DCS World Steam Edition

DCS World Steam Edition

301 ratings
Xbox One Controls for DCS: World
By Pillow Smeller
Want to get into the simulator but dont have hardcore gear like Flight sticks, pedals, IR trackers, etc? Do you only have an Xbox One controller?

Then this is for you!
Hello and welcome to my guide!

Do you not have access to flight sticks, pedals, and/or Track IR [naturalpoint.com]? Do you not have the Free Track [www.free-track.net] set up?

This is for people that want to play the game simulator with an XBOX ONE controller.

For seasoned people, this should serve as a good template that can save time on key binds, only requiring some tweaking for personal preferences.

NOTE: I will be adding other vehicles up when I can, or if I bought the vehicle.

Jan 4 2022: Updated link to A4E-C Guide.
Jan 16 2022: Added page for the new UH-60L mod.
April 4 2022: Added AH-64 initial layout for Pilot and CP/G. Ill try to refine it when I have time.

Sept 7 2022: Hey guys sorry something is wrong with steam and deleted some of my layout photos, causing them to not appear properly.

Sept 12: 2022: This is what is currently happening to my guide as well as other people's guides.

Because steam is losing my pictures I am uploading them to the GDRIVE with all my old diff.lua files. It is in the "Controller layouts" folder

.diff.lua Files
Link to my .diff.lua files. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-kHnQvB8DjHc3BnZWozeEJOdmM?resourcekey=0-s4EiacZ3yce3KAp0jnSqEQ&usp=sharing

NOTE: im trying to get all the controls into one .diff.lua file called ALL, but it is not complete It only has
- A10-A
- A10-C
- A10-C II Tank Killer
- A-4E-C (Mod/ Free plane)
- F-14B
- F-15C
- F-16C
- F/A-18C
- J-11
- Ka-50 (Incomplete)
- Mi-24P (WIP)
- Mi-8 MTV2
- Mig-29 (Incomplete)
- Su-25
- Su-25T (Free plane)
- Su-27
- Su-33
- TF-51D (Free Plane)
- UH-1H
Also im trying to undo all my modifiers so the file is closer to plug and play than previous files.
How to load the .lua files.
1) Go to Settings

2) Load profile is currently greyed out.

3) Click on the controller mapping area to allow loading of an .lua file.

4) Load wherever you saved the .diff.lua file on your computer.
How to add modifiers.




MODIFIERS for my control set up are Left Bumper/ L1, Right Bumper/ R1, and Select/ Back.

NOTE: Some of my older control schemes have specific names to the modifiers, and will cause a conflict to key binding in the controls. I am currently trying to remove those names so you just load the .diff.lua and set the modifiers.
A note about throttle controls.
In almost all of my setups, You will notice I have 2 locations for throttle.

This is for player preference.

Throttle as a DPAD is more helpful for landings, but feels less like a throttle, takes more time to step down/ up.

Throttle as a stick is faster, for combat you can easily switch to any you want, BUT when landing it gets in the way at times, so I have to hold it down, while pressing wheel brake, while using my rudders to steer the wheels.

Which ever you like, you can clear the other one in the controller settings.
DCS: A-10A (Flaming Cliffs 3)
DCS: A-10C and A-10C II Tank Killer
Im updating the controls for the A10C and the new A10C II Tank Killer.

Function Priority + Easier Landings will now look like this. I recommend Chuck's Guide for aiming everything to the SOI. Also the A10C II has head mounted display for SOI positioning, which is way better than returning to boresight.

Button Priority (Easier for learning the buttons and what they do). + Easier Landings are below.
I recommend looking at http://wiki.hoggit.us/view/HOTAS_Controls#Master_Mode_Control_Button to know functions of buttons. I dont have a save file for this, all the green text are what needs to be modified for the A10-C controls.


Co-Pilot/ Gunner

DCS: F-14B
1) Pilot

2) RIO

DCS: F-15C (Flaming Cliffs 3)

Red asterisks are new binding layout from previous versions.
DCS: F-16C
DCS: F/A-18C
Red Asterisk are new button functions from the original.
DCS: J-11 (Flaming Cliffs 3)
Pretty much the same as the SU-27 controls. Know that load out is different.

DCS: KA-50

DCS: L-39C

NOTE: Steering during taxi on L-39 requires Pedals + Brake to turn. Unlike A-10C and other planes where you just turn with pedals.

