37 평점
How to not get hacked!
Pantone Ocelot 님이 작성
A guide on not getting hacked by anyone, especially not Naxi
즐겨찾기 해제
Setting up
When you hack the net, some people might get upset at your actions and come after you, usually by backtracing a log of some kind.
So you should prepare by setting up a Shell on any computer you have admin access to. Your own computer is fine.
Setting the trap
After you set up a Shell on a computer you set that shell to Trap

Trap, which is an alternate function of a Shell other than Overflow, is a function which lets you forkbomb a computer that is trying to hack you.

Make sure to connect to your own computer then simply click Trigger shortly after you see you're being hacked. You can watch your computer's logs for his activity and watch him hack into you, which can be repelled with the trap.

There will be a notification on your screen saying incoming connection as well as the beep you hear when a passive trace is in effect if you hack someone else.
Repelling traps
If you were too late to trigger your shell, your computer will be hit with a forking Forkbomb.

Forkbomb is a command which floods the ram of the PC its used on. As soon as it starts, you'll have roughly 5 seconds to act.

To stop a forkbomb, you must type ps to find the process ID of the forkbomb running on your computer.

When you find the process ID of the forkbomb running, type kill [ps#]

This will stop the forkbomb and free up your ram again.
Assuming you were able to not get hit by a forkbomb by someone hacking you, you're able to freely attack.
Check your logs for the computer that hit you and type connect and the IP address you found in the logs.
You go in and use a forkbomb on them to take down the computer, which I reccomend you do after removing logs and target files in the computer you're attacking.
After that its generally the same as you learned in the tutorial.
Just for fun
As a sidenote for if theres ever a multiplayer function added, if you really want to mess with them rather than hitting them with a forkbomb,you can type OpenCDtray while connected to their PC to open their CD tray, and then CloseCDtray to close it again. Using tab to autofinish the commands helps to save time and using the arrow keys lets you use that to continue annoying them rather than hacking.

You can test that on your own computer by connecting to your PC node and typing it in.
Same with Forkbomb and finding the processing number if you want to practice.
Created on 6/9/16 19:53 EST - Only current purpose of the guide is to be a refrence in deflecting Naix's counterhack in retort to your actions. Though its been predicted that future DLC and a multiplayer function will be added into the game. DLC may include more hackers going after you and a need to use the forkbomb command to take down computers.

Edited on 7/2/16 23:32 EST - Clarifying instructions to preventing the stress of dealing with Naxi to say you need to be connected to the computer being actively traced in order to counter attackers. As you yourself are being hacked, you will want to connect to your own computer, not anyone elses or no computer at all.

Edited on 9/28/16 18:23 EST - Got a comment saying Naxi's activities can be watched through your logs so I added that little note in. Thats useful for when he actually tries to hack into your computer, you know where he's coming from.
As a side note, there was an official announcement of multiplayer, where you hack into systems with other people, and theres new tools in it, like one that measures Ram usage. Feel free to look into it on your own if interested.

Deflecting Naxi's attack does not prevent you from hacking him back in and removing his system file as long as you do that before finishing any other missions. Emailing him a swear word for an achievement (remember to make it lowercase so it works) may still work if you do this. You can access the /el/ jobs if you don't get hacked. You just have to hack Naxi and remove his x-system file.
댓글 31
Pantone Ocelot  [작성자] 2022년 2월 9일 오전 12시 53분 
Forkbombing is a part of the story for both the DLC and the main game. I think this was a leftover feature and I haven't tested if it still works honestly. But I remember it working for me when I did the DLC. What happens is your system files got deleted so you have to navigate the command lines rather than the fancy GUI.

So pretty much check your logs, then connect to the IP, hack it like you normally would, and then copy the system files to your computer (into the folder it's supposed to be), before rebooting as normal.

There's an alternate plot route if you hack him back if you didn't know.
Ian 2022년 2월 6일 오후 11시 20분 
Doesn't matter what i do it just doesn't work and i always get forbombed!
I think i'm gonna give up this game!
OtterLover 2021년 12월 12일 오전 10시 49분 
if you're quick you can also reboot your computer with "reboot -i" for a quicker solve when getting forkbombed
Pantone Ocelot  [작성자] 2020년 3월 8일 오후 12시 51분 
Guess I'll have to make your Floppy drive sing songs.

Or make your case lights blink profane things at you in Morse code.
iVacontry 2020년 3월 8일 오전 1시 27분 
My system doesn't have a CD Tray!!
Now you can't mess with me like that.
CabeoC 2019년 4월 4일 오후 6시 41분 
Even with autocomplete, I'm still too slow and mistype too much. :steamfacepalm:
Pantone Ocelot  [작성자] 2019년 4월 2일 오전 9시 44분 
You should be able to use tab to autocomplete. I actually used this to avoid getting hacked in the DLC. You miss out on a bit of flavor like "I'll help you restart the VM" implying the game is a Virtual Machine, but you get to skip the command prompt segment entirely while still being able to progress since they'll both appear in your logs.
Resetium 2019년 4월 1일 오후 6시 02분 
below, you would be amazed how fast people can be
CabeoC 2018년 12월 24일 오후 7시 24분 
Interesting guide! A lot of these defenses require some fast typing. I'm not sure if I can be that fast, like when repelling a forkbomb in ~5 seconds.
Tearex 2018년 6월 27일 오전 8시 37분 
in the addendum
*writes Naix once*
*writes Naxi three times*
what what,what,what