How To Get Flux
由 Vague Note 發表
In this guid I will explain the best ways to get flux if you have just started playing, and I will explain what you have to farm in order to get the flux and how to farm it eficiantly.
What You Will Need
The easiest way to get flux which is available to any players, is mining primordial flame and shape stone. The only things you need in order to mine efficiently are bombs, and a mount with 90 speed.

Where You Should Mine
You probably always want to mine in Dragon Fire Peaks, but you shouldn't enter uber-portals over and over till you get one close by. If you don't see DFP on your map, just mine your way over land in any direction until you do see one.
The next best biomes for mining are in order as follows: Candoria, Desert Frontier, and Cursed Vale (Cursed Vale is in the list just because it has somber souls). If there isn't a DFP in sight, just head to any of these biomes and you should be able to get plenty of ore.
If you have high enough power rank, you should go to U7 Igneous Islands. There, it is easier to find lots more ore than in uber-worlds.

How To Use Bombs Eficiantly
If you are a new player, you will most likely have to start off by mining with your lasmerasy. But once you have enough for 10 bombs, I suggest that you never use lasmerasy for mining ever again. Bombs are easy to get, and are really fast to use, which allows you to get more stuff from mining at a faster rate. Now for how you will want to use your bombs.
When mining with bombs, try not to use more than 2 bombs per vein of shapestone, or 3 per vein of primordial flame. You can and should use extra bombs if there is a lot left-over after using 2-3 bombs; but in general, it is not necessary, and may be less efficient. I have no proof of this, but I think that using 1 bomb for 1-3 shape stone, or 2 bombs for 1 primordial flame isn't necessary; though one bomb for 4-5 shape stone, or 2 bombs for 2 primordial flame should be fine.
Note: Where you throw your bombs is very important; you always want to aim your bomb at the place where it will take the most ore out in one shot; or in the case of primordial flame, you want to aim the first bomb in such a place, as you think the second bomb will take out the rest of the vain. This is a skill that comes with practice. That in mind, don't pay so much attention to your aim so that your mining becomes slow.

Mining With Bomberanger
Article by Firephoenix544
If you have Boomeranger, use him. His bombs explode 5 blocks up, so dig 5 blocks from the top of the vien, place the bomb, and the entire vein will disappear. It's a really neat and extremely quick way of mining that doesn't even take resources to do.

Radiant Shard Farming
What You Will Need
For radiant shard farming, It is a "must" to have wings. I also recommend that you only farm radiant shards when you have a group to farm with. It is easier to find a group on Friday when there are 50% more shards so I recommend only farming radiant shards on Friday.
Where To Farm Radiant Shards?
The best place to farm radiant shards is in Sky Realm. You can get into SR by making a portal and placing it in your club world, or just joining a club that has one. It is now possible to farm Radiant shards in the new Cursed Skyland portals introduced in the Mantle Of Power update, but it is better to farm them in SR just because SR only has lairs for radiant shards; whereas CS has other biomes.

Shadow Towers
Shadow Tower is only useful for get Shaper's Visions every week; that is, until you get to 5000 PR. Once you get to 5k PR, you will probably want to use your titan souls to get Shaper Keys. Really, ST isn't a source of flux anymore so much as a tool to obtain higher PR. If you are low PR, you will probably only get about 4500-9999 flux a week from ST. Once you are high enough PR to get more than 9999 a week, you will most likely want to farm ST to get Empowered Jem Boxes and SKs. So I will start this: ST is only a little extra flux, not really something to farm.
Hourly Challenges
Another usefull way of getting a little extra flux, is by completing the challenges every hour. Though, completing challenges is only worth while if you have a class that has the bonase of that challenge, and if that class can go to u6-7 adventure world. If you have classes that have these requisits at the time of the challenge, just go and get the four lesser dragond caches and you can get an average of 3.5k flux or some dragon coins. Not bad if done for 10 minutes.
Selling The Stuff You've Farmed
So far I've only told you what you need to farm, and how to farm it; now I will tell you how to sell it and how to get the most out of what you've farmed.
First of all, you need to know what are the best prices at which to sell what you've farmed . The best price per item is as shown below.

