

122 rating
Choice and Consequence (Spoilers)
Oleh kolaborator Sly BluePaw 🐾 dan 1
Choices that may prompt up in your playthrough. Expect minor to major spoilers the further you look.

Recommened looking at this guide if you're trying to get a certain scene or get back where you were in case your save file got lost, corrupted, or somehow misplaced; or achievement hunting. (Unless you had a harddrive failure, your save file should be fine.)

Some consequences or results in your playthrough may not be immediate in the same chapter, but later on. If that is the case, the Achievement Guide may tip you off of what result(s) you may get later on, however also contains minor to major spoilers.
Batalkan favorit
This guide will show you different possible choices that'll pop up in each chapter during your own playthrough. Some choices will only show up depending on previous choices you made. I aim to make this guide spoiler free as possible, while the heavy spoilers will be covered. Only use this guide if you're looking for a specific route or wondering where you went wrong.

Choices can add or subtract affection points to a character(s), trigger a scene, alter subsequent dialogue, or have no effect. Some choices trigger True Ending Flags (or TEF for short) as well. All of these will be covered in a spoiler tag between ( ).
Chapter 1: The Calm Before the Storm

1: Your response to Rook is...
  • "Not much longer now!" (Rook Affection +1)
  • "I can't say for sure." (...........No Change)
2: Kila is wondering what you're doing in Tokyo, Japan. Your response is...
  • "Well, I won a contest." (Rook Affection -1)
  • "Sorry, I can't say why I'm here." (..........No Change)
3: Kila asks if you want to go to the Maid Cafe:
  • "I'd love to go to one!" (Kila Affection +1, Rook Affection -1) Go to 3b (Eclair Storyline)
  • "They aren't really my thing." (....................................No Change) Go to 3a1 (Jade Storyline)
3a1: You win a toy in Arcadia, and...
  • ...give the toy to Rook (.......No Change)
  • ...give the toy to Kila (Kila Affection +1)
  • ...keep the toy for now (.......No Change)
3a2: When Rook leaves, you...
  • ...spend time with Jade. (Jade Friendship Scene) (........................................TEF)
    Go to 5 or End

  • ...don't spend time with Jade. (Rook and Kila don't get along)
    Go to 4
3b: Kila is wondering what you want to do after Eclair runs off. You respond...
  • "I'll go talk to her..." (Eclair Friendship Scene) (............................No Change) End
  • "I think we should leave." (Rook and Kila don't get along) Go to 4
4: Did Kila come off as a little too aggressive?
  • Have Kila apologize. (Go to 5 or End)
  • Say Rook deserved it. (Go to 5 or End)
(If You Have at least 1 Rook Affection Point)
5: When Rook breaks down...
  • You tell him you like him. (...........TEF)
  • You remain silent. (...........TEF)
Chapter 2: The Long Road Ahead

1: The person from The Ark insist you come with him to ask him questions. You...
  • ...grab his hand. (??? Affection +1)
  • ...don't grab his hand. (...........No Change)
2: Questions for the person from The Ark (Pick one)
  • What is The Ark?
  • Who are you exactly?
  • More about this power?
  • What are The Midnight Deaths?
3: Questionnaire about your Character (Choose one from each selection)
  • Male or Female
  • Follower or Leader
  • Trust Easily or Skeptic
  • Attacker or Defender
  • Killer or Non-Killer
  • Long and Safe or Short and Risky
  • Company or a Loner

Correct choices in questionnaire:
These answers alter the dialogue and exposition text in various ways, but don't affect future choices and outcomes. The exception is Leader, which enables a potential True Ending Flag in Chapter 3.
Chapter 3: The Winds of Change

1: Who do you believe? Who do you side with?
  • Endymion and Konrad (Assassin Storyline) (No Change) End
  • Kila and Righty (Mercenary Storyline) (...........TEF) Go to 2 or End
(If you sided with Righty/Kila and identified yourself as a leader.)
2: Phidget asks about his mother.
  • Tell him he'll see her again. (...........TEF)
  • Remain silent. (No Change)
Chapter 4: The Stages of Grief

