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Strange Homeworlds (Standalone) - Discontinued :(
24.642 MB
2016年7月3日 12時14分
2017年9月24日 7時21分
13 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Strange Homeworlds (Standalone) - Discontinued :(

What is Strange Homeworlds

Strange Homeworlds is a standalone mod. It takes a few things from my other mod Colonize Unlimited©.


  • Colonize all planet types (including Asteroids)
  • Start out with more planet types (in addition to the 9 usual ones)
    • Harsh Group:
      • Molten
      • Toxic
      • Tomb World
    • Bleak Group:
      • Barren
      • Barren Cold
      • Frozen
    • Artificial Group:
      • AI World
      • Space Habitats
      • Shielded World
    • Others:
      • Gas Giant
      • Asteroid
  • New terraforming links and habitability types (See Terraforming/Planet Groups)
  • Space Habitats can now have their own space ports

Terraforming/Planet Groups
(Needs an update with Artificial planets and Asteroids)

To do list
  • Custom starting text for other planet types
  • Custom events
  • Change some of the wording related to 'uninhabitable planets'

Anything that changes the following:
  • common/planet_classes/00_planet_classes.txt
  • common/solar_system_initializers/empire_initializers.txt
  • common/solar_system_initializers/prescripted_species_systems.txt
  • common/terraform/01_advanced_terraform_links.txt
  • common/terraform/02_special_terraform_links.txt
  • common/terraform/basic_terraform_links.txt
  • common/tile_blockers/00_tile_blockers.txt
  • common/tile_blockers/00_tile_blockers.txt
  • gfx/interface/frontend/
  • interface/customize_species_editors.gui
人気スレッド 全て表示 (3)
2018年4月8日 18時24分
ピン留め: Compatibility with Other Mods
2018年4月8日 18時26分
ピン留め: Issues
190 件のコメント
Dosaki  [作成者] 2019年7月20日 17時41分 
I might pick it up again if I get some time, but I've not had much time to dedicate to this :(
Ahvena 2019年7月19日 9時36分 
I just would like to point out this is the only mod out there that manages to change your homeworld TYPE, not the home system itself. This has several uses, not the least of which is creating achievement-compatible machine world starts for machines. If it gets picked back up again, it would be fascinating to see this expanded to hive worlds and ecumenopoli.
Dosaki  [作成者] 2018年10月27日 3時42分 
In 1.8?
Amadeus 2018年10月25日 14時16分 
Hey l just discovered your mod is causing a massive problem with the vanilla galaxy generation. The Class M Red Giant will not spawn. A system with nothing but molten planets will spawn like there is a star, but the Class M Red Giant itself is missing, just empty space where the star should be.
Dosaki  [作成者] 2018年10月25日 12時34分 
@Electronic Warfare: it's all open source:
Amadeus 2018年10月25日 9時04分 
If l learn how to mod the game better, l'll do what l can to maintain this mod. I really love it and it helps with roleplaying as certain races like a hive mind of vicious bugs that live on a planet considered hellish by most.
Daisy 2018年7月3日 23時17分 
Anyone made a update patch yet?
Bomb boy 2018年6月9日 9時54分 
Add grey goo plant to game plase
APE GAMER 2018年6月3日 11時25分 
Can only colonize home system worlds. Beyond the home system, barren and similar worlds are missing the colonize button.
jamesd444 2018年5月11日 14時23分 
Is there anyway to remove the planet habitability icon from the galaxy screen? When every planet is habitable it really slows the game right down.