Resident Evil Revelations

Resident Evil Revelations

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Raid Mode Ghost Ship Trinity Solo Progression Guide
By Soma
Guide for getting Trinity Bonuses in Raid Mode, solo, including the Holy Grail, Ghost Ship. There is a certain logic to it, you have to get some Trinity Bonuses first in order to get others. Here is my guide.
1. Introduction
The real meat of Resident Evil Revelations is the Raid Mode, which can last easily over 100 hours. Here is a solo guide for it. First I will give some basic gameplay tips useful in both campaign and raid mode.

This won't be a stage by stage solo guide, because there is a Japanese wiki guide out there. What I will focus on is on the most efficient path to finding and improving your equipment so you can solo Ghost Ship with Trinity Bonus. That means killing 435 monsters solo with no damage taken, that is basically the ultimate end game. A true test of skill and equipment. Not many people get there even with a partner. Even less people finish Ghost Ship solo. But there is a structure to that elusive goal. And this is my guide to it.

See the screenshot of my progress. It shows that I've done Ghost Ship Trinity at the very least. After I've done it solo I'm pretty much done with this game and ready to move on.

I recommend playing through the campaign first. The structure of the Raid Mode mirrors the campaign, so it is a good idea to get a feel of each stages by going through the campaign first. Plus you get some extra BP to spend after finishing the campaign.

2. Game Mechanics and General Gameplay Tips
Some gameplay mechanic is clear just by playing campaign, like how monsters generally behave. Some are not so obvious, like how to dodge or where the monster weak points are. Here are some pointers useful gameplay tips.

  • Trinity Bonus
    If you don't know it already, there are three requirements to fulfil when playing Raid Mode to get extra BP, the currency to use in Raid Mode Store.
    1. Completing a stage at or below recommenended level
    2. Killing all monsters in a stage
    3. No Damage taken.
    Fulfilling at least one requirement still give you some extra BP, but you get extra bonus for getting all three at the same time. Some custom parts can ONLY be acquired by hitting Trinity on certain stages in the Abyss difficulty level, and never show up in the shop.

    Here is the Trinity custom part reward List from Forum

    Abyss Stage 1-3: Burst 2, or Bottomless pouch 1
    Abyss Stage 4-6: Charge shot 1 or 2, or Bottomless pouch 2
    Abyss Stage 7-9: Medal of Courage, or Bottomless pouch 3
    Abyss Stage 10-12: Cornucopia 1 or 2, or Bottomless pouch 4
    Abyss Stage 13-14: Burst 3, or Bottomless pouch 5
    Abyss Stage 15: Grenade launcher
    Abyss Stage 16-17: Charge shot 3 or 4, or Bottomless pouch 7
    Abyss Stage 18-19: Cornucopia 3 or 4, or Bottomless pouch 8
    Abyss Stage 20: Bottomless pouch 5, 6, 7 or 8
    The Ghost Ship: Gluttony 5

    You only get one part each time you finish a stage with Trinity. That means, for example, you either get Burst 2 OR Bottomless pouch 1 after finishing Abyss Stage with Trinity. NOT both. Which one you get is random, so if you are unlucky you may get only burst 2 all the time but not bottomless pouch 1.

    See also custom part section on what these these custom parts do. Needless to say they are really good, because getting Trinity in Abyss is not simple.

  • Damage
    Red Damage means you are hitting the weak point of monster. In campaign there is no visual feedback but in Raid mode there is, so you know exactly where the weak points are.
    Yellow Damage means you are doing ok damage. Try shooting for red damage as much as possible to conserve ammo. In most Abyss stages you will run out of ammo quickly if you only do yellow damage.
    Grey Damage means it is not effective. Switch to other areas or other kinds of gun. Some monsters are weak to handgun, others are weak to machine gun, and so on. Damage done to weak points will always show in red, even if the gun type is not effective.

  • Custom Parts
    Some Custom Parts you get just normally by playing the game, like increased damage or fire rate. Some are self explanatory from the name, some are not.

    There are three tiers of custom parts: custom parts, illegal custom parts, and legendary custom parts. Vanilla custom parts are garden variety mods like +%damage or +%fire rate. Illegal custom parts are unusual mods like increase damage to humanoids. Legendary custom parts are the parts you get from Abyss Trinity bonus.

    Here are some explanations for parts with unusual names:

    Regenerate ammo. Cornucopia 1 regenerates handgun or machinegun ammo. Cornucopia 2 regenerates shotgun or sniper rifle ammo. Cornucopia 3 and 4 are the more powerful versions of Cornucopia 1 and 2 respectively. Cornucopia 5 regenerates magnum ammo.

    As you can see from the Trinity reward list, Cornucopia 5 you simply cannot get by doing trinity run. You get a chance of finding it only by completing the Ghost Ship.

    Ammo magnet is poor man's Cornucopia. Ammo magnets are quite easy to find, Cornucopia not so. Most of the time Ammo magnet may even be preferred if you are killing loads of monsters, since Cornucopia cannot regenerate fast enough. But if you are only killing a small number of monsters, Cornucopia is more reliable.

    If your run out of ammo, then you draw ammo from other kinds of ammo type. Say you have Gluttony 5, which is for magnum. If you run out of magnam AND have Gluttony 5, you draw ammo from your machine gun, handgun or any other ammo from your inventory, 1:1. That means your 1 machine gun ammo counts as 1 magnum ammo. If you've played this game, you know magnum do a ton more damages than machine gun, and you can carry a ton more machine gun ammo than magnum ammo. So Gluttony 5 effectively gives you infinite ammo for your magnum.

    Bottomless Pouch
    Your grenade regenerates. The rate of regeneration is slow, so it is useful for very specific circumstances, like if you are stuck and run out of ammo, but you will be glad to have those with you when those circumstances arise. Bottomless Pouch 1 regenerates frag grenade, Pouch 2 shock grenade, Pouch 3 decoy grenade, Pouch 4 Pulse grenade (i.e. stun grenade). Pouch 5-8 regenerates faster than 1-4, respectively.

  • Daze, Stagger and Stun Lock
    You put most monsters in a daze by first turning one arm limb (i.e. the arm is just dangling), then turning the other arm limb as well. In a daze, monster simply stands still with its tongue, or what passes as tongue for it, dangling out. For Hunters, you simply hit them while they are sprinting and they will be dazed. You can also put most monsters in a daze by using pulse grenade. Mods that help put monsters in daze makes the job easier. Monsters eventually will snap out of it and resume attack.

    If you can daze it, then you can daze lock it. That means as soon as it snaps out of the daze, hit the right spots again and daze it again. Rinse and repeat. Even Norman can be daze locked if you hit his weak points fast and hard enough.