1: Who should you hang out with to pass time?
  • Acheron (No change) Go to 2a1
  • Shock and Rocker (...........TEF) Go to 2b
2a1: What do you want to ask Acheron?
  • The Text Messages
  • His Past
  • Why He's Here
2a2: Do you prefer people or technology for protection?
  • Living Beings (Acheron Affection +1) Go to 3
  • Weapons (...............No Change) Go to 3
2b: Regarding the the argument about Klace's passing...
  • Side with Shock (Shock Affection +1, TEF)
  • Side with Rocker (........Rocker Affection +1)
3: If you went to...
*Cafe Chat in Chapter 1, Go to 3a1.
*Arcadia and met Jade in her office in Chapter 1, Go to 3b.
*Arcaida but didn't meet Jade in her office in Chapter 1, end.

3a1: Does it make Eclair a bad person for why she came?
  • Yes it does
  • No it doesn't
3a2: Is it possible for people to make up or is a lost cause?
  • It's possible (Eclair will want to reconnect with Rook. The Eclair subplot continues.) End
  • It's a lost cause (Eclair will drop reconnecting with Rook. The Eclair subplot ends in Chapter 5 and you will be on the Jade subplot thereafter.) End
3b: Do you say that you believed Jade's theory about alternate worlds and timelines?
  • You believed her (...........TEF) End
  • You didn't believe her (No Change) End
Chapter 5: The Brief Reprieve

1: Did Acheron's outburst on Singe go too far?
  • He was out of line. (...............No Change)
  • He was not in the wrong. (Acheron Affection +1)
2: You hear Kila and Singe talking behind the door, do you...
  • Listen for a few moments. (No Change)
  • Walk inside for the meeting. (...........TEF)
Chapter 6: Life\Death

1: If you're on the...
*Acheron subplot, Go to 1a1.
*Shock/Rocker subplot, Go to 1b1.

1a1: "It's a cardinal sin among guards... And why the last one just ran away."
  • You can stay, you're still useful. (Correct Choice (1/3))
  • He left because he was a coward. (..............No Change)
1a2: "I'm expected to watch over everybody... But at the same time, this is impossible."
  • Focus on protecting the most likely targets. (..............No Change)
  • Keep an eye on everybody. Alternate frequently. (Correct Choice (2/3))
1a3: "I can't just let that fact go. It's eating away at me. Consuming me."
  • They would have moved the weapons anyway. (Correct Choice (3/3))
  • You know not to do that in the future, now. (..............No Change)
(If you answer 1a1 to 1a3 correctly, 1 Acheron Affection Point.)

1a4: Do you trust Acheron?
  • I trust you, Acheron. (.............................No Change)
  • You remain silent. (Acheron Affection is reset to 0)
Go to 2

1b1: Why did you follow Shock?
  • I needed to see that you're okay. (...........No Change)
  • I wanted to know how you're feeling. (Correct Answer (1/2))
1b2: Is it a good idea for Shock to step down?
  • Yes. Do what makes you happy. (Correct Answer (2/2), True Flag)
  • I don't think you should run away... (................................No Change)
(If you answered 1b1 & 1b2 correctly, 1 Shock Affection Point.)

1b3: To Shock, do you still trust Acheron
  • I still trust Acheron to protect us. (...........TEF)
  • You're right. He can't be trusted. (No Change)
Go to 2

2: Inumi is confused or uncomfortable, you tell him...
  • I'm going to keep you safe, Inumi. (Correct Choice (1/2))
  • We're safer in a group setting. (..............No Change)
3: To start a conversation with Inumi, you say...
  • Tell me about yourself, Inumi. (Correct Choice (2/2), TEF) - Starts Inumi subplot.
  • Tell me more about your brother. (.......................No Change)
(If you answered 2 & 3 correct, 1 Inumi Affection Point)

