Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

465 ratings
Types of L4D2 Players
By Dracko and 1 collaborators
Hey guys, this is Dracko! I've been playing L4D2 ever since the release, even playing Non-Steam Versions of it.

In Public games, you will encounter abundance of different players. Some are awesome, some are weird, some are just plain annoying and irritating as F*CK! So, have a good read!

EDIT: This guide is merely for entertainment purposes only!
EDIT II: Added a couple more, sorry for not updating this for a long time! :P
The Newbies
Newbies are players who has just got into L4D. They might be clueless in what others do, and sometimes makes a mistake or two. Some people can't stand newbies, and some rarely teach them what is what. Whatever you do, do NOT bully them, it's not their fault that they are new to the game. Instead, teach them if possible and stick with them if they are lost, give them advice as well.
The Idiot/ Not-so Smart one
This is severely different from Newbies. Because they are more stupid than clueless. They will think of the most stupidest and dumbest ways to get himself, a teammate, or everyone killed. Like throwing a Bile Bomb at the Witch, Throwing the Molotov to start a Survivor Barbecue, Setting car alarms on purpose on Expert. If you ever encounter such players, try and steer clear from them. They are just going to get you and your team killed.
The Troll/ D*ck
Jeez, where do I begin with this? As you have guessed from the title, Trolls are just there to mess with you, ruin your gaming experience, and give you a bad time. They will do the following, Shoot everyone and leaving, shoot car alarms on purpose, using all the Medkits, Pills, Adrenaline and leaves nothing for others, healing you at wrong times on purpose, making a Survivor Barbecue (i.e. Throwing molotovs at them or shooting gas-cans near them) and many more. Usually the players are not very well-known, or just a bunch of gibberish letters and numbers in their names. This can be frustrating, especially on Expert, and you and your team was about to reach the saferoom and shoot all of you. So keep a close eye on them, and kick them when things go out of hand.

I remember I was playing Dead Air on Expert in L4D2, with a couple of my friends. Since it's a public game, a couple of players join and left. Some were alright, but I encountered 2 random seperate players that shot me and my team to death, and left the game.
The Rude Leader/Boss
These players think they are a boss or a leader. They give orders to other players and restricts them from playing in their style and only wanting things to go exactly their way, kind of like jail. If you fail to follow their orders, they will be disgusted with you. They refuse to help you up when you are incapacitated, refusing to heal you, and sometimes, although rarely, shoots you. They will also criticize in every little mistakes you make. Such as healing or using throwables at the wrong time, shooting them accidentally, and when you are incapacitated.
The Hoarder
Where do I begin? These are the types of players that hoards all the items and refuses to share it with others. Especially Medkits. Even more frustrating is that if they rush into the safe-room first, they'll grab a Medkit, heal themselves and taking another spare. Leaving only 2 Medkits for the other 3 players. This is especially annoying on Higher difficulties, where all the players are hurt and have little to no healing items near the end of the safe-room, so beginning the next chapter only with 2 Medkits. This will also result in repeating the next chapter constantly, because of the lack of Medkits.

I admit, I've also been like this a couple of times, but I'm working on changing myself. I'm starting to share my supplies more often.
The Grave Robber/ Thief
Oh my god....I've encounter dozens of people like this....These are the types of players who steals the supplies from the players who just got revived with a defibrillator. After using the defibrillator, he'll take the throwable, pills/Adrenaline, their Primary weapon, and most importantly, the Medkit. Leaving the revived survivor only with a melee weapon/Magnum/Pistols.

Sometimes when a player is deploying an ammo upgrade pack, or dropping the Medkit to use the defibrillator to revive a teammate, this gives the opportunity for the thief to "Yoink!" the dropped Medkit while they are doing those things. Also, if you are limping at 10-39 health, and see pills/adrenaline, you slowly approach the item. The thief at healthy condition will rush in front of you to swipe the item and refusing to give it to you.
The Ranter/ Whiner/ Tantrum Thrower
These players whine like 12 year olds. They'll whine just about anything, like accidentally shooting him, taking the throwable/melee weapon he wanted, and reviving others before him.
The Rusher
These are the idiots that rushes ahead of everybody, and getting themselves killed.

Sometimes, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Mostly during finales, where if some were incapacitated, the remaining people is going to have to rush to the escape vehicle.
The Vocalizer Spammer
These people install vocalizer add-ons and spammed it like there's no tomorrow. They spam Death Screams, Laughing, dialogs and many more. Unlike trolls, these people are mostly harmless, unless you are unable to take the constant death screams and laughs.
The Booter
This type of players needs no introduction, We have to admit that we encountered at least one player like this.They kick players like there's no tomorrow. They will kick players for multiple reasons. Like when you accidentally shoot them, using items at the wrong time, or making room for their friends. (Haven't you heard of changing it to "Friends-Only?") and Lower hours than the other players.

