Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

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Kashyyyk aerial combat
By Phoenikz
I'm going to be giving step-by-step advice to the aerial combat map on Kashyyyk.
What have I stumbled upon in the holocron vault that is the guides of Battlefront 2?
Have you encountered the aerial combat map on Kashyyyk, not wanted to skip it, but had an incredibly tough time with it, and haven't finished(or even started) it yet? Fear not, brave trooper, for I am here to help. This guide contains everything you need to know to deafeat this daunting task.
Help! What do I do first?!
The first thing the level will require you to do is destroy a Banking Clan Comms ship, and a Trade Federation Transport. Do NOT mistakenly attack the main Separatist frigate.

How do I destroy them? Well, thats a good question. You will see that there are four ships available in the Republic hangar. Assuming your pilot skills aren't that of a drunk Kowakian monkey-lizard, you should be able to get into the fighter, and take off. You will want to take the red V-wing fighter. Upon exiting the hangar, turn to your right. (No, the other right. That's right.) Once you've gone the right way, you should see a Separatist ship directly in front and above you. Manipulate your sticky little fingers on the keys until you are above the ship, heading towards it the long way.(Not across.) Make bombing runs down the length of tyhe ship, using the bombs mixed with your lasers. Upon reaching the end of the ship, hit c (unless it is differently bound for you) to spin around and head the way you came. You will need enough energy for this maneuvere. Repeat the bombing run. Do this until the ship is destroyed. Assuming that you've been killed multiple times, because nobody is perfect, the other ship you need to destroy will be in front of your Republic cruiser, attempting to broadside you.(Or at least on its way to your ship.) Use the same maneuvere against it.
I have no clue how to destroy the turrets!!!
The turrets are trickier to destroy. One thing you must NOT do is this:

You will want to use the yellow Jedi starfighter. Immediately upon leaving your cruiser, take a hard right, and jam the thrusters until you're clear of the enemy's fire. Then make runs along the side of the ship, going over or under the turrets. They will not be able to shoot you, and you can attack them fully. In addition, the enemy ship will help to shield you from their own fighters. Another good tactic is to attempt to land inside the enemy hangar, and commandeer an enemy bomber (the ones that look like General Grievous' starfighter). As an added bonus, space is international waters, and commandeering a ship in space makes you a space pirate. An additional thought: after much trial, IF you are gutsy, the bomber can be used against the turrets, but be wary: the lasers do not do much damage, so all the damage comes from the bombs. Be warned! Not to say that the bomber cannot be used, i just suggest the yellow starfighter for maneuverability purposes.
Boarding for dummies
Boarding the enemy ship is easy.
Step 1: Get in a gunship

Step 2: Fly to the enemy ship

Step 3: Land inside enemy ship

After establishing a spawn point, you will need to destroy their life support and critical systems from inside the ship. Now, I don't care if your dying grandmother told you to be a clone pilot, when boarding, you will be a marine, unless you're suicidal. Use the marine's rocket launcher to destroy the objectives, grenades to take out groups of droids, and the rifle to dispatch single droids.
Being a plans thief
Simply use your marine, infiltrate their engine compartment, steal the plans, escape the ship. Should be easy. Yeah, right. Darn turrets. After, bring the plans back to your own control room. Hope you found this guide helpful, and thanks for taking a look.