Alien Swarm

Alien Swarm

54 ratings
Adding Bots - The Easy Way
By jimbobslimbob
A simple configuration script that will allow you to add bots to your game quickly and easily.
What This Does
A simple configuration file that can be used with Alien Swam to make adding and removing bots simpler and easier. Using the numberpad you can toggle bots on or off in the lobby screen or remove them all completely.

This config works in a similar way to the original "foxbot" config file, except it does not suffer from the "toggle bug" that the aforementioned cfg does. This newer cfg was greatly inspired by the original - so kudos to the original creator.

Keypad 1 - Sarge
Keypad 2 - Wildcat
Keypad 3 - Faith
Keypad 4 - Crash
Keypad 5 - Jaeger
Keypad 6 - Wolfe
Keypad 7 - Bastille
Keypad 8 - Vegas
Keypad . - Remove all bots

Alternatively, you can add/remove (toggle) a particular bot by typing their name into console and remove all bots by typing 'removebots' into console
Setting It Up
Create a file (for this example I will use the name "jbom") called "jbom.cfg" in your Alien Swarm "cfg" folder. Open it and paste the following into it, then save it.

To make it run automatically at launch, add "exec jbom.cfg" to your autoexec.cfg file. You can alternatively execute it manually with the same command while in-game, using the console.

NOTE: Windows users must ensure you have "File name extensions" ticked under "View", or else it is possible you will save the file with an incorrect extension.

Paste the following into the cfg file

//JBoM - Jim's Bot Manipulation
//Jimbobslimbob 2013

//Key Bindings - Change these to whatever you wish
bind "KP_END" "Sarge"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "Wildcat"
bind "KP_PGDN" "Faith"
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "Crash"
bind "KP_5" "Jaeger"
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "Wolfe"
bind "KP_HOME" "Bastille"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "Vegas"
bind "KP_DEL" "removebots"

//Alias Setup
alias "Sarge" "sarge_on"
alias "sarge_on" "cl_selectm 0 -1; alias Sarge sarge_off"
alias "sarge_off" "cl_dselectm 0; alias Sarge sarge_on"

alias "Wildcat" "wildcat_on"
alias "wildcat_on" "cl_selectm 1 -1; alias Wildcat wildcat_off"
alias "wildcat_off" "cl_dselectm 1; alias Wildcat wildcat_on"

alias "Faith" "faith_on"
alias "faith_on" "cl_selectm 2 -1; alias Faith faith_off"
alias "faith_off" "cl_dselectm 2; alias Faith faith_on"

alias "Crash" "crash_on"
alias "crash_on" "cl_selectm 3 -1; alias Crash crash_off"
alias "crash_off" "cl_dselectm 3; alias Crash crash_on"

alias "Jaeger" "jaeger_on"
alias "jaeger_on" "cl_selectm 4 -1; alias Jaeger jaeger_off"
alias "jaeger_off" "cl_dselectm 4; alias Jaeger jaeger_on"

alias "Wolfe" "wolfe_on"
alias "wolfe_on" "cl_selectm 5 -1; alias Wolfe wolfe_off"
alias "wolfe_off" "cl_dselectm 5; alias Wolfe wolfe_on"

alias "Bastille" "bastille_on"
alias "bastille_on" "cl_selectm 6 -1; alias Bastille bastille_off"
alias "bastille_off" "cl_dselectm 6; alias Bastille bastille_on"

alias "Vegas" "vegas_on"
alias "vegas_on" "cl_selectm 7 -1; alias Vegas vegas_off"
alias "vegas_off" "cl_dselectm 7; alias Vegas vegas_on"

alias "removebots" "cl_dselectm 0; cl_dselectm 1; cl_dselectm 2; cl_dselectm 3; cl_dselectm 4; cl_dselectm 5; cl_dselectm 6; cl_dselectm 7; alias Sarge sarge_on; alias Wildcat wildcat_on; alias Faith faith_on; alias Crash crash_on; alias Jaeger jaeger_on; alias Wolfe wolfe_on; alias Bastille bastille_on; alias Vegas vegas_on"

//Display Info
echo "JBoM Loaded."
echo "To add/remove (toggle) a particular bot, type their name into console"
echo "To remove all bots, type 'removebots' into console"
echo "These commands will only work in the lobby."
echo "Keypad shortcuts:"
echo "Keypad 1 - Sarge"
echo "Keypad 2 - Wildcat"
echo "Keypad 3 - Faith"
echo "Keypad 4 - Crash"
echo "Keypad 5 - Jaeger"
echo "Keypad 6 - Wolfe"
echo "Keypad 7 - Bastille"
echo "Keypad 8 - Vegas"
echo "Keypad . - Remove all bots"
Final Words
I hope you found this configuration script useful.

I originally posted it up here[], along with some other useful bits and bobs (where you can also download the cfg file if you wish).


sepiatonic 29 Dec, 2024 @ 5:12am 
Darko 4 Jun, 2021 @ 12:28am 
jimbobslimbob  [author] 27 Apr, 2020 @ 4:46am 
Thanks! Glad to know it has been useful.
Captain Pentium 26 Apr, 2020 @ 9:28pm 
I've been using this for a while and somehow haven't said so but thank you. This is a life-saver even in Reactive Drop!