2,038 ratings
Ultimate List of all the Best Weapons and Infusions
By Drake Ravenwolf
The answer to every question in the form of "What would be the best weapon for an X build?" is in here, check it out!
UPDATED to include all changes up to regulation version 1.35 and DLC equipment

I hand recorded ALL of the weapons' AND shields' data at max upgrade level with ALL infusions on a character with 40 in ALL stats. No, I do not have a life. Yes, I think all of that may have driven me a little insane. Anyway, I do not believe I made any mistakes, but I am only human so if you find any errors just let me know and I'll re-check it. All my raw data is available here:

If you are looking for a spreadsheet where you can enter in your stats and sort by the resulting weapon AR, check out this guy's: (aka this link is not my work)

A few general tips:
  • Because Heavy infusion actually REMOVES DEX scaling when fully upgraded, it is only good if the weapon has no DEX scaling (eg Hammers) or if your character has no DEX to speak of. Sharp infusion reduces STR scaling, but never removes it.

  • Refined is not always better than Sharp/Heavy even at 40 STR+DEX, but all three (and Hollow infusion) can still be buffed

  • In general Raw/Fire/Deep infusions are only for early game leveling when your stats are terrible, once you start leveling up STR/DEX/INT/FTH/LCK you'll never use them again

  • Fire damage on a weapon, whether through infusion or buff, provides an additional stagger effect against many enemies

  • Even if it looks like good scaling, never put Simple/Blessed on a weapon; better to put it on your off-hand if you want the passive effects or use the Miracle: Blessed Weapon if you want the bonus damage vs skeletons - the AR deficits basically make them obsolete but for one exception talked about below, it is better to use Crystal or Lightning infusion in place of Simple / Blessed

  • Weapons with Bleed or Poison already on them benefit more from a Poison/Bleed(opposite) infusion, but the reduction in AR is too much to ever justify using either one except on a super-fast weapon

  • Hollow infusion varies greatly from being worse than Refined/Sharp/Heavy to being quite valuable depending on the weapon, Hollow infusion also gives +5 Luck at 16+ Hollowing.
    Refer to the section dedicated to this infusion for top performers

  • A common question I keep seeing “Is it better to buff or infuse?” Generally speaking; you get the highest burst damage from an infusion that still allows buffing eg. Heavy/Sharp/Refined/Raw/Hollow (which ever sees the highest AR) Buffing takes time, has a limited duration, and in PvP can be removed from you with a Duel Charm. So while this route offers the best burst damage, infusion along other routes offers consistency eg. Crystal for INT specs, Lightning for FTH specs, or Chaos/Dark for INT+FTH builds. Which is more important is up to you, burst or consistency.
It is important to note that DS3 (unlike DS2) penalizes split damage type weapons and lower attack rating but faster hitting weapons. This is not to say that such weapons are objectively bad, simply that such weapons will likely do less DPS than you would expect them to. The reason for this is that DS3 returns to a system used by DS1 where in each hit received is reduced by a set amount and split damage type weapons are subjected to that multiple times, once for each damage type.

So just as an example let's take three hypothetical weapons; Weapon A does 300 damage per swing and is all physical, Weapon B does 150 damage per swing but can hit twice in the time it would take Weapon A to hit once, and Weapon C is the same as Weapon A except it does 100 physical + 100 magic + 100 fire damage.

Our hypothetical mob has armor that absorbs the first 20 damage of any damage type; thus in the same amount of time Weapon A would do 280 damage, Weapon B would do 130+130=260 damage, and Weapon C would do 80+80+80=240 damage.
Master of Infusion
This section is not a comprehensive list, but here are some ideas on what to infuse for the achievement without "wasting" the mats and souls. If you want to see more results like this check the spreadsheet.

Splitleaf Greatsword



Dragonslayer's Axe

Harald Curved Greatsword

Simple: Pick one, sorted from MOST Physical Absorption to LEAST
Lothric Knight Greatshield
Target Shield
Small Leather Shield

Fire: Pick one based on how much STR you plan to have
Black Iron Greatshield
Hawkwood's Shield

Chaos: Pick one
Drakeblood Greatsword
*Great Corvian Scythe

Lothric Knight Shield

Blessed: Pick one, sorted from receiving the MOST benefit to receiving the LEAST
Lothric Knight Greatsword
Parrying Dagger

Deep: Pick one based on how much STR you plan to have
Cathedral Greatshield
Wargod Wooden Shield

Dark: Pick one
Drakeblood Greatsword
*Great Corvian Scythe

Blood: Pick one, sorted from receiving the LEAST penalty to receiving the MOST
Plank Shield
Ghru Rotshield
Rotten Ghru Dagger
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
Rotten Ghru Spear

Poison: Pick one
Plank Shield
Spiked Shield

Astora Straight Sword

*Great Corvian Scythe causes bleed build up on YOU with each strike which is why I consider it a throw away for Chaos/Dark infusion on a character that is not already focused on capping both INT AND FTH
Numbers before an infused weapon represents the change in AR from an un-infused version of the same weapon.

Butcher Knife+10
Fume Ultra Greatsword+5

+50 - Heavy Splitleaf Greatsword +10
+7 - Heavy Harald Curved Greatsword+10
-26 - Heavy Winged Spear+10

Ledo's Great Hammer +5
Millwood Greatbow +5
Quakestone Hammer +5
Yhorm's Great Machete+5

+38 - Heavy Spiked Mace+10
+38 - Heavy Winged Knight Halberd+10
+37 - Heavy Warpick+10
+35 - Heavy Giant Door Shield +10
+35 - Heavy Pickaxe+10
+33 - Heavy Great Club+10
+32 - Heavy Great Wooden Hammer+10
+32 - Heavy Morning Star+10
+32 - Heavy Reinforced Club+10
+30 - Heavy Club+10
+28 - Heavy Mace+10
+25 - Heavy Blacksmith Hammer+10
+23 - Heavy Drang Hammers+10
+22 - Heavy Large Club+10
+14 - Heavy Cathedral Knight Greatsword+10
+14 - Heavy Millwood Battle Axe +10
+11 - Heavy Great Machete+10
+1 - Heavy Exil Greatsword+10
0 - Heavy Murky Hand Scythe +10
-1 - Heavy Whip+10
-3 - Heavy Follower Javelin +10
-5 - Heavy Greatsword+10
-7 - Heavy Dagger+10
-7 - Heavy Parrying Dagger+10
-7 - Heavy Rotten Ghru Dagger+10
-8 - Heavy Harpe+10
-10 - Heavy Manikin Claws+10
-11 - Heavy Claw+10
-11 - Heavy Greatlance+10
-14 - Heavy B astard Sword+10
-14 - Heavy Claymore+10
-16 - Heavy Dark Sword+10
-17 - Heavy Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
-18 - Heavy Carthus Shotel+10
-18 - Heavy Hand Axe+10
-19 - Heavy Caestus+10
-24 - Heavy Battle Axe+10
-24 - Heavy Man Serpent Hatchet+10
-24 - Heavy Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
-24 - Heavy Sellsword Twinblades+10
-24 - Heavy Winged Knight Twinaxes+10
-25 - Heavy Rotten Ghru Curved Sword+10
-25 - Heavy Warden Twinblades+10
-26 - Heavy Brigand Axe+10
-27 - Heavy Rotten Ghru Spear+10
-27 - Heavy Spear+10
-28 - Heavy Four-Pronged Plow+10
-28 - Heavy Pike+10
-29 - Heavy Partizan+10
-29 - Heavy Zweihander+10
-31 - Heavy Crescent Axe+10
-31 - Heavy Gotthard Twinswords+10
-31 - Heavy Lothric Knight War Banner +10
-34 - Heavy Lucerne+10
-35 - Heavy Long Sword+10
-36 - Heavy Broadsword+10
-36 - Heavy Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
-37 - Heavy Rapier+10
-37 - Heavy Thrall Axe+10
-38 - Heavy Crow Quills +10
-38 - Heavy Scimitar+10
-39 - Heavy Follower Sabre +10
-40 - Heavy Ricard's Rapier+10
-41 - Heavy Great Scythe+10
-42 - Heavy Drang Twinspears+10
-42 - Heavy Red Hilted Halberd+10
-43 - Heavy Carthus Curved Sword+10
-44 - Heavy Shortsword+10
-45 - Heavy Halberd+10
-45 - Heavy Lothric Knight Sword+10
-46 - Heavy Onikiri and Ubadachi+10
-58 - Heavy Astora Greatsword+10
-60 - Heavy Murakumo+10
-66 - Heavy Great Corvian Scythe+10
Numbers before an infused weapon represents the change in AR from an un-infused version of the same weapon.