    Monsters stagger when you hit it hard and often enough. Sometimes they simply stop whatever they are doing and get into stun animation. Sometimes they may even stagger a few steps back. Hitting monsters in their weak point ALWAYS stagger them. So if you are skillful enough, you can stun lock them by repeatedly hitting their weak point, and they cannot attack you. This is especially useful in close quarters.

    While you can only daze certain monsters with bullets (Ooze, Rachael, Pincer, Tricorne, Hunter), you can stun lock all but Norman. Norman you can still daze lock it.

  • Entering and Exiting Room
    One quirk in this game is that most monsters are freezed in their places as soon as you exit the room they are in. That means they stop whatever they were doing and just stand there, until you either attack them again or get into their line of sight. Then they will become hostile. Use this to your advantage and "freeze" them for easy kill. For example, you can stand by the door, snipe, then immediately exit the room. Whatever monster you attacked will then become non-hostile again. Do it again and again will net you a easy kill. It just takes a bit of time.

    The exception to this freezing trick are Scagdead (the two headed monster who eats your leg for a one hit kill), and all versions of Draghignazzo (the rock monster thing).

    This trick is your meal ticket to your first ghost ship solo run, because you can conserve a LOT of ammo before getting to the deck. It is also essential when getting trinity bonus, if your equipments are not that good.
3. Dodge

This is simply THE most important skill you have to master if you want to go far in Raid Mode. If you press forward or turn around JUST before the attack hits, you will completely dodge the attack, take zero damage, and get out of the way. Pressing forward will see you dodge and then face forward, this is good for setting up an attack. Pressing turn around will see you dodge and then face backward, this is good for running away.

In most cases you want to dodge forward so you can see the monster that is attacking you, but against Draghignazzo you may want to dodge backwards because after its charge miss, it goes straight pass you. The backward dodge puts you in the perfect position to hit its ONLY backside weak spot.

ALL attacks can be dodged. Even one-hit-kill moves like the Wall Blister or Scagdead grab. You just have to time it right.

WHEN to dodge is the key. Before the attack happens, monsters will always go into "prepare to attack" stance, then the attack will hit. For example, for pincers, they will either pull back their arms for a scissor attack, raise their arm for a downward strike. Even for Scagdead, it will snap its monster/claw head back for just a fraction of a second, then the claw head will move forward and try to eat your leg. Wall Blister will snap its arm back, then go for the grab.

WHEN they finish the "prepare to attack" stance and actually attacks, THAT is the time to press forward or turn around. Then your character will automatically go into dodge. As long as you hit the key BEFORE the attack actually hits, you will dodge the attack. Light weight weapons and certain "shadow dancer" characters have a more lenient window, so even if you press the key a little bit too early, e.g. when they are still in the prepare to attack stance, you will still dodge. You cannot dodge if you hit the key too late, no matter what.

Tricorne projectiles do not have "prepare to attack" stance, but there is still a dodge window, you just have to time it right. First, face directly towards where the attack is coming. Then hit forward or turn around JUST BEFORE the attack hits. Again with light weight weapon or dodge characters the window is more leninent.
4. Weak Points and Strategy against Monsters: Part 1
Weak point: Head

In general they are slow, but many of them creeps up on you and spawns at your back. All its attacks can easily be dodge, with practice.

Weak point: Head

They move a bit faster, and has a bit more health than normal Ooze. They also hit a bit harder. But in general similar to Ooze.

Weak point: Head
Weak against: knife attack, handgun, shotgun

Melee is probably the most cost-effective way to kill it. It can shoot projectiles at you, but these can be dodged or shot down, or even knife it away.

One common and effective strategy against these human like monsters is to cripple them, let them start crawling, then hit the head with sniper rifles. When they are walking, they wobble and make head shot a bit difficult. When they are crawling, they are only crawling towards you in a straight line and cannot do range attack, so the headshot is a bit easier.

Weak Point: Body
Strong against: shotgun

This is the suicide bomber in this game. It walks towards you, then inflate itself for half a second then explode. Or it can explode if you shoot it enough times. Shooting it in the legs can cripple it, then it will inflate and explode as normal.

The trick is to get out of the way immediately after it inflates to avoid the blast completely. With practice you can bait it to explode without wasting any bullet.

Weak point: heart, only when exposed; tumour at the back, always
Weak against: knife attack

For Norman's left hand (big hand) ground slam: the dodge window is when its big arm finally slams downwards, up to the point when the attack connects. When its hand is still up in the air, it doesn't count as "prepare to attack". For Norman's right hand grab, when its hand is pulled all the way back, it doesn't count as "prepare to attack". When the pulled back hand finally tries to reach you, then it counts as "prepare to attack". If you are not familar with the moves, you can easily get caught out and mess up your timing. Norman also switches up the timing. After you damaged him enough, his right hand grab will actually be a bit slower than before, again it is easy to miss the dodge window.

The most annoying part of Norman is the teleporting. If you stands off from Norman, it will create illusional copies of itself to try to confuse you, and then go for the melee ground slam or claw out. Know which is the real by listening to the sound it makes. If there are two Normans, only the real Norman will grunt.

Knife attack is very effectve against Norman, as long as you can reliably dodge its own melee. After you damage it enough, it will move faster and sometimes try to charge you as well. If you stand too close, it will simply be too difficult to dodge. Kiting is very effective, because the dodge window against his charge attack is pretty big, and you can get a few weak point hits in its back tumour after the charge misses.

Rachael Ooze:
Weak point: Head
Weak against: Machinegun

Rachael's attacks are mostly charge and grab, or change and slam. Both are easy to dodge with practice. She can also grab your leg sometimes. Kiting is very effective.

Weak point: Head
Weak against: Sniper Rifle

Hunters tend to run straight towards you and claw. While they are running, if you hit them then they will go into a daze. If you turn your back and run away, they can leap great distance to land right in your face. They can also leap attack you from mid range, or simply walk towards you and claw. Finally they have a one-hit-kill move: with both arms open, they will then leap towards you and strike with their right arm. If it connects then it is game over. If it misses or dodged, then the right arm will be stuck to the ground for a while and cannot attack.

Sniping from a distance is effective. Shotgun can also put them onto the ground and buy you some breathing space.

Weak point: Head
Weak against: Sniper Rifle

They are the invisible Hunters. They have similar moves set as Hunters, minus the one-hit-kill move. They tends to walk very very slowly towards you while remaining invisible. Every now and then you can see the shimmer and the outline while they are walking towards you, but sometimes they are completely invisible.

