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Total War: Warhammer - A Guide for Generals
De către PartyElite
Tips, tricks and advice to help you in your conquests. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, this ever-growing guide should help you in all your wars to come!
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This guide aims to provide tips, tricks and advice to all players! I figure the Warhammer name might bring many newcomers to the Total War franchise, so I will include some beginner tutorials before moving on to include tips for intermediate players as well!

I will update this guide with new episodes as they're completed, so make sure you keep an eye on it for added tips.

Let me know if you'd like me to cover a specific topic, and I'll add it to the list!
Rock Paper Scissors
The first episode covers the "rock paper scissors" core mechanic hidden in Total War games. Learn how this works, and you'll have an understanding of basic unit types, and how they counter each other.
The Value of Ranking Up
It should go without saying - a unit with a higher rank is better than the same unit with a lower rank. But just how big is the difference? Well, it can be big enough to pit infantry against a Lord. You can use unit stat cards to see just how much of a leap specific stats get when the unit is at higher levels, and while the numerical difference might be small, this example gives you an idea of how the difference actually plays out.
The Debug Camera
The Debug Camera is my preferred camera setting for battles. Unfortunately, it's not one available from the options menu! Here's why I think the Debug Camera is superior, and how you can easily use it with a simple text edit.
Unit Movement
Unit movement might sound like a basic topic, but there's a lot of depth that the game hides from you. There are a variety of ways to get your units around the battlefield, and this video shows you the most efficient ways to do so - all while maintaining formation!
Using Morale and Routing
Morale (or "leadership" in the Warhammer universe) can be used as a weapon to win large encounters with minimal losses. Learn how to exploit the weakness in an enemy army - not in strength, but in willpower.
How to Attack
You might think you know how to attack, but there are so many nuances and intricacies that are left unexplained by the game! Learn the value of guard mode, why you should turn off fire-at-will, basic moves like attacking in formation, why you can't "attack-move" in Total War games, and many other attack-related tricks!
The Deployment Phase
An entire battle can be determined by what you do in the deployment phase. There are many things to consider, including cover, line-of-sight, elevation, and avenues of attack. A mistake in deployment can end a battle before it even begins!
The Battle UI (User Interface)
How can you command troops when you don't know what's going on? The UI in Total War games have always given players a lot of information, but the game does a terrible job explaining any of it. Learn what all the shapes, colours, and icons mean and you'll start winning more battles!
How to Ambush the Enemy
A well made trap can turn an impossible engagement into certain victory. Baiting your opponent is no easy task, but successfully ambushing your enemy's units is not only satisfying, it's sometimes necessary for survival.
Quick Tips 1
How do I draw those curved paths? What does threat level mean? Is friendly fire something to be concerned about? Here are answers to some questions I've seen, and a big thank you to all of you as well!
Tactics - Break Infantry Line
When you're facing an opponent that can beat you, pound for pound, you need to get a little clever with how you approach them. So how do you deal with a strong line of infantry that is otherwise impenetrable? Well - you tear them apart at the seams,
Tactics - Oblique Order
This maneouver weakens parts of your army to strengthen a flank in an attempt to overwhelm the one flank, and then fold into your enemy's army. You don't need to outnumber the enemy, or outclass them, though it certainly helps!
Infantry Layers
Why put archers up front at the start of the battle? What's the point of reserves? How do you determine basic front-line width? When it comes to the most rudimentary of formations, there are some basic theories worth noting!
Using Idle Troops
It's important to know how and when to fight. It's equally important to know how and when not to fight. Reserve units and archers in the back of your army might sound like a waste of time, but they can be a valuable resource if used the right way!
Tactics - Hit and Run
Use your shock cavalry and skirmishers to the best of their ability with hit and run tactics. While very simple, in theory, the amount of micromanagement, and the number of things to consider can make it quite difficult in the heat of battle.
Unit Width and Depth
Laying your units out in proper rank and file is essential. A long thing line of spearmen is useless, and a square formation of cavalry lacks power. It's important to know exactly how and why you should lay your units out on the battlefield.
Tactics - Retreating Kill Box
Wondering how you can use your ranged units when combat has begun? Kill boxes are a great idea, but can be risky to set up. This maneouver sets a kill box up behind your lines, and baits your enemy into the danger zone. Works great when outnumbered, and an excellent tactic for dwarves with their high durability, and hard-hitting thunderers.
Unit Types
The ability to quickly identify general aspects about a unit by looking at their icon is a handy skill. It gives you information quickly, allowing you to react faster, and as a result, giving you the upper hand. I feel like these get a little too specific in this game, and while I wish they were a little less specific, I can only assume they've been set up to support future factions and their units.
Understanding Unit Stats
Understanding the names and numbers for each stat, means understanding the potential of your and your enemy's troops on the battlefield. This means identifying strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately, exploiting them!
Quick Tips 2
Another set of quickfire tips that cover topics such as overcasting, campaign map movement range, the choice between bracing and countercharing, deciphering firing arc colours, and plenty more!
Unit - Witch Hunter
The Witch Hunter is a great unit for the Empire - he can take down enemy Lords and Heroes with little issue, as long as he keeps his distance, and has his flanks well guarded.
Unit - Slayers
Slayers get a bad reputation because of quickly they can die. If used correctly, though, they can devastate enemy cavalry, monsters, and beasts.
How to Defend a Siege Battle
Not sure how to go about protecting what's rightfully yours? You can stop the enemy right at the walls, but be prepared for blood to soak the soil. Use your knowledge of enemy troop placement and quick decisive actions to stop your foe before they get deep into your city streets!
How to Win a Siege Assault
Time to look at the other side of the wall, and see what it takes to win a siege battle when you're trying to conquer a city!
Tactics - Fire & Retreat
A new tactic video that focusses on the use of ranged units prior to the start of melee combat. This works especially well for Empire, and with units that have longer ranges. For the example, I use rifles because of the inspiration for this kind of mobile tactic.
Using Long Range Artillery
Artillery has great value as a support unit in your armies. Using it correctly can destroy an enemy advance before they arrive at your front lines.
Army Composition Theory
A look at the thought process behind army composition. Without getting into specifics, I want to give some insight into the process of creating an army list/build. This doesn't look at extremely specific tactics, and instead, gives an overview to building a typical, balanced army.
Fear & Terror
Learn to wield fear and terror as weapons to help you win battles that might seem impossible. The tooltips in game don't do the greatest job explaining these mechanics, so I go into some detail, and potential uses of the two abilities.
Vanguard Deployment

