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DOOM 100% Achievement Guide
By CarbonCarl
This is a complete guide to getting all achievements for 100% completion of the game including DLC.
Hello everyone.

Welcome to my 100% achievement guide for those that need help completing all achievements in the base game and DLC.
I will do my best to provide as much info as possible for everyone to understand, just bare in mind some achievements may require you to follow a guide to complete.

I will continue to keep this guide up to date as best I can and i apologise for my bad grammar.
If i am missing anything or any information is incorrect then please don't hesitate to leave a comment and i'll do my best to fix/change/update what i can.

Even if this isn't the greatest guide I hope it's somewhat useful, enjoy! :)

Portugese version of my Guide
Big thanks to Corvo and DRo for their translated version.

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Additional Info
  • This guide contains spoilers
  • In each category, the achievements are in no specific order.
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Campaign Achievements Part 1
NOTE: You can replay any completed mission on the same save and hitting a checkpoint or finishing a mission will save any progress.

Complete the first mission of the campaign
Complete the first mission on any difficulty.

Perform 200 Glory Kills
When the demons flash blue or red/orange you're able to perform a glory kill by getting up close and using a melee attack, do this 200 times.

A Gift from Beyond
Earn a Rune
Runes can only be found from missions 4-9 with 2 hidden on each of those missions, once found you will need to complete the rune trial within the time limit and you will earn your first rune for this achievement.

Into the Unknown
Warp to Hell
This is part of the story and can't be missed, progress through the missions and eventually you will be ported to hell.

Momentum Shift
Upgrade a Rune
When finding a rune and completing the rune trial you will be able to equip it.
Once equipped you will see an upgrade challenge for the rune in your in-game menu, simply complete the challenge as required to upgrade the rune.
Challenge progress will be saved if you hit a checkpoint or finish the mission.

Rip and Tear
Glory Kill all common enemy types in the campaign
When the demons flash blue or red/orange you're able to perform a glory kill by getting up close and using a melee attack, you should kill all common types naturally as you play through the campaign but if you're missing any the list below shows each common enemy type:
  • Imp
  • The possessed
  • Possessed soldier
  • Possessed engineer
  • Posssessed security
  • Cacodemon
  • Mancubus
  • Unwilling
  • Revenant
  • Hell razer
  • Hell knight
  • Baron of hell
  • Summoner
  • Pinky

Fully upgrade a Praetor Suit category.
There are 5 categories to choose from:
  • Environmental Resistance
  • Area-Scanning Technology
  • Equipment System
  • Powerup Effectiveness
  • Dexterity
To fully upgrade a category you need praetor suit points, you can gain points by finding Elite Guards and Argent Cells then simply put those points into a single category.
It might be best to follow a guide to find the Elite Guard and Argent Cell locations.

An Old Friend
Acquire the BFG
This is part of the story and can't be missed, you will acquire this weapon when you're on the Advanced Research Complex mission.

Earn the Mastery for a weapon mod
To earn a mastery for a weapon mod you will need to first unlock all 3 tiers on each mod and then complete the challenge.
To unlock the tiers and challenges you will need to gain weapon points and put them into a mod.
To gain weapon points you will need to complete the mission tasks, find the secrets, field drones, elites guards etc etc.

Argent Overload
Fully upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo capacity
Collect Argent Cells to gain points and put them into one category.

Thorough Shopper
Complete all Challenges for a single mission
Each mission has 3 challenges, you can find the list of challenges on each mission by going into your in-game menu.
Challenge progress will be saved if you hit a checkpoint or finish the mission.

Shoot it Until it Dies
Defeat the Cyberdemon
This is part of the story and can't be missed, this will be your first boss encounter.

Outnumbered? No Problem
Defeat the Hell Guards
This is part of the story and can't be missed, this will be your second boss encounter.

Knee-Deep in the Dead
Complete the campaign on 'I'm Too Young to Die', 'Hurt Me Plenty', 'Ultra Violence', or 'Nightmare'
Complete the campaign on any difficulty except ultra-nightmare.