Pulse grenade is good at detecting them. If they are in the blast area then they will immediately decloak and go into a daze. Other grenades may slam them into the ground but they will still be cloaked.

Weak point: Exposed ribcage (not the head)

These are the rabid wolves. They are pretty weak, but they move very fast and attack very fast. They generally run straight towards you and bite, or slam you to the ground and maul.

Decoy grenade is very good at attracting their attention and kill them.

Weak point: human-like head

These are the two-head monsters. They attack with melee. It can do a short melee with its saw arm, or it can do a series of slashes and slams. Its monster head can also shoot trap on the ground that can immobilse you. It also has a one-hit-kill move: when it is in melee range, the monster head will attempt to eat your leg. If it connects, then the monster head set you up for a max damage hit with its saw arm.

This monster has an especially nasty one-two hit: first is to hold you with with its trap, then it moves into melee range and grab your leg for a one-hit kill. This is nasty because the traps are not very visible, and when you are trapped you cannot dodge. Normally leg grab one-hit-kill can still be dodged though. Plenty of people (including me) die to this one-two hit plenty of times.

The trick is to shoot the trap as soon as it spawns. You can melee the trap to destroy it to save ammo, but what is ONE bullet when it can save you from a one-hit-kill?

(Baby) Draghignazzo
Weak point: head like blob with hair on its exposed back

These are the rock like giant monster thing. The left side is completely immune to bullet damage. The right has a small mid section that can be damaged by bullets. Its back side is completely open to bullet damage, but the right back has a head-like thing near the top and that is its only weak point. Explosive damage from hand grenade, decoy or rocket can still damage from all sides.

It attacks by charging you. Sometimes it doesn't charge straight away. It halts for a second then immediately resumes charging. Sometimes it halts and then doesn't charge. It can also walk towards you, slowly. When it is close enough, it can do a ground slam that puts you on the floor and you cannot run, but only toss grenade or shoot handgun.

It sounds and looks difficult to kill and it is. Grenades don't do enough damage, especially against boss. Decoy is useful to lure it to expose its back, then you can wail on the weak point. You can see the charge coming, but only if you are at some distance from it. If it gets to melee range it is time to run right away. You can also dodge the charge, but only if you can see it coming. But sometimes the hit detection is wonky, so even if you try to dodge right before it hits, the game doesn't register it as a dodge and you still get hit. The ground slam is undodgable, so the only way to avoid it is to run as far away from it as possible.

Baby Draghignazzo is the small version of it that can appear in a small room. You won't see them until Abyss, then it is very common.
5. Weak Points and Strategy against Monsters: Part 2
Weak against: Shock grenade

These are the killer fish that can also leap on land. It can leap very quickly and can be hard to hit with bullets. Shock grenades work very well against them.

Weak against: Shock grenade
Strong against: Everything

It is like puffer fish, and lacks bites compared with other monsters. But it moves quickly and it has resistance to almost every attack except shock grenade. In general you just want to melee it quickly so it goes into stun lock. However for trinity runs it is better to waste ammo or shock grenades on it rather than risk getting hit.

Sea Creeper
Weak against: Shock grenade

These are the monsters who chew on your legs underwater. While underwater there is no way to kill them, you can only use pulse grenade to stun them for a few seconds. In shallow waters they can be killed normally, and even when they are submerged with grenades.

Note that in deep water, they can still be stunned by a pulse grenade on the water surface if they are close enough. This trick is especially useful when getting Trinity for Abyss Stage 15.

Weak point: head, or exposed spine
Weak against: Shock grenade

These are the sword and shield thing. The main attack is the sword, but it can also charge and then slam with its shield.

They tend to shield where you are aiming, but you can bait with an lower body aim, then immediate aim for the head and shoot before they can react. If your aim is true enough, the raised shield still exposes a tiny part of their head and you can still hit it.

If you destroy the lower body, then they will still crawl towards you and stick you with the sword. If you destroy the upper body, then its electrified spine and lower body will charge you. The crawlers are a pain in the ass because they are very fast and not very visible.

Weak point: mouth
Weak against: Shock grenade

These the the blob thing. Their mouth and hence weak point isn't always exposed. When they are moving towards you the mouth is shut.

Shock grenade is by far the fastest and easiest way to kill them.

Wall Blister
Weak point: head, or whatever that is between its eyes
Weak against: Shock grenade

These are the things that rest on ceilling or walls when dormant. When they detect you, they jump down, start grunting then sprint towards you. In melee range it tries to grab you for a one-hit kill.

The trick with these things is kill them well before they get to melee range. Again, like Scagdead, the grab can be dodged. You can still toss a shock grenade quickly after they get to melee range. Even if they grab you, it takes a while for them to go through the one-hit kill animation and the shock grenade can knock them out and save your bacon.
6. Weapon Analysis
Weapon Grade


Gun by Gun Analyses

Listed by order of bullet power (i.e. the first listed guns does the least damage per bullet, but usually it is compensated by having the highest rate of fire).






G18's damage is extremely low, but has superior firing rate. On the other end, Government packs a hefty punch, but it fires very slowly. Neither extremes are good in practice: G18 eats too much ammo, and Government cannot do damage fast enough. PC356 and M92F are the two middle of the road handguns. Personally I prefer PC356 for its lower reload time, higher number of custom slots and it is easier to find.

Handguns are good general all round weapons. It is generally very ammo efficient (except G18) and pack a decent punch.

In terms of custom slots, PC356 and G18 can have at most 6 slots. M92F and Government at most have 5 slots

Machineguns: submachine guns and assault rifles



Firing rate for submachine guns are generally superior to assault rifles, but it has no piercing power by default. The power also tends to be lower than assault rifles of the same level.



High Roller

Has piercing power of 1 (i.e. pierces 1 target only), and has generally greater power than submachine guns, but lower rate of fire.

In general, machine guns have recoil issue, so it takes some practice to get it to fire continuously AND hitting accurately. Guns with Steady Hands tag can somewhat cure this issue (AUG with Steady Hands tag almost has no recoil), but some guns (e.g. High Roller) have major recoil issue that Steady Hands tag simply cannot cure.

Machineguns are generalist weapons. They are useful in all situations, but they pack the least punch out of all weapons, so ammo consumption is an issue. Useful as a panick weapon.

In terms of custom slots, AUG and G36 have at most 5 slots, the rest can have at most 6 slots.


M3 (Benelli M3)

Windham (Windchester Model 1200?)

Hydra (From Resident Evil 5)

Drake (good old double barrel shotgun)

At lower levels Windham is too slow to fire, even if it packs a hefty punch and is very easy to find. On higher level, Windham's rate of fire improves so that it is tolerable. By the same token at lower level M3 is the only shotgun with a reasonable rate of fire, but it packs a pathetic punch.

