Pitfall Planet

Pitfall Planet

Pitfall Planet- All stages & 100% diamonds
作者: Sweet Ninja
Following this guide you should be able to get 100% of the achievments.
1. General terms & guide structure.
I’ve written this guide in the order I think most players will find the stages. When I call something a ‘stage’ I’m referring to the overall play area. When I say ‘level’ I’m referring to the elevation or height of a platform. I’ll point out where the secrets and Kate’s journals are located. If a diamond is best collected at a certain point while exploring the stage, I’ll say when to collect it. All of the stages can be completed with both players exiting through the elevator, every stage walkthrough should end with both players being able to exit. If you want the achievement from completing every stage with both players, don’t complete a stage without both players, since there’s no way to check if you have or not.

You can use Ctrl + F the search for keywords, like Kate’s journal or secret.

Jelly block – a pink block you can pick up and move. If a player stands on top of it, it shoots them up into the air.

Jump jelly – a pink blob you can not pick up. If a player stands on top of it, it shoots them up into the air.

Throw & grab – A simple way of both players crossing a gap. Have one player throw the other over the gap, then they can grapple across the gap and pull (or grab) them to the other side. Effectively clearing the gap.

Green monster – a green monster that always runs on the same path.

Drillbot or Drill bots – robots that chase the players. They can sometimes be lured onto switches.
2. Tutorial Caves

Title Screen
After starting a new file and watching the intro you can walk behind the 'T' in pitfall planet and jump up on top of the pitfall planet logo and get the first achievement.

Embarkment Tunnel
Walk around the stage and collect the gold.
Diamond: located near the bottom of the stage behind a pink rock
Viridian Falls
One player walks up stairs to the left and hold down the switch. The other player walks around the stage and collects the gold. After crossing the bridge, stand on the button to let the other player cross over.
Diamond: in the pool of water, under right most bridge, just behind the wall.

Pewter Cliff

Use your grappling hooks to grab the gold. Kate’s first journal is to the far right of the stage.
Diamond: located under the tutorial text, just up from the skull.

Cerulean Caves

First grab the diamond next to the elevator. One player should walk down and collect the gold they can. Climb on the platforms to not get cornered. The other player can drop down and lure the drill bots away from the other player.
Diamond: near the top of the stage behind a rock, to the left of the elevator. Once the elevator comes you wont be able to get the diamond anymore.

Vermillion Eruptions

Collect the gold on the starting platform, then grapple and throw one player across the lava. Repeat until you’ve collected the gold.
Kate’s second journal is next to the elevator.
Diamond: There’s a hidden door along the back wall on the second step up to the elevator. Walk through the door and hold to the left.
Lavender Pools
Throw one bot over the gap and start putting boxes onto the switches. Learn how to gently place boxes instead of always throwing them.
Kate’s journal is under some boxes in the cave.
Diamond: high up on the right side of the stage. build some stairs with the boxes to climb up.

3. The Outpost
Sen’s Bathouse
The player on the top on screen stands on the switch. Then the bottom player can run up across the bridge to avoid the drill bots. Try luring a drill bot onto the bridge then stepping off the switch to drop the drill bots into the lava.

Diamond: To right of the elevator in the open. It’s hard to throw a player from the elevator platform so lure the drill bots to the bottom of the screen then run up and throw a player onto the diamond.
Eviction Protocols
Walk up the stairs and collect the gold.
Kate’s Journal is to the left of the elevator.

