

74 ratings
Inquisitor Walkthrough
By NearDark and 1 collaborators
I do not own this walkthrough, but since there's no one for this game in steam, I looked on the internet and found one (and the only one) guide.

All credits goes to the original autor ZERANIX on gog. His post can be found here:

UPDATE 1: I also found on the internet some detailed maps of this game. I will add these maps to the guide while I'm beating the game. This way the guide will be done with more precision.
All images can be found here:

UPDATE 2: I have made some modifications on the guide. Since it sometimes do not follow a logical sequence, I removed the maps from the text walkthrough and created 3 new sessions with all the maps. The maps of acts 1 and 2 are in alphabetical order, and the maps of act 3 are in a logical sequence (contribution from the player Nilex). Also, since I will not finish the game, I made some corrections on the text walkthrough with help of Nilex again. In case you want to download all the map files, Nilex also renamed the files in a more comprehensive way and uploaded on the link below:
(click "Inquisitor - complete map guide")
This is supposed to be complete quest-orientated walkthrough for the game Inquisitor.

Since my English is not good, I will try to be brief and make it easy to understand.

If anyone find anything I failed to find or mistakes I made in the article, please tell me and I will correct them.

There are still several questions which still need answers:
1. As I myself only finished the game as Paladin, I don't know who gives the promotion for the other classes. I'm eager to fill these gaps with the knowledge of players with other classes.

A mark of asterisk after the name of the quest means this quest is related to main plot.

This text is from the original author of the guide on the GOG site

---Hillbrandt Town---

Entering Hillbrandt
- ask any guard outside the gate of Hillbrandt
- threaten him
or kill all the bats outside the town and go back to any guard to open the gate to the town

When you talk to the tavern owner for the first time, he will ask if you want to invest 1000 gp.
If you accept to help him, he will reward you with a large amount of money and exps in ACT III.

Talk to Vallarian inside the church and now you can go to others locations around town. Leave Hillbrandt Town and go to Place of Execution

---Place of Execution Hillbrandt---

The Curse of Raubsticht
- Go to Place of Execution Hillbrandt, talk to Raubsticht
- go back to town Ask Ellisia about cure, pay 500 gp for the potion
- go back to Raubsticht and talk with him again
- speak with Quarim on the same map
- speak with Ellisia
- speak with Suzan at the town centre
- ask Jeremiah for permission to arrest Lotti
- talk to Lotti and defend yourself, then pick up the wax figure, and break it
- talk to Raubsticht

Stone of Ghosts
- Talk to the large stone which looks like a human face at the bottom of the Place of Execution
- buy a holy water from the church
- talk to the large stone again and defend yourself

--Minign Village Cemetery--

Absent Soldier (see Revenge for my Daughter Quest below)
- When you walk near the Sheriff's office (in town), a soldier named Darmont comes to talk to you
- go to the deserted church in the upper right part of Minign Village Cemetery
- kill Jullian
- talk to the Sheriff
* if you talk your way through without fighting Jullian, this quest fails automatically


Revenge for my Daughter
- talk to Stefen Reichmann on the second floor of the tavern
- go to Asherbalt, Olfghard locked himself in a house in the upper middle part
- you can kill him ask report to Reichmann
or you can believe him and explain the whole thing to Reichmann
or if you have already complete the quest "Absent Soldier" you can bring Natalia back to her father without finding Olfghard

Request from Olfghard
- go to Asherbalt, Olfghard locked himself in a house in the upper middle part
- go back to the town, talk to the Duke
- talk to Olfghard again
from now on, you can invite him into your party, and when he is not in your party, he stands a little south from the town centre

Kill the spider demon for Yan
- speak to Yan Ulbrecht (twice) in Asherbalt after completing "Perishing the Khan 1"
- go to Iron Mines level 3 and kill Spider Terror
- return to Yan for the reward (150 XP / 250 gp)

Kill the half-ogre for Yan
- speak to Yan Ulbrecht again
- follow the road south and kill the Ogre
- return to Yan for the reward (150 XP / 250 gp)

--Iron Mines--

Magical Book
- hear the request from Ellisia
- go to Iron Mines and clean the orc camp with orc shamans on the right side
- get the book and deliver it to Ellisia

--Dragon Rock--

The Shepherd*
- Go to the left upper part of Dragon Rock
- open the locked hut and talk to Rupert
- go to Tree of Death to find the sheep