Who's Next?
Defeat the Spider Mastermind
This is part of the story and can't be missed, this is the final boss encounter.
Campaign Achievements Part 2
Juicin' it up
Kill 150 enemies while using Power Ups
Power-ups are the glowing coloured orbs you usually find hovering up high in big battle areas, they give you a special ability for a short period of time.
Collect a power-up and proceed to kill 150 enemies before the time expires, if the time expires don't worry you can pick up another power-up and continue your spree.
If you can't find more power-ups you can hit a checkpoint and save your progress then replay the mission.

Timing is Everything
Use explosive barrels to kill 100 enemies
Simply lure the common/weak enemies towards an explosive barrel and then shoot the barrel to kill them, you can also do the same using relics in arcade mode.
Hitting a checkpoint will save your progress towards this.

Up Close and Personal
Kill 50 enemies using the Chainsaw
You will find a chainsaw part way through the campaign, from that point onward use the chainsaw each time you pick up fuel and you should complete this way before the campaign ends.

Argent Fiend
Fully upgrade Health, Armor, and Ammo capacity on a single campaign run
Collect all Argent Cells throughout the campaign to gain enough points to fully upgrade each category.
It says on a single campaign run but it means on one save, so you can go back and replay missions as much as you need and checkpoints will save your progress.

Hot Swapper
Acquire all weapon mods
To do this find all the Field Drones throughout the campaign.
It might be best to follow a guide to find all the Field Drone locations.

The Circle is Complete
Earn all Runes
Runes can only be found from missions 4-9 with 2 hidden on each of those missions, find them all and complete each rune trial to get this achievement.
If you need help finding runes you can find them all using my guide:

Fully upgrade all Praetor Suit categories on a single campaign run
To do this you will need to find all Argent Cells and Elite Guards.
It says on a single campaign run but it means on one save, so you can go back and replay missions as much as you need and checkpoints will save your progress.
It might be best to follow a guide to find the Elite Guard and Argent Cell locations.

Find all Data Logs
You will find these throughout the campaign, they are quite small and can be easily missed but most are in obvious places.
It might be best to follow a guide to find all the Data Log locations.

Every Nook and Cranny
Find all Collectibles
For this you need to find all 26 Doomguys.
My secrets guide below shows you all doomguy locations:

A Toe into Madness
Complete The UAC on Ultra-Nightmare
Start a brand new save and choose difficulty Ultra-Nightmare, then complete the first mission.
You can't do this on any of your older saves, it has to be a fresh start.
Good luck, you will need it.

Upgrade all Runes
Equip each rune and complete it's upgrade challenge to get this achievement.

Earn the Masteries for all weapon mods
For this achievement you first need to find all Field Drones to acquire all weapon mods.
Once you have all weapon mods you will need to gain enough weapon points to fully upgrade each mod.
To gain enough weapon points you will need to find all secrets, collectables, runes, elite guards etc and clear all enemies from each of the missions.
When you have enough weapon points add them to each mod and unlock all 3 tiers, then complete the final mod challenge, do this with all mods to earn this achievement.
Hitting a checkpoint will save any progress so you can replay missions as much as you need.

What Else Ya Got?
Complete all Mission Challenges
Each mission has 3 challenges, you can find the list of challenges on each mission by going into your in-game menu, complete them all to earn this achievement.
Challenge progress will be saved if you hit a checkpoint.
Arcade Mode
Filling the Trophy Case
Earn every medal type in Arcade Mode in one run
To do this you will need to gain each type of medal on a single mission, you can take as long as you need but you must get them all on the same run.
I got them all on mission 2 but many say kadingir sanctum is also good, this will not work on mission 1.