1. Shot me? Kick.
2. Less hours than me? Kick.
3. Healing me at the wrong time? Kick.
4. Shot car alarm? Kick!

I have like 200+ hours of playing the game, but I'm really decent at it. Some people still isn't good at it, even though they have 1000+ hours.
The Team Player
Okay. These players are rare, and valuable as teammates, they are a joy to play with. They can play on higher difficulties with ease, They are able to cr0wn witches easily, They usually take the least damage out of everyone else. Telling other players to pick up extra supplies, laser sights, or new weapons. They usually don't fire their weapons as much, unless absolutely necessary, they usually kill less than others, only to tell the others to watch out.
The Average Player
So, these players are normal. What they want to do here is to just play the game. They don't mess with you, they don't nag, they just play the game, They aren't good, but they aren't bad either.
The Witch Disturbers
This is why I don't have a Medkit very early in the game. Whenever you see a witch, you and your team tries to formulate a plan to sneak past or kill the witch. Then this a**hole decides to shoot the witch on purpose, he will either stand there like an idiot or run off far away. He'll just get incapacitated and get mauled by the witch. And either you save him, or the witch dies first. You'll end up using your precious Medkit on him. This is very annoying if you wanted to formulate a plan, and find out the witch is already chasing the disturber.
The Sacrificer/ Baiter
So, these people are although rare. They'll sacrifice themselves for their teammates safety, usually during finales. There's two types of sacrificers, the skilled and the not-so-skilled ones.
The skillful ones are more often found in Expert mode campaigns where they known to be able to defend themselves effectively as well as their teammates. Usually this type of people would poke their heads first into danger despite knowing the fact that it will kill them. Not only that, some of this skilled Sacrificers would be the first to volunteer to kill witches who are blocking pathways without any hesistation.
Now, the not-so-skilled ones are usually those who would die for their team by being bait and etc. This means that whatever they do, they have a higher chance of dying because they are not equip with knowledge or reflexes such as being able to defend themselves effectively or block a Special Infected from getting them.
However, both types usually would sacrifice their supplies for their teammates without hesistation too.
The Infected Slayer
These players tend to get a lot more infected kills than other players, even Special Infecteds. Mostly during hordes and panic events, these players use weapons like the Auto-Shotguns, Fireaxes, Molotovs, and Pipe-Bombs. Upon reaching the safe-room, they'll have like 150+ infected kills, while you have only 50-60 kills. Most of the time, they're fine.

But sometimes they'll go as far to "kill steal". It means stealing your infected kill when YOU have the clear shot. You can be firing wildly at the SI(i.e Special Infected), but that player just fires once from his pistol, taking the kill from you.
The Door Slammers
These players love to shut doors in front of other's faces. Especially either you are outside the saferoom door and a player constantly opens and closes the saferoom door, this frustrates the crap out of many players because they are under attack from zombies and Special Infected, or they are at low health and wants to heal, and that player decides to "troll" you.

This also happens when you and your team is running away from a Tank, and you found out that you faceplanted into the door, resulting you getting trapped with the Tank. If on Expert, getting incapacitated, and immediately getting you killed. When you question him/her, he/she will say that they "did it for the lolz" or "it's just a game, dude."
The Mic Spammer
These players basically use mics to communicate with others. Some are alright, but some are actually quite annoying. Sometimes they will either scream into the mic, or play annoying music into the mic. Nuff' said.
The Toxic/Salty Player
This is slightly different from the "Whiny". This type of player gets salty and insults you even though you did the right thing, like abandoning him, because you and your team doesn't want to risk it. And he won't stop b*tching about it. He also constantly says you suck at the game, even though you proofed him wrong by playing almost flawlessly.
The Melee God
It's those players who rush towards the infected with a melee weapon and destroys everything at once. They always have many more melee kills than their teammates. They put themselves at risk, but it usually results in high reward. They seemingly take little damage if done correctly. Having one of these on your team is always fun and useful.
The Pinpoint Accuracy Player
This player seemingly able to pull of amazing headshots on infected, but it's mostly on the Special Infected. This players uses either the Sniper/Hunting Rifle, or the AK-47. During the end of the game, he usually gets the highest accuracy at the end. About 50-60% accuracy, which is considered really good.
The Gascan/Propane Tank Killer
This player loves to shoot at Gascans, Propane Tanks, or Oxygen Tanks. Even though he knows full well that it'll hurt him and his team. Or just that he knew, but decided to do it on purpose anyway.
The "I Don't Care" Player
This player ignores orders from other players. He usually does the exact opposite of what you tell him to do. For example, you ask him to throw the pipe bomb or bile bomb, but he refuses. Instead, he only fires his gun or melees only. This type of player doesn't use a mic, or at the very least communicate in chat.
The Carrier/Experts
These players usually the very experienced player that carries his team to victory, usually on Advanced or Expert difficulties. The type of players with him will cause different results. This also applies to "The Team Player" too, because they will sometimes carry their team as well.
The Unlucky Survivor
These players always tries their HARDEST to help, and they are usually decent at the game. But that doesn't stop them from getting charged, vomited on, gooed on, and punched and kicked my infected mercilessly, ALL AT ONCE. Even when they do survive, they'll get pounced by a hunter and all the others I said above happens again.

They always seem to have the most rotten luck out of everyone else. The Specials always seem to be targetting him constantly. When running, he either falls, or hangs on a ledge constantly. The Regular infected seems to target him all the time too, even though he wasn't biled.
The Troll Medic
You know when someone passes you pills or adrenaline, and you'll switch to the pills/adrenaline automatically? Yeah, these players keeps on abusing that trollish tactic, leaving you unable to defend yourself for a precious few seconds during a horde or firefight.

Another excruciatingly annoying thing they'll do is using a medpack on you during a firefight or horde on purpose. This makes the person they are healing unable to move. Therefore painting a giant target on their chest.
The Admin Leaver
The leader of the lobby who suddenly has to leave for no reason. Usually does so without warning, and it ends up booting everyone back to the lobby which is incredibly annoying.
The Shopper
This player can't seem to decide what weapon he's gonna use during the whole campaign. They'll usually look around and check which weapons peaks their interest. They'll usually leave themselves open to enemy attacks while they decide whether to take a shotgun, rifle, or a shotgun. And also they can't decide whether to take the molotov, pipe bomb, or the bile bomb.
The Mods Fanatic
These players uses mods from the workshop to alter/fix the appearance of anything. There's many types of modders:

The Original Reskin Modder:
These players like the survivors just the way they are, but they alter their outfits, hair, facial hair, but they still retain the slightly original look of the survivor.

Character Swap Reskin Modder:
These players changes the survivors appearance completely, thanks to the workshop mods provided. For example, you can have Fennekin, Cinderace, an anthro dragon, and Renamon in the team. (Yes, I like anthro characters, shut up.)

Weapon/Item Modder
These players found the original weapons/Items in the game to be a little too boring. So they used mods to either reskin the weapons or alter them completely to spice things up.Like having the Silverballer pistol from Hitman to replace the Magnum.

Bug Fix/Improvement Modder
These players are sick of the bugs and Valve refuses to fix them(before the Last Stand update). So they modded the game to fix the bugs.

Environment Modder
These players changes the way the map displays props, objects, or even the sky in some cases.
The Extreme Conserver
These players refuses to use their Primary Weapons, pills, Medkits, or even their throwables. Even when they know for sure their gonna die, they still refuse to use them. They are usually seen using the Magnum, Pistols, or their Melee weapon of choice only. And their health is usually in the red zone.
buggernuts 18 May @ 3:49am 
i dont play this game often so me and my friends are like average player through and through
Red/f!r< 8 Jan @ 3:30pm 
dude im defin a hybrid of Speedrunner and team player fr
Neuwey331 22 Dec, 2023 @ 4:00am 
The Newbies would be more tolerable if they can chat often, chatty Newbies makes it easier to teach them. The Newbies that don't even talk are the ones that are unbearable.
[ 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐨 ] 21 Mar, 2023 @ 6:33am 
well shit my guy I mean I play left 4 dead 2 with mods why you gotta do me like this
Neuwey331 17 Mar, 2023 @ 10:13am 
What I am is more of "The Admin/The Prefect".

I start my own local servers filled with anti-troll scripts and admin controls to ensure my gaming session and everybody else's is not completely ruined by the likes of trolls. I almost never play on others' servers other than my own due to risk of trolls running rampant on unmonitored servers.
With my admin controls, I make sure any player that ruins my gaming session and other's sessions are kicked.
Greaser 21 Sep, 2022 @ 3:14pm 
I'm literally the unlucky survivor especially in L4D1. The tanks would literally aim for me and ME only
Male18 27 Jun, 2022 @ 8:50am 
the unlucky survivor is 100% me
lenin fortnite 27 Nov, 2021 @ 11:45am 
banuno 23 Nov, 2021 @ 11:54pm 
carrier, teamplayer, sacrificer, slayer in one team happens once a blue moon
Wizard 21 Aug, 2021 @ 12:11pm