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Shotgun  [tác giả] 21 Thg08, 2016 @ 8:58pm 
Probably a better idea to post that in the main review comments, as fewer people are likely to read it here.
GRid 21 Thg08, 2016 @ 8:14pm 
Thanks for posting this up. I was thinking about buying this game till I seen the way the dev's here work.
Shotgun  [tác giả] 14 Thg08, 2016 @ 10:47am 
Also, you're not abiding by your own beliefs. According to them, I can just as easily interpret what you've just said to me as a personal offense. "Personally my opinion of you is very low" you say? That's a pretty terrible thing to say to someone, and is making me very distressed. Why are you being rude and insulting me? Why aren't you being nice?

Do you see what I'm getting at?

Try posting the "personally my opinion of you is very low" line to one of the developers, and see where that takes you.

"If you need to decide on something like this, I have very little hope."
"Personally my opinion of you is very low"

Are you seriously trying to tell me that if we compare those side by side, one is more offensive than the other?
Shotgun  [tác giả] 14 Thg08, 2016 @ 10:40am 
You're more than welcome to believe that not-perfectly-amicable phrasing of disagreement, rather than actually breaking the written rules of the community, should be grounds for a permanent ban. You're also more than welcome to believe that being negative is the same thing as insulting someone personally. And maybe you'll even be lucky enough to live your life without ending up bitten in the ass by the beliefs you hold.

Everything you've said mirrors what Picatrix said in our exchange. You're of the opinion that any individual's personal interpretation of offense should decide the status and punishmentof the "offender." That is literally the core principle of the SJW agenda. And you say you don't like SJWs? I'm detecting a lot of dissonance here.
Saul Good Man 14 Thg08, 2016 @ 1:59am 
Also another thing to remember with your review is that it is an early access game, so of course there is a lot to be fixed in it and I believe there is a note when you review early access games that says to keep in mind that it is an early access game and is not finished yet, I think I saw it when I reviewed a different game that was also in early access. If you start being nice to people it will take you a lot further than being rude and disrespectful.

I had to put this in 3 parts because there is a 1000 character limit
Saul Good Man 14 Thg08, 2016 @ 1:58am 
Personally my opinion of you is very low due to the way you handled your review and the way you responded to picatrix, you just seem salty that you got banned and I think that you know you were purposefully being rude to people, creating ill will within the community seems like something you would do (judging from your review and replies) and insulting the developers could be because you said you had very little hope for them if they implemented a certain feature you disliked, it would be a bit of a stretch but it could have easily been seen that way.
Saul Good Man 14 Thg08, 2016 @ 1:58am 
It seems they banned you less because of what you said and more because of the way you said it, I agree with Picatrix. I don't like SJW's, I don't like feminists, both are unnecessary and unwanted in western society, but you seemed to be deliberately just being a dick about the way you expressed your opinion in this thread, and if even half of your posts were like this then that's a fair reason for a ban. People can express disagreement and still remain civil and polite, just because you disagree with someone does not mean you must insult them. By putting it like this "If you are discussing this feature that I personally do not like, then I lose the hope that I had (that you were a decent company?)" Instead it could be this way "While I can see why you might want this, it has more negatives than positives and I do not believe that it should be implemented"
Trismegistus 13 Thg08, 2016 @ 3:52pm 
Holy shit shotgun.
Shotgun  [tác giả] 13 Thg08, 2016 @ 3:51pm 

That's what these people don't realize: that at some point, they'll fall victim to their own beliefs.

People who came before us fought and died so that the evil of this sort of tyranny would be stomped into obsolescence. Yet despite of that, people in ever greater numbers are starting to believe that it's better to restrict speech than to have someone somewhere be offended by an opinion.

Freedom indices are going down across the entire world. Check sources like if you don't believe me.
LaserShark 13 Thg08, 2016 @ 3:30pm 
Once you start censoring people because "i don't like what they said" eventualy you'll get censored, and further down the line no one will have a platform to voice themselves on.
Censorship is good when its required, like tring to organize a hate mob or so on but this level of censorship is Bull Sh it