The missing son
- Talk to the blacksmith in the town
- go to the upper right part of Drgaon Rock, and he is in one of the locked huts
- talk to the blacksmith

--Road to Dragon Rock--

Saving a paladin
- go to the lower middle part of Road to Dragon Rock and talk to the paladin near a campfire
- enter the cave in the lower left part
- talk to a dying paladin and deliver him message to the one outside

--Hillbrandt Cemetery--

The Stolen Relic(Promotion)
- talk to Edmond
- talk to Quarim at the Place of Execution Hillbrandt
- speak with Romius behind the church
- go to the dungeon in Hillbrandt Cemetery
- you will encounter bishop Herbertinus behind a locked gate, you need to find a cursed heart under a floor tile and break it to defeat the vampire
- get the relic and report back to Edmond
- talk to Romius again, defend yourself, and talk to Edmond again

--Orc Caves--

Rescuing the Bishop*
- talk to Dominicus in the church
- find Quentinus in a cell at the last level of the Orc Cave
- give him a potion of mana
- go back to the church and speak with him
if you have the dead girl in your inventory, Quentinus will analyse the corpse together with you

Retrieving the Weapon
- go to the northeast corner of Hillbrandt (outside the wall) and speak with Edmond
- kill the Doppleganger of Edmond at the last level in the Orc Cave and pick up the sword
- go back and return the sword to Edmond

Killing the Orcish Master
- go down the Iron Mine to the Orc Cave
- talk to Wrang(? or maybe a similar name)
- kill the master in the upper left part of this level
- talk to Wrang again

Perishing the Khan 1
- talk to the Weinberg Duke in the town
- go to the last level of the Orc Cave
- kill Rashgar and bring his head back to the Duke
(look The missing Baroness below)

Perishing the Khan 2
- go down to the Orc Cave, there is a ancient tomb full of ghosts
- talk to the ghost king Harlir
- kill Rashgar and talk to Harlir again
or if you already have killed Rashgar, you can receive your reward at once

The missing Baroness*
- talk to Baron Robert van Gallagan
- after you kill Rashgar, the Baroness will appear near the throne
- talk to her and bring her back to town
- talk to the Baron

Murder in the Tavern*
- you start the game with the quest
- talk to the beggar Flitz
- talk to Millward in the tavern
- find a blade near the grave of Gwen
- after "Rescuing the Bishop", Quentinus will provide you with a further evidence
- ask Jeremiah for permission to arrest Linda
- bring her to the Sheriff, and talk to him again
- go to the Baron's house and speak with Linda before the door
- ask Jeremiah for permission to arrest Riemann
- torture Riemann and burn him
- persuade Jeremiah to arrest Vallejan
- go to Drgaon Rock and defeat Vallejan
- burn him
- talk to Jeremiah and Edmond to go to Glatzburg

Tree of Death
This seems not to be a quest, but if you talk to the Tree of Death, it will release a few skeletons.

Rewards for killing orcs:
15 gp per scalp, 30 gp per head
(You can trade it with the Sheriff)
Glatzburg East

Silver Amulet
- talk to the beggar Braham
- talk to Wanda in the tavern
- give her 500 gp to buy the amulet
- give it back to Braham

Retriving a Book*
- Enrie asks you to fetch a book of Fae'Darlion, before she is willing to decrypt the scroll on human skin
- go to Wasteland and read the stone pillar
- talk to Enrie to get a sun amulet
- touch the stone pillar again
- enter the dungeon and touch each of the four statues to open the gate in the centre
- kill the undead and get the book
- talk to Enrie

Decryption of the Scroll on Human Skin*
- talk to Trevorius in the church
- talk to Enrie
- finish the quest "Retriving a Book"
- talk to Enrie
- speak with Trevorius

Purifying the Temple of Gods
- talk to Welfhar in the church
- go to Galibornium - Pagan Temple
- clear the map and talk to the huge statue, and kill the three ancient ghosts
- talk to the statue again
- talk to Welfhar

Threaten of Lizardman
- talk to Duke Robert Heidrick
- after completing the quest "The Robbed Ring", ask Welfhar to arrest Alphonso, then arrest and torture him to get the information of the Devil's Cavern
(you MUST ask for permission of arrest before asking Alphonso about Tom, otherwise he will vanish forever)
- go to the Devil's Cavern and proceed to the deepest level
- kill the leader Zargh and bring his head to the Duke

- after Yulliette is executed, talk to Robert
- go back to Hillbrandt and speak with Elisabeth van Singier about this in the Baron's house
- after finishing the quest "Kidnapping", go to the house of von Hunth
- talk to Helen twice
- give the wedding dress to Elisabeth
- bring her to Robert

The Missing Sister
- talk to Wanda
- during the quest "Missing Girls" you can find a copple necklace on a corpse in the cellar
- give the necklace to Wanda

Fortune Telling
This is not a quest. You can ask Enrie to tell your future, she needs a thorn apple which you can find at the Place of Execution Glatzburg.

