Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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Kiting Hans Volter
By BardzBeast
Ever find yourself the last person alive when fighting Hans? Does this usually end up in your quick demise? Here are my tips on how best to kite Hans all the way to victory!
Note: This Guide is outdated. The tips herein are still useful in general, but significant changes have been made to the hans fight since this guide was made.

As a quick update since the changes made to hans, I'd say that movement speed and stumble are the most important things, so medic, zerk and gunsligner can solo still, but it is a lot more difficult, because hans spends more time running you down and usign his melee. I've actually had the most success with gunslinger. You can do a lot of damage from really far away, sprint backwards to keep your distance, the magnums have high stumble power, and if you get headshots, it will slow hans movement by 30%. The thing in this guide that I would suggest isn't relevant now, is using small kite routes. Since they buffed his movement speed and melee, I'd suggest using larger kite routes, but keeping as far away as possible. If he gets too close, you can use a double barrel shotgun to jump back, damage him and stumble him.

Many times as a medic on let's say a "sub-par" public team, I have found myself the last person alive. I have also noticed that in the case where someone else is the last alive, they usually die very quickly. This guide intends to show you the way in which I always beat hans when I'm the last alive (this also works for solo). It is really quite a simple guide with just a few key points to make.

This guide won't work as well if you are not a Gunslinger or Medic, as it is important to have good ranged capabilities AND good running speed. Being a medic also has the perk of improved healing for yourself. Other classes can use this guide but there is less chance of success.
Load out
When I play as a Medic, for the boss wave I usually sell everything except for my Medic assault rifle and Medic pistol, and buy a Scar as a back-up weapon just in-case I end up the last alive.......or if I just run out of ammo on the Med AR. Scar is my "back-up" weapon of choice because I find it very easy to aim with, it does ample damage and has a good ammo capacity, plus it is effective at long ranges due to the scope.

If I were playing as a gunslinger I'd just take the dual Desert Eagles and dual Magnums (and then whatever else to fill in the remaining space), so that you have good damage and range, with -hopefully - plenty of ammo. But that choice is quite obvious really.
Where to kite
Usually you'll find yourself the last man standing in either phase 3 or 4 of Hans' fight, so kiting him shouldn't take all year, but it can take a good half hour (or more!) depending on how much damage your team did before they bit the dust.

I find it very helpful to kite around a single particular "thing" rather than run around the map in general, so that way Hans starts showing more of a regular pattern as you kite around that thing. Here are 2 "kiting spots" that I've used successfully numerous times:

(Above) This "kiting spot" is on Outpost, it is the building near the place where you spawn, and the "middle" of the map, it is easy to kite around this as it is rather small, but large enough for you to retain a decent distance between you and hans.

(Above) This "kiting spot" is on Catacombs. Its quite hard to tell from the image, but running to the left (not down the tunnel, but under where the "NUTO DELLA RIMARIA" sign is), and then hugging the right wall will take you around and back down the path on the right and back towards where I took the image from. Just like the outpost spot, this route is quite short and yet long enough so that you can get a good distance form hans to be relatively safe.

It is important to try to shoot hans when you have a good distance between you and him, which means that it is best to shoot him when you reach a corner, while he is at the previous corner (so you have a clear straight long shot), but the specifics of when to shoot him is covered next.

When to shoot Hans
When kiting hans, there are 2 primary sound indicators that dictate the entire escapade.

The first indicator is the sound of his servo's moving (its a fairly quiet noise but you should be able to hear it when he gets closer!) This basically means run the ♥♥♥♥ away from him (but keep going around the "kiting spot"). This is him trying to melee attack you, which does a large amount of damage. He usually hits you once or twice and if you don't have any armour it can be devastating, so always try to keep your distance, which improves the chances of him using grenade attacks instead. Even if you hear him charging and even if he hits you, just keep running, because if you stop he will keep attacking you and you will die, but if you keep running he will give up and begin using grenade attacks again.

The 2nd thing to listen for is when he says something like "let me test my new nerve gas!" (or anything else gas or grenade related). This means he will be standing still, and it is safe to turn around and shoot him. But it is important to take note of which grenade he is throwing, if they are just red, then you'll want to get a move on pretty soonish as they are explosive grenades which dish out huge amounts of damage and can ruin your day in a blink, however if they are gas grenades then (especially as a medic), they don't pose so much of a threat, therefore it is safe to stay and shoot for slightly longer. Don't stick around for too long though, try to start running again just before the explosive grenades blow up, or just after the gas grenades start blowing up.

Your default "state" should be running away from him, and only when you know he is using a grenade attack is it then safe to turn and shoot, after which you should immediately go back to running. If you know you have a good distance from him it is recommended to look back often to check exactly where he is, so you do not get too far away from him, or to see how close he is if he's chasing you! if you can't see him when you look back, it means he is about to come around the last corner of the route you just did, so as he turns that corner this is a good opportunity to shoot him. If he keeps running then you run (first indicator), if he stops then keep shooting him because hes about to begin a grenade attack (second indicator).