Both Hydra and Drake are decent enough, with high damage and high rate of fire, but the capacity of both are just too low. At higher level, once you have autoloader for shotgun, then the problem disappears completely.

So at lower levels shotgun is generally not very useful. On higher levels, it is more ammo efficient than handguns, but with two provisions. First is that you MUST have Narrow 2 so at medium range it can still hit. Second is that you MUST have autoloader if you are using Hydra or Drake because of the low capacity.

One reason you may prefer shotgun over handgun on lower level is that shotgun in close range always staggers, and sometimes even daze. This is especially useful for Scagdead or hunters to buy yourself some space.

In terms of custom slots, only Drake can have 6 slots, the rest have 5 at most.

Sniper Rifles

M40A1 (USMC custom sniper rifle)


Muramasa (fantasy weapon In honour of the Japanese swordsmith of the same name)

M40A1 is your primary damage dealer when there are lots of open spaces, or when you have time to take the shot and hit the weak points.

Muramasa is basically the more powerful version of M40A1. While the Muramasa does lower base damage, it does higher critical damage (3 times the base damage) than both M40A1 and PSG1 (2 times the base damage), and guarantees a critical damage when hitting a weak spot (M40A1 and PSG1 only have 75% and 55% chance respectively). But Muramasa is also a lot harder to find than M40A1.

At lower levels, PSG1 is not ammo efficient enough compared with M40A1, even if PSG1 is easier to use and has superior firing rate. It is also not very easy to find compared with M40A1. Once you have ALL THREE of autoloader, gluttony 4 AND 2/3 shot burst, then it is good enough for almost everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Its rate of fire, given a hefty boost by a 2 burst or 3 burst, is good enough for use in close range to stagger, and the ammo issue is cured by gluttony 4, by drawing ammo from machinegun. Autoloader means you can simply fire away continuously.

In terms of custom slots, Muramasa has at most 6, M40A1 at most 5, PSG1 at most 4.


Python (S&W Python)

Little Hawk (Desert Eagle)

Pale Rider (fantasy weapon)

Magnums are basically end game weapons. They are powerful, but ammos are hard to come by and very expensive. At lower levels it is useful for timed levels or to get over speed bums in some levels (like a scagdead that keeps killing you mid level). It is specialist weapon until you have Gluttony 5. Then it becomes your #1 go to weapon, and every level is a cakewalk. But it takes a LOT of effort, or luck (if you can find someone is kind enough to help you get Trinity Bonus on ghost ship), to get Gluttony 5.

In terms of custom slots, all magnums have at most 5 slots, except Little Hawk with 4 slots at most.
7. The Logic to Ghost Ship Trinity Bonus
Ammo Issue
Right off the bat, solo Ghost Ship means soloing 435 enemies, and killing every kind of enemy in the game. Not all enemies have the same health as others, as you move towards the deck, enemy health increases. But their attack is as damaging as ever.

So right off the bat, ammo is a major issue. This can be solved by 3 ways, or a combination of all these three ways:
1. Ammo re/generation: cornacopia and ammo magnet.
2. Melee,
3. minmise wasteage: hitting only weak points, and using the right weapon for the right enemy.

DPS Issue
Ghost Ship has some nasty combination of enemies, especially when you are on the deck. There is simply not enough time to snipe the weak points of monsters one by one. So raw DPS still matters.

Machine guns have the highest pool of ammo, but the DPS in general is low. Sniper rifles and magnums have high DPS, but the ammo pool is low. Handguns and shotguns are middle of the road compared with other weapons. So starting off, you want to know how to use handguns or shotguns well to handle trash mob, and then also master either sniper rifle or magnum to handle bosses. Machinegun will be your panick weapon.

How to solve Ammo and DPS issue

1. Get more powerful weapons
Starting off, after finishing Abyss Stage 20, you want to start soloing ghost ship, and see how far you can get. Ghost Ship is also the ONLY way to get weapons at level 47 and above. Sometimes you can get by with lower level magnum or sniper rifles, but if you compare the stats, there is a huge difference between a level 47 and 48 M40A1. For machineguns, handguns and shotguns the difference between successive levels is not that great.

You get 2 weapon cases even if you can't finish Ghost Ship: one weapon case is at the end of the side deck leading to the deck. Another is after you finish off the boss Scarmiglione (monster with sword and shield thing) on the bridge. In the beginning you want to get either one or both cases, then quit to menu and cash out.

The one on the side deck is easier to get, but it takes quite a while to get there. The one on the bridge is faster to get, and there are multiple ways to get there. The most popular route is:

Observation Deck to get a key -> Dining Area and Guest Rooms, lower floor, run straight past everything to get to the lift -> Bridge

Another route is:

Observation deck -> Promenade -> Deck to get a key -> Bridge

This is not as popular because enemies here are tough and cannot be avoided. In fact this is the worst route if you are just farming. However you have a defensible position once you get into the room. The other entrance from the Dining Area you get attacked from two sides. For Ghost Ship trinity run I personally prefer this entrance because you simply cannot be hit by a stray Tricorne.

2. Finding the right mod for the right weapon

The Right Mods
One of the mods mentioned before is Gluttony 1-5. With it you can use ammo from other weapons. For example, if you have Gluttony 4, which is for Snipe Rifles, you can use ammo from ALL OTHER WEAPONS as if they were Snipe Rifle ammos, 1 to 1. That means your ammo pool is the combined totally of ALL machineguns, pistols, shotguns, sniper rifles and magnum ammo, that is 1316 instead of the normal 112 for Sniper Rifles.

Actually that isn't much, because Ghost Ship has 435 enemies. Now some are just trash mobs, but many enemies on the deck take 50-100 critical hits on the weak spot to kill with a handgun. So even with Gluttony ammo will still be an issue. Without Gluttony you have to melee as much as possible.

As you can imagine, Gluttony 5 for the magnums sounds like a godlike mod, and it is. but you can't get it until you get the Trinity on the Ghost Ship.

For any kind of trinity play, it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to find gluttony 4. This can only be found on Ghost Ship, and you have a chance of finding it ONLY when you pick up illegal custom mods. Not the normal grey/black custom mods, but the yellow/gold ones. You get it without completing Ghost Ship by going to the deck via the underwater route and the side deck. So early on, when you have absolutely no good weapons or mod, then the side deck route to farming Ghost Ship is very useful.

