Black Mesa

Black Mesa

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How to easily defeat soldiers
Soldiers can be a major pain to deal with and can easily kill you. Here's how to deal with them with ease.
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To start off, here are some strategies for easily killing soldiers.
Keep your distance!
The key to defeating soldiers is to stay away as far as possible from them. The further away they are from you, the less accurate their weapons are. The soldiers' main strength is quickly putting a lot of lead into you, so having most of their shots miss will make them much more manageable.

However, you have an advantage over them at a distance; several of your weapons have perfect accuracy, and your version of their weapons are more accurate at range than theirs are. Therefore, keeping a good amount of distance between you and them means that your shots will hit, but theirs won't. Considering how deadly their weapons are, less shots not hitting you can mean the difference between life and death.

Here are some pictures to illustrate what ranges you should and shouldn't engage in.


Zoom, then shoot
If you're dealing with soldiers at long range, you may find it difficult to hit them. You can fix this by holding Z to zoom in and find a target. Once you've found an enemy, release the Z key and and immediately hit the fire key. This little trick essentially turns any weapon into a sniper rifle if you time it right, which makes long range work much easier.

Here's an example:

There's a soldier to the left of the jeep, but it's hard to see him.

I've managed to find him with the zoom key! Now, move your crosshair so that it's over him, then release the zoom key and start firing.

I've fired two .357 magnum revolver shots at him. Let's see what's happened to him...

Hey, he's dead! And I only took a single hit from another enemy instead of taking a lot of MP5 hits that would shred my health in no time. Nice.
Kill the ones getting close to you
Once you've got some distance between you and soldiers, target the ones trying to get closer to you first. The closer they are, the more damage they do to you because more of their shots start landing. Take 'em out to prevent that from happening. Once their done with, kill the rest.
Beware the beret
Beret wearing soldiers not only have a little bit more health than other soldiers do, they can also fire grenades from their MP5s, which can easily kill you. Try to take them out first if possible to avoid getting an unpleasant surprise.
Watch out for medics!
Medics have white bands around their helmets. If a fellow soldier is wounded, he will heal his buddy for 30 HP. This can be a lot, especially in Hard difficulty, so take the medic down as soon as you get a chance. He has less HP than the other soldier types, so he'll die faster than the others do.
Weapons to use for defeating soldiers
Strategies are only one part of defeating soldiers. Picking the right weapon is also vital for dealing with them.
.357 magnum revolver
The revolver is the most useful weapon for defeating soldiers. Why? It's 100% accurate, no matter what, a bullet fired from it will hit a target as soon as the gun is fired, and has a good fire rate, letting you quickly land a second shot on a foe. Combine these with being far away from a soldier, and you'll be able to kill him without him landing a single shot on you. It's simple, but very effective.

Ammo isn't too much of a problem, as ammo pickups are somewhat common and a single ammo pickup will give you 12 rounds; the maximum amount of ammo you can hold.

The .357's iron sights are quite useful for finding and shooting soldiers at range. However, they can be difficult to use, so if you're having problems hitting something, use a variation of the zoom trick; find a target with the iron sights, then zoom out and blast him with the crosshair.
Tau cannon
The Tau can inflict some serious damage on soldiers. Briefly charge it, and you'll have a blast powerful enough to blow a soldier into pieces. The Tau's shots are also 100% accurate, so you can use it at any range with ease.

A good idea is to start charging while hiding behind cover, then pop out and quickly kill a soldier. This ensures that you can charge without getting hit, then destroy the target of your choice without having to It may take some practice, but you'll be able to get the hang of it.

Because you have to charge to get the most out of a Tau shot, taking on groups of soldiers that are somewhat close to you with the Tau is not the best idea. Go for other weapons instead.
The MP5 is a great choice for defeating soldiers if you lack ammo for precision weapons, such as the .357 magnum revolver, or need to do some close range work. It fires fairly fast and is quite accurate, letting you put rounds into foes quickly. Ammo is also very common, so you'll never run out of ammo for it.

This gun's recoil moves the screen up a bit whenever you fire, so burst fire at long range to compensate for this. The screen will move back to where it was before you started fired after you're stopped shooting, but you can also move the mouse or controller manually to bring it back. At short or medium range, the recoil isn't much of a problem, so fire at full auto to kill a soldier.

The MP5's grenade launcher is great for either a panic button to quickly kill a soldier or to clear out multiple soldiers because of how powerful it is. Don’t be afraid to use it, either; there's plenty of ammo for it.
The grenade is a very effective weapon for killing soldiers if you cook it. To cook one, hold down whatever fire key you're using to toss the grenade instead of immediately letting go of it. Cooked grenades work because it doesn't give a soldier long enough to run away from the grenade before it explodes. In fact, quite a few soldiers will just sit there and duck instead of running away, making a grenade kill easy!

