Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Stone Crusher OPV
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Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Production
149.629 KB
20.5.2016 klo 7.39
25.3.2019 klo 20.54
4 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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Stone Crusher OPV

We all hate the huge amount of stone in our cargo containers. Throwing it out takes some time and creates floating objects. So this block can be your solution. It’s a stone only refinery with no gravel as output. If you want to convert stone into other resources, this is not the mod you are looking for.

This is an overpowered version of the Stone Crusher mod. It has nearly no energy use and a very high refine speed.

  • Eliminates stone from your cargo
  • Does not generate floating objects
  • Does not generate other useful resources
  • Available for both, small and large grids (OPV only)

Stone Crusher OPV:
SteelPlate: 45
Construction: 5
LargeTube: 2
Motor: 5
Computer: 2

Inventory: 500.000 l
Standby Power Consumption: 1 kW
Operational Power Consumption: 1 kW
RefineSpeed: 500000

At the moment it is using the blast furnace or the small oxygen generator model. If you want to make a model for it contact me please.

For the more balanced version use: Stone Crusher.
If you are interested in deleting all vanilla ores, have a look at Ore Disposal OPV.
19 kommenttia
Xarniia  [tekijä] 25.3.2019 klo 20.55 
Fixed the large block. Please report any problems! :)
Xarniia  [tekijä] 22.7.2017 klo 8.19 
Ore Disposal OPV out now!
Use it carefully and leave a thumbs up! ;)
SultonMRP 21.7.2017 klo 14.55 
how about a version that destorys everything, players use sorter to filter
Xarniia  [tekijä] 21.7.2017 klo 13.25 
Possible, when I have time, I will make a separate mod for this.
Snøfler 21.7.2017 klo 6.28 
Any chance for this to also accept ice?
SultonMRP 2.1.2017 klo 17.02 
ya my friends server uses it, just need to recompile mod so dont give dev message
Xarniia  [tekijä] 2.1.2017 klo 14.42 
Sorry I don't know, because I only play SP.
Ins Xicht 2.1.2017 klo 13.35 
does this still work on dedicated server?
SultonMRP 9.11.2016 klo 21.57 
if ya still need model made, i like to take a crack at it, msg me in steam
Felix 22.6.2016 klo 20.50 
I have the block on some ships now and they works great - no problems, everything fine!