你懂得:提高双枪武器切换速度50%并且能在子弹打光之后快速切换其他武器继续射击

Level 10 - Skill
10级技能 - 能力

Rhythm Method - Rack up the headshots: Each consecutive headshot with a Gunslinger weapon increases your damage by 17% up to a maximum of 68%.
节奏大师 - 将爆头连起来:每次使用双枪武器爆头提高武器伤害,从17%到68%
Bone Breaker - Don't just collect them, break them too: Inflict 20% more damage with Gunslinger weapons.
碎骨者 - 别急着收集他们,打爆他们:提高20%的双枪武器伤害

Level 15 - Advanced Techniques
15级技能 - 进阶技术

Speedloader - Cooler, quicker, deadlier: Reload faster with Gunslinger weapons 20% faster AND look more elite while you're at it.
装弹器 - 更快、更酷、更致命:双枪武器提高20%装弹速度并且显得你更会玩一些
Penetration - Line 'em up and knock 'em down: Penetrate an extra Zed with every shot with Gunslinger weapons.'
穿透 - 直线枪毙并且打倒它们:使用双枪武器可以多穿透一只变异体

Level 20 - Critical hits
20级技能 - 严重打击

Center of Mass - If you aim for the center of mass... shots to the chest with Gunslinger weapons have 40% more stumble power.
正中靶心 - 如果你瞄准正中心,射击胸口会让双枪武器增加40%的击退力
Leg Shots - Or shoot them in the legs... shots to the legs with Gunslinger weapons have 3x more knockdown power when the Zed is sprinting.
射腿 - 或者打断它们的腿……当变异体奔跑时,使用双枪武器射击腿部可以造成3倍的击倒力

Level 25 - Master Techniques
25级技能 -大师技巧

ZED TIME: Fanfire - Fanfire with fanfare: Shoot 3x faster with Gunslinger weapons in Zed time.
子弹时间:自由射击 - 在子弹时间内射击速度为原来的3倍
ZED TIME: Uber Ammo - Uber it up: You can’t run out of ammo with Gunslinger weapons during Zed time.
子弹时间:无限子弹 - 在子弹时间内射击不会消耗子弹
Basic stats

Headshot Damage: Headshot damage increased by 1% per level
Recoil: 1% per level less recoil on perk weapons
Weapon Switch: Weapon switch speed increased by 2% per level

Level 5 - Movement
5级技能 - 步态

Sniper - Inflict 25% more damage while stationary and using a Sharpshooter weapon.
狙击手 - 在站定状态下提高神射武器25%的伤害
Marksman - Shoot 25% faster and move 10% faster when using a Sharpshooter weapon.
精确射手 - 提高神射武器25%的射速和10%的移动速度

Level 10 - Basic Technique
10级技能 - 基础技能

Stability - Inflict 30% more damage while crouching and using a Sharpshooter weapon.
稳定射击 - 下蹲时提高30%的神射武器伤害
Ballistic Shock - Stun power with Sharpshooter weapons increases by 100%.
弹道冲击 - 神射武器击晕力提高100%

Level 15 - Skill
15级技能 - 技巧

Rack 'em Up - Rack up the headshots: each consecutive headshot with a Sharpshooter weapon increases your damage by 5% up to 75%.
连击起来 - 让爆头连击起来:每次连续的爆头都会增加神射武器的伤害,从5%到75%
Combat Ready- Be cool. Be quick. Reload faster with Sharpshooter weapons AND look more elite while you're at it.'
准备战斗 - 更酷、更快,神射武器装弹更快且更加高端大气上档次

Level 20 - Equipment
20级技能 - 装备

Dead Eye - Reduce recoil 10% and increase head shot damage 10% when using a scope or ironsights with a Sharpshooter weapon.'
死眼 - 当瞄准时降低神射武器10%的后坐力且提高10%的伤害
Always Prepared - Get 25% more ammo for Sharpshooter weapons and grenades.
时刻准备 - 提高25%的神射武器备弹和手雷数量

Level 25 - Master Techniques
25级技能 - 大师技巧

ZED TIME: Assassin - Headshots with Sharpshooter weapons will dramatically increase knockdown power.
子弹时间:刺客 - 在子弹时间内用神射武器爆头可以戏剧性地提高击倒力
ZED TIME: Ranger - Headshots with Sharpshooter weapons will dramatically increase stun power.
子弹时间:游骑兵 - 在子弹时间内用神射武器爆头可以提高击晕力度
Martial Artist
14 Komentar
JoyPadZ 22 Sep 2016 @ 2:26am 
S.W.A.T 技能 (转自杀戮间吧)
JoyPadZ 22 Sep 2016 @ 2:25am 
5左 在你有护甲的时候物理打击全部由护甲承担 防小白抓 开局送50甲
5右 机瞄/蹲时以正常速度移动

10左 9mm和小刀攻击力X2.1 开局送双9mm
10右 快速换弹

15左 子弹击退+100%
15右 所有SMG备弹量+30%

20左 护甲上限+50 开局送50甲 可和5左叠加
20右 连续打击最多可使zed减速30% 打腿效果最大

25左 子弹时间可撞飞挡路的敌人 实时移动
25右 子弹时间内子弹无限 接近实时射速开火 击退+100%
hydra_wind 25 Agu 2016 @ 6:37pm 
Lids  [pembuat] 6 Agu 2016 @ 9:21am 
@Hsiyuen 谢谢提醒,修改了
Hsiyuen 6 Agu 2016 @ 8:31am 
狂战伤害抵抗 是每五级增加2%吧 一星期后又得调整技能了
3 Agu 2016 @ 9:43pm 
Bayker 3 Agu 2016 @ 9:41pm 
For foreigners this guide will be helpfull!
3 Agu 2016 @ 9:37pm 
连汉化做得都这么慢,不要说新职业了,Martial Artist,应该很好玩很厉害,2015到现在效率太慢了
Lids  [pembuat] 3 Agu 2016 @ 9:24pm 
@303499372 未来的新职业,还没有出
Lids  [pembuat] 3 Agu 2016 @ 9:23pm 
@DATALIA(AFK FOR 12 DAYS) 知道了,谢谢提醒