Moto Racer Collection
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Moto Racer 1 Game Unlocks
Από Jedibug
Unlock tracks, reverse mode, modified bikes, framerate, bouncing bikes. F1 For help ingame.
Μη αγαπημένο
On the name screen enter these names to unlock the bonus.
A sound will play and the name text will clear.
Enter a proper name to continue.
CDNALSI - All tracks
CTEKCOP - Pocket bikes
CESREVER - Reversed tracks
Show Framerate
Start the game with:
moto.exe -ijklmnop
Press [Ctrl] + [F1] twice to display the framerate
Bouncing Winners
Bouncing Winners
Press B after winning a race to bounce.
Press B again to bounce like crazy.
Commandline Options
Dump from game.exe -h
-fr : Force French version
-gr : Force Deutsh version
-it : Force Italian version
-sp : Force Spanish version
-sw : Force Sweden version
-us : Force English version

-fullscreen : Start game in fullscreen mode
-windowed : Start game in windowed mode

3D (hardware)
-3DFX : Use 3DFX if available
-NoPowerVr : Disable PowerVr auto-detection
-OnlyPrimaryDisplay : Don't use 2nd 3D hardware display
-PowerVr : For PowerVr chip if auto-detection
fails with a PowerVr chip

-D3D : Use 3D hardware acceleration (if
card support D3D but not textures)
-Alpha : Enable texture format 4444
-CorrectRatioTextures : ...If problems with fonts
-MinTextureWidth<n> : Set minimum texture width to <n> pixels
-MaxTextureWidth<n> : Set maximum texture width to <n> pixels
-MinTextureHeight<n> : Set minimum texture height to <n> pixels
-MaxTextureHeight<n> : Set maximum texture height to <n> pixels
-NoD3D : Do not use 3D hardware accelerat.
-NoDither : Do not use dither capabilities
-NoPal256 : Disable 256 colors palettes
-NoTextureSizeMax256 : To optimize size texture in
video memory
-OpaqueBlackLevel<n> : Set <n> in the range [1..3] if
transparency bugs appear in fonts
-Pal16 : Enable 16 colors palettes
(to get more memory)
-TextureSquareOnly : All textures must be square
-ZBuffer : Use hardware Z-Buffer (slower)

-AskDirectDraw : Display DirectDraw informations
-BlitTimeOut<n> : Set max blit waiting loops to <n>
-DoRealLock : Really use DirectDraw lock/unlock
-DontWaitBlits : Disable Blit waiting
-InfiniteZBuffer : For special Z-buffering system
(i.e PowerVr chip)
-NoFlick : Disable flick
-NoBlitAsync : Disable Blit Async
-NoDuplicateSurfaces : Disable surface duplic. of bikes

-D : Run not playable demo
-J<XXXX> : Set joystick threshold to XXXX
(default=2000, max=7000)
-NbComp<X> : Set nb of computer players to X
-NoAGP : Disable AGP use
-NoCpuDetect : Disable CPU detection.
-NoGouraud : Disable gouraud shading
-NoMMX : Disable MMX support
-NoSound : Disable Direct Sound
-ScanOtReverse : For ZBuffer Front to Back
-SnapShot : Enable screen copy in directory
Data\Shoot when using Shift-Ins
-ThreadHighest : Set thread to highest priority
-ThreadTimeCritical : Set thread to time critical mode
-FrameRateMax<XX> : Limit frame rate of the game to XX frame/sec
(20 to 99, default=30, 0=no limit)
Cheat credits
Cheats credit to
Graphics Upscale / HD / 1920x1080
dgVoodoo & dgVoodoo 2
You can use dgVoodoo / dgVoodoo 2 to replicate and replace / wrap the original 3dfx acceleration and offer modern video options to render the game with filtering options at higher resolutions. Just be aware the 4:3 screen ratio will be lost and you will be left with a stretched image.

Just make sure you download it from a safe source before installing and virus check it. Firefox currently gives a warning about unsafe software for this website, so be wary. Although I've used it in the past few years, I haven't used it lately. I'm not sure why the site has a dangerous software warning now. After downloading Firefox actually indicates it contains a virus. I don't know the current status as I haven't used this site or software for quite a few years. Just use caution testing this if you're going to use it. IE: Use at own risk! I'm not going to link it for these reasons. You'll be able to find it.

You can also use dgVoodoo for some other old 3dfx games. ie:Need for Speed 2 SE

In 2020 (aka the year of the virus) the game isn't running for me on Windows 10. You also might need DirectPlay compatibility turned on. Although at this point that still isn't fixing it. I suspect it's the game copy protection kicking in. You may or may not experience this depending on whether you have a cd/dvd/bluray drive in your pc.

Options (which I'm not going to try right now).

  • dgVoodoo 2 - Might get around this
  • GoG version of the game - more compatible, better tested, better maintained.
  • Virtual machine - run in a true Win 9x environment
  • Old PC - run on a Jurassic era PC and experience the game in its true glory!

I may revisit this game at a later date.

My personal preference is to run the game as intended, whether with a graphics wrapper or not, @ 640x480 with black bars and the original 30fps framerate, as that is how the game played and and looked best in its day (as I first played it) and now. It's a retro game and that's how it should be treated.

I also want to take this chance to recommend another motorbike game which is a blend of arcade and sim style racing, with a graphics style similar to the era. Although it leans more towards arcade racing which is why it's still a fun game to play. While it's not as extreme and colourful as MR1, it's still a great game in its own right.

MotoGP: Ultimate Racing Technology 3

Developer(s) Climax Racing / Publisher(s) THQ / Series MotoGP
Platform(s) Mobile phone / Windows / Xbox
Release Mobile NA: May 2005
Windows, Xbox NA: 30 August 2005 EU: 2 September 2005

*Source WikiPedia

Although it's labelled a GP racing game, the graphics reminded me a lot of MotoRacer 1 (the best of the Moto Racer series imho). You can probably still get this game somewhere / somehow. I still own the DVD version. From memory the extreme mode was very arcadey and unrealistic but probably fun for the same reason. Featuring the amazing Valentino Rossi on the box cover.

Have fun!
Bonus for reading this far down. Rossi using 2 of his 9 lives in 1 second

Note: Click play on Youtube
2 σχόλια
Jedibug  [Δημιουργός] 23 Αυγ 2020, 12:23 
Hi @Rodrigues The game isn't currently running for me. 640x480 was the max originally supported resolution of the box with a 3dfx Voodoo (1) at the time. I've added 2 sections at the bottom of the article with suggestions. It's been many years since I've played this. Hope this helps. :BL3Thumbsup: :F1helmet: :F1fuel: :F1ribbon: :F12015Trophy: :rockon::txphorns:
Rodrigues 17 Ιουλ 2020, 18:15 
is there a way to adjust the in game resolution? mine is locked at 640x480.