Here is the list of medals you will need to gain:
  • Barrel Kill - Kill a demon with a barrel explosion.
  • Glory Kill - Kill a demon with a glory kill (get up close and use a melee attack when they highlight blue, red/orange).
  • Super Kill - Kill 5+ Demons all at once or in a very short period (grenade works best in crowded rooms).
  • Multi Kill - Kill 3+ demons all at once or in a very short period.
  • Death from Above - When a demon is ready for a glory kill, jump up directly above them and use a melee attack to stamp on top of them.
  • Head Shot - Kill a demon with a headshot.
  • Direct Kill - Use the grenade launcher mod and hit the enemy directly without the grenade hitting the ground first.
  • Stunned Kill - Equip the plasma rifle stun mod and use it on an enemy.
  • Mid-Air Kill - Kill a demon in mid-air, wait for them to jump or drop down from places.
  • Triple Hit - Use the charge burst mod for the combat shotgun and hit a single enemy with all 3 bursts for this medal.
  • Extra Life - Find a floating Doomguy to gain an extra life.
  • Bronze Relic - Shoot a floating mine and wait for the relic to drop, the relic will turn gold, silver and then finally bronze, collect it before it expires.
  • Silver Relic - Shoot a floating mine and wait for the relic to drop, the relic will turn gold and then silver, collect it before it turns bronze.
  • Gold Relic - Shoot a floating mine and wait for the relic to drop, the relic will turn gold, collect it before it turns silver.

Arcade Stockpile
Collect 20 bonus lives or relics in Arcade Mode
Collect the Doomguys floating up high on missions or shoot the Relics and collect them.
Hitting a checkpoint or completing the mission will save your progress and you can replay the mission as much as you need until you gain 20 overall.

Go for the Gold
Earn a gold rating in Arcade Mode
The best way to do this is to play a mission you're good at and know well.
Plan your route, find out where your Doomguys are located and see the list of medals above to find out what medals you can earn along the way, you can also do this on any difficulty so the easiest mode totally is fine.

When you're ready, run the mission as fast as you can and kill everything, make sure that every shot you take counts towards at least one of the medals for maximum points and to keep your multiplier up!
Only shoot the mines when you're able to grab the relic immediately, if you shoot from far away and can't pick up in time you will lose out on points.

Oh and DO NOT DIE!! otherwise you will fail.

Treat this as a speed run but making sure to kill everything along the way, if you still struggle then take some time to walk through the mission a few times to mark a path and strategy.

Overall this isn't too difficult, just stay alive, keep your multiplier up and don't take too long.

Multiplayer Achievements
These achievements are for the base game multiplayer only and are easy to earn even if you're not into the multiplayer like me.

Win a Multiplayer match
Keep playing until your team wins, I reached level 5 before I got my first win.

Combat tested, Doomguy approved
Reach Level 5 in Multiplayer
Very easy even if you're useless at multiplayer, just keep playing and you will be there in no time.

A Memorable Performance
Earn a Gold Rating in a Multiplayer Match
You earn a rating based on your match performance, you will need to earn a certain amount of points in a single match for a gold rating, this varies on game mode but if you stick at it you will gain gold plenty of times.

On Track
Complete a tracked challenge in a Multiplayer Match
In multiplayer you can choose a multiplayer challenge to track by going into challenges and clicking on the challenge you want, it will show a golden eye symbol on the challenge which means it's being tracked.
Now proceed to complete the challenge to get the achievement.
You can also choose one of your nearest challenges on the match goals screen when in the lobby.

Slotted for Success
Unlock all Multiplayer Runes
You unlock the Multiplayer Runes as you rank up, reach rank 44 to get the final rune and this achievement.
Snapmap Achivements
The following achievements are gained only via snapmap, you will need to go to your main menu to start up snapmap or start straight from game boot.

Create and publish a SnapMap
Open Snapmap, go to My Snapmaps and click on Create Map, choose your template and wait for it to load up, once you're on your editor simply press ESC and click Publish and accept the terms etc, that should be it and once published you will get the achievement, from then on you can delete your published template.
If you want to create a good Snapmap then I advise heading over to the tutorials to learn more about the editor and get used to everything.

Complete the SnapMap Basic and Advanced Tutorials
Open snapmap and click My Snapmaps, then click on Snapmap Academy: Basic Training and complete each of the 4 training tasks, once you're finished go back and this time click on Snapmap Academy: Advanced and proceed to complete all 8 of the training tasks to earn you this achievement.

No Rest for the Living
Play 5 published SnapMaps
Open Snapmap and go to Snapmap Community, then click on Popular Maps and play at least 5 of them, this can be a little weird at times so keep trying if it doesn't pop after playing 5.