Diamond: To the right of the elevator, behind the broken wall. You can see the shadow.
Volcano Bluffs
Run up the stairs and collect the gold. Throw one player up to collect the gold next to the boxes. At the top of the stage hold switch and let the other player collect the gold, wait for them to cross again then enter the elevator.
Diamond: near the end of the stage one person can detour to grab the diamond. Use your grappling hook to collect the diamond and save time.
Darkshine Cave
One player can jump down and run into the water at the bottom of the stage. Hopefully the drill bots will be distracted by one player letting the other run around to collect the gold.
Diamond: In a small cave in the center of the back right wall.
Crystal Trail
Walk the to the right and throw & grab each other across the lava. Continue walking right onto the pink jump jelly. Get the diamond behind the cliff to the right of the jump jelly. Then have both player jump onto the upper left platform. Throw one player up to grab the box. Drop the box down to let the other player climb up. Throw & grab to cross the next gap. Then have one player drop down to the bottom and stand on the switch, which removes the wall letting the other player drop down to collect the last gold.
Diamond: behind the cliff to the right of the jump jelly.
Sen’s Lair
Walk along the path grab the diamond behind the last set of stairs before dropping into the arena. The Boss (Sen I assume) will always face one of the players. You need to throw rockets at the red crystals on Sen’s butt to damage it. Try to stand on the opposite sides of Sen to create a clear shot for each other.
Diamond: behind the last set of stairs before dropping into the arena.
4. The Chimney
Down Below
Grab the gold then jump down into the pipe that the waters flow into for the diamond. Each player can take a side and run up stream. You can’t fall off the sides so hug the walls to avoid the green fish monsters.
Diamond: In the drainage pipe at the beginning of the stage