The numbers are presented in order of Item/flux.
  • Shape Stone: 1/1.8 (Will only sell at this price on Sundays, but it is always good to check befor selling!)
  • Primordial Flame: 1/20 (Like SS, it sells at it's best price on Sunday usualy)
  • Miner Trove:1/75-100 (Like all mining stuff, they are usualy best sold on Sunday. Miner trove prices are highest on box opening leaderboard contest weeks.)
  • Radiant Shard: 1/3-3.2 (Wednesday is the day to sell them)
Tips On Getting The Most For Your Work
I suggest that you always monitor the prices of the different items you have to sell; because the market can often be very volatile, and prices may change greatly and quickly; but in order to get the most out of your work, you need to be aware of those changes. Also, always check the general prices of the items that you're going to sell before selling them; this will make certain that your stuff will sell in less than a day (depending on the item, things can sell in less than 30 minutes). If you try to sell your stuff at a price higher than what there is on the first page, your items will take various ways to sell--if it sells at all that is. "Then why did you state the prices above" you say? I put them there so you know what are the best prices you can get. Some people just look at the first page on the market, and sell at whatever the price is right after they finish farming. Sometimes they sell at even less than what is stated by the market so that they're stuff will sell faster (A lot of people doing this, BTW, is what make prices drop in the Trove market; the prices settle down to a new average when people aren't willing to sell their stuff at any lower than that new average). Doing this, is not only dumb but waist-full. The prices on the market can go up to two times greater on one day than they are on an other. If you happen to be farming on the day where that resource is most abundant, every one will be farming and selling what they farmed. As a result (for the reason stated above), the prices plummet . So essentially, to sell your stuff right after you farm can waste up to half of the flux ou could have gotten. Do as you please, but remember this: "good comes to those who wait."
19 則留言
Sammichu1 2017 年 2 月 5 日 下午 12:42 
you mispelled Gem in the shadow tower section btw
also mention the shadow tower chat channel so at least some people know
to get into the shadow tower chat channel type /join st
its a chat made for shadow tower
RespawnAndRun 2016 年 8 月 5 日 上午 12:24 
Can you add me on Trove? I need someone to join to Igneous Islands
And two would farm faster, rigfht?
Vague Note  [作者] 2016 年 7 月 18 日 上午 6:23 
@カミル Though I think I will mention that in the guid, it is a good thing to know.
Vague Note  [作者] 2016 年 7 月 18 日 上午 6:22 
I'm not sure if that is corect. I must point out, it costs 10 shape stone and 1 primordial flame for 4 bombs. So as long as you get more than 10 shape and 1 primordial flame with four bombs, you will get a profit. Even without a minging bonase day, it only taks one bomb to get the 10 shape stone, and 2 bombs for any amount of primordial flame. So no matter what you will have 1 extra bombs to get however much you can (that would be the rest of a big vien of primordial flame, or a vien of shape stone). So maximum eficiance would ruel that you will always get a some profit. But there is a cache: you have to balence out the amount of eficiance with the amount of speed in order to get the most flux in a short amount of time. So if you mine at as hight speed as you can trying to get as much ore as you can, the eficiancy can go down a little; but the trick to make sure it doesn't go too low, is to know how many bombs you should use regardless. Hence my estamit I put above.
Vague Note  [作者] 2016 年 7 月 18 日 上午 6:18 
@カミル You got a good point there. The thing is, challenges only give an average of 3k an our. If you can get those 3k in 10 minutes then mine the rest of the hour you are good to go. But my point is you can't farm challenges, challenges are just extra that you get if you have the right class.
Vague Note  [作者] 2016 年 7 月 18 日 上午 6:09 
Oops LOL, yeah it was 4 not 10, silly me XD.
GloryShovel 2016 年 7 月 17 日 下午 2:25 
Yeah but I figiured out that doing missions for dragon cases (those one per hour) is much more efficient (but you have to got all classes or doing U5), for one case you can get 300flux or if you're lucky 2500 (still you can get dragon coins with are helpful to rang up your mastery).
Counterfactual 2016 年 7 月 17 日 下午 12:28 
Good point, Vague Note. I forgot the recipe makes 4 bombs instead of just 1. That means that anything under 4 bombs to 1 promordial flame or getting more that 2.5 shapestone with a bomb is technically profit. It is important to keep speed into account as well.
DeltΔ 2016 年 7 月 13 日 上午 9:30 
Tip for mining: If you have boomeranger, use him. His bombs expode 5 blocks up, so dig 5 blocks from the top of the vien, place the bomb, and the entire vien will disappear. It's a really neat and extremely quick way of mineing that doesn't even take resources to do.
BessieCheese 2016 年 7 月 13 日 上午 4:16 
I want to add another tip: I find that you can get a lot of flux (~17k) if you head over to the drowned worlds, and buy the soul traps from the pirates for 300 glim. This is easily gained through fishing, and all you need to do is sell the rare allys (Like the shadow prowler for the cat soul traps), and get back the glim from the common ones from the loot collectors, as you might get enough for a few more. The only thing you have to worry about is not getting a rare ally, or the prices changing too low. But you can save them for a few days, and then sell them on the market. All you have to do in order to get the soul traps is just going away from the pirate ships in the drowned world, which you have to be pr 550+, buying the correct soul traps, and then sell the rare allys, loot collect the common ones, make ~50k in about 1+ hours if your lucky, so its very helpful for low ranks. I hope this helps anyone who needs another way to earn flux.