Cornacopia 4 + Ammo Magnet 8 can be a replacement for gluttony 4, but only if you have a fully upgraded Muramasa, preferably with Speed Shot tag and characters with Rifle mastery. Starting off you need to be able to survive Ghost Ship to at least the end of side deck with a level 45-46 M40A1, preferably with Steady Hand tag to maximise damage output (putting your critical hit chance to >100% if you can hit weak spot). Then slowly work your way towards gluttony 4. With gluttony 4 you can still keep Cornacopia 4 or Ammo magnet 8 for extra ammo supply, but by then they are optional. Ammo Magnet 8 can only be found on Ghost Ship, Ammo Magnet 5, the lower quality version, can be found playing through Abyss stages.

The other mod you ABSOLUTELY need are autoloader 2 and 4, which is for Machineguns and Sniper Rifles respectively. As you can imagine, this means no more reloading. This increases DPS dramatically. But don't say no to other autoloaders.

The 3rd mod you absolute need is 2-shot burst. Some people prefer 3-shot bursts but 2-shot burst is enough for a newbie. Personally I prefer 2 shot burst because it is more ammo efficient, even if the DPS is somewhat lower. You can get 2-shot burst randomly by farming for illegal custom parts on Ghost ship. Or you can get Trinity Bonus on Abyss Stage 1. There is a 50/50 chance you get Bottleless Pouch 1 instead of 2-shot burst, so be prepared to farm Abyss Stage 1 a few times to get 2-shot burst.

The Right Weapon
4 slots level 47+ Steady Hands PSG1 is your goal when farming Ghost Ship side deck for weapons. Of course don't say no to 5 slots M40A1 or 6 slots Muramasa, but 4 slots level 47+ PSG1 is good enough for everything. Steady Hands maximises chance to do critical damage. Starting off, PSG1 chew through ammo like there is no tomorrow, so it is unusable farming Ghost Ship early on, and M40A1 or Muramasa is the only way to go. Once you've found a 4 slots 47+ PSG1, hold on to it for a bit.

The 4 slots PSG1 will then have three absolutely necessary mod: 2-shot (or 3-shot) burst, gluttony 4 and autoloader 4. The other free slot you can put Ammo magnet or Cornacopia 4. (For Trinity Run, it will go to either Bottomless Pouch 6, 7 or 8, i.e. spawn decoy, shock or pulse grenade)

The other weapon you absolutely need is a decent machingun with high DPS. In general the choice is between a level 47-49 G36 or High Roller. G36 has lower damage but higher fire rate, but High Roller has higher damage but lower fire rate. 5 slots level 49 G36 or 6 slots level 49 High Roller is the top top find. Those 5-6 slots are absolutely necessary for Ghost Ship Trinity Run.

The reason you need a decent machingun is that Ghost Norman in his first phase is weak to machinegun, pistol and shotgun, and a fully upgraded G36 or High Roller with autoloader is the only gun that can deal enough DPS to it fast enough.

Finally, you need a decent shotgun or handgun to handle trash mobs.
8. Upgrading Weapon
Upgrading weapon

You can spend 100,000 to 600,000 BP to upgrade a weapon, and up to 30 times in total. For fire rate you can only upgrade for 5 times at most. Each upgrade is irreversible.

If you've played this game a bit, you know these are HUGE money sink. So first of all, there is no point upgrading crap weapons. Second you want to plan what to upgrade before hand.

Starting out, you want to upgrade only good versions of lvl 47 weapons, i.e. weapons with lots of custom slots. These are the keepers. You also want to upgrade fire rate to the max and the rest into fire power. Capacity I would suggest spending a custom slot with a long magazine in it rather than hardcode it into the weapon. Or even better, get autoloader. For lvl 48+ weapons and above, resist the temptation to upgrade weapon with few slots. Wait for the good lvl 48-49 weapon to spawn.

Level 50 weapons has a nice bump on all attributes compared with level 49 or below weapon, the problem is that they don't normally spawn with many custom slots.

You can also add tag to weapons with no tags. You cannot change the tag once it is on a weapon, so choose wisely. It costs 450,000 to 500,000 BP to add a tag. Again it is a huge money sink, so there is no point adding tag to weapon you are going to sell very soon.

You also need a light weight tagged handgun or shotgun. Light weight weapon does less damage than normal but you can move faster and dodge easier. It is necessary if you are serious about farming Ghost Ship because it cuts down traveling time quite a bit. However, a max upgraded light-weight weapon do about the same damage as the non-light weight counterpart. So in terms of firepower it is inferior. You want to add light weight tag to some high damage handgun or shotgun in the first place to balance it all out. Because you still need this weapon to handle trash mobs.

For a long time I run with a light-weight Government for the firepower, but I've come around to PC356 because the lack of firepower of PC356 can be compensated by adding a +15% damage mod and a 3 shot-burst. 3-shot burst Government recoil is simply too much. I've also come around to ditching handguns altogether and prefer a light-weight Windham. The fire rate is still crap but to compensate it packs a very good punch and is very ammo efficient handling trash mobs. Using a shotgun mastery character like Quint, Rachael or Chris can solve the low fire rate issue somewhat.
9. Solo Ghost Ship
So here is the checklist for the things you need before you start your Ghost Ship farming run for the first time. This is assuming you have done ZERO trinity bonus in Abyss

1. A decent handgun or shotgun
Essential mods: fertilizer 2/3 AND ammo magnet 4/5 .

Fertilizer mod is preferred over Fangs for health regeneration because it is more versatile, and because of the high number of monsters you kill it is more useful. Fangs is useful when you are taking on a few tough monsters.

Ammo magnet 4/5 is of course to solve the ammo issue.

2. A decent machinegun

Essential mods: ammo magnet 4 AND Bottomless pouch 4

Bottomless pouch 4 regenerations pulse grenade. It is almost always useful because it can buy you time when you are swamped. The need for ammo magnet is obvious.

3. M40A1 or a magnum of any kind

Essential mods: ammo magnet 5/6, +damage, +critical chance, +fire rate

Optional: outrange 1/2/3

This is your primary damage dealer, so focus on doing more damage. And because you want to hit the weakspot whenever possible, +critical chance maximises damage potential. If your critical chance is >100%, then sniper rifle guarantees to do 2x base damage on critical hit. For all other weapons, critical damage is just a bit more than base damage. If you do body shot, the damage is even less compared with base damage.

If your M40A1 has a steady hand tag, then +crtical chance is unnecessary. A 3 slots M40A1 with steady hand tag is very easy to find, and you put ammo magnet, +damage and +fire rate on the 3 slots.

Outrange is optional because you will be shooting from a distince quite a lot. Magnum firepower drops off a bit when shooting from a distance, so outrange can make the drop off a bit less. When an enemy is up close it is time to run or switch to other weapons.