Chaos Blade+5
Pontiff Knight Great Scythe+5

+31 - Sharp Dagger+10
+29 - Sharp Rotten Ghru Dagger+10
+28 - Sharp Astora Greatsword+10
+28 - Sharp Harpe+10
+28 - Sharp Parrying Dagger+10
+20 - Sharp Crow Quills +10
+19 - Sharp Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
+17 - Sharp Murakumo+10
+16 - Sharp Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
+16 - Sharp Scimitar+10
+15 - Sharp Winged Spear+10
+12 - Sharp Great Corvian Scythe+10
+8 - Sharp Lothric Knight Sword+10

Farron Greatsword+5
Frayed Blade +5
Friede's Great Scythe +5
Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10

+62 - Sharp Warpick+10
+55 - Sharp Splitleaf Greatsword +10
+41 - Sharp Winged Knight Halberd+10
+37 - Sharp Spiked Mace+10
+36 - Sharp Cathedral Knight Greatsword+10
+35 - Hollow Scimitar+10
+34 - Hollow Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
+34 - Sharp Blacksmith Hammer+10
+32 - Sharp Crow Talons +10
+31 - Sharp Pickaxe+10
+30 - Sharp Whip+10
+29 - Sharp Club+10
+29 - Sharp Large Club+10
+28 - Sharp Giant Door Shield +10
+28 - Sharp Great Wooden Hammer+10
+27 - Sharp Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
+27 - Sharp Reinforced Club+10
+25 - Sharp Drang Hammers+10
+24 - Sharp Great Club+10
+24 - Sharp Morning Star+10
+22 - Sharp Manikin Claws+10
+21 - Sharp Rotten Ghru Curved Sword+10
+20 - Sharp Sellsword Twinblades+10
+19 - Sharp Claw+10
+18 - Sharp Lucerne+10
+18 - Sharp Murky Hand Scythe +10
+17 - Sharp Pike+10
+17 - Sharp Red Hilted Halberd+10
+16 - Sharp Spear+10
+15 - Sharp Brigand Twindaggers+10
+15 - Sharp Lothric Knight Long Spear+10
+14 - Sharp Falchion+10
+14 - Sharp Lothric Knight War Banner +10
+13 - Sharp Crescent Axe+10
+12 - Sharp Carthus Shotel+10
+12 - Sharp Great Scythe+10
+12 - Sharp Millwood Battle Axe +10
+12 - Sharp Warden Twinblades+10
+11 - Sharp Estoc+10
+11 - Sharp Harald Curved Greatsword+10
+10 - Sharp Rapier+10
+9 - Sharp Gotthard Twinswords+10
+9 - Sharp Ricard's Rapier+10
+9 - Sharp Uchigatana+10
+6 - Sharp Blackblade+10
+6 - Sharp Follower Javelin +10
+5 - Sharp Halberd+10
+5 - Sharp Shotel+10
+4 - Sharp Carthus Curved Sword+10
+4 - Sharp Four-Pronged Plow+10
+4 - Sharp Rotten Ghru Spear+10
+4 - Sharp Shortsword+10
+3 - Sharp Barbed Straight Sword+10
+2 - Sharp B astard Sword+10
+2 - Sharp Caestus+10
+2 - Sharp Long Sword+10
+1 - Sharp Claymore+10
0 - Sharp Broken Straight Sword+10
0 - Sharp Partizan+10
-1 - Sharp Washing Pole+10
-2 - Sharp Onikiri and Ubadachi+10
-4 - Sharp Follower Sabre +10
-5 - Sharp Dark Sword+10
-5 - Sharp Drang Twinspears+10
-6 - Sharp Greatsword+10
-6 - Sharp Hand Axe+10
-10 - Sharp Broadsword+10
-13 - Sharp Zweihander+10
-78 - Blood Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
-78 - Poison Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
-80 - Blood Scimitar+10
-80 - Poison Scimitar+10
Numbers before an infused weapon represents the change in AR from an un-infused version of the same weapon.

+55 - Refined Mace+10
+54 - Refined Warpick+10
+49 - Refined Drang Hammers+10
+27 - Refined Manikin Claws+10
+21 - Refined Harpe+10
+21 - Refined Rotten Ghru Dagger+10
+19 - Refined Dark Sword+10
+16 - Refined Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
+16 - Refined Dagger+10
+16 - Refined Exil Greatsword+10
+16 - Refined Harald Curved Greatsword+10
+12 - Refined Long Sword+10
+12 - Refined Scimitar+10
+11 - Refined Gotthard Twinswords+10
+11 - Refined Great Corvian Scythe+10
+11 - Refined Lothric Knight Sword+10
+11 - Refined Lothric Knight War Banner +10
+11 - Refined Winged Spear+10
+10 - Refined Shortsword+10
+9 - Refined Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
+6 - Refined Hand Axe+10
+4 - Refined Thrall Axe+10
+2 - Refined Astora Greatsword+10
0 - Refined Murakumo+10

+13 - Refined Follower Javelin +10
+2 - Refined Zweihander+10

Farron Greatsword+5 gets C/A scaling
Great Corvian Scythe+10
Winged Spear+10

+42 - Hollow Great Corvian Scythe+10
+41 - Hollow Winged Spear+10
-88 - Blood Winged Spear+10
-88 - Poison Winged Spear+10
-92 - Blood Great Corvian Scythe+10
-92 - Poison Great Corvian Scythe+10
Numbers before an infused weapon represents the change in AR from an un-infused version of the same weapon.