4: Who do you save?
  • Rook (Kila Dies, True Ending)
  • Kila (.....................Rook Dies)
5: Do you forgive the man from the ark?
  • I forgive you, Reiyo. (Reiyo Affection +1, TEF)
  • No. I can't trust you again. (....................No Change)
Regardless what you pick, a new subplot begins.
Chapter 7: The Paths We Walk

This chapter does not contain choices, only consequences.
Please refer to the achievement guide of what results to expect.
Chapter 8: The Lives We Live

(Regardless who you saved in chapter 6)
1: The survivor wants you to bring the other back.
  • "I'll bring him back" (...........TEF)
  • Remain Silent (No Change)

Author Note: You may encouter personal scenes with Acheron, Kila, Rook, Shock, and/or Inumi based on previous choices in regards to Earth.
Please refer to the achievement guide to know how to unlock them.
Chapter 9: The Bonds We Forge

1. Who do you pick to take to the ball?
  • Konrad
  • Sam
2. Go to the ball, or see the King?
  • "Let's go check out the ballroom." (Go to 3)
  • "Well -- I'm off to Velasquez." (End)
3. Dance?
If with Sam...
  • "Sure, I'd love to dance."
  • "I guess this is where we part ways."
If with Konrad...
  • "May I have this dance?"
  • "I have to get going, Konrad."

Author note: No true flags this chapter, however these will directly affect achievements you'll get that are for this chapter.
Chapter 10: The Future We Create

(Always Available)
Close off Earth and Terra (Regular Ending)
(If you have 10+ TEF's)
Restore worlds and connect everyone and everything (True Ending)
True Ending Flags
These are decisions to make that will trigger True Ending Flags. They will be under a spoiler tag to prevent anyone accidentlaly see them. Be sure your mouse isn't hovering in this section.
True Ending Flags can be obtained throughout the first eight chapters.

There are 14 True Ending Flags available in the game, so you don't need to receive all of them to get the true ending option in Chapter 10.

As of the February 2017 update, accumulated True Ending Flags will also carry over from one playthrough to the next

Chapter 1
Tell Rook you'll be on time, withheld why you're in Tokyo, Don't go to the Maid Cafe, and Spend time with Jade

Chapter 2
During the questionnaire, choose:

Chapter 3
Side with Kila and Righty.
If you picked Leader from the questionaire:
Tell Phidget he'll see his mother again.

Chapter 4
Hang out with Shock and Rocker, Side with Shock, and believed Jade's theory of alternate worlds and timelines.

Chapter 5
Walk inside for the meeting.

Chapter 6
Tell Shock you wanted to know how he's feeling and to do what makes him happy, tell Shock you still trust Acheron, tell Inumi you'll keep him safe and ask about himself, save Rook, and forgive Reiyo.

Chapter 8
You tell Kila or Rook, whomever you saved in chapter 6, you'll bring the other person back.
The title screens from each chapter are directly from the game's files.
40 Komentar
Zero 8 Agu 2019 @ 11:13pm 
I'd just like to say thanks for making this guide. I have completed one play-through of the game and I needed help figuring out exactly how to get the rest of the actions I needed for the True Ending. Funnily enough, first I went with the Eclair subplot all the way through and completed that all the way with all of the flags, and now I am doing the Jade subplot and this guide has helped me get the rest of the flags.
Petrus 30 Jul 2018 @ 3:36am 
- To get Reiyo's affection points, just be trustful towards him and forgive him when the time comes. This will enables you to hear about his past during the Chapter 9.

Anyhow: These are the patterns I'd imagine to have everyone's affection above 0. There is no affection meter for the other characters so I suppose those you can do as you wish. Of course: The only way where you "can't appease everyone" is to wheither you decide to "meet Eclair" or "meet Jade" and decide to follow "Konrad and Endymion" or "Righty and Kila." but since neither of these will affect on anyone's affection points, I disregard them.

This is nonetheless a good guide. I liked Major/Minor but its biggest flaw was the lack of "text skip system."

