39 avaliações
All Endgame Card Players (It's All In the Cards)
Por Nibelung
Screenshots of the location of all 105 card players left in the game after you access Memoria (aka, "Disc 4")
Screenshots dos locais de todos os 105 jogadores de cartas restantes no jogo depois que você destrava Memoria.
Adic. a Favoritos
Nos Favoritos

The Achievement It's All In The Cards requires you to win Tetra Master matches against 100 different opponents. If you are reasonably entertained with this minigame, you can get this achievement before finishing the game naturally. However, if you skip it and are at the end, and trying to get this achievement... well, it is possible.

There is a grand total of 105 players that are permanently accessible at the time Memoria is unlocked. So, it is basically a matter of meeting every single one and beating them once.

The purpose of this guide is to show you where every single one of those players are located.

(I'm not listing Gilgamesh because it is possible to sent him away, and he never returns)


O Achievement "It's All In The Cards" exige que você vença 100 oponentes diferentes numa partida de Tetra Master. Se você se diverte com esse minigame, então é possível que você consiga o achievement antes de terminar o jogo, jogando naturalmente. Porém, se você não jogou nenhuma vez, e já se encontra no final do jogo, e está tentando pegar este achievement... bom, é possível.

Existe um total de 105 jogadores que você pode desafiar a qualquer momento depois que Memoria se abrir pra você encerrar o jogo. Então é basicamente uma questão de encontrar cada um deles, e derrotá-los uma vez.

A proposta deste guia é mostrar onde cada um destes jogadores está localizado.

(Não contei Gilgamesh porque é possível fazer este jogador sumir e nunca mais voltar.)
Alexandria (22 players)
Old Woman


Old Man

Immigrant From Lindblum






Tom's Mother

Tour Guide



Fish Man

Ashley (when you enter from the south/quando você vem pelo sul)

Synthesist (when you enter from the plaza/quando você entra pela praça)

Old Lady (usually hidden by the scenery/geralmente escondida pelo cenário)

Flower Girl

Weimar, Pluto Knight VII


Retired Boatman

Black Mage Village (12 players)
Unnamed Genome (Entrance)/Genome sem nome (Entrada)

Black Mage No. 24

Unnamed Genome (Chocobo Nest)/Genome sem nome (Ninho do Chocobo)

Black Mage No. 33

Unnamed Genome (Inn)/Genome sem nome (Hotel)

Black Mage No. 123

Black Mage No. 234

Unnamed Genome (village)/Genome sem nome (Vila)

Black Mage No. 44

Black Mage No. 189

Black Mage No. 192

Black Mage No. 56
Chocobo Paradise (4 players)

You must finish the Chocograph sub-quest to be able to challenge the chocobos.


Você precisa terminar a sub-quest dos Chocograph pra conseguir desafiar os chocobos.

Yellow Chocobo

Gold Chocobo

Red Chocobo

Fat Chocobo
Daguerreo (11 players)
Adventurer (Entrance/Entrada)

Adventurer (Weapon Shop/Loja de Armas)



Old Man

Scholar (Library/Biblioteca)

Engineer Zebolt



Scholar (Synthesis Shop/Loja de Synthesis)

Synthesis Expert
Dali (2 players)
Part-time Worker Jeff

Part-time Worker Mary
Lindblum (11 players)
Business District

Young Lady


Industrial District Engineer (only appear when you arrive via Air Cab/Somente quando você chega de bonde)



Card Freak Gon

Carpenter's Apprentice 2

Theater District


Card Freak

Card Boy

Self-proclaimed Artist Michael
Treno (38 players)
10 opponents can be challenged in the Card Stadium. Each one counts as one different opponent. Be warned that all of them are actually good players, and most of them have rare (and powerful) cards.

10 oponentes podem ser desafiados no Card Stadium. Cada um deles conta como um oponente diferente. Esteja avisado que todos eles são bons jogadores, e a maioria possui cartas raras (e poderosas).

Thug (Entrance/Entrada)

Nobleman (Entrance/Entrada)

Noblewoman (Entrance/Entrada)



Thug (Slums/Favela)

Carpenter (Slums/Favela)

Shopkeeper (Slums/Favela)


Thug (Bar)





Nobleman (Noble Area/Área Nobre)

Noblewoman (Noble Area/Área Nobre)

Young Noblewoman


Shopkeeper (Noble Area/Área Nobre)

Female Adventurer



Queen Stella



Old Man

Nobleman (Auction House/Casa de Leilão)

Noblewoman (Auction House/Casa de Leilão)
Memoria (5 players)
Memoria is a bit trickier than the other areas. The Phantoms are invisible, until you are close enough for the talk symbol appear over your head. All of them are also great card players, and have unique decks (not necessarily with rare cards).

Memoria é um pouco mais complicado que as outras áreas. Os Phantoms são invisíveis, até que você esteja perto o suficiente para que o ícone de conversar apareça sobre sua cabeça. Todos eles também são ótimos jogadores, e tem decks únicos (mas não necessariamente com cartas raras).

Master Phantom

Defense Phantom

Master Phantom

Rare Phantom

Dark Phantom
7 comentários
KillerThrax 1 mai. 2017 às 9:39 
You can challenge the turquoise chocobo in Chocobo's Paradise by jumping in the pool he's in to get him out. When you reach the platform with the gold chocobo after jumping up, go immediately right and you'll get an ! which will let you jump up another level. Follow this round to jump back down and you'll be able to challenge him.
Nibelung  [autor] 17 fev. 2017 às 18:16 
I knew about the red mages, and I didn't added them for the same reason I didn't added Gilgamesh. Good catch on Trude, I'll catch a screenshot with him and update soon.
nipaa~ 16 fev. 2017 às 23:30 
In Alexandria on Disc 4, the first time you walk into the Inn there will be a scene with Hippaul and two red mages. They can all be challenged to Tetra for three more wins. Also in Dali there's a man named Trude in the mill who can be challenged for a total of three card players there.
§єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶ 3 jan. 2017 às 20:20 
Nibelung  [autor] 3 jan. 2017 às 20:17 
Thanks, Sir Auron. Should be fixed now.
§єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶ 3 jan. 2017 às 19:29 
Shopkeep Noble area - you are showing the wrong screenshot, it's the same screenshot as the Shopkeep Slums area.
Ryu Fireheart 6 dez. 2016 às 17:27 
Bom guia, agora só falta pular corda 1000 vezes e matar 10000 inimigos :steammocking: