The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable

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The Glitches of The Escape Pod Ending
By Omega Fallon
This guide will list the many glitches that can be done during the Escape Pod Ending.
This guide will document the many glitches that can be performed during the Escape Pod Ending. While there are a lot of them, most of them are not extremely interesting, and are also mostly the same. Still this is a group of glitches not often spoken about, so let's get to it.
What Is The Escape Pod Ending?
"What is the Escape Pod Ending?", you might be asking yourself. Well, luckily, I'm here to explain it to you. The Escape Pod Ending is a relatively secret ending, due to the fact that it does not focus on an obvious choice, but rather by doing something that would usually be considered to break the game, but actually doesn't. All you have to do is go to Stanley's Boss' Office, and enter the big doors but quickly walk out. If done correctly, the doors will close in front of you, the door you came from will open, and the Narrator will be cut off. The rest is interesting and I highly suggest you try it out normally before reading the rest of this guide and/or performing these glitches.
Blue/Short Room Continuity Error
For those of you who do not know, after a certain number of playthroughs, you will find yourself in either a short hallway or a blue office room that leads directly to the Two Doors Room. After initiating the Escape Pod Ending, you will instead enter the regular set of office rooms, instead of the one you actually started in.
Getting Stuck In Hallways
When you come to the set of two open doors, enter the one on your right, and keep following the Narrator's directions until you are back on track. Go upstairs to Stanley's Boss' Office, and initiate the Escape Pod Ending. Keep going back, and when you try to re-enter the two doors room, the door in front of you will shut, and there will be no way to continue the story.
Getting Stuck In The Out Of Bounds Ending
This glitch is surprisingly simple, simply initiate the Escape Pod Ending, but when you get to the main office, where the door to the ending specific area of the ending is, instead, initiate the Out of Bounds Ending. In order to do this, climb up onto Employee #434's desk by climbing up the chair, crouch over the barrier between Employee #434's Desk and Employee #433's Desk, and then crawl out the window. Instead of the usual narration that would come from the Narrator during this ending, there is only silence, and you are stuck there, without even the normal "Are You Sick of This Gag Yet?" options.
LittleNinja 3 Nov, 2020 @ 12:03pm 
@Lorenzo that's so weird. When I do it, I walk into the escape pod, and it resets the map. I don't know why it wouldn't let you reset through the pod.
Lorenzo 29 Nov, 2016 @ 9:53pm 
For some reason I can't get the escape pod ending. Stuck inside the black room (near room 427) where I should load a new map.
Omega Fallon  [author] 5 Jun, 2016 @ 12:46pm 
By the way, when I say many glitches I mean many in proportion to how almost no actual glitches can be performed anywhere else in the game.