Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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"Party like it's 1520" Achievement
By Tokimasa
One way to get this achievement.
I made this achievement with 1.0.1 version of HoI 4.
Historical up.

I will write how i made the achievement, to give some ideas. This is just one way to get the achievement.

Goal of this achievement is : Must control the state of Svealand as a communist Denmark.
As soon as we occupy the state of Svealand with our troops, we receive the achievement. No matter who is winning the war.

General plan : My thought was that i would never manage to make a naval invasion on Sweden with Denmark (maybe i am totally wrong), so i chose to conquer Norway first before attacking Sweden.

First difficulty is that Denmark has no steel, and has a very poor industry.
Against the poor manpower of Denmark, i ended the game with a high level of conscript.

Political choices :
My first choice as political idea was the "political effort". When it was completed, i used the communist advisor.
After that i took all the Industry political ideas before anything else.
And only then, i began with Infantry.

The researches :
I had 2 priorities : land doctrines (i chose superior firepower) and industry researches.
I developped small weapons, support and artillery ; no boats nor planes.

The constructions :
I built only military factories, and one fort near copenhagen, but i guess that this fort was more a psychological need than a real usefulness. :)

The productions :
I only produced 3 things : small weapons, support and artillery. And nothing else.

The division model :
I first wanted the number of divisions, so the only change i made to the model was to add the recon support before attacking Norway. During the Norway war, i added some batallions.
When i completed the achievement, i had 18 diviions..

My behaviour concerning the "no steel" fact :
When playing HoI4 i usually wait the moment i need 8 ressources to buy them. This time i made the opposite. I bought 8 steel to Ussr before i was in need. When the 8 were consumed i bought a new pack. I wanted my industry to work at full speed.
The Plan
The beginning is very slow concerning the troops.

When i became communist, i launched my war demands on norway.
When i declared war on Norway, i had 10 divisions.

The Norway war was easy. They had a poor army.
When i took the south part of Norway, i launched my war demands on Sweden.
Half way to the new main city of Norway, they surrendered. I took all the states.

I used my xp to increase the number of battallions of my division model.

I put my army at the right of Oslo, at the Sweden border. I had 18 divisions at that moment.

When i declared war on Sweden, France had put a guarantee on them.
In declaring war to Sweden, i entered the world war. So i joined the Kommintern. Just in case, i didn't want to be focused by the allies.

For me, at that moment, there was only one thing left to do : rush the Svealand state.
There was only a small resistance on the way to Stockholm. Sweden took the north of Norway. This was a good point as these swedish troops were not defending Stockholm.
I made some micro management here, especially to have some divisions keeping the provinces of Svealand i took, while the rest of my army kept running towards Stockholm.

When i occupied the last province of the Svealand state, i received the achievement.
I was still in war with Sweden ... and the rest of the world. :)

Thank you, and have fun :)

silicat 23 Jan, 2020 @ 10:30pm 
Make it again toki :DDDD
Tokimasa  [author] 23 Jan, 2020 @ 9:52pm 
I made this achievement at 1.0.1 version of the game. At that time, it was very different to change the governement. :(
Markus 23 Jan, 2020 @ 8:54am 
I have question:
Did you turn to communist by national referendum or by civil war?
I am asking, because it take everytime to long become facist/communist when playing as democratic nation...
silicat 20 Oct, 2019 @ 10:57pm 
I can't do it because I almost get past the chokehold when bloody Germany sends volunteers and then I can't get past those
Abitante del Vault 1 Jun, 2019 @ 9:27am 
I can't do this because when I become communist is already mid 1937 and France and/or UK are justifying both Norway or Sweden and I start WW2. I also tried to parachute my troops on Stockholm, around it, naval invading them. But nothing...
Arganotaut 5 Feb, 2017 @ 12:20pm 
Tanks Rodi. With your tip it worked.
Drk_Kni8 1 Aug, 2016 @ 3:27pm 
Thanks Rodi, took a while but it did the trick!
Rodi 1 Aug, 2016 @ 12:53am 
Did the achievement in early-mid 37.
Tokimasa  [author] 31 Jul, 2016 @ 9:48am 
Nice idea Rodi. An other way to do the achievement.
Rodi 31 Jul, 2016 @ 6:23am 
Or you just go fascist denmark join axis and capture the one province you can use to cross to sweden(they would join the allies). As soon as you got it you use your massive manpower (and probs even german troops supporting you) to steamroll the swedes. When you control everything you get a commie politician. When you´re communist you get the achievement.