Court Sorcerer's Staff+10
Preacher's Right Arm +5

+132 - Crystal Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
+129 - Simple Harald Curved Greatsword+10
+126 - Crystal Astora Greatsword+10
+118 - Crystal Great Corvian Scythe+10
+115 - Crystal Murakumo+10
+114 - Crystal Lothric Knight Sword+10
+111 - Crystal Scimitar+10
+110 - Crystal Winged Spear+10
+109 - Crystal Shortsword+10
+108 - Crystal Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
+107 - Simple Exil Greatsword+10
+94 - Simple Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
+91 - Simple Dagger+10
+91 - Simple Greatsword+10
+90 - Crystal Onikiri and Ubadachi+10
+88 - Simple Zweihander+10
+86 - Simple Four-Pronged Plow+10
+85 - Simple Crow Quills +10
+85 - Simple Great Corvian Scythe+10
+84 - Crystal Drang Twinspears+10
+84 - Simple Astora Greatsword+10
+82 - Simple Lothric Knight Sword+10
+81 - Simple Pike+10
+81 - Simple Scimitar+10
+80 - Simple Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
+80 - Simple Winged Spear+10
+79 - Simple Caestus+10
+77 - Simple Shortsword+10
+76 - Simple Gotthard Twinswords+10
+76 - Simple Lothric Knight War Banner +10
+76 - Simple Rotten Ghru Spear+10
+76 - Simple Thrall Axe+10
+74 - Simple Murakumo+10
+69 - Simple Halberd+10
+67 - Simple Great Scythe+10
+66 - Simple Hand Axe+10
+66 - Simple Partizan+10
+64 - Simple Long Sword+10
+64 - Simple Lothric Knight Long Spear+10
+64 - Simple Spear+10
+62 - Simple Broadsword+10
+62 - Simple Ricard's Rapier+10
+59 - Simple Rapier+10
+58 - Simple Dark Sword+10
+58 - Simple Onikiri and Ubadachi+10
+56 - Simple Follower Sabre +10
+55 - Simple Carthus Curved Sword+10
+55 - Simple Follower Javelin +10
+54 - Simple Drang Twinspears+10

Caitha's Chime+5
Cleric's Candlestick+10
Crystal Sage's Rapier+5
Friede's Great Scythe +5
Heretic's Staff+10
Heysel Pick+5
Immolation Tinder+5
Izalith Staff+5
Mendicant's Staff+10
Murky Longstaff +10
Sage's Crystal Staff+5
Sorcerer's Staff+10
Storyteller's Staff+10
Sunless Talisman+5

+177 - Crystal Harald Curved Greatsword+10
+157 - Crystal Exil Greatsword+10
+146 - Crystal Splitleaf Greatsword +10
+145 - Crystal Greatsword+10
+138 - Crystal Mace+10
+134 - Crystal Warpick+10
+134 - Crystal Zweihander+10
+129 - Crystal Reinforced Club+10
+128 - Crystal Great Club+10
+127 - Crystal Cathedral Knight Greatsword+10
+125 - Crystal Club+10
+125 - Crystal Rotten Ghru Dagger+10
+124 - Crystal Harpe+10
+123 - Crystal B astard Sword+10
+123 - Crystal Brigand Twindaggers+10
+123 - Crystal Claymore+10
+121 - Crystal Four-Pronged Plow+10
+121 - Crystal Parrying Dagger+10
+118 - Crystal Crow Talons +10
+118 - Crystal Drang Hammers+10
+116 - Crystal Broken Straight Sword+10
+116 - Crystal Pike+10
+115 - Crystal Brigand Axe+10
+115 - Crystal Dagger+10
+113 - Crystal Claw+10
+111 - Crystal Rotten Ghru Spear+10
+111 - Crystal Thrall Axe+10
+110 - Crystal Caestus+10
+109 - Crystal Gotthard Twinswords+10
+109 - Crystal Lothric Knight War Banner +10
+109 - Crystal Manikin Claws+10
+109 - Crystal Millwood Battle Axe +10
+108 - Crystal Falchion+10
+108 - Crystal Halberd+10
+106 - Crystal Carthus Shotel+10
+106 - Crystal Lucerne+10
+106 - Crystal Shotel+10
+104 - Crystal Battle Axe+10
+104 - Crystal Crow Quills +10
+104 - Crystal Man Serpent Hatchet+10
+103 - Crystal Rotten Ghru Curved Sword+10
+102 - Crystal Hand Axe+10
+102 - Crystal Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
+101 - Crystal Greatlance+10
+101 - Simple Splitleaf Greatsword +10
+100 - Crystal Crescent Axe+10
+100 - Crystal Great Scythe+10
+100 - Crystal Partizan+10
+100 - Crystal Sellsword Twinblades+10
+99 - Crystal Broadsword+10
+99 - Crystal Lothric Knight Long Spear+10
+99 - Simple Harpe+10
+99 - Simple Rotten Ghru Dagger+10
+98 - Crystal Long Sword+10
+98 - Crystal Murky Hand Scythe +10
+98 - Simple Mace+10
+97 - Simple Brigand Twindaggers+10
+97 - Simple Parrying Dagger+10
+96 - Crystal Spear+10
+96 - Simple Great Wooden Hammer+10
+95 - Simple Warpick+10
+94 - Crystal Warden Twinblades+10
+93 - Crystal Dark Sword+10
+93 - Crystal Ricard's Rapier+10
+93 - Simple Blacksmith Hammer+10
+90 - Crystal Winged Knight Twinaxes+10
+90 - Simple Giant Door Shield +10
+90 - Simple Reinforced Club+10
+89 - Crystal Follower Sabre +10
+89 - Crystal Rapier+10
+88 - Crystal Carthus Curved Sword+10
+88 - Crystal Red Hilted Halberd+10
+88 - Simple Broken Straight Sword+10
+88 - Simple Club+10
+87 - Crystal Blackblade+10
+87 - Crystal Follower Javelin +10
+85 - Simple Crow Talons +10
+82 - Crystal Barbed Straight Sword+10
+82 - Simple Claw+10
+81 - Crystal Uchigatana+10
+81 - Simple Drang Hammers+10
+80 - Simple B astard Sword+10
+80 - Simple Claymore+10
+80 - Simple Manikin Claws+10
+78 - Simple Cathedral Knight Greatsword+10
+78 - Simple Great Club+10
+77 - Simple Whip+10
+76 - Simple Brigand Axe+10
+72 - Crystal Estoc+10
+72 - Simple Carthus Shotel+10
+70 - Simple Rotten Ghru Curved Sword+10
+69 - Simple Falchion+10
+67 - Simple Lucerne+10
+67 - Simple Sellsword Twinblades+10
+66 - Simple Millwood Battle Axe +10
+65 - Simple Greataxe+10
+64 - Simple Battle Axe+10
+64 - Simple Man Serpent Hatchet+10
+64 - Simple Pickaxe+10
+64 - Simple Spiked Mace+10
+64 - Simple Warden Twinblades+10
+63 - Crystal Washing Pole+10
+63 - Simple Crescent Axe+10
+62 - Simple Great Machete+10
+61 - Simple Greatlance+10
+61 - Simple Large Club+10
+56 - Simple Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
+51 - Simple Winged Knight Twinaxes+10
+50 - Simple Blackblade+10
+49 - Simple Shotel+10
+48 - Simple Red Hilted Halberd+10
+47 - Simple Barbed Straight Sword+10
+45 - Simple Uchigatana+10
+38 - Simple Estoc+10
+33 - Simple Murky Hand Scythe +10
+27 - Simple Washing Pole+10
-3 - Simple Drakeblood Greatsword+10

Darkmoon Longbow+5 while only B rank scaling deserves mention
Numbers before an infused weapon represents the change in AR from an un-infused version of the same weapon.

