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Useful console commands for rust (NEW build)
Vytvořil: Bunccy
Useful console commands that everyone should be aware of
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List of commands
List of commands

perf 0

Disables information.

perf 1

Shows your FPS

perf 2

Shows your FPS and also latency (ms). Latency shows how long it takes to render a frame.

Perf 3

Shows same as 2 but will also reveal your RAM usage.

Perf 4

Same as 3 but gives information about garbage collect (GC)

Perf 5

The most useful one among these. FPS, ping and RAM usage + the other things.

Perf 6

This reveals same things as 5 but also gives information about tasks.

fps.limit -1

With this you can change the FPS limit.
-1 sets it to unlimited and is the default value.
You can replace -1 with any number you want. For example I locked my framerate to 50 because my amd r9 285 gpu got pretty warm and noisy after few minutes of gameplay.
Also useful for maintaining steady framerate.

bind c attack;duck

This one binds attack + duck combo to "c" key. When you press c you automatically crouch and start attacking with the item you have currently have on your hand. You can end this by pressing "crouch" and "attack" keys on your keyboard and mouse. Useful for AFK farming resources.

bind q forward;sprint

Another amazingly useful keybind. As the name says this binds "forward" and "sprint" to your "q" key. When you press "q" you character will start sprinting forward until you press "sprint" and "move forward" keys on your keyboard. This is really helpful as you can just sit back and watch your character move from one side of the map to the other.

bind m kill

Kill yourself by pressing m key. Any other questions ?

graphics.fov 90

Yes I know that there is FOV slider in options menu but with this command you can change the FOV all the way to the 90 (the slider in settings menu allows only max FOV of 85). Now you can see more stuff on your screen. You can also lower the FOV all the way to the 60 (again settings menu sucks and gives you the impression that 65 is the smallest amount). Just change the number to anything you prefer (that is between 60 and 90).

Now remember that keybind command above?

You can bind graphics.fov to any button you prefer. For example i use B and N like this:

bind b graphics.fov 60 and bind n graphics.fov 90

With this you can now change FOV on the go. Wanna spot enemies hiding behind rocks long distance away? Or shoot easily with bolt action rifle? Just press B and then return to normal view just by pressing N.

Unbinding keys!!!!

Just write bind command and the key you want to unbind and then replace the action which is binded to key with something random like - or adgagdfgaegadf if you feel like it :)

For example if i'd like to unbind graphics.fov 60 from b i would write bind b asd

Ez Lyfe

client.connect ip:port

With this you can manually connect to server. Ideal for situations when you can't see the server but know its IP. Just replace "ip:port" with the server ip and port.

I hope these commands were useful to you.

Feel free to leave feedback so i know how to improve.
Maybe add pictures later?

(English is not my native language)

Also if you liked this guide i'd really appreciate thumbs up and favourite :3 <33333
Počet komentářů: 50
死 Kiro 27. lis. 2020 v 3.43 
ENG : Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
TR : Listedekilerden birini seç ve profilime yaz,Aynısını ben de senin profiline yazacağım!
RUS : Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же
PL : wybierz jedno i wklej w komentarzu na mój profil a ja zrobie to samo jak tylko będe online
+rep nice clutcher
+Rep Nice Aim:purple_heart:
+rep Only Headshot
+rep Adamın Dibçiği
+rep Fenasın Başa Belasın Kardeşim
+rep Seviliyorsun
+rep Good AK-47 Recoil
+rep Good AK-47 SPREY !
+rep Awp King
+rep Good Teammate
+rep Friendly Person
+rep Headmachine
+rep Adam
TROALINISM 7. čvc. 2019 v 15.46 
is there a way to bind bandage crafting ? (press button to craft bandage)
Bunccy  [autor] 8. dub. 2019 v 14.12 
Kiitos kaikille kullannupuille <33333333

Translate for english


Vastarannan Kii$Ki 22. pro. 2018 v 15.32 
Hene 14. led. 2018 v 4.58 
Can I habe ur base bilding guide ples:steamhappy:
BENA 9. kvě. 2017 v 9.31 
how can i bind key so when i press it it automaticly connects me to server?
Silagane 6. bře. 2017 v 13.31 
bind b graphics.fov 60 and bind n graphics.fov 90

is that allowed on every server?
Stezell 24. led. 2017 v 22.28 
any way to make a wait time between actions for a bind? I'm trying to make it so when I press a key it will change to slot 6 and then attack but then wait x amount of time and go back to slot 1. basically it would make is so when I press that key it will syringe myself and the second it's done it will automatically go back to my weapon. before you ask yes I tried typing wait but it's an unknown command.
Tense 21. led. 2017 v 11.15 
Run - bind (insert key) forward;sprint

Attack and crouch - bind (insert key) attack;duck

Turn on laser sight only when aiming -
bind Mouse1 +lighttoggle;+attack2

1 button click syringe / bandage use -
bind 6 +slot6;+attack or

bind (insert key) +slot(insert slot #);+attack
kain jar'jo 4. zář. 2016 v 23.43 
i need help getting my sever to let me spawn in items threw the command consials click screen my sever / game wont let me do so how do i fix this?