5. Sewage Treatment
The Pool
Collect the gold on the starting platform then drop down a level. Stand on the bottom switch to extend a bridge to the box. Get the box and place it onto the switch on the upper level extended a new bridge. Collect the rest of the gold on the other side.
Diamond: In the bottom of the waterfall
A Cold Ending
Throw a player up to the left of starting platform. Have that player grapple onto the white/yellow post, pulling themselves across the gap. Then stand on the switch extending a bridge for the trapped player. Collect the gold on the mid level and meet up at the left side of the map. Throw and pull each other across to the left most gold and walk into the snow pile into a secret cave where you find the frozen astronaut. Walk out ad throw/grab each other to the right, then drop down and collect the gold and diamond. The Ice will break under you so keep moving and don’t worry about keeping everything in one runs since the ice comes back quickly.
Diamond: in the middle of the stage over some water. You’ll need to grapple the diamond to avoid falling in the water.
Piston Grid Mayhem
The grid of switches corresponds to a grid of pistons under the lava. Plan a pattern to move along and pay attention to the difference in height of the pistons. On the top piston there’s box you’ll need to get the diamond. Throw the box onto the main platform, since carrying a box makes you move slower.
Diamond: once you’ve collected all the gold and the elevators arrived, use the box to climb up one ledge, then throw a player up the next ledge.
6. Greenwood Falls
The Crossing
Run along with the green monster’s movement to avoid touching them. Jump off the jelly to get up the upper level. You’ll need to throw a player up to grab the highest gold ore.
Diamond: Behind the waterfall.
The Drop Off
Collect the gold where you start then, both players need to head to the right. At the peak of the jelly jump you can throw a player onto the diamond. Then to the left of the diamond, throw a player up to the highest gold. Have that player drop down towards the elevator where they can grab a box. Then the player by the jump jelly needs to walk back and stand on the switch at the start of the stage. The player with the box can walk across the bridge and place the box onto the switch. Then the players can throw & grab each other across the gap to the left. Then throw a player up to collect the gold and bring down the second box. Throw & grab each other back to the start platform and use the second box to climb up towards the elevator. Throw a player up to collect the last gold.
Diamond: on top of the right and highest wall.
The Graveyard
Walk down the stairs collecting gold as you go. At the water wheel have one player stand at the bottom and the other player waiting to step onto the water wheel. I low player needs to push the wheel left and the high player pushes right then walks onto the higher ledge. Standing on the switch powers the wheel to let the lower player up. Continue walking right and up the stairs. Up the stairs you’ll find a bunch over graves that crumble when stood on. Collect the gold in the graves.
One of Kate’s journals is under the tree with an orange flag.
Diamond: under ground. Walk up elevator from the elevator and around the trees, towards a wall lantern. There’s a grave you can fall through to the left of that lantern which that leads to the diamond. Jump out the window and walk back up to the graveyard/elevator.
The Crows
The crows wont hurt you unless you’re outside of the lantern’s light. One player just needs to hold the light and walk around the stage collecting gold. The other just needs to stay in the light.
Diamond: on a high platform to the right. I throw the lantern onto the ledge then throw a player up. That player can grapple the diamond and drop back down with the lantern.
The Temple
Throw a player up on the rock to the right, have that player grapple the pole on hold the switch down. Move together to the next area. One player can sneak past the drill bot and lure it to the right. The other player can move past and collect the gold on the drill bot’s platform, then use the pole to grapple to safety. Gather the gold amongst the poles then jump onto the cube next to the jump jelly. Throw a player up to the pole, you can grab the pole while in the air if you need to. Collect the gold up top and throw down some boxes for the other player to climb up by the elevator. Don’t enter the elevator unless you want to miss the diamond.
Have both players walk Left along the top platform, back towards the start of the stage. Get the diamond, then push your way through the rocks in the wall next to the diamond. You’ll find one of the missing Astrobots and one of Kate’s journals.
Diamond: On a high ledge above the starting area. At the end of the stage walk up and around the elevator then walk left along the wall. Until reaching the diamond. Don’t miss the secret passageway next to the diamond.
Jone’s Ridge
Walk right and collect gold. Use the low section to avoid being hit by the boulder. Do the throw & grab to clear gaps.
Diamond: At the start of the boulder’s path. You’ll have to throw a player up then quickly drop back down to avoid being hit by the boulder. The boulder bounces after it’s first hit so you can stand on the two steps below the top without getting hit.
7. The factory
Marble Works
Use the jump jellies to get to the top of the stage. Have one player move down to stop the ball from rolling off the stage. Then starting rolling the ball down to the other player waiting for it. You might have to guide it a bit more, you just need it to roll down to the start of the stage. Once it’s on the switch have one player stand on the other switch and the other player collect the gold