To learn more about grenades and how to use them, read this guide I've written.

Satchel charge
The satchel charge is a good choice for dealing with groups of soldiers. A single blast will utterly destroy a group of them if they're somewhat close to each other. Plus, soldiers will not scatter when you toss a satchel charge at them, making it easy to get multikills on soldiers.

Using it without getting hit can be difficult. Cover is essential if you want to use a satchel without taking damage, as the toss animation and the wait for the satchel to reach enemies means you'll get hit unless you're hiding behind something. If you've got the health and armor to withstand

You can use satchel charges closer to medium range if you look up when tossing a satchel charge. This will make the charge fly further than if you tossed it while looking at the center.
The tripmine is great for dealing with soldiers if you want to wait.

The soldier AI is very aggressive; it will frequently charge you if it gets a chance. You can counter this with a tripmine because soldiers are unable to see tripmines; they'll eagerly run through one to get at you. Combine this with the soldier's aggressive AI, and you have a dead soldier without you taking a single hit!

When placing a tripmine, try to place it in tight locations, such as small corridors. This will ensure that the target will face the full brunt of the explosion. Don’t place more than one; a single tripmine is powerful enough to easily blow a soldier into pieces.

Setting up tripmines as a defensive measure at the start of a fight can be a good idea if you're facing a large group of soldiers, such as the group on the rocket launch pad, just in case one of them gets aggressive and tries to rush you.
For dealing with groups of soldiers close to each other, there's nothing better than the RPG. A single RPG rocket has enough power and a large enough blast radius to destroy any group of soldiers with ease.

For best results, guide a rocket to the group with the laser pointer to ensure that it'll hit the group.

You can also use the RPG to deal with foes at long range if you're out of ammo for your other precision weapons and have a lot of rockets. Use the laser pointer to guide the rocket so that it either hits the foe's body, the area right next to the soldier, or a wall behind the soldier.
A look at the crossbow
The crossbow can kill a soldier in one hit, but there are some problems with it.

The first concern is that you'll need to aim above where you want to hit the target because the crossbow's projectiles arc downward. This takes some getting used to, but you can get used to it.

The real issue is that the crossbow's projectiles are quite slow. This means it's possible for a soldier to move out of the way of the projectile long before it can hit. Since soldiers are quite agile and like to move a lot, a lot more of your shots will miss than you think when you first start using it. This isn't a problem with enemies that are unaware of you, so feel free to shoot them with the crossbow.

If you feel you can effectively use the crossbow, go ahead, but the .357 magnum revolver is much easier to use because it's bullets will hit a target as soon as it is fired and you don't need to aim above where you want to it because revolver bullets do not arc downward. Why bother trying to struggle with the crossbow when you can easily pop a soldier with the revolver?
The end
40 kommenttia
~ ~ ~~~()))))))))))))))) 30.6.2023 klo 21.43 
Heavies can see tripmines now, making them all but useless.
Define Brackish Water 17.2.2023 klo 11.26 
After playing through the game on hard I can say that this is good advice. With exception to the grenade (feels weaker than I'd like) and the tripmine (rarely used it) this guide mirrors my own tactics. I actually never knew that the medic could heal soldiers.

Don't forget that you can switch to "classic" iron sights to give a simple zoom in to the magnum and crossbow. A headshot with the magnum is also a one-hit-kill, but that can be very difficult to land.
Furriver 15.4.2022 klo 2.04 
This is actually really useful to be efficient about your health and your ammo. Thanks, Duncan.
imaginsharky 6.2.2022 klo 15.39 
easy way to fight soldiers and win:

don't fight them
Tina 20.1.2022 klo 19.08 
also a strat is to when you get both nades and shotty you can rush em if you got da health because nades are better at close ranges you can toss tons and shottys are the same! fill up a building full of HECU units with grenades and then survivors get shotgunned in da face
Slater86 4.10.2021 klo 19.26 
I just wanted to add some advice about NPC interaction. Old trick from DOOM; let the NPCs engage each other. I've done some experimenting and the HECU almost always will engage aliens first. Let the soldiers get thinned out and weak from fighting.
Democratic skeletor 3.10.2021 klo 6.37 
I was expecting this to be a troll post and just say "git gud lol" but this is genuenly helpful,organized and well presented. Nice Job!
slug-ish 28.9.2021 klo 20.31 
I've been looking at the hecu all wrong! I'll try to use this guide to get better
Hebonky 11.8.2021 klo 12.54 
bum rushing them with a shotgun and hitting them with the double shot alt fire is an insta gib
[TE] Kuraudo 3.6.2021 klo 20.14 
Maybe the normal difficulty has changed, but running up to them with a shotgun is easier than taking them out at range. They're a lot easier than they were in the original even though I feel like there are more of them in any given encounter; I often see people, including myself, coming out of those fights with near full hp and energy.