A Date in the Park

A Date in the Park

92 평점
Game Walkthrough
Nantes 님이 작성
How to reach the ending of this game in 15 easy steps. I wrote it in the most straightforward/simple manner possible.
즐겨찾기 해제
Starting out

Note: You may right-click on Exits to instantly travel there, greatly speeding up the walking back & forth. This is a very useful piece of information that's easy to miss.

1- Use your Wallet on the window booth to get the map of the park.

2- Go to the duck pond. Click on the duckling to put him in the pond.

3- Go to the lake and speak to the gardener there. If you wish to know the translation to what he says, hover your mouse over the following text (warning: SPOILERS): "Sir, be careful, I saw a strange woman hiding in the bushes. She had a weird look on her face... she seemed crazy. Watch out, sir".

4- Go to the toolshed area by going around the right-hand side of the museum. Try to open the toolshed door. It's locked.

5- Go to the dome if you haven't already (as pointed out by a reader, you need to click the alcove on the other side). At this point your character should say he's explored the whole park and thinks he has been stood up. If you happened to pass through the dome on the way to the toolshed, the "stood up" part should have been said as you arrived at the toolshed.
Optional step for achievement: Right-click the alcove on the other side of the entrance to look through it.

6- Go back to the duck pond to see a disturbing scene unfold in front of your eyes, then use the Handkerchief in your inventory on the poor duckling.
P.S: Rumors say that naming your duckling "Pedro" unlocks a secret achievement.
The first surprise box
7- Walk out of the area and back in to see a surprise box on the bench. Click to open it.

8- Go back to the lake and click the balloon note on the far left, then click the rucksack by the tree to get a Key.

9- Go back to the toolshed and use the key to open its door. Click the opened door to get a Telescopic Hoe.
Optional step for achievement: Go to the pigeons area to find out that they are now gone. Click on the stone head on the ground where the pigeons were to inspect it.
Optional step for another achievement: Return the key to the gardener's bag.

10- Go back to the lake and use the Telescopic Hoe on the balloon note to obtain it.
Optional step for achievement: put the Key back on the rucksack.

11- Go to the museum and click the statue on the right-hand side. You should be hearing music. Right-click the pipe below the statue to notice the music box is there.

12- Go around the museum through the right-hand side and click the device on the wall. Click the little strips until all three squares on the right-hand side are black, then click the green button. You should hear a noise.

13- Check the statue again. There should be water now. Take the floating music box to get another note from Catarina.
Optional step for achievement: right-click/look at all of the statues.
The second surprise box
14- Go to the toolshed to find another box. Open it.

15- Go back to the entrance to see the ending of the game.
Optional step for achievement: Answer the call on the red payphone, located directly north of the entrance.

Note: There doesn't seem to be any way to access the museum and dome areas. I tried replaying the game without putting the duckling in the pond this time, but the story won't progress if I don't do that. So there do not seem to be any secrets or alternative endings for this game.
댓글 12
MadMoxxiSimp 2024년 3월 27일 오전 10시 05분 
Thanks for the guide! No alternative endings though that sucks!
toast 2022년 4월 19일 오전 5시 19분 
MrL0G1C 2021년 6월 11일 오전 6시 12분 
Nantes  [작성자] 2021년 6월 11일 오전 6시 09분 
@MrL0G1C Thanks, what step does the "right-click dome entrance" part you mentioned refer to?
MrL0G1C 2021년 6월 11일 오전 3시 44분 
And an achievement for right-click/looking at (all of?) the statues.
MrL0G1C 2021년 6월 11일 오전 3시 35분 
It's not just right-click the dome entrance, you specifically have to click in the alcove on the other side.

Also, return the shed key to the gardeners bag for an achievement.
Nantes  [작성자] 2018년 7월 2일 오후 5시 08분 
April fools! ;D
WeaselBoots 2018년 7월 2일 오후 4시 55분 
Naming the duckling "Pedro" did nothing btw.
Nantes  [작성자] 2017년 6월 18일 오전 7시 36분 
@Cyphon "Note: There doesn't seem to be any way to access the museum and dome areas. I tried replaying the game without putting the duckling in the pond this time, but the story won't progress if I don't do that. So there do not seem to be any secrets or alternative endings for this game."
Cyphron 2017년 6월 18일 오전 3시 42분 
So.. There is only one ending?