DLC - Unto the Evil
This is the first DLC content and unfortunately only multiplayer achievements were added to the game.

Computing with Style
Play a Multiplayer Match with a piece of Robotic Armor equipped
You will unlock your first piece of Robotic armor at Echelon 7 rank 01 (VII) but you can get a piece with challenges at Echelon 5 (V), I got mine at Echelon 5 rank 30.
Once unlocked equip the armor piece and start a MP match, you should get the achievement right away if not after the match when you start a new lobby.

Tenderizing the Crops
Kill 10 enemies with the Harvester demon in Multiplayer
At the start of each MP match right after the loadout screen you can choose which demon you want to use, for this use the Harvester Demon and play the soul harvest mode for best results.
To unlock all demons rank up to level 44.
Grab the rune to activate your harvester demon and proceed to kill 10 players, this does not have to be in a single match.

You can do the following to get the rune:
  1. Wait for the demon rune to spawn and grab it.
  2. Kill the enemy demon and pick up the rune.
  3. Grab the rune after a team demon dies if the enemy doesn't pick up the rune fast enough.

Marked for Death
Kill 10 enemies with the EMG Mark V Pistol in Multiplayer
This is a new weapon included with this DLC which is the standard pistol, you will need to level up to rank 44 to unlock all weapons/equipment.
Equip this gun and kill 10 players in MP, this doesn't need to be in a single match and is best used at medium range against players already in battle for easier kills.

Motion in the Explosion
Kill 5 enemies with the Kinetic Mine in Multiplayer
This is a new equipment item added with this DLC which replaces your grenade, you will need to level up to rank 44 to unlock all weapons/equipment.
Equip the item and use it in MP to kill 5 players, this doesn't need to be in a single match.

Sitting Duck
Use a taunt from "Unto the Evil" Content Pack during a Multiplayer Match
You will need to level up to unlock these taunts but you should gain access to them quite early if not right away.
This should be expansion 1, simply equip/bind it to one of your keys (F1, F2, F3, F4) and use it in a MP match at any time.

DLC - Hell Followed
This is the second DLC content and unfortunately only multiplayer achievements were added to the game.

Beauty is Pain
Play a Multiplayer Match with a piece of Cyber-Demonic armor equipped
You will unlock your first piece of Cyber-Demonic armor at Echelon 10 rank 01 (X) or by completing challenges at Echelon 8 (VIII), I got mine at Echelon 8 rank 21.
Once unlocked equip the armor piece and start a MP match, you should get the achievement right away if not after the match when you start a new lobby.

Like Nobody is Watching
Use a taunt from the "Hell Followed" DLC during a Multiplayer Match
You will need to level up to unlock these taunts but you should gain access to them quite early if not right away.
This should be expansion 2, simply equip/bind it to one of your keys (F1 F2 F3 F4) and use it in a MP match at any time.

Threat Assessment
Detect 20 enemies using the Threat Pulse in Multiplayer
You will need to level up to rank 44 to unlock all weapons/equipment.
Equip the item and use it in MP, key E was my default for this.
It will scan the area so you can see/detect nearby players through walls for a short period of time, you do not have to detect all 20 in a single match.

Eat Your Vitamins
Kill 10 enemies with the Cacodemon in Multiplayer
At the start of each MP match right after the loadout screen you can choose which demon you want to use, for this use the Cacodemon and play the soul harvest mode for best results.
To unlock all demons rank up to level 44.
Grab the rune to activate your Cacodemon and proceed to kill 10 players, this does not have to be in a single match.

Controls for this demon:
  • Left click only will spit acid and isn't very effective.
  • Target a player and hold the right button down in until a circle appears, then left click to pull them in with your tongue and kill them.

You can do the following to get the rune:
  1. Wait for the demon rune to spawn and grab it
  2. Kill the enemy demon and pick up the rune
  3. Grab the rune after a team demon dies if the enemy doesn't pick up the rune fast enough

Reaping all the Benefits
Kill 10 enemies with the Reaper in Multiplayer
The Reaper is a new gun with this DLC, you will need to level up to rank 44 to unlock all weapons/equipment.
Equip and use this gun in MP to kill 10 players, this doesn't have to be in a single match.