Archdeacon's Great Staff+5
Cleric's Sacred Chime+10
Saint's Talisman+10
Yorshka's Chime+10

+132 - Lightning Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
+126 - Lightning Astora Greatsword+10
+118 - Lightning Great Corvian Scythe+10
+115 - Lightning Murakumo+10
+114 - Lightning Lothric Knight Sword+10
+111 - Lightning Scimitar+10
+110 - Lightning Winged Spear+10
+109 - Lightning Shortsword+10
+108 - Lightning Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
+90 - Lightning Onikiri and Ubadachi+10
+84 - Lightning Drang Twinspears+10
+33 - Blessed Dagger+10
+19 - Blessed Harald Curved Greatsword+10
+17 - Blessed Great Corvian Scythe+10
+13 - Blessed Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
+13 - Blessed Scimitar+10
+11 - Blessed Winged Spear+10
+7 - Blessed Caestus+10
+7 - Blessed Crow Quills +10
+5 - Blessed Lothric Knight Sword+10
+4 - Blessed Four-Pronged Plow+10
+4 - Blessed Shortsword+10
+3 - Blessed Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
0 - Blessed Gotthard Twinswords+10
0 - Blessed Lothric Knight War Banner +10
0 - Blessed Pike+10
-3 - Blessed Rotten Ghru Spear+10
-3 - Blessed Thrall Axe+10
-4 - Blessed Exil Greatsword+10
-9 - Blessed Astora Greatsword+10
-10 - Blessed Ricard's Rapier+10
-12 - Blessed Great Scythe+10
-12 - Blessed Rapier+10
-14 - Blessed Spear+10
-15 - Blessed Hand Axe+10
-15 - Blessed Onikiri and Ubadachi+10
-15 - Blessed Partizan+10
-16 - Blessed Long Sword+10
-18 - Blessed Drang Twinspears+10
-18 - Blessed Murakumo+10
-18 - Blessed Zweihander+10
-19 - Blessed Lothric Knight Long Spear+10
-22 - Blessed Carthus Curved Sword+10
-23 - Blessed Broadsword+10
-23 - Blessed Follower Javelin +10
-23 - Blessed Follower Sabre +10
-24 - Blessed Halberd+10
-25 - Blessed Greatsword+10
-28 - Blessed Dark Sword+10

Caitha's Chime+5
Canvas Talisman+10
Golden Ritual Spear+5
Priest's Chime+10
Rose of Ariandel +5
Sacred Chime of Filianore +5
Saint-tree Bellvine+10
Sunless Talisman+5
Sunlight Talisman+10

+177 - Lightning Harald Curved Greatsword+10
+158 - Lightning Mace+10
+157 - Lightning Exil Greatsword+10
+146 - Lightning Splitleaf Greatsword +10
+145 - Lightning Greatsword+10
+134 - Lightning Warpick+10
+134 - Lightning Zweihander+10
+129 - Lightning Reinforced Club+10
+128 - Lightning Great Club+10
+127 - Lightning Cathedral Knight Greatsword+10
+125 - Lightning Club+10
+125 - Lightning Rotten Ghru Dagger+10
+124 - Lightning Harpe+10
+123 - Lightning B astard Sword+10
+123 - Lightning Brigand Twindaggers+10
+123 - Lightning Claymore+10
+121 - Lightning Four-Pronged Plow+10
+121 - Lightning Parrying Dagger+10
+119 - Lightning Greatlance+10
+118 - Lightning Crow Talons +10
+118 - Lightning Drang Hammers+10
+116 - Lightning Broken Straight Sword+10
+116 - Lightning Pike+10
+115 - Lightning Battle Axe+10
+115 - Lightning Dagger+10
+113 - Lightning Claw+10
+113 - Lightning Saint Bident+10
+111 - Lightning Rotten Ghru Spear+10
+111 - Lightning Thrall Axe+10
+110 - Lightning Caestus+10
+109 - Lightning Gotthard Twinswords+10
+109 - Lightning Lothric Knight War Banner +10
+109 - Lightning Manikin Claws+10
+109 - Lightning Millwood Battle Axe +10
+108 - Lightning Falchion+10
+108 - Lightning Halberd+10
+106 - Lightning Carthus Shotel+10
+106 - Lightning Lucerne+10
+106 - Lightning Shotel+10
+104 - Lightning Crow Quills +10
+104 - Lightning Man Serpent Hatchet+10
+103 - Lightning Rotten Ghru Curved Sword+10
+102 - Lightning Hand Axe+10
+101 - Lightning Brigand Axe+10
+100 - Lightning Crescent Axe+10
+100 - Lightning Great Scythe+10
+100 - Lightning Partizan+10
+100 - Lightning Sellsword Twinblades+10
+99 - Lightning Broadsword+10
+99 - Lightning Lothric Knight Long Spear+10
+98 - Lightning Long Sword+10
+98 - Lightning Murky Hand Scythe +10
+96 - Lightning Spear+10
+94 - Lightning Warden Twinblades+10
+93 - Lightning Dark Sword+10
+93 - Lightning Ricard's Rapier+10
+90 - Lightning Winged Knight Twinaxes+10
+89 - Lightning Follower Sabre +10
+89 - Lightning Rapier+10
+88 - Lightning Carthus Curved Sword+10
+88 - Lightning Red Hilted Halberd+10
+87 - Lightning Blackblade+10
+87 - Lightning Follower Javelin +10
+86 - Blessed Lothric Knight Greatsword+10*
+82 - Lightning Barbed Straight Sword+10
+81 - Lightning Uchigatana+10
+72 - Lightning Estoc+10
+63 - Lightning Washing Pole+10
+58 - Lightning Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
+56 - Blessed Drakeblood Greatsword+10
+41 - Blessed Harpe+10
+41 - Blessed Parrying Dagger+10
+40 - Blessed Rotten Ghru Dagger+10
+31 - Blessed Brigand Twindaggers+10
+25 - Blessed Broken Straight Sword+10
+12 - Blessed Manikin Claws+10
+10 - Blessed Claw+10
+9 - Blessed Crow Talons +10
+2 - Blessed Mace+10
+2 - Blessed Warpick+10
+1 - Blessed Blacksmith Hammer+10
-1 - Blessed Reinforced Club+10
-1 - Blessed Whip+10
-3 - Blessed Club+10
-3 - Blessed Giant Door Shield +10
-5 - Blessed Splitleaf Greatsword +10
-8 - Blessed Warden Twinblades+10
-10 - Blessed Drang Hammers+10
-10 - Blessed Great Wooden Hammer+10
-10 - Blessed Sellsword Twinblades+10
-11 - Blessed Carthus Shotel+10
-11 - Blessed Rotten Ghru Curved Sword+10
-12 - Blessed Murky Hand Scythe +10
-21 - Blessed Brigand Axe+10
-21 - Blessed Falchion+10
-26 - Blessed B astard Sword+10
-26 - Blessed Claymore+10
-26 - Blessed Crescent Axe+10
-28 - Blessed Lucerne+10
-28 - Blessed Shotel+10
-32 - Blessed Battle Axe+10
-32 - Blessed Man Serpent Hatchet+10
-33 - Blessed Barbed Straight Sword+10
-34 - Blessed Greatlance+10
-36 - Blessed Cathedral Knight Greatsword+10
-37 - Blessed Estoc+10
-38 - Blessed Great Club+10
-38 - Blessed Millwood Battle Axe +10
-39 - Blessed Winged Knight Twinaxes+10
-41 - Blessed Uchigatana+10
-43 - Blessed Blackblade+10
-45 - Blessed Red Hilted Halberd+10
-46 - Blessed Pickaxe+10
-52 - Blessed Spiked Mace+10
-54 - Blessed Large Club+10
-59 - Blessed Saint Bident+10
-59 - Blessed Washing Pole+10
-65 - Blessed Great Machete+10

*Blessed Lothric Knight Greatsword+10 actually gains more AR then the lightning infusion, making this the best candidate for a blessed gem
Numbers before an infused weapon represents the change in AR from an un-infused version of the same weapon.