Diamond: to the left of the elevator slightly hidden behind the wall.
The frozen Lab
Start off by moving left, stand on the switch (Flipping into reverse view). Collect the box then hit the switch again (Flipping to regular view). Place the box the left of the switch and have both players climb up to the gold. Then do a throw & grab to clear the next gap. then throw one player up to the next level. Have the lower player walk back down and get the box and the high player collect the visible gold. Have the lower player hit the switch (Flipping into reverse view) and place the box back in it’s original position. Climb on the box and collect the gold then keep walking and stand on the piston. Once on the piston have the higher player stand on the piston’s switch, raising the lower player up. Then have both players walk up the stairs and collect the gold. Hit the top switch to Flip back into regular view. Throw one bot across the gap to the gold. Have the thrown bot walk into the door and drop down into the closed section of the stage. Hit the top switch to flip into reverse view. Now the player trapped in the room can stand on a switch releasing a jelly block from the ceiling. Put that jelly block onto the switch keeping the doors open. Then get the box from outside and use that to keep the door open and bring out the jelly block. Use the Jelly block to jump up and collect the remaining gold.
One of Kate’s journals is at the top of the stage where the last gold is collected.
Diamond: To the right of the starting position, you’ll need to jelly block to jump up to it
Sparkling Falls
Collect the gold and a box in the shallow water below. Placing a box on the bottom right switch extends half the bridge. You can then throw a player or box onto the other switch to extend it fully.
Diamond: On the ledge behind the waterfall on the right. You can walk off the stairs into the water fall or throw a player into it.
Volcano Ridge
Collect the gold in at the start, then throw one player up to start collecting gold and the diamond while the other player walks along the bottom left. One player needs to stand on a switch to uncover the jump jelly for the other player to jump up, that player can then stand on the high switch to raise the other player up. Follow the gold up and left to the three switches. Place the block onto the center switch (activates the bridge) and have one player stand on the right switch (lowering the barrier) the other players needs to stand on the bridge. Then the player standing on the right Switch needs to walk on to the left switch (raising the stairs). The player on the bridge can run up and throw a jelly block down to the player on the switches. Use the jelly block to jump up and get the last gold ore. Then use the jelly to jump up to the elevator.
Diamond: Above the starting area, after throwing a player up they can climb some broken pillars up to the diamond.
The Great Falls
Start by grabbing the diamond. When the stage starts, a drill bot runs over a switch raising a piston to the right. You can throw a player across onto the piston to collect the diamond, then grapple them back to the starting spot. Throw a player across the gap to the left, then lure the drill bot away so one player can run down and collect the gold. Once you’ve got all the gold in the starting area jump off the jelly into the upper level.
Get one player to stand on the highest switch to extend a bridge then get the other player to lure the drill bot onto the bridge. Once the drill bot is on the bridge move off the highest switch, releasing the bridge and dropping the drill bot onto the switch below which extends the bridge to the right. Throw a player up and drop the box down for the other player to climb up.
Diamond: When the stage starts, a drill bot runs over a switch raising a piston to the right. You can throw a player across onto the piston to collect the diamond, then grapple them back to the starting spot.
Otho’s Lair
After waking up Otho, run along the path behind him. The darker blocks fall after being stepped on so try to leave a path for your partner. Grab the first rockets you see and stand near the spike. When you see Otho shake before it’s attack, move out of the way so it lands onto the spike and gets stunned. Throw a rocket at Otho’s red base to inflict damage.
After hurting Otho the spike disappears and the next area opens up. Run to the next covered area and throw a player across the gap. Let that player run to the next covered area and get ready to grab the other player off of the falling blocks. Just past here is the next spike where you can hurt Otho using the same technique as last time.
Again after hurting Otho a new area opens up. One player should jump up and take cover under an arch way and the other can make a run for the diamond to the left. After getting the diamond hide under the arch way and wait for an opening to throw a player up to the next ledge and drop a box down to let the other player climb up. Then do a throw & grab to cross the last gap.
There’s no spike here so the player that Otho is following needs to set up a shot for the other player. Standing next to one of the jump jelly pads general lines up a shot for the other player to jump up and hit Otho out of the air. Otho will try to follow a player without a rocket over a player with a rocket.
Diamond: located after hurting Otho a second time, on the left section of the stage, over some break away platforms.
8. The Air Duct

