Scrap Mechanic

Scrap Mechanic

Timcorp's producs
Timcorp is a robot manifacturer who produce all kind of mechanical contraption using a compound of cutting edge technologies and proven science.

As a member of the physics inquisition, Timcorp is proud to state that none of their products defies the laws of Newton by using glitches and others viles trickeries.
项目 (2)
Dreadnought W40k
创建者: Timotei~
A Dreadnought is a cybernetic combat walker of intermediate size used by the Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes as heavy infantry support for their Space Marine companies. Even the superhuman Space Marines are still mortal and can fall in battle despite lege...
Bipod X-2 Mech
创建者: Timotei~
Timcorp industries is proud to present to you their first ever industrial bipod. Used primaly for prospecting on virgin terrain, this mech can reach a top speed of 5Km/h. The controls schemes were designed to be easily understood by a single untrained oper...