Also I apologize for the "chain comments." Steam doesn't permit me to add more than 1000 length comments.
Petrus 30 Jul 2018 @ 3:35am 
- To get Acheron's affection points, during the Chapter 5, tell him that "He was not wrong." This will give you +1 affection from Acheron and that will be all you need. If decide to not hang out with Rocker and Shock, you will not be able to gain their affection points at all. Nonetheless: At Chapter 8, you'll be able to hear his story if you did what I just mentioned above.

- To get Inumi's affection points, during the Chapter 6, just answer correctly twice and that's that. After that: You'll be able to hear his story at Chapter 8 (which in my opinion by the way: Was the both: Saddest and the best.)
Petrus 30 Jul 2018 @ 3:35am 
- To get Shock's and Rocker's affection points, first side with Rocker during their argument at Chapter 4 and then during the Chapter 6, go after Shocker answer all questions "correctly" but tell that you still trust Acheron's protection. This will net to you 1 affection point with Shocker. You need to have Rocker's affection above 0 to be able to hear his story after he dies and you'll meet him at the "realm in between life and death." With Shocker: You'll hear his story at Chapter 8.
Petrus 30 Jul 2018 @ 3:35am 
- When during the Chapter 6 the time comes to decide which one to save: Kila or Rook, it now depends what choices you made during the Chapter 1. If Kila's affection is 1 and Rook's is 0, save Rook and if Rook's is at least 1 and Kila's 0, save Kila. Because saving that whose affection is at 0, will automatically seems to get that characters affection points to above 0, even though the "Load/Save/Delete" screen does not show that. The reason why is that, is because during the Chapter 8, if you saved that character which affection with you is 0, you'll meet him there and there he tells you his background story and begs you to bring back the other's life who died earlier. Then finally: You'll meet that character whose affection is at 1 in that "realm in between life and death" and there he tells you his story because your affection with him is assumed 1.
Petrus 30 Jul 2018 @ 3:34am 
- The other way to do this, is to tell Kila that you answer Rook's text message "Not for long," won't tell Kila your reason to travel and say "I'd love to go Maid's Coffee" this results to that Kila's affection will be at 1 and Rook's at 0.

- Then of course: There is that toy. You can get Kila's affection to 1 if you refused to go Maid's Cafe. I haven't followed this pattern so I do not know 100% what affections I would have at this point but saving Kila or Rook will clear things up if either one's affection is at 0 and other is 1.

HOWEVER DO NOTE that Kila and Rook both affections MUST NOT BE AT 0 OR UNDER IT because then the other one will not tell you the story at the "realm in between life and death."
Petrus 30 Jul 2018 @ 3:34am 
I am quite sure you nailed most TEF's correctly but there is few things I want to notify:

Although the game says that "You cannot appease everyone" well... That statement is incorrect. There is indeed a change to get EVERYONE'S affection to at least on 1. Here are the tricks that I followed:

- Since this guide told how to get Kila's and Rook's affections, I tell you how to keep things so you can prevent either one's affection to go into -1 (though: If you decide to save that one whose affection is at -1, you MIGHT still be able to hear his story as if your affection is above 0, but I haven't myself tested this yet.)

All you need to do, is to basically just concentrate appeasing Rook because as far as I can tell: Kila's affection can never drop to -1 and even if you have Rook's affection at 0, you can instantly "get good enough pond with him" later.
Prinz Lunas Noroi 22 Feb 2018 @ 2:31pm 
I got 9 TEF by my first Playthrough and i a bit upset to see taht i only need 10 for the True Ending
Sly BluePaw 🐾  [pembuat] 29 Agu 2017 @ 2:33am 
Not that I am aware of, Sirshaxx.
SirShaxx 29 Agu 2017 @ 12:31am 
in the end There is one last decision, to get the gang back together, or to not change what you saw. Are there achievements for both?

And Middy, I ended up getting two TEF's at The decision of saving Rook instead of Kila

One last note btw, for some reason Rocker is in every one of my saves since chapter 5. He's even there for chapter 10