*In general Chaos is better for PvE and Dark is better for PvP. Fire damage adds an additional stagger versus some enemy types, while in PvP Dark is usually better due to ppl not having as much resistance to it as to fire (some stack fire resist cause of the Demon Scar) and you can punish people who wear the blindfold mask which makes them ~30% more vulnerable to Dark damage

Caitha's Chime+5
Sunless Talisman+5

+246 - Chaos/Dark Harald Curved Greatsword+10
+226 - Chaos/Dark Exil Greatsword+10
+211 - Chaos/Dark Greatsword+10
+206 - Chaos/Dark Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
+201 - Chaos/Dark Zweihander+10
+199 - Chaos/Dark Astora Greatsword+10
+186 - Chaos/Dark Murakumo+10
+183 - Chaos/Dark Great Corvian Scythe+10
+171 - Chaos/Dark Lothric Knight Sword+10
+170 - Chaos/Dark Winged Spear+10
+168 - Chaos/Dark Four-Pronged Plow+10
+162 - Chaos/Dark Pike+10
+162 - Chaos/Dark Shortsword+10
+159 - Chaos/Dark Halberd+10
+157 - Chaos/Dark Gotthard Twinswords+10
+157 - Chaos/Dark Lothric Knight War Banner +10
+156 - Chaos/Dark Rotten Ghru Spear+10
+156 - Chaos/Dark Thrall Axe+10
+151 - Chaos/Dark Caestus+10
+149 - Chaos/Dark Broadsword+10
+149 - Chaos/Dark Long Sword+10
+148 - Chaos/Dark Hand Axe+10
+147 - Chaos/Dark Dagger+10
+147 - Chaos/Dark Lothric Knight Long Spear+10
+146 - Chaos/Dark Partizan+10
+145 - Chaos/Dark Crow Quills +10
+145 - Chaos/Dark Great Scythe+10
+145 - Chaos/Dark Scimitar+10
+143 - Chaos/Dark Onikiri and Ubadachi+10
+143 - Chaos/Dark Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
+141 - Chaos/Dark Spear+10
+139 - Chaos/Dark Dark Sword+10
+135 - Chaos/Dark Ricard's Rapier+10
+134 - Chaos/Dark Follower Sabre +10
+133 - Chaos/Dark Drang Twinspears+10
+132 - Chaos/Dark Carthus Curved Sword+10
+131 - Chaos/Dark Follower Javelin +10
+130 - Chaos/Dark Rapier+10

Witch's Locks+5

+192 - Chaos/Dark Splitleaf Greatsword +10
+183 - Chaos/Dark Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
+177 - Chaos/Dark Mace+10
+174 - Chaos/Dark B astard Sword+10
+174 - Chaos/Dark Cathedral Knight Greatsword+10
+174 - Chaos/Dark Claymore+10
+172 - Chaos/Dark Great Club+10
+172 - Chaos/Dark Warpick+10
+162 - Chaos/Dark Reinforced Club+10
+158 - Chaos Brigand Axe+10*
+157 - Chaos/Dark Club+10
+156 - Dark Battle Axe+10*
+154 - Chaos/Dark Lucerne+10
+154 - Chaos/Dark Rotten Ghru Dagger+10
+153 - Chaos/Dark Harpe+10
+150 - Chaos/Dark Brigand Twindaggers+10
+150 - Chaos/Dark Drang Hammers+10
+150 - Chaos/Dark Parrying Dagger+10
+149 - Chaos/Dark Crow Talons +10
+149 - Chaos/Dark Greatlance+10
+146 - Chaos/Dark Falchion+10
+146 - Chaos/Dark Millwood Battle Axe +10
+145 - Chaos/Dark Carthus Shotel+10
+145 - Chaos/Dark Crescent Axe+10
+144 - Chaos/Dark Claw+10
+143 - Chaos Battle Axe+10*
+143 - Chaos/Dark Man Serpent Hatchet+10
+142 - Chaos/Dark Broken Straight Sword+10
+142 - Chaos/Dark Rotten Ghru Curved Sword+10
+142 - Chaos/Dark Shotel+10
+142 - Dark Brigand Axe+10*
+139 - Chaos/Dark Manikin Claws+10
+135 - Chaos/Dark Sellsword Twinblades+10
+134 - Chaos/Dark Red Hilted Halberd+10
+131 - Chaos/Dark Warden Twinblades+10
+128 - Chaos Murky Hand Scythe +10*
+128 - Chaos/Dark Winged Knight Twinaxes+10
+122 - Chaos/Dark Barbed Straight Sword+10
+119 - Chaos/Dark Blackblade+10
+112 - Chaos/Dark Uchigatana+10
+107 - Chaos/Dark Estoc+10
+95 - Chaos/Dark Washing Pole+10
+62 - Dark Murky Hand Scythe +10*

*Battle Axe+10, Brigand Axe+10 and Murky Hand Scythe +10 actually have different stats between Chaos and Dark infusions

Izalith Staff+5 gets A/C scaling

Chaos/Dark Drakeblood Greatsword+10 is an interesting option giving a total of 4 damage types all of which receive a scaling bonus, it would probably be absolutely terrible due to the split damage penalty, but I felt it deserved an honorable mention anyway
Luck & Hollow Infusions
Numbers before an infused weapon represents the change in AR from an un-infused version of the same weapon.

Anri's Straight Sword+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com] scales with Luck, restores 2 HP every 2 seconds, Does 10% bonus damage vs. reanimated and will prevent skeletons from respawning
Man-Grub's Staff+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com] this staff's spell power scales purely with Luck

AR boost of 25+
+72 - Hollow Astora Straight Sword+10
+48 - Hollow Zweihander+10
+47 - Hollow Greatsword+10
+37 - Hollow Drang Twinspears+10
+37 - Hollow Murakumo+10
+35 - Hollow Onikiri and Ubadachi+10*
+34 - Hollow Greataxe+10
+33 - Hollow Carthus Curved Greatsword+10*
+33 - Hollow Harald Curved Greatsword+10
+32 - Hollow Carthus Curved Sword+10*
+32 - Hollow Claymore+10
+32 - Hollow Follower Sabre +10
+32 - Hollow Greatlance+10
+31 - Hollow Blackblade10*
+30 - Hollow Great Corvian Scythe+10*
+30 - Hollow Lothric Knight Sword+10
+30 - Hollow Washing Pole+10*
+29 - Hollow B astard Sword+10
+28 - Hollow Broadsword+10
+27 - Hollow Shortsword+10
+26 - Hollow Long Sword+10
+26 - Hollow Winged Spear+10
+25 - Hollow Ricard's Rapier+10

With Bleed
Hollow Blackblade+10
Hollow Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
Hollow Carthus Curved Sword+10
Hollow Great Corvian Scythe+10
Hollow Onikiri and Ubadachi+10*
Hollow Washing Pole+10

*Onikiri and Ubadachi are the best option for a Bleed/Luck build since they receive a good AR buff, innately cause bleed damage, AND can hit twice with each swing thus doubling the bleed build up. You just have to get used to one sword being shorter than the other one so as to still hit your target with both.