Glatzburg West

The Robbed Ring
- talk to Guss near the fountain
- enter the Wasteland
- a bandit comes to talk to you automatically, so defend yourself
- pick up the ring and give it back to Guss

Killing Zombies
- talk Sheriff Smith
- enter the sewer from the lower right corner of Glatzburg East
- get the diary of Harph
- talk to the Sheriff

Chalice of Metamorph
- talk to alchemist Paolus
- go to Galibornium - Coliseum
- enter the gate in the middle and go down the dungeon
- at the three level, you need to correctly answer 9 riddles in total
- you need to answer one riddle at the fourth level and kill the undead priest
- get the Chalice from the chest behind him
- talk to Paolus

Mad Warrior
- talk to Sheriff Smith
- go to the Wasteland
- defeat Hanrey who is located in the middle lower part of the map
- you can kill him and receive your reward from the Sheriff
or you can let him go, both conclude the quest

Hammer of Legacy
- talk to the blacksmith Hans
- go to the Devil's Cavern map
- the hammer is buried in a hidden stash around a tree on the surface
- talk to Hans

The Stolen Wine
- talk to the inn owner Ludwig
- there is one box of wine in a secret room in the dungeon of Rogue Settlement
and you can get another one from solving the quest "Kidnapping"
- talk to Ludwig again

Finding the Chain*
- talk to Ethien de Pasque
- go to the hole at the Place of Execution Glatzburg and pick up the amulet
- talk to Ethien again

Missing Girls*
- talk to Dieter, accept his offer
- you can rescue Tom in the Devil's Cavern
- bring him back to his father in the house of Duke Rowan van Leerin
- enter the cellar from the kitchen
- kill Rowan
- talk to Dieter

The Controller of Zombies(Promotion)
- talk to Dieter
- read the diary of Harph found in the sewer
- after completing the quest "Clear My Name", you can talk to Tinthan for testimony
- talk to Dieter

Rewards for killing bandits:
25 gp per scalp, 50 gp per head, 2000 gp for the head of Benthley


Clear My Name*
- go to the Wasteland
- talk to Tinthan in the right upper part
- go back to Glatzburg West
- talk to Ludwig and give him 2000 gp
- go to Glatzburg East and speak with Duke Robert
- go to the Wasteland to inform Tinthan of the progress
- Tinthan stays near the fountain in Glatzburg West

Cleaning the Cellar
- go to the Wasteland
- talk to the paladin Ulm near the campfire in the middle
- kill all the monsters in the dungeon on the upper right part
- talk to Ulm again

Galibornium - Pagan Temple

Finding the Foundation Stone
- after you complete the quest "Purifying the Temple of Gods", three priests will appear around the temple
- talk to any of them, ask for his healing and talk more to start the quest
- the foundation stone lies in the room with Lizardman boss in the Devil's Cavern
- talk to any of the priests around the temple again

Glatzburg Cemetery

Destroying Undead in the Cemetery*
- go to the Glatzburg Cemetery
- talk to the gravedigger Dietrich
- kill all the undead creatures in the cemetery, including the two dungeons
- the boss in the left tomb is invicible at first, so you need to kill him once and flee after the dialog
- ask Enrie about this
- buy a holy water and kill the boss
- talk to Dietrich

von Hunth's Mansion

A Beast in Human Clothes
- talk to Jeanette in the house of von Hunth
- go to Glatzburg East and talk to Brookwelt
- talk to Jeanette again and defend yourself
- talk to Brookwelt again

- talk to Edger von Hunth in his house
- go to Glatzburg East and ask begger Braham about the Rogue Settlement
- enter the dungeon in the Rogue Settlemtn
- kill the bandits and rescue Helen
- talk to Edger

- after completing the quest "Kidnapping", talk to Edger
- buy a holy water
- enter the left side tomb in Glatzburg Cemetery
- talk to a coffin in the middle lower part of the tomb