DLC - Bloodfall
This is the third DLC content and unfortunately only multiplayer achievements were added to the game.

Successful Launch
Kill 10 enemies with the Grenade Launcher in Multiplayer
The Grenade launcher is a new weapon with this DLC, you can get this quite early on through the ranks but if you level up to rank 44 you can unlock all weapons/equipment.
Equip this gun and fire it from range at players until you get 10 kills, this doesn't need to be in a single match.

Fashion Fanatic
Play a Multiplayer Match with a piece of Evil Cultist armor equipped
You might unlock your first piece of this armor of quite early but if not rank up to level 44 or 50 in MP to access pieces of the Evil Cultist armor.
Once unlocked equip the armor piece and start a MP match, you should get the achievement right away if not after the match when you start a new lobby.

Insult to Injury
Use a taunt from the "Bloodfall" DLC during a Multiplayer Match
You will need to level up to unlock these taunts but you should gain access to them quite early if not right away.
This should be expansion 3, simply equip/bind it to one of your keys (F1, F2, F3, F4) and use it in a MP match at any time.

Head First
Kill 10 enemies with the Spectre demon in Multiplayer
At the start of each MP match right after the loadout screen you can choose which demon you want to use, for this use the Spectre demon and play the soul harvest mode for best results.
To unlock all demons rank up to level 44.
Grab the rune to activate your Spectre demon and proceed to kill 10 players, this does not have to be in a single match.

You can do the following to get the rune:
  1. Wait for the demon rune to spawn and grab it
  2. Kill the enemy demon and pick up the rune
  3. Grab the rune after a team demon dies if the enemy doesn't pick up the rune fast enough

Bowling for Gibs
Perform a MultiKill with the Spectre demon in Multiplayer
For this you only need a double kill, charge your way through 2 nearby enemies to get this in MP.

CarbonCarl  [author] 31 May @ 4:47pm 
DOOM: The Dark Ages is coming!!!!! Stay tuned for a new game, new guide!
CarbonCarl  [author] 23 Mar @ 12:26pm 
I've heard this has bugged out on some people, yes @Capeta Brancø™
Tyrannus_214 26 Dec, 2023 @ 8:22pm 
I start playing like one week ago, love the campaign and got all achievements from there but now i'm stuck with the mp ones. If someone still playing and can help me I would be very grateful T-T
Dens Corleone [Ashton Clutcher] 18 Aug, 2023 @ 1:42pm 
It would have been much easier to have all the success if they're wasn't the one for MP. That's a lot of BS if you akse me, nobody is playing it anymore. They did the same for Doom Eternal. It would have been so easy to have all the success but now it's impossible
SouR™ 2 Jun, 2023 @ 10:52am 
just use doomlegacymod for trying to get the multiplayer achievements it lacks any players on servers and if you do it is people who havent put the game down since 2016, no joke anyway, but this shall help you out if you really want the achievements done
Regolith 2 Apr, 2023 @ 2:05am 
I'll def be doing MP achievements soon
Hymen Buster 27 Mar, 2023 @ 1:56pm 
Anyone still looking to do the MP achievements? Happy to help.
Lucas 7 Feb, 2023 @ 9:58am 
@pistaaa_ added
pistaaa_ 2 Feb, 2023 @ 12:53am 
Hey everyone, because of lack of playerbase and lust for achievements I decided, with my buddies, to play multiplayer every monday 18:30 - 21:00 CET (UTC+1) for a couple of weeks (till we have the achievements lmao - no rigging). Feel free to join the noob fiesta. For further info add me on discord pistaaa_#5138
Fukurou 29 Jan, 2023 @ 11:46pm 
I think it's crazy that the developers thought it was a good idea to put a grindy multiplayer achievement that takes 20+ hours to get AS A DLC in a game that 99% of the people bought for the singleplayer. The audacity. And now that the multiplayer is dead, what are we supposed to do?
Queueing up the whole day in hope to eventually find a match?