AR boost of 20 to 24
+24 - Hollow Gotthard Twinswords+10
+23 - Hollow Astora Greatsword+10
+23 - Hollow Lothric Knight Long Spear+10
+23 - Hollow Partizan+10
+23 - Hollow Shotel+10
+23 - Hollow Thrall Axe+10
+23 - Hollow Uchigatana+10*
+22 - Hollow Four-Pronged Plow+10
+22 - Hollow Great Scythe+10*
+21 - Hollow Follower Javelin +10
+21 - Hollow Halberd+10
+21 - Hollow Hand Axe+10
+21 - Hollow Lothric Knight War Banner +10
+21 - Hollow Rapier+10
+20 - Hollow Brigand Axe+10
+20 - Hollow Exil Greatsword+10
+20 - Hollow Rotten Ghru Spear+10

With Bleed
Hollow Great Scythe+10
Hollow Uchigatana+10

AR boost was calculated on a character with 40 in ALL stats and 99% Hollowing, the equaltion used was = HollowAR - MAX(UninfusedAR, HeavyAR, SharpAR, RefinedAR, RawAR)
25/20 was used as the stat break points because the goal was to get better than a 1:1 stat investment to AR gain ratio from a base of 10 with +5/+10 Luck from infusion(s), regardless the AR gain is a constant and how many points you'd have to spend to reach the same 40 is the variable when using my equation
Leveling Weapons
Fire Infused AR:
592 - Fire Great Mace+10
528 - Fire Great Club+10
492 - Fire Winged Knight Halberd+10
480 - Fire Great Wooden Hammer+10
480 - Fire Pickaxe+10
476 - Fire Splitleaf Greatsword +10
424 - Fire Falchion+10
424 - Fire Mace+10
418 - Fire Blacksmith Hammer+10
418 - Fire Warpick+10
414 - Fire Blackblade+10
414 - Fire Great Corvian Scythe+10
414 - Fire Hand Axe+10
414 - Fire Morning Star+10
410 - Fire Pike+10
406 - Fire Drang Hammers+10
406 - Fire Four-Pronged Plow+10
406 - Fire Great Scythe+10
406 - Fire Reinforced Club+10
398 - Fire Club+10
398 - Fire Saint Bident+10
392 - Fire Carthus Shotel+10
392 - Fire Follower Javelin +10
388 - Fire Scimitar+10
388 - Fire Uchigatana+10
384 - Fire Astora Straight Sword+10
380 - Fire Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
380 - Fire Rotten Ghru Curved Sword+10
376 - Fire Ricard's Rapier+10
372 - Fire Crow Quills +10
370 - Fire Rapier+10
366 - Fire Sellsword Twinblades+10
354 - Fire Caestus+10
354 - Fire Crow Talons +10
346 - Fire Whip+10
344 - Fire Warden Twinblades+10
336 - Fire Claw+10
332 - Fire Notched Whip+10
328 - Fire Manikin Claws+10
306 - Fire Corvian Greatknife+10
296 - Fire Brigand Twindaggers+10
296 - Fire Dagger+10
292 - Fire Bandit's Knife+10
292 - Fire Rotten Ghru Dagger+10
284 - Fire Harpe+10
284 - Fire Mail Breaker+10
276 - Fire Broken Straight Sword+10
276 - Fire Parrying Dagger+10

*These are the weapons that GAIN AR when Fire infused, even when @40 all stats, or in-other-words they will continue to give you good damage for a long time
Deep infusion is the same, but Fire damage can stagger some enemies

Raw Infused AR:
501 - Raw Greataxe+10
493 - Raw Great Mace+10
478 - Raw Greatsword+10
449 - Raw Great Club+10
441 - Raw Harald Curved Greatsword+10
439 - Raw Great Machete+10
426 - Raw Cathedral Knight Greatsword+10
423 - Raw Exil Greatsword+10
421 - Raw Astora Greatsword+10
410 - Raw Winged Knight Halberd+10
408 - Raw Murakumo+10
408 - Raw Zweihander+10
405 - Raw Spiked Mace+10
400 - Raw Splitleaf Greatsword +10
397 - Raw Large Club+10
390 - Raw Great Wooden Hammer+10
390 - Raw Pickaxe+10
374 - Raw B astard Sword+10
374 - Raw Claymore+10
371 - Raw Flamberge+10
366 - Raw Glaive+10
364 - Raw Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
364 - Raw Halberd+10
361 - Raw Greatlance+10
353 - Raw Lucerne+10
351 - Raw Mace+10
351 - Raw Millwood Battle Axe +10
351 - Raw Red Hilted Halberd+10
338 - Raw Falchion+10
335 - Raw Brigand Axe+10
332 - Raw Warpick+10
330 - Raw Battle Axe+10
330 - Raw Morning Star+10
325 - Raw Man Serpent Hatchet+10
325 - Raw Reinforced Club+10
322 - Raw Broadsword+10
322 - Raw Crescent Axe+10
319 - Raw Blacksmith Hammer+10
319 - Raw Club+10
317 - Raw Great Corvian Scythe+10
314 - Raw Pike+10
314 - Raw Winged Knight Twinaxes+10
312 - Raw Drang Hammers+10
312 - Raw Four-Pronged Plow+10
309 - Raw Long Sword+10
306 - Raw Blackblade+10
306 - Raw Partizan+10
306 - Raw Saint Bident+10
304 - Raw Hand Axe+10
301 - Raw Astora Straight Sword+10
301 - Raw Follower Javelin +10
301 - Raw Lothric Knight Long Spear+10
299 - Raw Dark Sword+10
299 - Raw Great Scythe+10
299 - Raw Lothric Knight Sword+10
299 - Raw Scimitar+10
299 - Raw Winged Spear+10
296 - Raw Onikiri and Ubadachi+10
296 - Raw Rotten Ghru Spear+10
296 - Raw Spear+10
293 - Raw Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
293 - Raw Rotten Ghru Curved Sword+10
288 - Raw Carthus Shotel+10
286 - Raw Barbed Straight Sword+10
286 - Raw Drang Twinspears+10
286 - Raw Lothric Knight War Banner +10
286 - Raw Uchigatana+10
283 - Raw Crow Quills +10
283 - Raw Gotthard Twinswords+10
283 - Raw Shortsword+10
283 - Raw Shotel+10
283 - Raw Thrall Axe+10
283 - Raw Washing Pole+10
280 - Raw Follower Sabre +10
278 - Raw Ricard's Rapier+10
273 - Raw Carthus Curved Sword+10
273 - Raw Rapier+10
270 - Raw Estoc+10
270 - Raw Sellsword Twinblades+10
262 - Raw Caestus+10
262 - Raw Crow Talons +10
257 - Raw Whip+10
254 - Raw Warden Twinblades+10
249 - Raw Claw+10
246 - Raw Notched Whip+10
239 - Raw Manikin Claws+10
223 - Raw Corvian Greatknife+10
208 - Raw Brigand Twindaggers+10
205 - Raw Bandit's Knife+10
200 - Raw Mail Breaker+10
195 - Raw Broken Straight Sword+10
195 - Raw Dagger+10
187 - Raw Harpe+10
182 - Raw Parrying Dagger+10
179 - Raw Rotten Ghru Dagger+10

