S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

281 ratings
Tips before you start S.T.A.L.K.E.R
By Shun
A guide for the starter.
This is not just a FPS
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is primarily a first-person shooter survival horror video game, but it also features many RPG elements. The player does not gain additional abilities or statistics like most RPGs (though the player does level through game play from "novice" to "expert" which has slight effects on the ability to aim accurately), but is instead allowed to attach artifacts which can increase or decrease player attributes. Artifacts found within the zone have both positive and negative effects except for some rare artifacts which have only positive attributes. There are a large number of items in the game, so the player has customization choices which are constrained primarily by how much exploring they do.
Stashes are the most important sources you need to gain in the stay in Chernobyl. This is how you get it. You get a kill and loot his body, receiving a PDA message telling you that you have found all the stashes of him. Then check out your map, a purple triangle indicates the location of the stashes. The booties should be around there. Unfortunately, if you're opportunistic and always keeping your eyes on stashes, then you'd better find another way out. As the stashes can't be that sustainable as you expect. You may kill tons of enemies but just to receive nothing or a little sources. It's less likely to get booties twice or more at the same location. I'm not sure if this is a special design to enhance the game experiences. Whenever you have noticed that there are stashes available in your map, then just manage to collect'em all. In this way the next time, the empty stashes at this location may be refreshed with new ones. FYI, even the stashes can provide you what you need to survive and fight against the enemies, but they are not really worth more time and energy on searching them, as long as you're doing well in the early game. The ammo, aid kits can be easily found everywhere later on.
Sidorivich will be the first merchant you come across. If you pick up many flimsy guns and ammo, try to exchange them with allowance. There are only 3 main merchants in game including Sidorivich, Barkeeper in the Bar, and the Professor Sakharov in Yantar. They hold almost everything you need and the infinite found to trade with you. Save extra coins sometimes can be of importance and the best way to earn it is sell what you have kept.
The most useful ability in game is sprint which makes you move more fast than walk. But sprint is not constant. You should notice the stamina level and it keeps going down while you're running. A heavy load of package will not let you run fast and far. I will advise to keep the capacity below 40 kg at the beginning of the game. With more items acquired, such moonlights, flashes, they can increase your stamina and you will be able to run longer and in a high velocity.
Some of the artifacts found in the early game offers limited protection to the radiation. Apparently they are not what you're looking for, so just sell them. Some artifacts can be found floating around in the game world. In brief, we need these artifacts deadly: Rad protection and stamina increase. Artifacts will stamina increase will usually decrease the elec-proof ability but it's really can be ignored unless you're a freak who loves hanging out with mutants.
Mutants are everywhere in the Zone, while it's not a big deal in the entire playthrough. Your PDA gets an instant or later update whenever you come across any mutant. Even some the mutants are your life reapers, the mutant detector will tell you when there are mutants near around by making alarm sounds. Artifacts are hidden where the mutants live. But be careful if you do want to take a risk for the artifacts, as you may get killed by the mutants with a wrong move.
Quick saves. Press F6 to save your games and if you're dying then hit F7 to reload the last quick save point. Besides, make sure you have the normal saves as well. Every time you enter a new place, don't forget to create a new save files instead of replacing the existing ones and confirm your safety before making a quick save.
no talent 22 Oct, 2023 @ 1:46pm 
Marked one, whatahell
Ben_19M 26 Aug, 2023 @ 7:11am 
get out of here stalker
Noble SAM 20 Aug, 2022 @ 12:12pm 
You didn't mention how some extra missions ask for special artifacts.
Till the end of game, I kept one artifact of each type na dit helped, because you don't have to roam around... If you get a mission to get an artifact, and you have it, then its instant one minute cash...
GG|Sushi The Kid 26 Jun, 2022 @ 5:11pm 
Thanks for the guide man :jarate:
Daga~ 13 Apr, 2022 @ 12:30am 
I said come in, don't stand there
Kov 7 Apr, 2022 @ 2:55pm 
Thanks could have used the knowledge of having to manually save.
Chudwig 27 Dec, 2021 @ 6:17pm 
Not surprised to find an asshole hanging around a guide for newcomers.
xd 4 Dec, 2021 @ 3:39pm 
ofc course its useless for you it literally says its for someon whos never played before
with da .45 27 Nov, 2021 @ 7:51am 
vanilla is not hard it's fucking easy, if someone say this is hard, he is totally noob
Bandog 25 Nov, 2021 @ 12:58pm 
And most importantly stay out of the Red Forest and good hunting Stalker!