Don't Starve

Don't Starve

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Volcano Alert
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17. Mai 2016 um 3:36
15. Juni 2016 um 14:56
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Volcano Alert

Adds a volcano icon to the left of the day clock during dry season with the color of the icon (and mouse over label) indicating alert level for the volcano eruption.

Alert levels are:

Green - Safe - no eruption danger at the moment
Yellow - Caution - eruption close but not imminent
Orange - Danger - eruption imminent, the next quake will be an eruption
Red - Eruption - eruption ongoing

Alert level is updated with each warning quake and when starting the game. Caution level is displayed if the time to eruption at the time of check is less than four minutes, Danger level is displayed specifically if the next quake is going to be the eruption. Due to the nature of volcano eruption schedule, the time remaining to the eruption when Danger level is displayed varies from two minutes (at the start of dry season) to 30 seconds (at the end of the season).

Configuration options:

Dry season only - when on, the indicator is displayed only during dry season. When off, the indicator is always displayed but only shows Safe level except during dry season.

Always show label - when on, the alert level name is displayed all the time (may help colorblind players). When off, alert level name is only displayed when mouse points at the icon.

Not tested if it works with Volcano Staff trap, probably only if it's triggered during dry season (even if the icon is set to always on).

Inspired by the Volcano Eruption Predictor mod, I considered displaying exact time to eruption too "cheap" so I made a mod that basically just counts warning quakes for you (not quite, it's still time based). No code from that mod was used.

Credits go to authors of the Combined Status mod which was used as a basis for adding the indicator icon, though very little of the original code remained.

Notes to 1.1 release and appeasement

When appeasing the volcano later in the season (with some eruptions already passed) you may notice that the alert indicator seems to behave erratically - it may go to safe first, then switch to higher alert, then go safe again, etc. You may also note that the altar may allow you to appease it way more than about 60 units you would expect it to let you normally.

In short, it is caused by this mod applying a fix to make the indicator icon reliable, together with shoddy implementation of the Volcano itself.

When I was implementing the appeasement handling, I faced the problem that the alert level was not cleared after appeasement if that happened after last warning quake - the problem being that the control routine simply did not add any further warning quakes after the eruption was moved forward. That means, if you appease the volcano and don't restart the game or leave the Volcano region, you're going to get the next eruption fall on your head without any warning quakes.

I added a fix on that - it regenerates the schedule after each appeasement. That adds warning quakes and displays correct alert level, but another problem popped up with that. And that is, the delay between eruptions later in season is shorter than the maximum delay by which you can appease the volcano. And so after appeasing the volcano, you may now appease it to the level where it brings forth an eruption that's already passed.

In reality, you can do this in unmodded game as well. It won't regenerate the schedule right after appeasing, it will do that however once you leave the volcano area, or once you restart the game. With this mod, you only get it instantly and you get it indicated.

I don't feel like I can do anything reasonable about it without making serious changes to the volcano implementation. For now, just make sure you take enough items to appease the volcano all the way to the start of the season if you go to do it late. Or do it in small careful steps, not using the maximum appeasement range.
16 Kommentare
烟花绽放之刻 27. Nov. 2017 um 8:14 
Ander-xwl 27. Aug. 2017 um 5:04 
Kasuha  [Autor] 12. Juli 2016 um 0:30 
草莓睡不醒: When you start a new game of Shipwrecked, it's Mild season. Dry season starts around day 60.
草莓睡不醒 11. Juli 2016 um 18:02 
Kasuha  [Autor] 4. Juli 2016 um 3:44 
Trendy Gamer: It works for me. Are you sure you're playing Shipwrecked and it's Dry season?
MrBorderless 4. Juli 2016 um 1:28 
the icon is not popping up
Masahiro Sakurai 4. Juni 2016 um 0:01 
i HAVE to do things with these.i use a LOAD of mods.FOR SIENICE
BeanSlinger419 31. Mai 2016 um 23:03 
im bob my real name is bobby JK im not the bob your talking about
TigerLuvsYou 31. Mai 2016 um 20:42 
Very helpful if you your new and don't know how to tell and stuff.. :steamhappy:.
Truescreen 30. Mai 2016 um 5:43 
REPLY : Daintyapples
Who's bob?