Grand Duke's Gabezo

- after finishing the quest "Decryption of the Scroll on Human Skin", go to the Grand Duke Gazebo
- talk to the ghost
- find the diary of Father Fredrick in the right side tomb in Glatzburg Cemetery
- buy a rosary and a holy script
- go to the right side part of Wasteland to find a mandrake root
- talk to Enrie to brew a potion
- go to the dungeon under the Sheriff's office
- open the cell gate, equip the rosary and talk to Francessca

The Second Summoning*
- ask Welhar for permission to arrest Raimond
- torture him
- ask Welhar for permission to arrest Ethien if you have already completed the quest "Finding the Chain"
- torture him
- speak with Tinthan about the murderer of the bishop
- ask Welhar for permission to arrest Yulliete
- torture her

Stealing Letters*
- talk to Tinthan and ask him to steal letters from the cardinal
- go to the Grand Duke Gazebo and talk to him again
- ask Welhar for permission to arrest Truncquillius
- enter the dungeon under the church from the left upper corner
- defeat Truncquillius at the third level and burn him
- talk to Welhar and go to Alvaron NW
ACT III (part 01)
---Alvaron Northwest (ANW)---

Transforming Oil*
- talk to Tinthan
- during the quest "The Chase", you can find a vial of oil in a chest at the fourth level in the dungeon under the church
- talk to Tinthan again

A Powerful Enemy*
- when you go near the paladin camp, Jean de Guise will come to speak with you
- shown the evidence provided by Jean de Guise to Commendoni, Giovanni Timore in the right side church in ANE
- talk to Servertinus in the right side garden, give him 2500 gp and show him the evidence
- go to the Citadel
- go up to the second floor and enter the door on the left
- fight you way down to the fourth level in the dungeon
- talk to Christoffer
- go back to ANE and talk to Gustapho Letti

- after you have completed the quest "A Powerful Enemy", a paladin named Eradim will intercept you for a short talk
- pick up the arrow
- go to ASW and ask the blacksmith about the arrow
- go to Vanessa and pay her 30000 GP
- talk to the blacksmith again
- ask Gregorius for permission to arrest Sven Larsen
- go to ASE to arrest Sven in the house on the left upper side of the fountain
- torture him

Taking Sanctuary
- talk to Trisstan in the kitchen of the King's castle
- speak with Adeleida in the small room right to the kitchen entrance
- go to the church in Hillbrandt
- kill the bandit and talk to Quentinus
- go back to ANW and talk to Trisstan

---Alvaron Northeast (ANE)---

Grave Robber
- talk to Augustin in the left church
- go to Alvaron Cemetery
- look for a hole with a wooden lid beside it, and talk to the hole
- go to ASE, talk to Steinger, Ihman and Vick
- ask Gregorius for permission to arrest Steinger and Vick
- arrest both and burn them
- talk to Augustin

The Wanted
- talk to Gregorius
- during the quest "Translating The Scroll", you will encounter Juhasz on your way back to the alchemist guild
- kill Juhasz
- talk to Gregorius

---Alvaron Southeast (ASE)---

Looking for the Husband
- talk to Salena Flock in the Inn
- speak with Thelma
- find a Wolfbane at the Place of Execution Alvaron
- talk to Thelma and pay for the potion
- go to the Schwarzwald Road to Alvaron
- talk to her husband at the left upper corner
- defeat him and talk to him again
- go back to the inn and talk to the couple

Antique Merchant
- talk to Ihman
- go to the Ecclesiastical Tomb in the Alvaron Cemetery
- go down to the second level and find the coffin of Bartholomeus in a secret room
(you can also find the ring of bishop Matroiani in another coffin)
- read his testament to get the locations of the three statues
- go to Tree of Death and open the hidden stash around the tree
- go to Galibornium - Pagan Temple and open the hidden stash near the collapsed column at the temple
- go to the left church in ANE, open a brick at the corner where Pontifex is wandering around
- after completing the quest "Transforming Oil", talk to Tinthan to steal the Gabriel statue back
- go to ASE and talk to Ihman

---Alvaron Southwest (ASW)---

Forged Gold
- speak with Grand Duke Drake Lambert
- talk to Salena in the Inn in ASE
- talk to the beggar Beckham in ANE
- ask Gregorius for permission to arrest Gilbert
- arrest him and burn him
- talk to the Grand Duke

