Portal 2
[Moritaka-Re] Deadfall
12.374 MB
2016年4月23日 7時04分
2017年3月26日 7時02分
37 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

[Moritaka-Re] Deadfall

Haru Moritaka 作成の 1 件のコレクション
[Morataka-Re] Portal 2
15 アイテム
Traps at every turn..

Difficulty: Easy-Medium(やさしいテストです)。

Programm: Puzzle Creator, BEEMod2, Hammer World Editor.
7 件のコメント
dcook 2016年4月30日 11時09分 
For some reason I just couldn't get it.. still nice map though... :-)
Haru Moritaka  [作成者] 2016年4月30日 11時04分 
Today I passed the room itself, and then uploaded the video. :Rubber_Duck:
dcook 2016年4月30日 10時47分 
Ok, I tried that about 10 times and couldnt get up there... I thought there was a glass panel that was keeping me from getting up there...
Haru Moritaka  [作成者] 2016年4月30日 4時50分 
The room can be completed. Watch the video.
dcook 2016年4月30日 1時26分 
Last room... I can not see any way to complete this map. I noclipped to try and figure out where you were supposed to get a cube from... found it and already had an idea for a solution, but the way to get up there is blocked by a glass panel. I understand the launch bounce mechanic, but like I said, there is glass in the way.
Haru Moritaka  [作成者] 2016年4月23日 10時59分 
Exactly. Journey into the room with the cube - is not very logical. But this room - the only available for travel. :Rubber_Duck:
quatrus 2016年4月23日 10時09分 
Very good mapping but puzzle got a little random in the exit room - no idea what the logic was just randomly doing stuff....? Maybe just me but I could not follow....thanks for creating again...