Arma 3
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PIR1 Day of Victory
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Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Singleplayer, Coop
Scenario Map: OtherMap
Meta: Dependency
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2016년 5월 3일 오전 8시 32분
2016년 5월 14일 오전 1시 22분
변경 사항 2개 ( 보기 )

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PIR1 Day of Victory

bardosy[HUN]님의 1 모음집
PIROG A2 campaign port, CUP
아이템 6개
This is the port of the 1st mission of PIROG campaign from Arma2. You will participate in a large Russian attack against a CDF airport at North Chernorussia.

After the Cold War, Chernorus betrayed Russia and left her in a very ungreatful way. The Chernorus people never said a single 'Thank You' because Russians lead them out of the dark ages (into the Soviet style communism). After the separation, Russians was busy with their own problems. Chernorus used this time to build up a pro-American economy from their oil reserves and caviar fished from the Black Sea. The USA - of course - supports them much better then Moscow and the Chernorus government - when their economy and Yankee-like army was ready - started a very aggressive and provocative policy towards Russia. They never gave citizenship to the Russian national minority and they declared them to be secondary citizens or slave people. The anti-human attacks against Russians was daily in the Northern part of Chernorus.
President Medwediev started his own 'War on Terror' in Chernorus.

AIS INJURY by psycho
FHQ TaskTracker

Warning: In this mission the enemy is the CDF, but currently CDF infantry is not implemented in CUP Units. I used CUP classnames for infantry, so when CUP updated, this mission will show correctly the CDF fighters. Until then, you will see 2035 US soldiers as "placeholders". (Actually, if you are so close, you can see their uniform, it's too late... ;) )
댓글 23
[9RT]V®M®F® 2018년 2월 13일 오전 3시 02분 
[9RT]V®M®F® 2017년 8월 1일 오전 5시 32분 
What happend? Where are you?
[9RT]V®M®F® 2017년 5월 31일 오전 9시 54분 
Replay it again and again...thank you!
holtr 2017년 5월 29일 오전 7시 23분 
i loved Pirog with RFAF mod in A2
Legionär Sachse 2016년 6월 5일 오전 12시 37분 
I love the start in a mission with large armies.
Great Mission design. very good work.
DANGER! Spoiler!
bardosy[HUN]  [작성자] 2016년 6월 2일 오후 11시 50분 
Elvben minden ilyen trigger a csapat összes tagjára vonatkozik, de nem emlékszem mindenre pontosan. Viszont mintha a briefingben benne lenne, hogy annyira fontos a főszereplő, hogyha meghal, akkor újra kell tölteni és nem szabad team switchelni. De arra már nem emlékszem, hogy ezt miért írtam bele... :) De talán pont ezért. Szerencsére ez úgyis a küldi vége volt, szóval mehetsz a következőre.
adam520 2016년 6월 2일 오전 6시 13분 
Itt lehet a gond. Nincs ellenség és nincs vége. Azonban engem kilőttek és a halálom után felajánlotta a "team switch" lehetőséget és én éltem vele, és aki még be volt osztva alám azokat kilőtték. Ezek szerint ezzel az ember váltással nem lehet operálni mert nem lesz vége.
bardosy[HUN]  [작성자] 2016년 6월 2일 오전 12시 30분 
@adam: Ki van pipálva a harmadik task és mégsincs vége? Vagy csak nincs már ellenség és nem pipálódik ki? Ez utóbbi esetben még menj be a falu közepére (hozd be az embereidet is, mert ők elcsatangolnak és ráakadnak arra az egy rohadékra aki lapít még valahol).
adam520 2016년 5월 31일 오후 1시 48분 
Nekem a harmadik feladat teljesítve (település elfoglalása) és nem történik semmi.
Arma3 1.60
Kawaii ♥ Poop 2016년 5월 22일 오후 4시 27분 