*Raw infusion has the benefit of not suffering from the split damage penalty, but they ALL suffer from less AR compared to other infusions with any amount of STR / DEX / INT / FTH / LCK
Highest Melee AR @40 ALL Stats
Not Buffable:
828 - Chaos Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
828 - Dark Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
796 - Chaos Greatsword+10
796 - Dark Greatsword+10
786 - Chaos Exil Greatsword+10
786 - Dark Exil Greatsword+10
775 - Chaos Greataxe+10
775 - Chaos Harald Curved Greatsword+10
775 - Dark Greataxe+10
775 - Dark Harald Curved Greatsword+10
761 - Dragonslayer Greataxe+5
760 - Chaos Drakeblood Greatsword+10
760 - Dark Drakeblood Greatsword+10
752 - Demon's Greataxe+5
749 - Chaos Zweihander+10
749 - Dark Zweihander+10
747 - Crystal Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
739 - Dancer's Enchanted Swords+5
734 - Crystal Greataxe+10
734 - Lightning Greataxe+10
733 - Lorian's Greatsword+5
731 - Blessed Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
730 - Crystal Greatsword+10
730 - Lightning Greatsword+10
729 - Chaos Astora Greatsword+10
729 - Dark Astora Greatsword+10
717 - Crystal Exil Greatsword+10
717 - Lightning Exil Greatsword+10
713 - Chaos Murakumo+10
713 - Dark Murakumo+10
712 - Chaos Great Mace+10
712 - Dark Great Mace+10
707 - Chaos Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
707 - Dark Carthus Curved Greatsword+10
706 - Crystal Harald Curved Greatsword+10
706 - Lightning Great Mace+10
706 - Lightning Harald Curved Greatsword+10
703 - Lightning Lothric Knight Greatsword+10

676 - Hollow Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
672 - Sharp Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
654 - Hollow Greataxe+10*
649 - Refined Lothric Knight Greatsword+10
645 - Lothric Knight Greatsword+10

*Hollow Greataxe+10 sees the highest AR without having split damage
If you want to see more results like this; use the spreadsheets, that's what they are there for.
Ranged Weapons @40 ALL Stats
483 - Millwood Greatbow +5
427 - Dragonslayer Greatbow+5
352 - Onislayer Greatbow+5
305 - Dragonrider Bow+5
280 - Knight's Crossbow+10
273 - Arbalest+10
254 - Composite Bow+10
252 - Heavy Crossbow+10
249 - Black Bow of Pharis+10
245 - Sniper Crossbow+10
244 - Darkmoon Longbow+5
243 - Longbow+10
230 - Short Bow+10
228 - Repeating Crossbow +5
228 - White Birch Bow +5
224 - Light Crossbow+10
128 - Avelyn+10

Damage from one full stamina bar:
9120 - Repeating Crossbow +5
2440 - Dragonrider Bow+5
2300 - Short Bow+10
2286 - Composite Bow+10
2280 - White Birch Bow +5
2240 - Knight's Crossbow+10
2240 - Light Crossbow+10
2016 - Heavy Crossbow+10
1952 - Darkmoon Longbow+5
1944 - Longbow+10
1920 - Avelyn+10
1911 - Arbalest+10
1743 - Black Bow of Pharis+10
1715 - Sniper Crossbow+10
966 - Millwood Greatbow +5
854 - Dragonslayer Greatbow+5
704 - Onislayer Greatbow+5
130 Crit

125 Crit
Brigand Twindaggers+10
Mail Breaker+10

120 Crit
Crow Quills +10

115 Crit
Scholar's Candlestick+10

110 Crit
Bandit's Knife+10
Corvian Greatknife+10
Crow Talons +10
Demon's Scar +5
Handmaid's Dagger+10
Irithyll Rapier+5
Lothric Knight Sword+10
Manikin Claws+10
Parrying Dagger+10
Tailbone Short Sword+5
Bonus Damage
+20% Damage to Abyssal Enemies
Farron Greatsword+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Wolf Knight's Greatsword+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Iudex Gundyr?
High Lord Wolnir
Aldrich, Devourer of Gods
Dragonslayer Armour
Darkeater Midir
Slave Knight Gael
Any mob with glowing red eyes

+20% Damage to Demons
Black Knight Glaive+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Black Knight Greataxe+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Black Knight Greatsword+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Black Knight Sword+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Demon Mini-bosses in Undead Settlement & Catacombs of Carthus
Stray Demon
Old Demon King
Demon Prince

+50% Damage to Hollows
Hollowslayer Greatsword+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Deacons of the Deep
Slave Knight Gael (after phase 1)
Also many trash mobs

+12.5% Sorcery Damage
Scholar's Candlestick+10[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]

+20% ALL Damage while below 20% HP
Morion Blade+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]

Sage's Crystal Staff+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Steady Chant increases Sorcery damage by 40%

Rose of Ariandel+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+25% Miracle damage for ~2 Minutes

+40% AR buff and extra Bleed damage for 45 seconds

Lothric War Banner+10[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+15% AR for ~2 Minutes

Old Wolf Curved Sword+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Receives the two Pontiff's Eye buffs (healing and damage, up to +15%) after the first successful hit

Sunlight Straight Sword+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+10% AR and +10% bonus to damage absorption for 45 seconds

Great Machete+10[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+10% AR for 25 seconds

Butcher Knife+10[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Restores 1 HP for each succesful hit (20+ HP if buffed) & increases AR by 5% for 25 seconds

Onyx Blade+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+145 Fire Damage for 45 seconds

Witch's Locks+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+100 fire damage while activated

Dragonslayer Swordspear+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+80 lightning damage for 35 seconds

Firelink Greatsword+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+80 fire damage for 45 seconds

Lorian's Greatsword+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+80 fire damage for 45 seconds

Greatsword of Judgment+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+80 magic damage for 35 seconds

Profaned Greatsword+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+50 fire damage for 45 seconds

Warcry; lasts 30 seconds, overwrites other weapon buffs
Battle Axe+10
Black Knight Greataxe+5
Brigand Axe+10
Crescent Axe+10
Dragonslayer's Axe+10
Great Club+10
Hand Axe+10
Large Club+10
Man Serpent Hatchet+10
Millwood Battle Axe+10
Reinforced Club+10
Yhorm's Great Machete+5