The goal to your ghost ship farming is NOT to complete it, but just to familarise yourself and farm for weapon case and mods. The goal is to get autoloader 3 and 4, gluttony 4, lvl 47+ G36 or High Roller, and lvl 47+ PSG1.

PSG1, Gluttony 4 and autoloader is less a priority if you can find a decent 5 slots M40A1. If you just have autoloader AND muramasa, that will also do. Muramasa REQUIRES autoloader because load time is long and it needs constant reloading. It is also not worth spending money to upgrade capacity at the expense of firepower. Bottomline is, you can get by with a 5 slots level 47+ M40A1, and it is pretty easy to find on Ghost Ship.

The Deck
Once you are confident enough about your gear, or if you simply want to test your skills, then it is time to head for the deck and begin the gauntlet.

For beginners, the problem isn't the (near) trash mob you have to fight to get to the deck. The trouble is after you get to the deck and you have to fight 9 waves of monsters (10 if you are at level 50) one after another to finish the level.
10. Nine or Ten waves of Monsters
The nine or ten waves of monsters once you are on the deck are:

1st wave: 2 hunters and a boss hunter, 1 boss Scarmiglione and either: 1 normal Scarmiglione crawler and 1 fast Scarmiglione crawler, or 1 normal headless Scarmiglione and 1 fast headless Scarmiglione.
2nd wave: 1 normal ooze, 1 boss ooze, 1 normal pincer, 1 boss pincer, 1 boss chunk and 1 fast chunk
3rd wave: 1 normal Scagdead and 1 boss Scagdead
4th wave: 1 tough baby Draghignazzo, 1 fast baby Draghignazzo, 1 boss baby Draghignazzo.
5th wave: 1 normal Tricorne, 1 tough Tricorne, 1 boss Tricorne, 3 fast globsters
6th wave: 2 normal fenrir, 4 boss fenrir, 1 normal Farfarello (invisible hunter), 1 boss Farfarello.
7th wave: 1 boss Rachael, 1 fast Rachael, 1 tough Rachael, 1 strong Rachael
8th wave: 1 Boss Norman
9th wave: 5 Ghiozzo (killer fish) and 1 tough Aculeozzo (puff fish)
(10th wave, for lvl 50 characters): 1 Boss Ghost Norman

Ideally you have full grenades with you going into the final showdown. There will be time for grenade to regenerate just 1 or 2 during the battle. As to ammo count, ideally you should have as much as possible. What you actually need depends on how you deal with Norman and Ghost Norman. For a beginner, I just recommend setting your level to 49 and avoid Ghost Norman altogether. Once you have a few completion you can then try your hands fighting Ghost Norman. It is a big jump in difficulty so don't be afraid to avoid Ghost Norman altogether.

You also NEED at least a decent steady hand M40A1 with 5 slots, with +damage, ammo magnet, outrange, +fire rate and a bottomless pouch. +fire rate is optional but the others are pretty essential. A decent handgun with BOTH fertilizer and fangs because you need it to regenerate herbs AND health. I wouldn't recommend magnum because you can't do stun lock. And finally a decent machinegun with high DPS.

1st wave you need to toss a couple of pulse grenade right off to daze the scarmiglione and hunters, then kill the hunters very quickly with sniper rifle or magnum. Toss a couple of shock grenades to kill the weaker scarmiglione, then finish off the boss scamiglione with sniper rifle or magnum.

2nd wave you need to bait the chunks to do friendly fire damage to other monsters, so a decoy grenade will do the trick, Then finish the rest off, prioritizing pincers because they move faster.

3rd wave you need to kill the normal Scagdead, fast, while avoiding the boss. You can also toss a few of pulse grenades to buy yourself time to shoot the weak spot. Only machinegun has high enough DPS, but it is not very good against Scagdead. After you finished the normal Scagdead, you can take a bit of time with the boss Scagdead. The trick to fighting Scagdead 1 on 1 is that you can stun lock it if you can snipe or shotgun the human head continuously. If you aren't skillful enough, be prepared to run as soon as it is in melee range.

4th wave you need to use ALL your grenades to kill the baby Draghignazzo. If you are lucky they are clustered in the centre. If you are unlucky, then you have to kill them one by one. Use the container to your advantage, try to shield yourself from 1 or 2 draghignazzo with the container, then focus on one after another. Prioritise on either the fast one (the weakest link) or the tough one, and finally the boss can be slowly whittle away with melee if you are careful enough and if the boss is the only one left. If not melee, use handgun to shoot the head. You certainly need to conserve ammo as much as possible.

5th wave you need to use shock grenades to kill the globster quickly. Each globster cost 2-3 shock grenades, and if you are luck they are clusters so it is even cheaper. Then kill the normal Tricorne first. Next you need to focus on the boss Tricorne rather than the tough one. The tough one is also the slow one and you can avoid its projectile if you can keep moving. As to the boss Tricorne, use the container to try to knife its legs from the back. Once it is start crawling then keep knife it from the back while constantly moving to avoid tough Tricorne's projectile. After the boss is done then do exactly the same to the tough one.

6th wave can be a pain because the wolves can hurt quite a bit and are very fast. You use the same strategy as if doing a trinity run on Abyss stage 4. Use decoy grenade to keep the wolves occupy while hunting for the invisible hunters. Do not wait for the decoy grenade to explode by itself. Toss another decoy as soon as the first one is about to expire to detonate the first one immediately while the new decoy still holds the attention of the wolves without interruption. In the mean time you need to hunt the invisible hunter. Use the container to your advantage and hide behind it so you can only be attacked from 2 sides rather than all sides, then look for the shimmer. You can also toss 1 pulse grenade to decloak the hunters, but save plenty for the next wave. Try to catch as many wolves to the bullets intended for the invisible hunters.

7th wave you need to use decoy grenade to lure Rachaels into a tight group, then toss a pulse grenade to daze them. Knife them a few times then do the strong melee. Rinse and repeat until they are dead. Prioritise on the fast one (weakest link), then either the strong one, and/or the boss, and finally the tough Rachael. Again with the Tricorne wave, the tough Rachael attack can be avoided easily, so save it for last.

8th wave is the big one. Boss Norman move set is just like the other Stage 20 Normans, but it is just very tough and strong. You simply have to master dodging its attacks and understand its behaviour perfectly. The alternative is to close into melee range and knife it away. It is surprisingly effective, especially if you have run out of ammo. You simply need to master dodging its grab. Try to knife away at its back, so it tends only to grab and not use its big arm to swipe. If you have full herbs, you can probably tank a few hits while knife it to death.