Diamond Cave
Climb up the pipes on the right side of the factory and throw a player up to the higher pipes. Then squeeze into the air duct. Where you’ll find the Diamond cave.
Diamonds: walk up the path and collect your diamonds.
9. The Dead Caverns
Frozen Peaks
Jump up to the left and collect the gold, then up back down and head to the right. Collect the gold to the right. Grab the jelly block and throw it to the far side of the green guy’s patrol path and have both player bounce over the gap. Then grapple the jelly block over and place it on top of the stairs, use it to jump up. With both players up top you can collect all the gold and diamond.
Diamond: At the End of the stage the diamond is above the highest golden ore. You’ll need both players to be at the top section of the stage and you can throw one player up to the diamond.
Start off by having one player walk down the stairs on the right and lure the drill bot on to the bridge. Stand on the switch and drop the bridge out from under the drill bot. Then have the other player stand on the switch up top to bring the drill bot to the top level. Once the drill bot is up on the top level have both players stand on the center piston to lure the drill bot to stand on the top switch. When the drill bot has hit the switch, throw a player other the gap to collect the gold. Once you’ve collected the gold in the top area, walk down the stairs/moving pistons to the left. Collect the gold at the bottom then throw a player up the cliff to the right of the elevator for the last gold.
One of Kate’s Journals is up just pass that last piece of gold
Diamond: located under the top piston. Have one player stand on the top switch, raising the piston. Then have the other player go under to collect the diamond.
Processing Unit
Have the player on the right pick up the box and place it on the center piston, next to the center lava falls. Then have the player on the right stand on the lower switch to raise the box up. Now the player on the left can grab the box over. Have the right player stand on their highest piston. Then the left player can throw the box at the switch on the pillar. Hitting the left switch raises the piston on the right letting the player on the right get up top to collect the gold. Have the left player pick up the box again and stand on the left piston. Have the right player stand on the switch, raising the left player to the top. Have the left player collect their gold, then throw the box back over to the right section. Have the right player pick up the box then place the box next to, but not on the lower switch. Then have the right player stand on the piston next to the lava. The player on the left can then stand on the top switch, which should push the box onto the lower switch, which should raise up the player on the right. Have the left player drop down and grab them over to the right. Go and collect the diamond on the right side of the map. Then use the jelly block to jump up back to the left side of the stage. Do a throw and grab to clear the gap to the left and collect the last bit of gold.
Diamond: Across a gap on the right side of the stage. You’ll need to get both players onto the right side of the stage, then you can throw one player across to collect the diamond.
10. The Mountainside
Inner Mountain
Once you stand on a block it will light up, then it will fall if no players are standing on it. The elevator is at the start of the stage so you’ll need to leave squares near the start to have something to walk back on. I prefer to move clock-wise around the stage. Using your grapple to collect gold to leave extra platforms standing. So do that to keep as many spare platforms around as you can.
Diamond: At the bottom of the stage. If you’re standing 3 block away (just to the left of the lowest gold) you can throw a player over the gold onto the block between the gold a diamond. You can then grapple the gold and diamond. Then be grabbed back towards the left.
11. The Dead Desert
Slingshot Ridge
Read Kate’s journal at the start it’s next to the fire in the behind the pillars. Then have one player grapple on the sling shot and have the other player grapple the player. Have the player holding the other player walk down and left from the sling shot to line up a shot over the gap. Release the player and shoot them across the gap. have the player across the gap place a box onto the switch to extend a bridge. The diamond is in a little nook in the wall above the stack of boxes. Keep moving the right/ down the stairs. Jump up to the next sling shot and use it to shoot a player up high and to the right. They can then drop a jelly block down for the other player to jump up, collect the gold and finish together.
Diamond: In a little nook in the wall above the stack of boxes. You can build stairs with the boxes and clear out the boxes blocking the diamond
Actual Headquarters
Go read Kate’s journal, it’s down the stairs to the left.
Collect the gold, then get the box that the green monsters are circling around. Use the box to get the gold above the switch. Then have one player stand on the center switch while also holding the box. Have the other player stand on the left switch, raising the player with the box up. Throw to box up onto the upper section of the map. Have both players jump down and use the sling shot to shoot a player up the loop to the top section of the map. The player up top can collect the gold and use the box to climb a ledge up and keep moving right. Then walk down the stairs can grab the other player across the gap. walk up the stairs and throw & grab each other across the last gap.
Don’t collect the last gold until both players are standing on top of the elevator. Collecting the last gold while standing on the elevator raises you up to find a secret area.
Diamond: The switch on the right raises a wall next to the switch. While standing on the switch grapple into the cave to collect the diamond.
The Temple
Grab a rocket and destroy the crumbling wall. Then grab another rocket and carry it with you (if you want the diamond). Throw & grab across the gap and walk up stairs and onto the giant drill bot. follow the river up steam to the graveyard. In the back wall behind the two large pillars there is a crumbling wall. Break the wall with a rocket and collect the diamond. Go back down the river and cross to the other side and get in the tank. Only one player can be in the tank, let the other player stand on top. Otherwise someone has to walk a long way up the hill. Once you’re at the top, you’ll get a check point.