Steady Chant; +12.5% spell damage for 16 seconds
Archdeacon's Great Staff+5
Court Sorcerer's Staff+10
Golden Ritual Spear+5
Heretic's Staff+10
Heysel Pick+5
Izalith Staff+5
Man-grub's Staff+5
Mendicant's Staff+10
Sorcerer's Staff+10
Witchtree Branch+10
Bleed Buildup
Sorted by amount of bleed build up possible from a full stamina bar without resting
1976 - Blood Manikin Claws+10
1848 - Blood Claw+10
1848 - Blood Crow Talons +10
1584 - Blood Caestus+10
1300 - Blood Brigand Twindaggers+10
1122 - Blood Parrying Dagger+10
1080 - Blood Bandit's Knife+10
1078 - Blood Warden Twinblades+10
1020 - Blood Crow Quills +10
1020 - Blood Dagger+10
990 - Blood Harpe+10
990 - Blood Rotten Ghru Dagger+10
988 - Poison Manikin Claws+10
972 - Blood Painting Guardian's Curved Sword+10
960 - Blood Murky Hand Scythe +10
948 - Blood Onikiri and Ubadachi+10
936 - Hollow Manikin Claws+10
936 - Manikin Claws+10
936 - Poison Claw+10
936 - Poison Crow Talons +10
Poison Buildup
Sorted by amount of poison build up possible from a full stamina bar without resting
1898 - Poison Manikin Claws+10
1800 - Poison Claw+10
1776 - Poison Caestus+10
1776 - Poison Crow Talons +10
1460 - Poison Brigand Twindaggers+10
1350 - Poison Rotten Ghru Dagger+10
1258 - Poison Parrying Dagger+10
1140 - Poison Crow Quills +10
1140 - Poison Dagger+10
1110 - Poison Harpe+10
1080 - Poison Murky Hand Scythe +10
1068 - Poison Rotten Ghru Curved Sword+10
1050 - Poison Warden Twinblades+10
1035 - Poison Bandit's Knife+10
1022 - Poison Sellsword Twinblades+10
980 - Poison Winged Knight Twinaxes+10
Sorted by amount of frost build up possible from a full stamina bar without resting
550 - Vordt's Great Hammer+5
495 - Friede's Great Scythe +5
495 - Irithyll Rapier+5
440 - Irithyll Straight Sword+5
100%-Physical Absorption, shown sorted by Stability
85 - Greatshield of Glory+5 best stability, but reduces Stamina recovery
82 - Moaning Shield+5
80 - Havel's Greatshield+5
79 - Dragonslayer Greatshield+5
78 - Yhorm's Greatshield+5
75 - Cathedral Greatshield+10
75 - Stone Greatshield+10
71 - Black Iron Greatshield+10
71 - Lothric Knight Greatshield+10
71 - Wolf Knight's Greatshield+5
70 - Curse Ward Greatshield+5
69 - Black Knight Shield+5
67 - Giant Door Shield +10
66 - Bonewheel Shield+10
66 - Lothric Knight Shield+10
64 - Dragonhead Greatshield +5
63 - Silver Knight Shield+5
63 - Stone Parma+10
62 - Shield of Want+5
60 - Sunlight Shield+10
60 - Sunset Shield+10
59 - Knight Shield+10
57 - Golden Wing Crest Shield+5
57 - Kite Shield+10
56 - Crest Shield+5
56 - Dragon Crest Shield+5
56 - Spirit Tree Crest Shield+5
55 - Silver Eagle Kite Shield+10
53 - Ethereal Oak Shield +5

Magic Absorption shown sorted by Absorption, but also includes the required STR
Req. STR: 36 - 91.3% - Simple Lothric Knight Greatshield+10
Req. STR: 10 - 81% - Sacred Bloom Shield+5
Req. STR: 8 - 79% - Pontiff Knight Shield+5

Fire Absorption shown sorted by Absorption, but also includes the required STR
Req. STR: 32 - 99.6% - Fire Black Iron Greatshield+10
Req. STR: 12 - 90% - Dragonhead Shield +5
Req. STR: 5 - 69.6% - Fire Hawkwood's Shield+10

Lightning Absorption shown sorted by Absorption, but also includes the required STR
Req. STR: 18 - 95.7% - Lightning Lothric Knight Shield+10 is fantastic against the Nameless King
Req. STR: 14 - 83% - Spirit Tree Crest Shield+5
Req. STR: 12 - 70.4% - Lightning Wargod Wooden Shield+10
Req. STR: 12 - 70% - Ethereal Oak Shield +5
Req. STR: 8 - 69% - Pontiff Knight Shield+5

Dark Absorption shown sorted by Absorption, but also includes the required STR
Req. STR: 32 - 99.6% - Deep Cathedral Greatshield+10
Req. STR: 14 - 86% - Crest Shield+5
Req. STR: 12 - 80.4% - Deep Wargod Wooden Shield+10
Req. STR: 8 - 72% - Pontiff Knight Shield+5

Extended Parry Animation
Target Shield+10
Small Leather Shield+10
Parrying Dagger+10

Grass Crest Shield+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Improves Stamina recovery by 4 points per second

Wolf Knight's Greatshield+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+50 to all status effect resistances

Ancient Dragon Greatshield+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Regenerates 2 HP/s

Yhorm's Greatshield+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+15 Poise
+Souls Acquired
(+20%) Mendicant's Staff+10[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
(+20%) Shield of Want+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
(+50%) Symbol of Avarice[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
(+10% to +35%) Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+3[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+Item Discovery
(+50, each) Crystal Sage's Rapier+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com] can be dual wielded for double effect
(+100) Symbol of Avarice[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
(+50 to +115) Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+3[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
(+50 to +100) Rusted Coin[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com] or Rusted Gold Coin[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Honorable Mentions
Dragon Tooth+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+10% absorption for both Magic and Fire damage

Soldering Iron+10[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Increases the opponent's equip load and decreases Estus healing back to its base level

Handmaid's Dagger+10[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Restores 1 FP for each succesful hit, 2 FP if in offhand

Executioner's Greatsword+10[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Restores 6 FP for each enemy killed

Smough's Great Hammer+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Restores 2 HP for each succesful hit

Restores 24 HP for each succesful hit while buffed (25 seconds)

Arstor's Spear+5[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
Restores 30 HP for each enemy killed

Lothric Knight Long Spear+10[darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com]
+15 Poise
Closing Words
The spreadsheets should give a good idea of weapon quality and comparison from a DPH (damage per hit) perspective, but even this is flawed in that I cannot compare DPS without video capture capability and a target dummy that could be smacked around without dying or fighting back.

HOWEVER! The spreadsheets do include a column titled "Max Stamina Damage," this is the amount of damage you could do to a target with 0 armor/resistance in one stamina bar without stopping to rest (using 40 END and the Ring of Favor+3) While it is not perfect, it is the best approximation to DPS we can objectively use.

This guide was created using reg v1.35
gai alime tai meo 27 Nov, 2023 @ 9:28am 
Hemaka 9 Aug, 2022 @ 1:53pm 
Ah I see, thanks for clearing that up.
Drake Ravenwolf  [author] 9 Aug, 2022 @ 12:51pm 
Think I left it out of the "Leveling Weapons" section because Fire infusion decreased its attack power relative to leaving it uninfused and only listed the weapons which "GAIN AR when Fire infused, even when @40 all stats, or in-other-words they will continue to give you good damage for a long time"
Hemaka 9 Aug, 2022 @ 11:01am 
It's such a nice guide, but for DS newbie there are some inconsistencies. For example, in leveling weapons there's no mention of Longsword, which has 406 AR with fire+10, and is starting weapon of one of the classes... why?
Gamefriendly 28 Dec, 2021 @ 2:21am 
Ok got it, thanks
Drake Ravenwolf  [author] 27 Dec, 2021 @ 10:23pm 
aka if you want the achievement you could just overwrite one after the other on the same item, here is an alternative where you might want to keep the infusion
Gamefriendly 27 Dec, 2021 @ 2:49pm 
What did you mean by not wasting Mats for the infusions?
Sutasu! 31 Aug, 2021 @ 2:16am 
Saw your comment lower now, I believe I saw it right. Thank you for your work mate, appreciate it!
Sutasu! 31 Aug, 2021 @ 2:15am 
Do I understand it correctly that Heavy infusion is detrimental to AR in about half of the 'best' infusions listed?
Stefan 10 Oct, 2020 @ 8:18am 