9th wave is the anti-climatic wave. If you have run out of bullets and/or grenades, you can easily knife the killer fish and puff fish away one by one if you are fast and is constantly on the move. Then it is reward time with 2 weapon cases and 2 illegal mods.

10th wave is the real boss, Ghost Norman. Its behaviour is slightly diffferent from vanilla Norman. It is less likely to grab, more likely to charge even at point blank range to set up a swipe. Knife is not very effective. In his first phase he is weak to handgun, shotgun or machinegun bullets but strong against sniper rifle or magnum. In his second phase, with a purple aura, it is reverse and strong against handgun, shotgun or machinegun but weak against sniper rifle and magnum.

I repeat, the 10th wave is optional. As long as your character level is BELOW 50, then you will NOT face Ghost Norman.
11. Solo Genocide Ghost Ship Prerequisite: Cornacopia
To get solo genocide, you really only need cornacopia on all your guns. If you run out of bullets, just wait a while, wait for the ammo to regenerate, then come back to finish other area. Cornacopia 5, for magnum ammo regeneration, you have to farm Ghost Ship and look for it in illegal custom mods. Cornacopia 1 and 2 are the less powerful versions of 3 and 4 respectively, but really there is no point getting the crappier version when it takes similar effort to get the more powerful version.

The trick with trinity for Abyss stage 18 or 19, farming Cornacopia 4 or 5, is that it is MUCH easier with a Medal of Courage, which is the Trinity reward for Abyss stage 7-9. Medal of Courage makes the job A LOT easier because you are constantly coming against monsters of higher level in Abyss. Higher level monsters takes less damage from lower level character, but medal of Courage neutralise that lower level disadvantage. Personally I think Trinity for Stage 8 and 9 are nightmares. Stage 8 takes very very long time to finish, and the final room is a nightmare because it is very easy to get hit there and all those time spend will then be wasted. Stage 9 has a very nasty T junction with lots of killer fish and hunters. You get flanked constantly and it takes quite a bit of practice and/or luck to not get hit there.

Trinity for Stage 7 is relatively straightforward, except the final room with, yet again, killer fish. The trick is to keep to the high grounds whenever possible to kill the fish. Two baby Draghinazzo will rush you very very slowly. They are not a threat until they are up the stairs or escalators. Focus always on the killer fishes. When the Draghinazzo are up the stairs, run straight past them and move to the other high ground. Rinse and repeat until you've killed all the fish. Then you can take your sweet time with the Draghinazzo. You also want to save your grenades for the other two Draghinazzo for the final wave of monsters because they will be mixed in with a fast Scagdead.

Back to getting Trinity for Stage 18 or 19. Stage 18 has a time limit, so your medal of courage will significantly cut down the time you need to kill monsters. You also need a very steady supply of shock grenades for the killer sea creatures that can easily ruin your no damage taken bonus. Bottomless pouch 2, which regenerates shock grenades, can be bought in the store.

For stage 19, you need a steady supply of pulse grenade instead because you are swamped constantly. Bottomless pouch 4 regenerates pulse grenades, and again can be bought in the store. Here there is no time limit so you can take your sweet time. But the final atrium is still a nightmare because there will be hunters rushing you quickly as well as Draghinazzo rushing you slowly. My favourite spot is to turn right immediately after going down the stairs, then stay and camp at the end of the dead end. You can't be flanked there, and you can toss decoy up the stairs to lure Draghinazzo away while you deal with the hunters.
12. Solo Genocide Ghost Ship with No Damage Taken
To get trinity, you NEED to try your hands on getting at least 2-shot burst because you need your DPS high enough to kill the waves and waves of monsters fast enough at the end. So you need to get Trinity for Abyss Stage 1.

Getting a Trinity for Abyss stage 1 is relatively straightforward. You just need to worry about killing two baby Draghinazzo and a boss Pincer, and the final room of monsters. Draghinazzo you can kill easily by tossing grenades without worrying about sniping its back head. You just need a steady supply of grenade and that can be solved by having 2-3 bottomless pouch 1 (which can be bought from the store), and a bit of waiting for grenade to regenerate. Just remember that a slow trinity is STILL a trinity. For the final room, you just need to keep your decoy grenade handy. Whenever you are swamped or need to reload, toss a decoy grenade to buy yourself time and damage the monsters. There will be three Chunks i.e. gas bag/suicide bomber in total, spawning at various times and you want to lure them away from you rather than explode right in your face. Stay behind the bench, and move to your left and camp there. Don't go further into the room, then you will notice the spawn points and that is the best place to kill the monsters.

For 3-shot burst, get Trinity for Stage 13-14. Stage 13 is especially easy, even though it is a timed misson. The only real trouble is the tough Rachael that is really really tough. It is weak to handgun bullets. This is the perfect opportunity to use full burst on it. Other than that, you can sniper almost everything from the walkway before getting down to the ground.

You also need to upgrade your PSG1 to the max. That means picking at least lvl 47 4 slots PSG1 with steady hands tag and upgrade it for 30 times. Because PSG1 suffers from lack of firepower, put all the upgrades on firepower and nothing else. 4 slots PSG1 is an absolute must. The four slots are: 2/3 shot burst, autoloader 4, gluttony 4, and a bottomless pouch 2, 3, or 4.

One of the three weapon should also be high DPS machine gun with autoloader, so that would be fully upgraded 5 slots G36 (max fire rate and the rest on firepower), or fully upgraded 6 slots High Roller (max fire rate and the rest on firepower). Personally I prefer and have level 49, 5 slots G36 fully upgraded. It is great for everyone. For the High Roller, you need someone with machinegun mastery perk (e.g. Jill or HUNK) to increase its fire rate enough to just about match G36. Of course High Roller does better base damage but personally I prefer G36. You also need a steady hands tag to further increase chance to do more critical damage and hence higher DPS.

The choice for the 3rd is more flexible. Unless you are a dodge expert or use dodge character, it should be a light-weight. Light-weight weapon speed up your run speed. Light-weight weapons also lengthens the window to dodge. You can try dodging early and it will still be successful, whereas for normal characters or normal weapons the dodge will not happen.

You can double down on machineguns, one light-weight and the other steady hands. It doesn't matter which light-weight machine gun it is (MP5 or P90 or whatever), because the light-weight weapon is for dodging and quick movement. Coupled with cornacopia on all these machinguns, and Jessica (with both machinegun and sniper rifle mastery), your DPS is as high as it gets and your ammo supply will be plenty. You can even afford more body shots for better crowd control.