Now you’re trying to collect 4 colored cubes to place in the four white spots. Start off by grabbing a rocket, then have both players move to the right corner. Throw the player with the rocket up to the jump pad, then have them jump off the pad, up the crumbing wall. Throw the rocket at the wall and bring the yellow block down. Both players should head back to where a new rocket spawned.
Grab a new rocket then climb to the top of the stairs in the water, then throw the rocket up/left at the crumbing wall (opening a new cave). Use a new rocket to hold down the pink/left switch. Then use the yellow block to have both players climb up to the top of the left staircase (where you just opened a cave). Throw a player into the cave and bring down the pink block.
Now use the rocket to hold down the blue switch on the right extending a bridge so both players can walk to the top corner where the slingshot is. Throw one player and one block up the first large step, then have that player climb on the block to the top/pink switch. They need to stand on the switch to lower the piston on the left. Have the low player with the other block stand on the lowered piston. Have the high player move off the switch raising the other player up. Grab them across the gap and place their block onto the top/pink switch. Then throw one player onto the piston that extends out from the wall. They can then grab the sling shot, and can be shot up into the top corner where the last two blocks are. Throw all the boxes down and bring all four, to the four squares with white lights in the center.
Then place the cubes on their Squares.
Top: Blue
Right: Green
Bottom: Pink
Left: Yellow
Diamond: Follow the river up steam to the graveyard. In the back wall behind the two large pillars there a crumbling wall. Break the wall with a rocket and collect the diamond.
12. The Rose Caverns
Drillbot Lane
Walk down the ledge to the right then throw one of the player over the horde of drill bots. Have them run away to the right and get into the tank/bull dozer on the right side of the stage. Use the tank to destroy all the drill bots. Park the tank between the steps and the platform with a jelly block on it near where the drill bots were. Have both players walk up onto the tank, then throw a player up to get the jelly block. Bring the jelly block down and stand on top of the tank. Then drive back to the right side of the stage. Use the jelly block the jump up the where the diamond is. Have both players jump up to reach Kate’s journal. Drop back down and bring the jelly block and tank back over to the left. Park the tank between the low steps and ledge leading back the start of the stage. Throw the jelly block to the ledge then throw & grab each other across the gap. Use the jelly block to jump back up to the start where the elevator is.
Diamond: Above the right section of the stage on what looks like a watch tower. You’ll need the jelly block to jump up.
Jone’s Trap
Jump off the stage to the lava below to collect the diamond. Use the jump jelly to get back up. Collect the gold in the starting area and head to the right of the stage. The dark blocks with the circle symbol will fall and the blocks with the gold or blocky symbol wont fall. Just treat the blocks with circles on them like gaps you have to throw & grab each other across. Collect the gold then extend the bridge at the top of the stage to have both players can exit.
Diamond: There’s some platforms off the stage, just below the lava fall. Just walk off the stage at the start and collect the diamond.
The Dam
Park the tank on the left most piston, then get out. Throw one player up on to the tank, then stand on the switch. That should raise the tank and player up high enough to walk onto the high ledge and get the diamond.
Then have one player get into the tank destroy and some drill bots. Use the pistons to raise the tank up and destroy the drill bots on the center platform. The tank driver can get out and collect the gold around the center platform. Then park the tank on the piston bridge, next to the high platform in the center. Exit the tank and stand to the right of the piston bridge. Lower the pistons then climb onto the tank. Raise the pistons again, the player on the tank should be able to get the high up gold.
Then drive back and get the player by the switch to ride on top of the tank. Drive over the to left drill bots platform and have the riding player hop off the tank and collect the gold, then jump back up on the tank. Drive both players over to the right where the elevator is and exit.
Diamond: At the start park the tank on the left most piston, then get out. Throw one player up on to the tank, then stand on the switch. That should raise the tank and player up height enough to walk onto the high ledge and get the diamond.
The Drillbot Factory
When a drill bot is destroyed It spawns again in a few seconds. So use the tank to distract the drill bots but leave them alive, while the other player drops down and collects gold. Drill bots explode after 10 or 15 seconds, so watch for the green lights to flash red when a new drill bot is spawning in. once the gold in the pit is collected use the tank to ferry a player to the gold on the platforms.
Diamond: In the Drill bot spawner on the far right. You’ll need to shoot your grapple into the hole to pull the diamond out.
13. The Old Watchtower
Reaching Bedrock
Use team work to distract drill bots. Try running counter clock wise to avoid the two green monsters. Don't forget to grab kate's journal next to the elevator.
Diamond: on the far right corner of the maze, use you’re grappling hook to avoid walking deep into the dead end.
Mother jelly
Use the jump jellies to jump up the top of the stage. Once you’re at the area with all the gold, start placing jelly blocks to climb up the back wall. Move into the bushes at the top of the wall and you’ll find the second Astro Bot. Talk to the Astor bot then go back and collect all the gold.
Diamond: on top of the back wall, use the jelly back to scale the back wall. Don’t miss the secret while you’re up there.
Angry Birds
Pick up the lantern and move down the stairs to the second lantern. Each player uses their light to shepherd the crows into the top corner. Once all the crows are in the corner place a lantern onto the top left switch to raise the cage, trapping the crows.
Place the second lantern onto the center switch, raising the middle bridge. Then have one player stand on right most switch, extending a bridge to the middle bridge. And have the other player walk out onto the middle bridge. Then have the player that’s standing on the right switch, move and stand on the bottom switch (extending bridge to the gold). The player on the bridge can collect the gold then move back onto the middle bridge. Hold the right switch again to let the stranded player walk back to the elevator.