Translating the Scroll
- talk to Alberto in the alchemist guild
- go to Glatzburg East and talk to Enrie
- go to Hillbrandt to send Alberto's greetings to Theil
- go back to ASW
- kill Juhasz on your way and talk to Alberto

The Traitor
- talk to the Sheriff Henry Portman
- go to the Werewolf cave in Schwarzwald
- fight to the werewolf prince, kill him and release Nina from a cell
- escort her back to ASW
- find Horst in the second floor of a house in ASE
- talk to Horst and defend yourself
- report to the Sheriff

- talk to the old man Balthazar in Buron's tavern
- talk to Thelma
- go to the Garden of Grief, and obtain the memoricus repeaticus root from the middle of the map
- go to the Schwarzwald and obtain the moon crystal at the right upper corner
- talk to Thelma and pay her
- bring the potion to Balthazar
- arrest Downay, torture and then burn him

The Cursed Mansion
- talk to Gerbert in a house in the upper left part of the map
- talk to Thelma
- completed the quest "Amnesia" to gather the information needed from Balthazar
- go to the cursed house in the left lower part in ASE
- press a brick near the steps to the second floor
- open the way to cellar near at the corner near the steps
- clear the dungeon to collect 12 skeletons of the wives of von Blutenreich
- go to the Alvaron Cemetery
- talk to the tomb with three candles in front of it
- go back to the second floor of the cursed house
- kill the ghost and report to Gerbert

Potion for Longevity
- talk to Vanessa
- go through the bridge at the right end of Garden of Grief and pick up the Temporarum Blossom in the upper middle part
- obtain the sun crystal in the middle of Galibornium - Forum
- troll bite is a random drop for killing trolls in the Tree of Death or Road to Dragon Rock
- talk to Vanessa

Potion of Dispell
- you automatically receive this quest after you finish the quest "Potion for Longevity"
- talk to Alberto in the guild
- go to Schwarzwald
- you MUST threaten Thelma to get the herb
- talk to Alberto
- talk to Vanessa

Murder of the Brother
- talk to William Burton in the Burton's tavern
- ask Salena about it
- ask Gregorius for permission to arrest Norman
- go to Schwarzwald Inn
- talk to Norman
- open the trapdoor and go down to the cellar
- kill Bates
- talk to William

---Citadel Surroundings---

- talk to Kirk on the left side of Citadel Surroundings
- go to Schwarzwald to kill Minfred
- go to Werewolf Den in Schwarzwald and kill Wulfhyrr - Nilex
- pick up the Decapitator and give it to Kirk

Petrified Man*
- talk to Brian in the upper right part
- talk to Corin
- go to the Schwarzwald Road to Alvaron
- investigate the stone and pick up the gold earing near it
- talk to Sandra around the stalls in ANE and defend yourself
- get the book of death
- go back to Citadel Surroudings, talk to Brian and Corin

---The Citadel---

A Cursed Necklace
If you kill Minfred, it is impossible to start the quest "A Cursed Necklace".
("A Cursed Necklace" and "Decapitator" quests in Act 3 are no longer mutually exclusive. - Contribution from the player Nilex)
- talk to Hector on the first floor of the citadel
- go to the left lower part of Schwarzwald
- defeat Minfred
- bring his necklace to the citadel
- talk to Hector and defend yourself
- Minfred drops a random magic sword. - Nilex

Nicolas Innocence (companion quest)
- talk to Nicolas on the 4th floor of The Citadel
- talk to Vanessa (ASW)
- talk to Marcius (ANE, right church)
- talk to Liana Lambert (ASW)
- talk to Nicolas again (750 XP)

Murderer of the King (Paladin promotion)
- talk to Christoffer on the 4th floor of The Citadel
- talk to Gustapho in the left church in ANE if you already have the letter for him from Christoffer
- investigate the corpse of the King in the castle then talk to Rodrigo
- ask Gregorius for permission to arrest Rodrigo
- talk to Rodrigo again
- you can choose to arrest him or let him go

---Alvaron Cemetery---

Return to the Grave
- go to Alvaron Cemetery and talk to the friendly zombie Baron Mansfeld
- go to the left lower corner of the cemetery to fetch his tombstone
- go to the upper part of the map
- kill the warriors and talk to the open grave
- you are rewarded his treasure map

---Schwarzwald Road to Alvaron---

Escape from the Hell
- enter the dungeon on the right side of Schwarzwald Road to Alvaron
- hit the switch on both side hall
- talk to Pteremon in the middle
- kill the 5 Infernal Minions
- talk to Pteremon again
ACT III (part 02)
A Dead Body for a New Life
- talk to Pteremon after the quest "Escape from the Hell"

Provided by PauloRoberto:
Pteremon ask you to get a body for him
Go to Avadom speak with any Communer and he will go with you to Pteremon
Repeat 3 times (give 3 Communers to Pteremon) and He get a Human body
Prepare yourself to fight with paladins and priests who came to the place

Hunting a Werewolf
- talk to Gerhard in the centre of the map
- go to the upper right corner to find the wounded werewolf
- you can kill him and report to Gerhard
Or you can give him a potion of health and a potion of life to heal him (I don't know if it is a bug or a translation mistake, but I think I have not seen anything of the name "potion of life").


Ancient Amulet
- talk to the Elenian ghost at the pyramid
- you either buy the amulet from Vick or you get it automatically when you arrest him
- talk to the ghost again

Speak with the Dead*
- you need to complete "Petrified Man"
- speak with Gustapho (ANE, left curch) about the means for talking to the dead
- read the book of death you got from Sandra
- go to the Secular Tomb in Alvaron Cemetery
- talk to a coffin to find the Necklace of Death at the third level
- go to the Place of Execution Alvaron
- talk to the grave of Kathryn Winholds (west part of map)
- equip Amulet of dead and her skull
- talk to the grave of Kathrin

Owner of the Letters*
- ask Gregorius for permission to arrest Verenicus
- go to the second floor of the King's castle to arrest him
- torture him
- if you already have the testimony from Downay and Sven, you can ask Gregorius for permission to arrest Jean de Guise
- talk to Jean de Guise in ANW, kill him and his followers
- go to the second floor of the right side church in ANE
- ask Marcius about the letters
- bring him the ring of Matroiani (found at the second level in the Ecclesiatical Tomb Alvaron)
- ask Gustapho for permission to arrest Commendoni
- ask both Timore and Servertinus for permission to arrest Commendoni, but they each give you a quest to exchange for their permission

Pagan Statutte*
- talk to Servertinus
- go to Glatzburg East
- talk to Hulph in Wanda's tavern
- gain the map by force or for 1500 GP
- go to the upper edge of Tree of Death, open a hidden stash and then kill three ghosts to retrieve the statuette
- talk to Servertinus in ANE and defend yourself

Lifting the Curse*
- talk to Timore
- talk to Thelma
- talk to Timore again for a vial of his blood
- buy a holy water
- go to the Place of Execution Alvaron
- talk to the southern grave
- go to the Alvaron Cemetery
- defeat cursed Joan, talk to her
- report to Timore in the church in ANE

- after you have obtain the permissions from all three members, enter the dungeon under the church
- kill the necromancer at the first level to obtain a key
- kill a monk at the second level to obtain another key
(you can find a bookshelf in a secret room at the second level for opening the tomb of St. Orthenius)
- kill a mad judge at the third level to obtain the last key
(you can find the transforming oil for Tinthan at the fourth level)
- enter the Devil's Hole
- find and kill Commendoni
- take the dead girl and go back through the portal

The Tomb of St. Orthenius
- talk to a bookshelf in a secret room at the second level in the church dungeon
- read the Killian chronicle
- go to the tomb of St. Orthenius (across the bridge from Garden of Grief)
- talk to Ihman and defend yourself
- investigate the tomb gate
- enter the tomb and passes 6 tests
- talk to the coffin of St. Orthenius

Book of the Demons*
- talk to Gustapho in the church in ANW
- talk to Laurencius on the second floor of the right side church
- give him the three dead girls (one from Dragon Rock, one from Glatzburg Place of Execution, one form the Devil's Hole)
- talk to Gustapho again

Fallen Angel Arthamon*
- go to the bottom level of the Orc Cave under the Iron Mine
- talk to the ritual pentagon
- hit switches to open your way until you meet Arthamon
- kill it

Fallen Angel Baphomet*
- go to the hole under Glatzburg Place of Execution
- talk to the wall
- you need to use the teleport devices to find your way down, and at certain levels you need to levitate past gaps to kill cursed knights for keys
- open a large gate to face Baphomet
- kill it

Fallen Angel Cerdie*
- go to the Devil's Hole under the church dungeon
- talk to the skeleton wall
- go around the main road to get 3 keys, enter each teleport device behind the three doors you can open now
- destroy the 3 crystals of sin
- enter the last teleport device, so that you are teleported to the centre of the map
- open the last gate and face Cerdie
- kill it
(I encountered a serious bug here: since Cerdie can cause damage to you attributes, my Paladin died whenever his constitution returned to normal. So I had to sacrifice two magical boxes to ensure that my Paladin was not hit by her.)