NOTE: Steering during taxi on L-39 requires Pedals + Brake to turn. Unlike A-10C and other planes where you just turn with pedals.
DCS: Mi-24P (Copilot/ gunner Work in progress)
For the Pilot:
DCS: MiG-29G (Flaming Cliffs 3)

DCS: P-51D

DCS: Su-25 (Flaming Cliffs 3)
DCS: Su-25T (Free)
DCS: Su-27 (Flaming Cliffs 3)
DCS: Su-33 (Flaming Cliffs 3)
DCS: TF-51D (Free)

DCS: UH-60L (Community Mod) (Work in progress)
Mod announcement: https://old.reddit.com/r/hoggit/comments/s4wp2g/uh60l_mod_early_release/

Mod File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HZpjTYFjdav7M63mdcRM_nHubg8NU0mt/view

Community guide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kCJf5Nk-fU_21eO7W1ozYfb9FKt488ax65IbeuIGVtA/edit#slide=id.p

I will work on the control scheme later, it will be similar to previous helo set-ups if you need to make one ASAP.
Controller Mapping ONLY aircraft. No .Diff.lua as I dont have the module.
This section are for controller maps that I do not own Modules for. I'm not exactly sure how the bindings are set up so my best guesses are from the manual and Chuck's Guides.

1) F-86 Saber
I made this as someone requested an F-86 controller map. I do not have the module so I dont own a save file.

Xbox Controls Template
For any of you that want to make custom controls, I've provided a blank template. You are allowed free reign on what to do, all I ask is to be credited.
Problem: Triggers are reporting as 2 axis instead of 1
All I can think of to solve this problem currently is to use xpadder and try to get the triggers to be recognized as one axis there.

As you can see in the Picture, left trigger and right trigger are assigned as one z axis by designating one as Z+ and the other as Z-.

Once it is set up, run it with DCS world, and see if DCS recognizes it as one axis.

NOTE: I dont have this problem with the newer versions of DCS, ill keep it here for anyone that does have this problem.
Problem: LUA files are red/ dont work
Thanks to @Fatsquirrelmahn and @CPL Kuma

1) Download the profile off one of the comments (Ill add the files back on at a later date.)

2) Load the profile (Lua file) onto the settings, it'll show that some setting highlighted in red. These missing buttons are start, back/select, left and right bumper. Just go to the modifier button on the bottom left of the setting to manually set them
- Start is Joy button 8
- Back/Select is Joy button 7
- Left bumper 5 is Joy button 5
- Right bumper 6 is Joy button 6

!!! Make sure the name of the modifier is exactly the same as the ones highlighted in red in the settings !!!

3) Check all button works with the pictures!

UPDATE Jan 3, 2021: Working on keeping default names for modifiers so .lua files will work once installed.

UPDATE May 15 2021: You can also Try Joystick Gremlin and Joytokey as free alternatives. Thanks to commenters from before.
Xbox Controller template credit goes to TheWolfBunny ( Source [thewolfbunny.deviantart.com])

I want to thank the reddit community at www.reddit.com/r/hoggit for their input and support.

Quarren King of Q 10 Sep, 2023 @ 6:28am 
yeah i just spend alot of time going over these i get sick looking at the game when i barely played it. i mean i do prefer other game but still
Pillow Smeller  [author] 10 Sep, 2023 @ 6:14am 
I recommend just playing around with the controls. I havent had time to finish the apache since I have a new job that is taking my time from the game.
Quarren King of Q 10 Sep, 2023 @ 2:06am 
does apache ah64d have throttle anymore? i am looking and all i can find atm is collective
Quarren King of Q 9 Sep, 2023 @ 6:10am 
indeed i got the tdc bound. but still cant bind my head but it willhave to do for now i guess. now to bind the apache controls got it on sale. new to some of these things .i still prefer war thunder but eh messign wiht stuff is neat
Pillow Smeller  [author] 7 Sep, 2023 @ 11:01pm 
@QuarrenKing ahh they updated the game, the TDC is the IT 23 targeting display now
Quarren King of Q 6 Sep, 2023 @ 10:59pm 
i got the cokc pit light setting to work. still cant bding head movement to the right thumbstick or at all
Quarren King of Q 6 Sep, 2023 @ 6:20am 
i bound themmyself with modifiers
Quarren King of Q 6 Sep, 2023 @ 6:19am 
like cock pit illumination
Quarren King of Q 6 Sep, 2023 @ 6:19am 
got the f15c for the sale. wsetup bindings same issue. now there is another issue. most of the commands even using keyboard commands arent working =\ controls work its just some commands refuse to and have a red circle