Diamond: hidden in some bushes in the left corner of the stage.
Rube’s Assembly
The player that spawns on the right picks up the jelly bock then walks left (towards the row of switches). The player that spawned left, needs to walk up the stairs and jump up to level above, then stands on the switch to let the player with the jelly block walk left and also jump up a level. Once both players and the jelly block are up a level, they can throw & grab each other to the right while also bring the jelly block with them. You need to place the jelly block between the two high up switches that control the high bridges. The other player needs to move up the top of the stage next to the ball.
While one player is standing on a switch to uncover the top jump jelly, the other can push the ball right onto the jump jelly. After pushing the ball, that player needs to drop down a level. Once the ball jumps off the jelly the lower player needs to jump off the jelly block to stand on switch above them, removing a bridge blocking the top gap. That allows the ball to fall down into the map. Hopefully the top player has already dropped down to stop the ball from roll off to the left. Push the ball back down (to the right) and let it roll down. If you want to get the diamond now be careful to not hit the switch at the top of the stage (That switch resets the ball to the top of the stage).
Have both player head down to the switch between two jump jellies. Then leave the jelly block on the switch that controls the wall in the middle of the row of switches. Now the ball should be freely rolling on the row of switches. Both players can head to the bottom of the stage and run through the doors as they open and close. Then throw a player up to collect all the gold and exit through the elevator.
Diamond: in the top right corner of the map. Use the jelly block to jump up along the top of stage and collect the diamond
14. The Mountain Core
The Final Stretch
Start running up the stairs, throw one player up onto the high ledge to collect the gold and run under the pistons. The other player runs right along the pipes then needs to climb some boxes to get up. The diamond is around this corner before climbing the stairs.
Once you’re at the top of the stairs, pick up two boxes and jump up off jelly place the two boxes on the left and middle switch, then use a box to climb the up lowest piston, and one more box at the top to get up to the ledge with large door on it. Both players need to jump up off the jelly and then throw & grab each other over the gap. You should get a check point here as long as you’ve collected all the gold so far.
Keep moving up/right and collecting gold. Split up to collect the gold above and below the lava river. Pull the player above the river to the other player to help them avoid the drill bot, then throw and grab to get above the river and head up the stairs to the next jump jelly.
Once you’ve jumped up throw a player across the river to collect the gold and keep climb up the mountain. When you come to two pistons with switches on them you’ll need to throw one player up the left to go stand on the left piston. That will lower the right piston so the other player can stand on it. Standing on the right piston raises the left player up so they can move off the piston onto higher ground. When the left player moves off the right piston raises up as well. You should get a check point here if you’ve collected all the gold.
Run up the stairs, through the green monster path and throw one player up onto the low part of the top wall so they can run to the switch and open the fence gate. Once the lower player is through the gate keep running up the mountain.
Jump up off another jelly to the next area. Then place the jelly block on the switch and have both players stand on the lower piston. Grapple the jelly block off the switch, then use the jelly block to jump up to the next area. Then throw one player up to the gold and keep running up along the rail tracks. At the gap in the rail tracks the player up top needs to drop down a grab the other player across. Head up the rail tracks a bit, then drop down/right onto the stairs. Climb the stairs and collect the last pieces of gold.
Diamond: before the first check point at the base of the large stairs. Initial it’s hidden behind a wall but gets reveled when the camera turns.
The Core
Pick up a rocket and carry it up the mountain, you’ll have to throw grab each other across a few gaps before coming to a boulder with cracks that’s blocking your way. Blow up the boulder with the rocket and continue up the side of the mountain. Once you pass the broken elevator stay together and descend on the left. The camera will flip and you can begin your final boss battle.
None of the golem’s attacks will hurt you, they just push you around, sometimes pushing you into the lava. So don’t worry to much about avoiding attacks as long as you’re not near the edge of the arena. Standing right under the golems head is pretty safe since most of it’s attacks will miss you.
Start off by throwing a player to get a rocket from the right side of the arena. Then place the rocket on the ground in front of the golem. Then throw a player up onto the wooden scaffolding, they can then climb up and hold the switch to reveal the golems weak point. The Diamond is left to this switch, behind a wall. The player below can then throw the rocket at the golem’s heart to inflict damage. You’ll get a check point after damaging the golem.
Have the player up top drop down so you can go get another rocket. This time you’ll need to wait for the golem’s left hand to be low to ground. When It’s hand it low, you can throw a player on top so they can reach the switch again. When the golem’s chest opens throw another rocket at it’s heart. The golem will move a boulder to cover the rocket spawner and you’ll get a check point.
Now move down to where the boulder was and keep walking to get another rocket. You should use this rocket to destroy the rock covering the rocket spawner since you’ll get a check point and a closer spawner for more rockets. Again wait for the golem’s left hand to be low to ground. When It’s hand it low, you can throw a player on top so they can reach the switch again. When the golem’s chest opens throw another rocket at it’s heart.
Now you can collect the golem’s life core and repair the Astro Bot space ship.
Diamond: behind a wall to the left of the switch that opens the golem’s chest.
15. Over World Diamonds