The proper use of vanguard deployment can change the outcome of a battle completely. When using factions that rely heavily on this ability, such as the Beastmen, make sure you know the value it adds to your military campaigns, and exactly how to leverage it!
Quick Tips 3

How to teleport to quest battles, the meaning of crumbling, why difficult terrain matters, and much more is covered in this quick tips video!
Fighting Ambush Battles

Ambush battles give the attacker a huge advantage on the battlefield. The element of surprise can determine how an engagement will end well before it even begins. Learn how to leverage this advantage, and how to strip it away from your enemy when you're the one on the receiving end of an ambush!
How Fatigue Works

Fatigue is extremely important on the battlefield. Learn exactly what tires your units out the most, and how and why you should avoid the devastating effects of fatigue.
Using Chariots

Chariots always come under scrutiny when a new Total War game releases. This units are extremely powerful, but only if used correctly. Intense micromanagement and well thought-out commands make them a strong destructive and disruptive force on the battlefield.
How Morale Works
I've said, countless times, that morale is integral to the battlefield. Killing your enemy isn't the only path to victory, and this video digs deep into the conversation and mechanics of morale, pointing out exactly how various effects stack and change the way a battle might play out.
Tactics - Defeat in Detail
An approach to battle, Defeat in Detail involves splitting enemy forces into smaller, more manageable chunks, and defeating them in parts to result in an overarching victory.
How to make Flying Units Fly
Flying units have a great advantage with their mobility. Unfortunately, when they touch down to partake in combat, they seem to lose all sense of this mobility. Let's take a look at various ways flying units can be pulled out of combat, and sent back into the air.
Tactics - Combined Arms
Combined Arms tactics involve using multiple unit types in close proximity, and in conjunction, to ensure the enemy is not able to overpower both of them with one solution. It takes more work from the opposition to take care of an army when it employs Combined Arms tactics, and here's how you can do it!
71 comentarii
Jabob101 17 mart. 2020 la 10:10 
Nice guide!
tuxadelic 21 oct. 2019 la 16:34 
Hey PE,
Sincere Thanks.
Even years later, know that your efforts are still making the gaming world a better place!
aCidVicious 30 apr. 2019 la 19:05 
im sure there's a better place to link your youtube vids without making a clickbait fake guide. also would probably be easier to just link to your channel.
longfellow101 18 febr. 2019 la 11:22 
Absolutely the best guide out there ...Thank you for the clarity and completeness of your videos...
Ray_K 19 febr. 2018 la 23:35 
Same here, vids work for me
freyland 19 febr. 2018 la 15:11 
Work for me.
HalloweenWeed (US) 13 febr. 2018 la 8:54 
Wow, this sux. No helpful info whatsoever. Links broken?
Cancelled DLC Enjoyer 21 aug. 2017 la 15:24 
Dude, your guides are awesome!! I have watched all of them. Maybe you could add me as a friend and play some Warhammer with me, give me some more pointers..
freyland 26 iun. 2017 la 17:36 
Eww, a shameless self-entitlement post.
Seriously, that was pretty rancid.
Zalzany 26 iun. 2017 la 10:00 
Eww a shameless self promotion guide. I hate these we get it you can't type, and want to make a buck off youtube views. But guides are designed so I can read them and you know look for key things not watch 5 hours of crapy video, when I can do it in 25 mins of studing a freaking transcript of you videos. But no you need the views...