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A difficult skid Test Chambre
11 commentaires
name 1 juin 2013 à 23h49 
maybe if fraps existed i would
Banshee64  [créateur] 1 juin 2013 à 23h43 
please post video of you beating it thanks
name 1 juin 2013 à 23h34 
i beat it in 30 seconds or less its just that easy
Nick 18 févr. 2013 à 11h10 
scrub map for scub game!!!!
The Incel of the Opera 13 déc. 2012 à 20h36 
Where...is it?
The Sojourner 1 juin 2012 à 16h30 
I didn't need it either. I thought I needed it to get the sphere, but as it turns out, one can air strafe to get it instead. OK then, you're chamber's in 100% good condition and needs no fixing.
Banshee64  [créateur] 19 mai 2012 à 9h58 
You don't need the cube to get in the door of the chamber, It's jumpable.
The Sojourner 18 mai 2012 à 22h48 
You people have a point with the cube getting trapped. Although when I tried this test I could easily grab the cube from behind the laser fields or off the ledge (when knocking over the turret). Still a little extra safety would be appreciated. Also, when the stairs aren't activated, it's kinda tricky to get back to the main part of the chamber. Overall rating: 3/5.
TheFlyingPig 13 mai 2012 à 22h07 
@dex 1} you are confused there is always a way to get the cube back 2} you fling yoursef dude I landed right in the door but like you said if you dont you use the cube no biggy.

Dex: I know just the puzzle for you see it involves a room with a button you press the button and the door opens for you. You obviously cant handle anything harder and feel the need to take your frustrations and inadaquacys on others. Thats ok Dex because we are here for you when you brake down emotunally like this. You dont need to hate yourself any longer. We can work together to help you with your self hate and childish behavior.

Everyone Knows This.
Dex 13 mai 2012 à 21h18 
Not impossible, just bad design here. 1) if the cube lands behind the lasers (if you use it to ko turret) you are out of luck and must restart (very bad). 2) idk how you expect ppl to get to the door at the end (i had to balance on the cube once the stairs were raised). This seems like cheating and not something I expect to do in a puzzle.