Talk to the computer to the left of the giant skull in the first area. It gives you a gem if you listen to it’s entire speech.
Talk to the computer to the right of the old watch tower to do a race, beating the race under 45 seconds gives you a gem and beating the race under 30 seconds gives an achievement.
16. Kate's Goodbye

After defeating the golem and collecting the life core, the end cinematic plays. Once you’re back at the main menu load back into your save file. If you’ve read most of the Kate’s journals, you should now see an empty launch pad, just below the stairs to the mountain core, with Kate’s last journal.
17. Hat Store

If you've followed my guide you should have enough diamonds to buy all the hats in the shop. And after you find a missing Astrobots on The Temple and Mother Jelly stages, they will open new sections of the hat shop. Go buy all the hats for the hat related achievements.
18. Hidden achievements
Throw your friend off within 10 seconds of starting a level.

Find Kate's launchpad and her final diary entry.
Kate's launchpad appears after find around 70% kate's diaries, at least one lost astro bot and beating the final boss.

Level Up!
Find the secret arcade. There's a sercet area in the Dead Desert on the Actual Headquarters level.
Don’t collect the last gold until both players are standing on top of the elevator. Collecting the last gold while standing on the elevator raises you up to find a secret area.

What Are You Doing Up There?
After starting a new file and watching the intro you can walk behind the 'T' in pitfall planet and jump up on top of the pitfall planet logo and get this achievement.
19 件のコメント
RedC! 2024年6月5日 11時05分 
@Black Heretic

Thank you a lot for the help !
Black Heretic 2023年6月22日 10時02分 
I wanted to share a tip for the Betrayal achievement and, since there's this guide already, I'll just add a comment here. Initially, this achievement didn't trigger for me and I thought it was glitched, I tried throwing the teammate into the lava, then off platforms. It finally triggered by throwing the teammate close to an enemy and by letting the enemy hit them (I suppose you can directly throw your teammate against an enemy).
lolo l'Alcoolo 2020年3月19日 13時32分 
thx man ! I completed all the achievements now
Gummiebearnz 2020年2月5日 21時08分 
Mr. Popsicle is found in Sewage treatment, stage A Cold Ending. Bottom left of screen there is a cave, enter and turn right. This rotates the screen and ta da!
lolo l'Alcoolo 2019年8月8日 2時49分 
Hey ! I had lots of fun playing this game with my buddy. I'd like to complete all the achievements but I can't find the robot hidden in the temple map even with your explanations. Could you give me more information about his location or send a picture ? the other one I haven't is "Mr. Popsicle" which doesn't have a description so I don't know what to do.
Sikosis 2018年5月1日 22時34分 
I just wish I could press a button to break out of being held by the other player ... would save a lot of shouting "PUT ME DOWN" to my son. :steamsad:
Sweet Ninja  [作成者] 2018年3月9日 22時31分 
Level Up!
Find the secret arcade. There's a sercet area in the Dead Desert on the Actual Headquarters level.
Don’t collect the last gold until both players are standing on top of the elevator. Collecting the last gold while standing on the elevator raises you up to find a secret area.
Santa 2017年7月6日 17時44分 
Can someone tell me how to get the level up achievement.
Sweet Ninja  [作成者] 2016年11月30日 23時16分 
Maybe you're missing the chimney diamond.
Mawia 2016年9月25日 4時56分 
Any idea what I'm missing? I have all gems from each level. I did the racing challenge and talked to the computer in Over world. Still I'm stuck at 99% and have 1 gem left after buying all hats, but in the guide screenshots they seem to have 2. So I'm assuming I'm missing only 1 gem. Is there a very hidden gem in the Air duct perhaps?