DCS World Steam Edition
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L-39: radio "BUG" fix and weapon charts
Από Vincitore Becchi
  • Featuring WORKING TOWER COMM frequencies.
  • FICTITIOUS TARGET BASE calculation guide.
  • GUNSIGHT REFLECTOR quick reference.
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The game manual is surely detailed and exhaustive, and has a nice chart summing up all airfield info you need to set up your nav systems;
unfortunately all tower comm radio frequencies are wrong, aren't set by default in any R-832M channel and won't work if set via Mission Editor.
Somehow (???) all manual's freqs seem to be 50 MHz lower than the correct, working ones.
Here's a chart with the right ones and default R-832M channels:
Weapons chart

Nothing new, but way less sparse than in the game manual and not so quick-fading as in the training missions. And in confortable kneeboard ratio too!

Very useful to set up gunsight reflector (parameter n°1 in tables)
and to calculate fictitious target base;
for this reason i added bombing distances in meters (2nd value in Iron bombs parameter n°4), wich were omitted in the latest version of the game manual.

Here's the chart:
Note for us dummies:
i got scared at first too, but the formula on top is not so hard:
you choose a weapon and an attack course, then divide 800 for your * value. Example:
S-5 rockets at 30° = 1200m (see * in chart)
800 / 1200 = 2/3
well it's 2/3, your real target size (meters) will be 2/3 of your fictitious target base
NOTE: This works smoothly with all 30° attack courses resulting in: 1/2 ratio for bombs and
2/3 ratio for guns and rockets.
Calculations with different attack angles won't give so even results.
Credits and bonus
Kneeboard and guides
I found very useful to add these charts to the in-game kneeboard, I first learnead how to do this thanks to celkaris' awesome guide, it explains in easy steps all you need to know.
Sources and work
I made these files gathering information and tables from various game manuals, and anyway doing major editing work on them. For the paper effect i edited a blank paper image i found on the net, wich didn't credited anyone.
Similar charts may be out there and better than these, but this is what i did with my own hands and aiding my personal trimtheplane-Alt+Tab-checkthemanual frustration, hope it fits yours too!

Bonus artwork
Here the links to all the "kneeboard artwork" i made so far.