Wolf under sheep skin*
- report to Gustapho after you have killed the three fallen angels
- go to the Royal Tomb in the Alvaron Cemetery
- use the switches and secret rooms to proceed to the third level
- save before you open the huge gate
- if you choose to be good, you must defeat Laurencius and then Arzael
if you want to play a bad guy, you have to kill Christoffer and then Gabriel

Rewards for killing werewolfs:
70 GP per head, 3000 GP for the head of the werewolf prince
Maps - ACT I
All maps of this Act in alphabetical order

Maps - ACT II
All maps of this Act in alphabetical order

Maps - ACT III
All maps of this Act in a logical sequence
Contribution of the player Nilex

ruppert29 14 Nov, 2021 @ 10:24am 
This is a great guide, carefully crafted. Too bad the game did not live up to normal rpg standards.
Borislau 31 Jul, 2021 @ 12:51pm 
Thank you very much Nilex, has been a pain in the ass search for the forums of this game, now at least i know where to find. thanks again
Nilex  [author] 31 Jul, 2021 @ 12:55am 
In general I recommend searching for help on Steam/GOG forums because this guide is basically a text/map dump. Neither of us two authors have any clue what you are taking about today. Story is so complex I nearly forgot Acts 1&2 by the time I entered 3.
Forums in contrast offer far more active community than comments here. That said I'm still open to suggestions to improve text part of the walkthrough, to make things clearer. God knows this game can only benefit from it.

Searching your problem returned this GOG topic and there are more so don't hesitate to look further yourself. I'd be kicking myself in the head for losing 50 hours. Probably the missing girls hiccup has also been solved somewhere. I also remember that following the guide to the letter is quintessential to avoiding bugs/dead ends. Game is an unpolished gem in every sense of the word :)
Borislau 30 Jul, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
I'm at the end of act II, I've already got the incriminating letters but there's no dialogue option to arrest Truncquillius. Another bug is regarding the missing girls case, I solved the case before accepting dieter's proposal and now I can't complete the quest. Please someone help me, I've been engaged in the story for over 50 hours and I don't want to leave it unfinished.
Nilex  [author] 27 Jan, 2021 @ 6:17pm 
It's nice seeing people still playing this rough gem with super rich and complex story behind it.

Thanks for the tip. Plan is to fill all gaps eventually but that requires another playthrough and I still remember how mentally draining this game was so it's gonna be a while. Not much is missing though, maybe handful of Devil's Roots from Act I&II and that's pretty much it. Act III is pretty solid after my pass.

What I can easily fix for now is the map name. All this time and no one noticed, lol. That sort of thing happens when this franken-guide was made by 4 different people, each building on previous ones' work few years apart.
Brian Sirith 27 Jan, 2021 @ 6:08am 
Galibornium - Pagan temple

- Fountain with Locust Swarm Scroll gives you 5000XP
- Top right of the map there's a Devil's Root
Nilex  [author] 13 Jun, 2017 @ 9:35pm 
Thanks again, fixed :)
hola_dimka 13 Jun, 2017 @ 6:49pm 
One more change. :)

Lifting the Curse* Quest
- talk to the southern skull pile
- talk to the southern grave.

hola_dimka 13 Jun, 2017 @ 6:45pm 
To arrest Verencius (lawyer of king)
You will need testimony of Spirt of Kathrin "Speak with the Dead "quest,
and testimony of Corin "Petrified Man" quest
Nilex  [author] 13 Jun, 2017 @ 9:44am 
Hehe, I can't help you with that. It's waaay over my head. But there is one person who can.
Post same question in the game forum, either Steam or GoG, and it will probably get picked up by Kovi. He's the only one I know who can resolve complex problems like yours.
If you can't wait for his answer try to re-trace your steps 1-by-1 following every related step in the guide and talk to all NPCs again. It's how I managed to breakthrough when I got stuck.

Just wait till you get to Act 2 and everything doubles in complexity :)