Or you can use a handgun as the 3rd weapon. For handgun, I recommend PC356 because it has 6 custom slots, does decent damage and is easy to find. With a 3-shot burst and damage 6, it is good enough for everything. In terms of upgrade it is the usual (max fire rate then the rest on firepower). M92F and Government are nice but you really need more custom slots for grenade launcher (more on that later)

Or you can pick a shotgun. Personally I prefer shotgun because it can stagger at close range, and it is more ammo efficient than handgun. The trouble with all shotguns is that every one of them have serious draw backs. M3 eats ammo too much, Windham fire rate is too low even when fully upgraded. The spread of Hydra and Drake bullet is too wide you simply cannot fix it with a narrow 2 mod. The spread of Hydra and Drake makes it very difficult to concentrate your shot towards weak spots. A lightweight windham with a narrow 2 mod is good enough for any trash mob, and with a character with shotgun mastery, like normal Rachael, Chris or Quint, then the fire rate is tolerable. Just tolerable. Chris also has sniper rifle mastery so it is a good combo while using shotgun.

In terms of character choice, pick the character with shadow dancer perk so to make dodging a lot easier. With a light-weight weapon as well it makes dodging very very easy. This is important when you are aiming at 0 damage taken.

The final final mod you need is grenade launcher. You can get it only by doing a trinity on Abyss stage 15. Stage 15 basically is a shorter version of Ghost Ship, without the underwater section. You may think grenade launcher makes life easier and that's it, but when you are aiming for zero damage taken, you NEED grenade launcher. There is one section you absolutely NEED a grenade launcher to reliably avoid damage: the rectangular room on the upper floor of the dinning and guest cabins, right next to a toilet. No matter which way you enter the room you will be flanked and attacked IMMEDIATELY. You absolutely need to shoot a grenade at your feet so it explodes immediately to buy you time. Dodge is unreliable because you are attacked from both sides and it is hard to decide which strike will land first.

Once you know the spawn points and the layout of Ghost Ship, it is easy to avoid taking damage. Bottomless Pouch 6, 7, 8 makes things a bit easier so remember to slot them into your weapon. Bottomless Pouch 5-8 are the more powerful versions of Bottomless Pouch 1-4, and they can be found on Ghost Ship as illegal mods or from doing Trinity runs (see section 2). You probably will see more than enough of them drop while attempting Ghost Ship genocide.

The final 9/10 waves of Ghost Ship however is another matter. Going in, you want max grenades. Ammo however you can make do with about 400-500 machinegun bullets. In my opinion there are only two problematic waves. The first wave is not the hardest but it is easy, very easy to miss a crawler Scarmiglione. First, shoot a pulse grenade or two to daze the hunters, then don't skimp on the shock grenades against the crawlers or snipe them really fast. The other trouble wave is with the wolves and invisible hunters. Don't be afraid to throw lots of decoy and shoot into thin air just to make sure you can kill those things before they can hit you. Just remember, pulse grenade can decloak the invisible Hunters, and decoy works wonders on the wolves.

Norman and Ghost Norman by this point should be no trouble to you. The trick to not getting hit isn't just about dodging, it is about dealing enough DPS to it so it can be dazed again and again.

In his first phase, Ghost Norman is weak to machinegun fire. This is where your highest DPS machinegun will work. After dodging his attack, aim for the tumour on his back and fire away. If you can daze him, get in close and don't stop shooting his back. As long as your machingun DPS is high enough, after he snaps out of the daze you would have done enough damage to him to immediately put him into a daze again. Rinse and repeat until he is dead. If he changes to his second phase, he is weak to sniper rifles, then the PSG1 can also deal enough DPS to continuously daze him. You can also aim for the exposed heart as well while he is charging you, and dodge at the last moment. Bait his charge, rinse and repeat.

For vanilla Norman, he is weak to sniper rifle at all times, so he is even easier to continuously daze.
13. Evolving strategies
1. While I've come to love the light weight windham/Steady Hands G36/Steady hands PSG1 combo, lately I've been experimenting on different combo. One recent effective mix is light-weight AUG (or any machinegun with lots of slots)/Steady Hand Government/Steady hands PSG1 combo.

The light-weight machinegun is for providing ammo for PSG1 and handle trash mob, PSG1 is still the bread and butter, but Full Burst Steady Hand Government can take the load somwhat and deal high DPS on several occasions that require it e.g. ghost Norman, multiple Scagdeads.

2. Some people use 2-burst on Muramasa. It must be tagged with Steady Hands to lower recoil otherwise the 2nd shot in the 2 shot burst tends to miss or stray. Personally I find the recoil still too much, especially when compared with PSG1. The 2nd shot also tends to behave erratically, unlike PSG1 which is predictably higher than the 1st shot.

3. You can cheese your way to a Ghost Ship Trinity Bonus. You just have to have a partner and a somewhat laggy connection. Look for it on youtube.

4. Once you got gluttony 5, it is time to do all the other Abyss Trinity. By now you can kill almost anything in a flash. You still need to upgrade a magnum to the max though, and upgrading magnum is EXTREMELY expensive, in general double the amount you spend on upgrading a handgun. Most people prefer Little Hawk for higher DPS but also higher ammo consumption, but Python is still viable, especially with a Magnum mastery character like Raymond or Morgan (or Lady HUNK if you have bought the DLC). Pale Rider is an acquired taste because the fire rate will always be very poor even after upgrades. With a charge shot 4 mod it can do 1-hit massive damage on par with zeroth (the rare version of Muramasa), but the miss will be very very expensive, or even fatal.

However, it is quite doable getting all Abyss Trinity Bonus with just a fully upgraded and modded PSG1 with medal of courage. I did most of them with just PSG1, and some even with just Muramasa. Some are still an absolute pain with or without gluttony 5 magnum, like Stage 12 (observation deck)., it is the "not getting hit" part that will be holding you back, not the lack of DPS.

3-shot burst, glutton 5, autoloader 5, and a fully upgraded magnum make everything easy peasy.
14. Conclusion
Ghost Ship Trinity Bonus (GSTB) is the ultimate endgame in raid mode. If you have partner it would be easier. Solo is definitely doable but it is iterative. See chapter 7 on the weapon and mod goals and chapter 9 on how to farm Ghost Ship to get to GSTB.

I have put this guide on backburner for far too long. I planned to have nice screenshot to go with this guide but I just don't have time to capture those. If you've read this far I hope you found it useful still.
Diamond Girls 25 Aug, 2023 @ 2:38pm 
I didn't know this guide exist. Great work. Wonderful!
Garbranth 24 Aug, 2022 @ 4:24am 
This guide is lovely. Thank you. I'll be working my way up to this eventually and this guide will be EXTREMELY useful. <3