After a few laps, you may begin to notice that he stops to use his grenade attack in largely the same spots around the thing you're kiting. So then if you feel like enough of a badass, you can pre-emptively turn around and start shooting him with confidence that you know he's going to stop to throw grenades, getting those extra precious shots on him.

Sometimes he will use his dual machine guns but this is not so common and in the case where he does this isn't an opportunity to shoot him, because if you stop, the machine guns will do a lot of damage to you, making you vulnerable to his likely to follow melee charge. so if you look back and see him using machine guns, just keep running.
Important considerations
Just some quick things to always keep mind of when kiting hans:

- Always try to stay at full health. Basically just heal at every opportunity you get (goes without saying really). this is important because if Hans starts a melee charge and you don't have full health (especially as a gunslinger), it probably means the end of the road for you. It is useful as a medic that everytime you heal yourself you get 6 armour back. so if you feel a bit cheeky, you can purposefully try to take damage in his gas grenades so as to gain a profit in armour when you heal.

- Always be mindful of where Hans is. I briefly covered this in the previous section about looking back often, but I will stress it again, it is important to know where he is in relation to you so you know how safe or completely ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you are at any one time.

- After you have shot him while he is using his grenade attacks and began to run again, this is the optimum time to heal and reload, as there is a decent distance between the both of you. Hopefully you will have healed and reloaded by the time he either: starts another grenade attack, or catches up to you and melees you.

- If you know Hans is charging you, and about to try and melee attack you. It is worth your while to pull out any melee weapon of your own (even if it is just the default starting knife), turn to face Hans and press and hold middle mouse to block his attack. Blocking Hans' attack will simply reduce the amount of damage you take, improving your chances. But, when blocking you cannot sprint, and being a slower target may be more appealing to Hans, which means he is likely to try and hit you more, so try to find a balance where you block if you need to (maybe you have low health already), but for the most part try to keep on the move.

- I didn't originally point this out in the "where to kite" section, but using doors is a great way of keeping your distance from Hans, and it also seems to reduce the use of his melee charge. None of the kiting routes I mentioned contain doors, but I was recently in a game where a demo quite successfully kited Hans by using doors around the garage/trucks area on Outpost, so in future I will test that myself.

- This guide is not guaranteed to work, it still requires being relatively knowledgable and skilled at the game to pull it off, especially on suicidal and above. It works for me around 80-90% of the time on hard and 40-60% of the time on suicidal (he can 2 hit kill you with no armour!). I haven't tried it on Hoe because there I'm always with a good team and I don't have to end up last alive :)
Summary - TL:DR
1. Buy a back-up weapon to use if you end up the last alive (e.g. Medics don't need the AR if they are the only person left, so it is better to buy something that will do more damage like the scar as "back-up").

2. When kiting hans, use a smallish area that is both small enough to keep the pace up, but large enough to keep your distance, both examples I gave, I find work well.

3. Hans either melee charges you / uses his machine guns, OR uses his grenade attacks. For the former just keep running (you'll hear his servos moving which tells you hes chasing you), or of course you hear his machine guns. For the latter, it is safe to turn around and start shooting him, but be mindful of which grenades he is throwing.

4. Try to have a good idea of where Hans is in relation to you, therefore it is useful to look back often to see where he is. Ideal "looking back" spots, are the major corners of your kiting route, (whether it be a triangle or square shape etc).

Sorry if the full guide was a bit long :p I wanted to add as much detail as possible and this is my first guide so it may well be really ♥♥♥♥

Peef Rimgar 4 Jun, 2016 @ 12:03am 
This is going to change soon, so you may want to update it. Here's the post about the change.
Megumi Kitaniji 3 Jun, 2016 @ 8:03am 
@Antic: Yeah-ish you can only block ´normal´ attacks, so attacks that aren´t red. And as the last 10/13 times I had Hans, I can pretty much guarantee that (atleast for me, on suicidal) the ´normal´ attacks are so incredibly rare, that I doubt that the katana is a good choice. Well, it does beat not having a katana, but it really is a matter of taste I´d say

@Bantam: The Pulverizer is only good against FPs, as the explosive dmg from the heavy attack on this short range is usually strong enough to 2-3 hit a FP.
#1 dredge fan <3 1 Jun, 2016 @ 5:27pm 
also idk if you will find this helpful but what i usually do is that if i still have some capacity left then i will buy a katana so i can parry his physical attacks
S R 29 May, 2016 @ 4:54pm 
Nice guide! Seems really usefull, question about Berserker though, should you always just nail gun, or is there a good time to go for the Pulverizer?